Golf 2003/09/25GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Schultz Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Vice -Chairman Gaby r�l CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Gail Barruga VALLEY CREST GOLF: Bill Houlihan, Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairman Schultz asked for comments and/or corrections regarding the Minutes. Commissioner Wright referenced (Page 3, Financial Report — paragraph 6) and stated she did not convey what she intended with the zip code promotion. Commissioner Wright stated her suggestion is for a mailing to different zip codes offering the resident to pay for a round of golf and bring a friend to play for fee as a promotion for a specific month (i.e. October, November, etc.). On the weekends would be the same type of promotion but the friend would pay half-price and would play after a certain time, not during primetime. Commissioner Schultz had the following corrections: • Page 3 — Financial Report, paragraph six, change from "...completely booked but the during the..." to "...completely booked but that during. • Page 4 — Old Business, Clubhouse Update, paragraph 4: • Change the term "bids" to "applications" in the last sentence of the paragraph. • Change the sentence from "Chairman Schulz asked if during the opening of the clubhouse if golf vendors..." to "Chairman Schulz asked that during the opening of the clubhouse, golf vendors..." • Page 4 —Old Business, Tiger Woods Learning Center, paragraph 1: ° First sentence, change from "...process to prepare for submission and approval the various ..." to "...process of preparing for submission and approval of various..." • Second sentence, delete the word "also." ° Third sentence, change from "...date is in November..." to "...date is now November..." • Page 5 — New Business, paragraph two, fourth sentence, change from "...major change will they reschedule..." to "...major change they will reschedule..." The Minutes were approved, as amended, on a Motion by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Kresal. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 Page Two ACTIVITY REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated he had no additional items. Commission Wright asked if a date had been set for the opening of the new clubhouse. Michael stated there is not specific date has been set, however, a "soft opening" is tentatively schedule for the January 16-17, 2004. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Chairman Schultz stated at Anaheim Hills the upper section of the 17th tee at Anaheim Hills should be closed until the turf could recover. Also, the old #3 near the old trap and the #16 tee are in need of improvement. Dave Johansen stated all these areas will be overseeded mid-October. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns stated his staff continues to prepare for the opening of the new clubhouse. FINANCIAL REPORT A. August Financial Summary Michael Lautenbach stated Anaheim Hills rounds were up, however, Dad Miller was behind 268 rounds. The revenue is down due to replacing regular 18 -hole rounds with discounted senior play. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Michael Lautenbach stated that 50% of the roof tiles have been installed, interior painting has begun, and a majority of the windows have been installed as well as the floor tiles in the kitchen. The equipment for the kitchen will arrive in the next two weeks. The golf shop only needs some paint, carpet and mill work. The furniture is on order. Final evaluations for the food and beverage point of sale (POS) system are being conducted. Also the award for the telephone system will be made in the next few weeks. Chairman Schultz asked if there were any details regarding events for the grand opening. Michael Lautenbach reviewed the tentative discussions for the opening. Chairman Schultz asked if there were landscape renderings. Michael reported staff asked the landscape architect to provide new renderings with the primary focus on the entryway. (-'IN r--, GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 Page Three Commission Wright asked what the city expects in revenue from the clubhouse. Michael reviewed the budget projections based on the food and beverage agreement. Commissioner Wright asked if there was a Women's Club at Anaheim Hills? Bob Johns reviewed the history of the Women's Club and currently there are very few members. Chairman Schultz stated there are approximately 12 women members in The Club at Anaheim Hills. Chairman Schultz stated The Club plays their tournaments on Saturdays which allows more working golfers to participate. NEW BUSINESS A. Anaheim Convention and Visitor's Bureau Promotions Michael Lautenbach reviewed the program and staffs' efforts made with numerous Disney -area hotels and transportation companies, etc. The current economy is having its effect on the lower attendance and "extras" that corporations provide their employees at conventions. B. Anaheim Hills Practice Facility Michael Lautenbach reviewed the information provided regarding the proposed practice facility. C. Golf Commission Outing October 24, 2003 was selected. Commissioner Wright stated she and several former Anaheim Hills golfers who expressed their concerns regarding the staff's customer service. Bob Johns stated that he does have customer service issues and is making every effort to correct them. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made and passed by Commissioner Raab, seconded by Commissioner Kresal to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.