Golf 2006/10/26COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES (Revised Minutes) October 26, 2006 — 10:00 a.m. Anaheim Hills Clubhouse Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Patty Gaby Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Linda Harrah Kevin Neal, and Greg Pieschala Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Commissioner Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2006. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent - Michael Lautenbach discussed the Point of Sales (POS) systems he has been looking into. Since there are so many systems available, staff is evaluating the systems to determine the best fit for current and future programs at the most reasonable price. B. Golf Course Superintendent - Dave Johansen reported the recent aerification of the greens at Anaheim Hills Golf Course has been very successful. The recovery process went extremely fast and customers provided very positive feed back. C. Director of Golf - Bob Johns had nothing new to report. Commissioner Wright mentioned that some tournament groups prefer playing other golf courses. Michael Lautenbach and Bob Johns explained that some golf courses that can offer lower packages since there aren't multiple contractors involved. FINANCIAL REPORT - Michael Lautenbach stated that though rounds are still down, revenues are up in every category except for carts. The loss of rounds is mostly due to the unseasonable temperatures. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES October 26, 2006 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Golf Course Improvements Update 1. Range building: Repair of the building has been completed. 2. New ball dispenser: The company which will install the speakers for the driving range will pull the conduit for the ball dispenser as well. 3. The concrete work on the driving range at Anaheim Hills will start in about two weeks. 4. Kevin Neal stated that the rough grading on the 7tn 9th and 15t"Anaheim Hills has been completed. The sod has been stripped, sub -grading has been completed, sand has been brought in. Laser leveling will begin on Monday. Rough grading on #5 has been finished. The sand cap will be brought in on top of that. #17 will be next. The right side of the ladies tee will be lowered to open up the view for the white and blue tees. Michael Lautenbach commended Kevin Neal and his crew for their work on the golf course. 5. Dad Miller Clubhouse repairs: Work order for a consultant will be issued. 6. Tree trimming: Tree trimming standards have just been received and will be reviewed and adjusted. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Schultz asked if there were any measurable results of the new Aqua Phyd System. Dave Johansen stated there will be a learning curve on usage amount. If the system works like it was advertised, the water usage should eventually go down and water should be able to penetrate the soil better. Latest compaction tests show some improvement. Commissioner Wright asked if we had access to the Anaheim Hills food and beverage concessionaire's financial records. Michael Lautenbach stated, per the agreement, the City receives monthly financial summary reports. Commissioner Schultz asked about mowing of the slopes on holes #6 and #18 at Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach stated they would look into it. Kevin Neal will prepare a power point presentation on Valley Crest's tee construction at Anaheim Hills for the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting to December 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. 4th Floor, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m.