Golf 2007/06/28COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: CITY STAFF ABSENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES June 28, 2007 — 10:00 a.m. Dad Miller Golf Course Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, and Eleanor Granflor Dave Johansen Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright made a Motion, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of April 26, 2007 and May 24, 2007. Commissioner Keys seconded the motion to approve April and May Minutes. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Point -of -Sale System - Michael Lautenbach gave the latest update on the new Point -of -Sale System. He stated the installation at Anaheim Hills went well, however at Dad Miller the existing band width was not enough to get the system up and running properly. The phone provider, Tele Pacific, will be increasing the band width from 256K to 768K at both courses. Switchover to the new system is scheduled for July 9/10. ProLink Solutions - Michael Lautenbach stated that ProLink Solutions discontinued their sales force for local advertising sales but will concentrate on national advertising. Buick ads will run July through August at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach is searching for a sales professional to sell local advertising. Cruise Car — Anaheim's Utilities Department was contacted by a company called Cruise Car, which provides golf cars with solar roof. Michael Lautenbach met with the local sales representative. The company is in early stages of developing fleet business. Michael Lautenbach will stay in touch with them. Ball Trajectory Study - Savannah High School has expressed concerns regarding golf balls coming over onto the school parking lot. A consultant will supply a ball trajectory study for possible better protection of this area. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES June 28, 2007 Page Two B. Golf Course Superintendent Kevin Neal stated that he put up stakes and rope to protect the area behind #11 green at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. The water reservoir at Anaheim Hills will be lowered in the near future for repairs. Staff from both sides is working together to prevent any erosion on the golf course. Vice Chairman Schultz asked if anything can be done to mitigate the traffic pattern problem between the 4th green and 5th tee box. Michael Lautenbach stated the best solution would be the construction of a cart path. Commissioner Keys asked Kevin Neal about the sand traps and the drainage issues, especially on the third hole. Kevin Neal replied that bunker repairs are part of the Capital Improvement Plan for FY 07/08. C. Director of Golf - No report FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach reported May was a good month for both golf courses. He reported the number of rounds, green fee revenues, range revenues and restaurant revenues increased at both golf courses. Merchandise sales were down compared to the prior year because City Championship merchandise sales were recorded in April. OLD BUSINESS Course Improvements - Michael Lautenbach presented the proposal and colored rendering by golf course architect Gerry Pirkl, for the short game facility at Anaheim Hills. The total cost projection is close to $300,000. Michael Lautenbach stated that a comprehensive master plan for Anaheim Hills Golf Course should be developed before any action is taken on the short game facility. Vice Chairman Schultz agreed that the City should pursue getting bids from golf course architects to look at the overall improvement of the golf course. All other golf commissioners supported this plan. The two remaining open items for FY 06/07 course improvements, tree trimming and club house repairs at Dad Miller Golf Course, will go out to bid in July. NEW BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Senior Rates Commissioner Wright asked why the senior rate at Dad Miller Golf Course is a stand-by only rate. Bob Johns responded that the senior rate was put in to fill up available tee times and to cover cancellations or no shows. Allowing seniors to book tee times at that rate would impact revenues. Vice Chairman Schultz suggested the Golf Commission put the complete rate schedule on the agenda for discussion at a later date. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES June 28, 2007 Page Three B. Golf Course Improvement Contingency Fund Vice Chairman Schultz asked for a formal review of setting up contingency funds for capital improvements at both golf courses. C. Budget 07/08 Michael Lautenbach highlighted two items for the FY 07/08 budget: • $500,000 for additional capital improvements at both golf courses • $1.00 rate increase for all green fees, except on Fridays There were no additional comments or questions regarding the budget. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Skip Keys, to adjourn the meeting to July 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., at City Hall East. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.