Golf 2007/11/29GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES November 29, 2007 — 10 a.m. Anaheim Hills Golf Course COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Chairman John McCulloch Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Skip Keys Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairman McCulloch made a Motion to approve the October 25, 2007 Minutes. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Keys. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach stated the $25 range cards asked for by the Commission were implemented at both golf courses. Michael Lautenbach stated he looked into the disability policy. Michael stated National Golf Course Owners Association states golf courses need to be accessible as much as possible. Michael stated there is one restriction which states courses must be "consistent with government rulings on the ADA, course management reserves the right to restrict all golf cart traffic in rare instances when excessive heat, moisture stress, new turf, other weather related or maintenance related conditions create extreme safety issues or would resolve in any cart traffic causing excessive turf damage". Michael Lautenbach stated that this policy is being followed at both golf courses. Michael Lautenbach stated a Loyalty Program for non-resident club members will be implemented early 2008. Michael Lautenbach discussed the idea of reversing the starting holes at Anaheim Hills Golf Course to speed up play. November 29, 2007 Page Two B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report and answered questions. Dave stated the wall on the 13th tee and the wall behind the cart barn were painted. Dave Johansen stated the block wall on the 6th tee and the wall by the putting green is being prepped for painting. Commissioner Wright stated there were various puddle areas at Dad Miller Golf Course the day after Thanksgiving. Bob Johns stated the overcast weather conditions have caused the course to be very moist. Also, the golf course had been watered more since the dry winds started. Michael Lautenbach stated he would look into it. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report and answered questions. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach reported October was not a good month and rounds decreased at both golf courses due to the Santa Ana winds and fires. Michael stated green fee revenues were up slightly and restaurant revenues decreased at both courses. Michael Lautenbach stated that November is looking better. OLD BUSINESS A. Golf Course Improvement Update Michael Lautenbach stated tree trimming bid for Dad Miller Golf Course was awarded. Michael stated tree trimming is scheduled to begin the second week of December. Michael Lautenbach stated the final plans and specifications for the restroom repairs at Dad Miller will be delivered by the end of November. Michael stated once the final plans are received and approved by the Purchasing Division, the project can go to bid. Michael hopes to start this project in February 2008. Michael stated the breezeway in the clubhouse will be painted once the restrooms repairs are complete. Michael Lautenbach stated the Request for Proposal for the Master Plan at Anaheim Hills Golf Course is close to completion. B. Capital Reserve Fund Michael Lautenbach stated the Capital Reserve Fund spreadsheet is almost complete. Michael stated the plan will show the financial requirements to keep the golf course assets in good condition. For example, Michael stated 3 tees should be leveled and resurfaced every year so that all tees have been worked on every six years. November 29, 2007 Page Three Chairman McCulloch questioned the whereabouts of the golf course profits. Michael Lautenbach stated the profits of both golf courses go the General Fund. Michael stated Golf is paying $1,750,000 to the General Fund this year. NEW BUSINESS At this time, new business was not presented. ADJOURNMENT Chairman John McCulloch made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, to adjourn the meeting to January 24, 2008 at 5 p.m., at City Hall East, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.