Golf 2005/07/28COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER Ate. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES July 28, 2005 — 4:00 p.m. Chairman Wright Vice Chairman Schultz Commissioner Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Mc Culloch Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Gail Barruga Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent, Anaheim Hills Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Chairman Wright introduced Commissioner John McCulloch who replaced Commissioner Raab. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Schultz, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of June 23, 2005. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Operations Manager Update Michael Lautenbach answered the Commissioners questions regarding the new contracts for Valley Crest approved by City Council at the July 19'h meeting, and Bob Johns', will be completed in September. The agreement with AquaPhyD will be finalized after receipt of their insurance certificates. Michael Lautenbach explained AquaPhyD's watering process and benefits to the golf courses. Commissioner Gaby asked if any quotes had been received for the pipe repairs at Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach stated he had received one quote for $150,000. Course Condition Report Dave Johansen reported there were no items to add to the report. The courses have held up well during the hot weather. C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns reported that Anaheim Hills' manager, Curtis Robinson, has resigned because he is moving to Arizona, where his wife has accepted a position at Arizona State University. Bob Johns is interviewing and possibly has a candidate. Commissioner Schultz asked if the ball machine at Anaheim Hills had been repaired. Bob Johns reported they identified the problem and it will be repaired over the following weekend. Commissioner Gaby asked which high schools use our courses. Bob Johns stated Canyon and Katella high schools play at Anaheim Hills; Magnolia, Western, Savanna and Loara at Dad Miller. The schools pay $350 for the season per the agreement with the school district. Two schools, Fairmont and Oxford, pay regular green fees to play. Golf Commission Minutes July 28, 2005 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORTS A. June Financial Summaries Michael Lautenbach reported the all figures continue in an upward swing and are almost equal to last year's. When the new range is opened at Dad Miller there will be promotions to attract the golfers back to the facility. Food and beverage figures continue to do well. GPS and merchandise figures are up also. Commissioner Schultz asked for the status on a new GPS system. Michael Lautenbach stated he met with purchasing staff regarding the Request for Proposal (RFP). OLD BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications Dave Johansen reported installation of the new fence has begun, almost all the irrigation is installed, and the final grading has been approved. The new range building is under construction. B. Capital Project Prioritizing Chairman Wright distributed to the Commission a draft letter to be sent to the appropriate person (i.e. Dave Morgan, City Manager or Terry Lowe, Community Services Director). Michael Lautenbach stated staff would provide the missing information (i.e. address) for the Chairman to sign. Chairman Wright reported on her findings regarding ADA requirements and construction of a starter building at the courses. Chairman Wright stated she spoke with Congressman Miller's staff to provide the ADA requirements. Staff stated if the structure is similar to a bus shelter the only ADA requirement is e the opening needs to be wheelchair accessible. His staff will be sending information on the requirements. NEW BUSINESS A. Golf Photo Identification Card Michael Lautenbach reported on the new photo identification card program and future benefits. Chairman Wright asked for clarification on the new Lead Marshal program. Michael Lautenbach stated in an effort to improve the overall customer service and determine what type of training is needed, Lead Marshal, Neil McKay, will evaluate each Player Assistant, six to seven times during the year. This will be accomplished by riding along with the Player Assistant during their scheduled assignment (i.e. Starter or Player Assistant). Jim Straw, Player Assistant at Anaheim Hills assisted in the development of the evaluation forms. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Kresal to adjourn the meeting to August 25, 2005 at Community Services Department at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.