Parks and Recreation 2018/07/25MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ryan Balius, Chairman Samantha Navarro, Vice Chairman James Cook Lynn Cudd Craig Farrow Patty Gaby Nichole Rupp COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: July 25, 2018 STAFF PRESENT: Larry Pasco, Director Sjany Larson -Cash, Community Services Manager Pamela Galera, Parks Manager Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Balius called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Balius led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Esther Wallace, a resident of Anaheim, shared her observation of the number of homeless at Maxwell and John Marshall Park. Heather Porretta, a resident of Anaheim spoke on her concerns related to homeless in the parks 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Balius presented the June 27, 2018 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Chairman Balius made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Farrow. The motion was approved with four votes in favor and one abstention from Commissioner Gaby; Chairman Balius accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Parks Activity Report — May/June: Larry Pasco reported that Pamela Galera has been promoted to Parks Manager. Larry Pasco presented the Activity Report and answered questions regarding the bridge at Twila Reid Park starting to rust, if projects will be monitored so that original work completed on a project does not have to be re -done, soccer fields at Twila Reid Park, art murals in the parks, use of the splash pad at Ponderosa Park, and non-resident groups that reserve fields in Anaheim. b) Park Ranger Report — June: Sjany Larson -Cash presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, park participants, public contacts, and curfew and alcohol violations. Sjany answered questions regarding the number of curfew violations and public assists at Anaheim Coves. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: Pamela Galera presented the report and answered questions regarding Brookhurst Park, Nohl Ranch Trail, how the Anaheim Parks Plan will be implemented into projects, Founders' Park, increased parking at Lincoln Park, the YMCA project at Ross Park, and negotiations with Southern California Edison at various parks. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a) Selection of Chair: Commissioner Cudd and Commissioner Farrow were both nominated for Chair. Commissioner Cudd received five votes in favor from Vice Chairman Navarro, Commissioners Cook, Rupp, and Gaby, and herself, and two abstentions by Chairman Balius and Commissioner Farrow; Commissioner Farrow received two votes in favor from Chairman Balius and himself, three votes against from Vice Chairman Navarro, Commissioners Cudd and Gaby, and two abstentions from Commissioners Cook and Rupp. Commissioner Cudd will be the new Chair. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes July 25, 2018 b) Selection of Vice Chair: Vice Chairman Navarro and Commissioner Farrow were both nominated for Vice Chair. Vice Chairman Navarro received six votes in favor from Chairman Balius, Commissioners Cook, Rupp, Farrow and Cudd, and herself, and one abstention from Commissioner Gaby. Commissioner Farrow received three votes in favor from Chairman Balius, Commissioner Gaby, and himself, one vote against from Commissioner Cudd, and three abstentions from Vice Chairman Navarro and Commissioner Cook and Rupp. Vice Chairman Navarro will remain the Vice Chair. c) Park Safety: Chairman Balius addressed the Commission on the issue of park safety, reported statistics provided by the Police Chief regarding crime and homeless that occur at City parks, and shared photos taken by a fellow resident and himself of illegal activity seen at some parks. Chairman Balius led a presentation regarding Park Safety and indicated that if the Commission does not support it, it will not be brought back to the Commission for discussion. A discussion was held by the Commission and staff regarding the proposal. Chairman Balius made a motion to make a recommendation for a Park Safety Proposal be submitted to the City Council for approval. The motion did not move forward due to a lack of a second. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Chairman Balius reported there are still a few Concerts in the Canyon, Summer Movie Nights, and Movie Nights hosted by Disney scheduled for the remaining of the summer. The next Disney Movie Night will be at Twila Reid Park on August 3rd. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Balius adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m.