Golf 2005/06/23COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES June 23, 2005 —10:00 a.m. Chairman Gaby Vice -Chairman Wright Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Schultz (arrived at 10:45 a.m.) Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Linda Harrah Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent, Anaheim Hills Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. APPROVAL OF THE, MINUTES Vice -Chairman Wright made a Motion, seconded by Chairman Gaby, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of May26, 2005. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Operations Manner Update Michael Lautenbach stated there were no addition items to report. Chairman Gaby asked why a new agreement is required for the Director of Golf, Bob Johns? Michael Lautenbach stated it was due to all the changes that have taken place at the two courses, primarily at Dad Miller and the closing/rebuilding of a smaller driving range. B. Course Condition Report Dave Johansen reported at Dad Miller the new pump station is operating and the new lake is irrigating the course. Aerification has been completed at both courses. C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns reported he has hired Curtis Robinson as manager for Anaheim Hills. Juan Godinez is the manager for Dad Miller. Joe Cuellar to be the relief manager for both of the managers therefore allowing a manager to be on duty at both courses every day. FINANCIAL REPORTS A. May Financial Summaries Michael Lautenbach reported the overall rounds are up over last year's figures; revenues are continuing in the upward swing: greens fees are up; cart income is up. The restaurant revenue is an estimate; final figures will be available in a week. The revenue decrease at Dad Miller's Driving Range is due to the on- going construction. lam` Golf Commission Minutes June 23, 2005 Page Two OLD BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications Dave Johansen reported over the next few weeks the following items will begin: the demolition of the old lake, the driving range fencing material will be delivered, the new driving range will be graded and construction on the new driving range building. B. Capital Project Prioritizing Michael Lautenbach distributed the updated Improvement Master Plan list per the Commissioner's input. Items marked in red were discussed with the following prioritization: #1/Page #1 — Anaheim Hills Pipes all rated as an A-1; #3/Page 2 — Anaheim Hills Chipping Area, change the Al to A2; #7/Page 2 — Dad Miller Restroom§ change the A3 to Al; #2/Page 4 — Anaheim Hills plant additional trees change the A. to a D. Michael Lautenbach provided additional information on the construction requirements (re: ADA requirements) for the starter buildings at both courses. Michael stated this could add significant costs to this project. Vice -Chairman Wright asked to research this item and defer this item. Item #16/Page 4 was combined with Item #8/Page 2. Item #4/Page 5 Anaheim Hills Driving Range Fence - Michael Lautenbach will research this item. Item #5/Page 5 - water container; Michael Lautenbach stated the maintenance and refilling of the container requires additional manpower. The Marshal's cannot and will not lift the container onto the cart. The container that is on the Marshal's cart is filled with ice and water at the cart barn. Michael Lautenbach reviewed the new assignment of the Lead Marshal at the courses. In the past, the Player Assistant's role was more focused on the course conditionsibuilding maintenance function. This will change to be focused on taking care of the golfing customer. Commissioner Schultz suggested separating the list between capital projects and repair items. Michael Lautenbach explained it should remain as agreed upon and explained the process to provide this information to the City Manager's Office. Commissioner Schultz stated he would assist with providing a letter to accompany the list. NEW BUSINESS None ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Kresal to adjourn the meeting to July 21, 2005 at Community Services Department at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.