Golf 2007/02/22COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT VALLEY CREST ABSENT: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 2007 — 5:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room 1 Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Skip Keys Commissioner Kathy Wright Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Michael Lautenbach, introduced Eleanor Granflor as the new Senior Secretary of Parks and Urban Forestry. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Bill Lemming, introduced himself as an Anaheim resident and member of Anaheim Hills Golf Club, and had returned to speak to the Golf Commission regarding the Anaheim Resident Card issue. Mr. Lemming requested members of any club at Dad Miller and Anaheim Hills, be allowed to participate in the same program as Anaheim residents, and receive the same privileges. Mr. Lemming stated that the golf courses will benefit from this, as well as the Golf Clubs. Michael Lautenbach thanked Mr. Lemming for his comments and invited him to stay for the remainder of the meeting since the resident card issue is an item on the agenda. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES — Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Chairman McCulloch, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2007. Vice Chairman Schultz stated he would like the January 2007 Minutes to reflect his comments regarding the course condition at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated he would listen to the tape and adjust the Minutes. Motion did not pass. Michael Lautenbach stated he would add course conditions to the March Golf Commission Agenda. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Michael Lautenbach discussed pricing and compatibility of eight Point -of -Sale systems he has reviewed. All of the new systems offer a lot more than the current system. The systems were reviewed based on a list of requirements from the golf shop operations. Vice Chairman Schultz asked if the Commissioners could get a copy of these requirements. Michael Lautenbach stated he would email the list to all commissioners. Michael Lautenbach stated staff was looking into replacing the existing T1 connections at both golf courses with fiber optic lines. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 2007 Page Two Michael Lautenbach announced the 2007 Anaheim City Golf Championship is scheduled for April 28-29, 2007. The format of the event will stay the same as in the prior year. Entries are starting to come in. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Keys stated Anaheim Hills Golf Course looks good despite the cold temperatures. He feels that the Golf Commission is being too critical about the course conditions. Michael Lautenbach stated he would like to discuss future improvements to the golf courses with the Commissioners. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns stated that in addition to the new ball dispensing system at Anaheim Hills, the golf balls have been upgraded and 7,000 Callaway range balls have been purchased. Also, new mats were put in place on the upper tier range. As cash flow improves, more upgrades will be completed in the summer. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach reported the majority of lost rounds are twilight rounds, which has less impact to the income per player. Vice Chairman Schultz stated competition with other golf courses has an impact on our golf courses. He also stated that revenue will go down if rounds go down. Michael Lautenbach stated he would like to maximize the income per player. Discounting will create more rounds but not necessarily more revenue. Targeted promotions should be more effective than general discounting of rates. OLD BUSINESS A. Resident Card Issues Commissioner Gaby stated that club members do not join a club in order to receive certain privileges they join because they want to play golf with fellow members. Michael Lautenbach stated that this issue has been around for a long time. The City of Anaheim and all golf employees appreciate the loyalty and continued support of the golf course by the club members. From past experience at other golf facilities, club members at times tend to forget the privileges they receive. The biggest privilege the current club members receive are the guaranteed 64 tee times every Saturday and Sunday mornings, which are the most sought after times the golf courses have to offer. Discounting during these prime times does not make any business sense for the golf course. Vice Chairman Schultz agreed with Michael Lautenbach that club members have forgotten that they are already receiving various privileges but also stated that the resident/non-resident rate has caused problems because the Resident Card Program was not explained thoroughly to everyone. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 2007 Page Three Chairman McCulloch stated club members are upset because those who pay less are also receiving loyalty points towards a free round of golf. Commissioner Wright stated that maybe club members should be able to pay the resident rate at their monthly tournaments only. Chairman McCulloch stated that club members should not receive the resident rate, but should receive some sort of credit. (Note: Chairman McCulloch and Commissioner Wright left at 6:30 P.M.) Michael Lautenbach stated one of the reasons why the Resident Card was implemented was because players were misrepresenting their resident status. Vice Chairman Schultz stated that he knows of club members who have done this for a very long time but still that current ramifications of the Resident Card issue were not thought about before the system was implemented. Michael Lautenbach stated that with the implementation of the new point-of-sale system a loyalty program could be extended to club members. Vice Chairman Schultz stated that that could ease a lot of the concerns from the club members. Commissioners Gaby and Keys agreed that this could be a solution. The Commissioners agreed that no action was necessary at this time in regards to the Resident Card issue. NEW BUSINESS A. Anaheim Hills Golf Course Short Game Facility Plans Golf Superintendent, Michael Lautenbach, showed two solutions for a Short Game Facility designed near Tee #10. B. Dad Miller Bathroom Remodel Golf Superintendent, Michael Lautenbach, stated that he met with the consultant in regards to the men's and women's bathrooms at Dad Miller Golf Course. The walls will be painted, the dividers will be replaced, countertops and floor coverings will be replaced in both bathrooms. Vice Chairman Schultz recommended putting in a solid floor might be better than tiles. Commissioner Keys added that this may be cheaper and easier to maintain. Golf Superintendent, Michael Lautenbach, stated he would inquire about different flooring solutions for the bathrooms. C. Valley Crest Presentation — Tee Construction at Anaheim Hills Golf Course Due to time constraints, the presentation will be rescheduled to the March meeting. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Chairman Gaby, to adjourn the meeting to March 29, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.