Golf 2006/07/27GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES July 27, 2006 — 5:00 p.m. 4`h Floor Conference Room 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Tom Kresal MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman John McCulloch CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Debi Perez VALLEY CREST: Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT - None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Tom Kresal, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of June 22, 2006. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach stated that the Golf Course Web Site is still being worked on. Within a week an e-mail with the link to the test site will be sent to all the Commissioners for review. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen stated the courses are holding up well under the heat. Vice Chairman Schultz asked if any progress to turf conditions could be seen due to the new Aqua-PhyD systems. Kevin Neal stated they are taking samples and then will measure them against the previous ones. Vice Chairman Schultz mentioned that the GPS systems are still timing out. Michael Lautenbach stated that the Pro Link mechanic was at the golf course the day prior and tried to fix that error. Since not all units are showing that error, the faulty ones need to be identified and looked at again. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns is dedicating one of his managers, Joe Cuellar, as Tournament Director to actively pursue more group golf business. Michael Lautenbach is introducing him to staff at the Convention Bureau and other places. Commissioner Wright asked if the tournament fees are set in concrete. Bob Johns replied that staff is working with Orin Abrams to come up with some all-inclusive packages. Michael Lautenbach stated he wants to use the GPS system to help the larger tournaments replace the traditional tee signs. Commissioner Wright asked about smaller tournaments playing during downtimes. Michael Lautenbach replied that he is hoping that Joe will help in this area when he contacts past tournaments and local businesses. Golf Commission Minutes July 27, 2006 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach reported the rounds and revenues at both courses suffered a lot due to the intense heat. OLD BUSINESS A. Snack Bar Two Way Communication - Michael Lautenbach reported he is still waiting for a response from Anaheim Glass and hopes to have an update at the next meeting. B. Golf Course Improvements - The Golf Commissioners support the golf course improvement list provided by staff and asked Michael Lautenbach to get proposals as soon as possible. C. Course Restroom Building at Anaheim Hills — Commissioner Gaby asked about the repair needs on this building. Michael Lautenbach stated that he had received quotes for those repairs and they range from $200,000 to $250,000. D. Anaheim Clubhouse Issue - Orin Abrams has taken care of the smell in the clubhouse restrooms. The GPS menu for sandwiches has been altered to make ordering more efficient. E. Resident Rewards Program Update - Michael Lautenbach stated that currently 510 residents have signed up for the Rewards Program. NEW BUSINESS A. Rewards Cards for Anaheim Hills Club Members - Vice Chairman Schultz presented a letter sent by the Anaheim Hills Club to Mayor Curt Pringle pertaining to the new Resident Rewards Card. The letter asked the City to consider giving resident rewards cards to all members of the Club. Golf Commissioners decided to discuss this issue further at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, August 24, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall East, 4th Floor Conference Room 1.