Public Utilities 2018/06/27CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES JUNE 27, 2018 The agenda having been posted on Thursday, June 21, 2018, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson E. Medrano at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, in the 11th Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: Chairperson E. Medrano, Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour, A. Abdulrahman, R. Nelson, V. Baroldi, J. Showalter Board Members Absent: V. Ramirez City Staff Present: D. Lee, L. Quiambao, M. Moore, J. Lonneker, L. Nugent, A. Kott, G. Bowen, J. Lehman, P. Oviedo, M. Seifen, M. Walker, Y. Gaytan, L. Tsoi, P. Hayes; A. Markis, F. Barvarz, V. Tran, D. Algarme, J. Norris, L. O'Connell Guest(s) Present: Sam Murray, Teri Tannehill, and Carole Burt, WaterSmart Landscape Award Recipients; Mark Dickinson, Anaheim Beautiful Program Director AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 1. RECOGNITION: WATERSMART LANDSCAPE AWARD WINNER. P. Hayes, Business and Community Programs Manager, in conjunction with Anaheim Beautiful, presented the Public Utilities Department (Department) Annual WaterSmart Landscape Award for 2018 to Anaheim residents Ken and Sam Murray and two commercial winners: Carol Bush from Emerald Court Senior Living Facility and Teri Tannahill from a multifamily housing complex. The recipients were recognized by the Board for converting their lawns to aesthetically -pleasing drought tolerant landscapes. 2. RECOGNITION: PUBLIC UTILITIES EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE IN THE PROTECTION OF ELECTRIC FACILITIES. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, acknowledged and presented a certificate of achievement to staff member Jeff Norris, Utilities Systems Operator, for his outstanding work in identifying a theft in progress at the Yorba Substation and assisting the Anaheim Police Department in the ultimate arrest of the suspects on the early morning of May 1, 2018. 2018-43 The Board thanked J. Norris for going above and beyond in the protection of Department property. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 4. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF MAY 23, 2018. * 5. PRESENTATION: CALIFORNIA WATERFIX PROJECT. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, provided an update on the California WaterFix Project (WaterFix). M. Moore mentioned that the WaterFix would modernize the 50 -year- old State Water Project by building two new tunnels underneath the Delta. M. Moore indicated that Metropolitan Water District (MWD) would vote on funding up to 65% of the cost at its July 10, 2018 meeting. The Board asked what would be the primary reason for increased reliability of the water flowing south. M. Moore explained that currently the water flows through the southern part of the Delta, which causes the endangered species of fish to be trapped while pumping the water; the WaterFix would build tunnels to alleviate that issue and improve resiliency from earthquakes or other causes of potential disruption. The Board asked what the timeline was for this Project. Staff indicated that the time frame for construction due to the size would be approximately ten years. Lastly, the Board inquired about the cost impact on the Department's customers. M. Moore indicated that the cost coming from MWD would be charged to customers per usage amount and not a fixed charge, and would therefore range between $2.50 and $4.00 per month for a typical residential customer. The range is due to the potential for Central California agricultural customers to participate in the WaterFix and therefore spread the cost of water. 2018-44 There being no public comments, Chairperson E. Medrano closed the public comments portion of the meeting. J. Seymour moved approval of the Minutes of the Public Utilities Board Meeting of May 23, 2018. A. Abdulrahman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 1 (E. Medrano). ABSENT: 2 (V. Ramirez; V. Baroldi). 6. PRESENTATION: LINDA VISTA PHASE 2 DESIGN WITH CONSULTANT. L. O'Connell, Associate Engineer, explained to the Board about the planned Linda Vista Complex Pump Station Improvements Phase 2 Project. L. O'Connell provided a brief history and overview of the importance and criticality of the Linda Vista Complex noting that it is the largest pumping facility in Anaheim, capable of pumping more than 20 million gallons of ground water a day during high demands. L. O'Connell described this Project as part of the multi -phased improvements identified in Facility Master Plan that was completed in 2009, which outlined the scope to rehabilitate the facility based upon the long-term water needs. Phase 2 will replace existing electrical and controls and replace the existing pumps relocated in Phase 1 with new upsized pumps and motors as well as a new building to house the new electrical and controls. L. O'Connell highlighted some of the benefits of the new improvements such as increased pumping capacity; improved efficiency and cost savings; improved safety for field staff working in and around these high voltage facilities; and increased operational flexibility for operators to meet peak and fire system demands. The project construction is scheduled to be to complete by winter 2020. 7. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH KUBRA AMERICA WEST, INC. FOR ELECTRONIC BILL PAYMENT AND CUSTOMER PAYMENT KIOSKS FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD, WITH TWO (2) ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $110,000 FOR TRANSACTIONS AND $40,000 FOR EXTRA WORK, IF NEEDED, FOR A COMBINED ANNUAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND ($150,000.00) WITH A 2.5% ANNUAL ESCALATION OF THE TRANSACTION AMOUNTS. * G. Bowen, Assistant General Manager — Power Supply, provided an overview of the proposed Agreement with Kubra America West Inc. (KUBRA) for electronic bill pay services for customers to pay their utility bills using electronic platforms including personal computers and mobile devices. G. Bowen indicated that 40,000 customers pay using electronic bill payment and that the number is expected to grow steadily over the next several years. Additionally, this Agreement provides the installation of two payment kiosks which will be located in the lobby area of Anaheim West Tower for customers that use cash or the onsite cashier services during non- business hours. The electronic bill payment system is expected to be complete by early 2019 and the payment kiosks will be installed by spring 2019. 2018-45 A. Abdulrahman moved approval of an Agreement with KUBRA America West Inc. for electronic bill payment services and customer payment kiosks. J. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1(V. Ramirez). The Board asked about the cost of each kiosk and how long they are expected to last. Staff indicated that each kiosk costs a flat fee of $35,000 with a $1.50 per use transaction fee. The kiosks are expected to last five years. Additionally, the Board inquired about the security of the kiosks and if they were user friendly. Staff explained the kiosks have the ability to assist in multiple languages and accept cash payments. The KUBRA software meets security compliance requirements and is capable of integrating with the Department's current Customer Information System. 8. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH PACKET FUSION, INC. FOR A CLOUD -BASED PHONE SERVICE FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD, WITH SEVEN (7) ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS IN A TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF $313,939 FOR THE FIRST YEAR AND $231,259 FOR EACH TERM YEAR THEREAFTER WITH COMMERCIAL PRICE INDEX ADJUSTMENTS FOR EACH EXTENSION TERM. * L. Nugent, Utilities Customer Service Manager, provided the Board with an overview of the proposed Cloud -Based Phone System. L. Nugent made the Board aware that the current phone system is aging, showing signs of instability, and is no longer supported by the original manufacturer. L. Nugent described the evaluation process of choosing between a premise -based or cloud - based platform, and that the Department is recommending a cloud - based platform with the vendor Packet Fusion, Inc. because it would improve the customer experience, provide the Department with better redundancy and reliability and would reduce overall operational costs. L. Nugent described the advantages a new phone system would provide the Department, including features that would allow supervisors to improve call quality, allow customers to provide feedback, and the ability to route calls based on the skillsets of agents. L. Nugent discussed how the mobility of a cloud -based phone system would allow the Department to move the call center in the event of an emergency, and that upgrades and maintenance were provided by the vendor as part of the service. The Board asked what would be the downside to implementing a cloud -based solution versus a premise -based solution. L. Nugent responded that the downside would be that if the internet were down, then the phone system would also be down. L. Nugent highlighted that if the internet was down, the Customer Information System would also be down, so if that were to happen, the Department already had a process in place to route all calls to the third -party call center the until the internet service is restored. The Board also asked if quality improvement features had been a requirement in original Request for Proposal (RFP). D. Lee responded that it had been part of the original proposal, but of the 2018-46 J. Seymour moved approval of an Agreement with Packet Fusion Inc. for a cloud -based phone service system. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (V. Ramirez). two final vendors, Packet Fusion was the only vendor to respond with full pricing for all requested modules. 9. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED FIVE- YEAR UNDERGROUND CONVERSION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018/19 TO 2022/23. * F. Barvarz, Transmission and Distribution Manager, presented the proposed Five-year Underground Conversion Plan (Plan) for Fiscal Years 2018/19 to 2022/23 to the Board. F. Barvarz provided background information about the Plan, the process to add a new project to the Plan, and the status of projects that are completed and currently in progress. F. Barvarz concluded the presentation by summarizing that the proposed Plan includes adding Sycamore Street as a new project, completing undergrounding on Lincoln Avenue / Rio Vista Street and Orangewood Avenue over the next year, and construction starting on Euclid Street. 10. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A MASTER AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRIC HIGH VOLTAGE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND IMMEDIATE RESPONSE PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS PRE -QUALIFIED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM, WITH A $500,000 LIMIT PER WORK ORDER PACKAGE AND A $2,000,000 LIMIT IN TOTAL AWARDS PER CONTRACTOR DURING EACH FISCAL YEAR, WITH CHANGE ORDER AUTHORIZATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 10% OF THE WORK ORDER PACKAGE PER CHANGE ORDER AND NOT TO EXCEED $100,000 IN TOTAL PER WORK ORDER AS WELL AS AN INCENTIVE PAYMENT EQUAL TO 1% OF THE BID AMOUNT FOR CONTRACTORS THAT MEET A 25% LOCAL HIRE AND/OR VETERAN HIRING GOAL DURING THE COURSE OF A PROJECT; AND RECOMMEND DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECTS TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THE MASTER AGREEMENT SHALL BE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT UNDER CEQA GUIDELINES, SECTIONS 15301,15302, 15303, AND/OR 15304 OF CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 14. * J. Lonneker provided a summary of the main components of the Master Agreement for Electric High Voltage Utility Construction to the Board. J. Lonneker noted that a new element includes a bid award limit of $2M per contractor per fiscal year in order to encourage competition amongst contractors. Additionally, J. Lonneker made the Board aware of a provision establishing an incentive payment equal to I% of the bid amount for contractors that meet a 25% Local Hire and/or Veteran hiring goal during the course of a project. J. Lonneker discussed with the Board the contractor pre -qualification process follows the state Public Contracting Code and a pre -qualified contractor list for 2018-47 A. Abdulrahman moved approval of the proposed Five-year Underground Conversion Plan for Fiscal Years 2018/19 to 2022/23. R. Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1(V. Ramirez). R. Nelson moved approval of a Master Agreement for Electric High Voltage Utility Construction, Maintenance, Repair and Immediate Response Projects with multiple contractors pre -qualified by the City of Anaheim. J. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1(V. Ramirez). construction of high voltage utility scale electric systems is established every three years, but new submissions mid-cycle can still be added throughout that timeframe. The Board expressed support for the Master Agreement, including the new contract provisions that have been included. Staff addressed questions regarding the use of contractors during emergencies; by having a contract in place, the Department has the ability to request contractors to begin work immediately. 11. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker, made the Board aware of the continued efforts to replace aging poles. In addition, she mentioned the Department is preparing for the 4h of July holiday and will have additional crews onsite. J. Lonneker indicated line crews will be participating in the 4t' of July event at a local park by providing residents with bucket truck rides. 12. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore made the Board aware of the Department's 4t' of July readiness plan that includes adding a second operator in the operations center. M. Moore mentioned that standby crews will be in place in case there are any pipeline breaks or hydrant damage. M. Moore provided the Board with on update on MWD's water storage lake located in Hemet, California called Diamond Valley Lake (DVL). M. Moore indicated that the lake receives water from the State Water Project and stores it for droughts and emergencies. He mentioned that DVL is currently shutdown for recreation use due to a large algae bloom that occurs periodically during this time of the year and last for a few weeks. M. Moore indicated that the Department does not receive water from DVL, therefore the algae bloom would not have an impact on supply. M. Moore discussed the Pearson Park open house, which occurred on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. He explained the new recycle water connection will replace potable water being used for the irrigation system and the conversion will save about 25,000 gallons per day of potable water. Lastly, M. Moore reminded the Board of the upcoming dedication ceremony for the La Palma Water Complex on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. 13. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. L. Nugent, acting AGM — Finance and Administration, had no additional updates to provide. 2018-48 14. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. G. Bowen provided the Board with an update on the Department's power supply resources for the month of May. G. Bowen indicated that in preparation for the summer season, the Canyon units each went through a two day planned outage to prepare for operations. G. Bowen highlighted the fact that although there were planned and ongoing outages, the power supply portfolio still managed to produce the expected amount of energy for the month due to increased wind generation. Lastly, he mentioned that market prices were relatively low for the last few months but this is expected to change as the weather gets warmer. 15. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, discussed the Wholesale Energy Risk Management (ERM) Program's Quarterly Compliance Report with the Board. J. Lehman noted that the ERM Program sets the criteria under which certain energy related transactions can be made providing an efficient framework for conducting timely transactions while ensuring that the Department's interests are protected and risks are minimized. J. Lehman indicated that during this period violations were received from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) related to forecast reports for certain generators being submitted a day late. The process for these submittals has been revised to prevent this from occurring again. J. Lehman noted that there could be a penalty up to $2,500, which will be reported on the quarterly internal compliance report. J. Lehman made the Board aware of an audit by City Audit Division that occurred in May, for the ERM program covering the period of calendar years 2016 and 2017. The audit determined that the Department complied with the ERM Program's transaction control and risk management protocols. Additionally, it found that the ERM Program is comprehensive, robust, and effective in identifying and mitigating potential risks. There were no findings or recommendations. J. Lehman then shared that the Public Utilities Board Legislative Working Group had met prior to the Board meeting and had reviewed key bills with the potential to impact the Department's operations. J. Lehman noted that these bills included the water tax bill that could potentially transfer over $1 million annually from the Department's customers to the state, and a grid regionalization bill that would require publically owned utilities to obtain approval from the California Energy Commission prior to joining a Regional Transmission Organization. Lastly, J. Lehman indicated that this new jurisdictional authority and added level of oversight would not provide any benefits to consumers and would increase costs for no commensurate benefit. 2018-49 16. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee indicated that staff had planned on presenting on cyber security; however, due to staffing changes, the presentation will be postponed to a later date. Items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Election for Board Chair and Vice -Chair, as well as the Underground Subcommittee ■ Appointments for ad hoc Legislative Working Group and Public Utilities Hearing Board • Wildfire Mitigation Plan • Bill Print / Mailing Service • Uncollectible Account Write -Offs • Summer Intern Presentation 17. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. A. Abdulrahman reported that he attended a tour, along with Board member R. Nelson and Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour, of the installation of an underground vault. R. Nelson reported he attended and enjoyed the Orange County Water Summit. 18. ADJOURNMENT: (REGULAR MEETING ON JULY 25, 2018, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 111 FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). ")ectfull , b fitted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager J. Seymour moved approval to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:09 p.m., to the Board's Regular Meeting date of July 25, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1(V. Ramirez). * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2018-50