Public Utilities 2018/11/28CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 2018 The agenda having been posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2018, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson E. Medrano at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, in the 11th Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: Chairperson E. Medrano, Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour, A. Abdulrahman, R. Nelson, J. Showalter, V. Baroldi, V. Ramirez Board Members Absent: None City Staff Present: D. Lee, L. Quiambao, M. Moore, B. Beelner, A. Kott, G. Bowen, J. Lehman, P. Oviedo, J. Lonneker, B. Fruchter, J. Sanks, J. McBride, M. Seifen, P. Hayes, J. Kornoff, V. Castillo, C. Paiz Guest(s) Present: None AGENDA ITEM 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. P. Hayes, Business and Community Programs Manager, was recognized on his upcoming retirement for his 25 years of service and commitment to the Public Utilities Department (Department). 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 24, 2018. 2018-82 ACTION TAKEN There being no public comments, Chairperson E. Medrano closed the public comments portion of the meeting. A. Abdulrahman moved approval of the Minutes of the Public Utilities Board Meeting of October 24, 2018. J. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 7-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. 3. ADOPT THE PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE 2019 CALENDAR YEAR, * * 4. PRESENTATION: SAFETY SERVICES PROTECTING EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC. J. Sanks, Environmental Services Manager, gave a presentation on the Department's safety program, summarizing the hazards associated with utility work, the measures in place to better ensure employee and public safety, annual performance metrics, and the Department's safety culture. J. Sanks discussed training and equipment improvements that had been implemented during the past year. The Board commented that the performance metric show an improvement from the previous year. D. Lee stated that low metrics are not always indicative of a safe work culture as too much emphasis on numbers will dissuade employees from reporting incidents. J. Seymour moved approval of the proposed Public Utilities Board Regular Meeting schedule for the 2019 calendar year. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 7-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. The Board asked if the Department surveys its employees Staff will provide the safety regarding its safety program, and asked to see the results of those survey results to the Board. surveys. D. Lee responded that surveys are collected, and the results will be sent to the Board. 5. PRESENTATION: CYBERSECURITY UPDATE. B. Fruchter, Enterprise Information Technology Manager, gave a presentation on Cybersecurity, which included information on cybersecurity threats, how the Department protects its information systems and customer data, and new cybersecurity initiatives. B. Fruchter discussed common threats that the City and Department face and cited examples of breaches at other public agencies. B. Fruchter reviewed the security controls that are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and information systems as well as new initiatives to improve the City's and Department's security posture. The Board inquired if cybersecurity training was available to Department staff. D. Lee responded that cybersecurity training is available to staff through online videos on the City intranet. The Board also inquired if the Department or City had a policy about 2018-83 paying ransomware. B. Fruchter responded that the City does not have a written policy about this and further explained that based on his experience there is no certainty paying a ransom would result in a positive outcome and doing so could increase the risk of future attacks. 6. PRESENTATION: UTILITY FINANCIAL STRATEGIC OVERVIEW. J. McBride, Strategic Planning Manager, provided an overview of the Department's financial position and strategy. J. McBride discussed the importance of financial stability for maintaining affordable rates and reliable water and electric service during economic downturns, natural disasters, or significant changes in customer consumption of water and electricity. J. McBride highlighted the Department's strategy to continue providing affordable rates and reliable service by reducing reliance on debt, adequately recovering costs in a timely manner, and maintaining prudent reserves. J. McBride illustrated the increasing water supply costs paid to wholesale water suppliers and noted potential future increases resulting from major projects that the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) and Orange County Water District (OCWD) are undertaking to enhance water supplies. J. McBride highlighted that debt levels have grown since the depth of the recession and management anticipates two additional debt issuances for each of the water and electric utilities. J. McBride explained that debt levels would decline thereafter as the Department moves to fund a greater portion of necessary capital improvements through cash funds and reduce the Department's reliance on debt. B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager — Finance and Administration, indicated that the Department has refunded bonds to take advantage of low interest rates over the past few years. B. Beelner noted that the Department shortened the duration of the bonds and saved customers approximately $70 million of interest expense. B. Beelner mentioned that the goal is to pay down bonds as quickly as possible in order to provide flexibility in the future. B. Beelner noted that other agencies may reduce their current payments and this results in large outstanding debt payments in future years; the Department's approach is to keep current payment levels the same and create as much flexibility in the future to address regulations or catastrophic events. The Board inquired about the magnitude of the Department's debt levels. B. Beelner explained that the debt -to -asset ratio is a common metric used to measure the degree of leverage of an 2018-84 organization and is used by ratings agencies when determining credit ratings. The debt -to -asset ratio reflects debt as a percentage of net assets. B. Beelner noted that the Department's debt -to -asset ratio is approaching the maximum allowed for current credit ratings. Therefore, the Department's strategy to gradually adjust rates in order to fund necessary capital improvements and reduce reliance on debt is important to maintaining current credit ratings. Therefore, the Department's strategy to modestly adjust rates in order to fund necessary capital improvements and reduce reliance on long term debt is important in maintaining financial health to manage a stable and reliable utility. 7. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, discussed with the Board that substation site inspections were conducted by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in early September 2018, at all substation sites. J. Lonneker indicated the report received by the CPUC on October 9, 2018 had no significant findings. J. Lonneker noted that the Department conducts substation maintenance inspections on a monthly basis to ensure issues are addressed and repaired in a timely manner. Additionally, J. Lonneker reiterated to the Board that Publically Owned Utilities (POUs) like the Department are not subject to the jurisdiction of, nor regulated by the CPUC. However, the Department welcomes opportunities to ensure the integrity of its electric system and these voluntary inspections by the CPUC help further the Department's commitment to system excellence. The Board asked about other types of inspections and J. Lonneker mentioned system inspections are conducted by third party contractors for the transmission and distribution system on a 3-5 year cycle. J. Lonneker shared that employees from the Department volunteered with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) to assist with construction and electrical upgrades of the GOALS Academy clubhouse in Anaheim. S. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, provided an update on the Department's water supply. M. Moore indicated that the water storage levels are below normal for this time of year and that the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) is proposing a drought contingency plan in order to decrease withdrawals from the Colorado River. M. Moore mentioned that staff would provide a presentation on this plan at the December Public Utilities Board meeting. 2018-85 M. Moore made the Board aware of a company that was misrepresenting themselves as City employees and soliciting water samples from Anaheim customers. M. Moore noted the City Attorney's Office was made aware of the solicitations and sent a cease and desist letter. Lastly, M. Moore mentioned that Anaheim students participated in a water art contest facilitated by MWD. The winner of the contest, Grace Li, from Acaciawood Elementary School will have her art included in MWD's annual calendar. M. Moore invited the Board to attend the award ceremony hosted by MWD on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. 9. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager — Finance and Administration, discussed the monthly dashboard with the Board. B. Beelner indicated that electric revenue for the current fiscal year to October 31, 2018 was 6.0% above budget ($10.1 M) with electric costs coming in above budget as well by 4.5% ($6.1M) causing a net positive budget variance of $4.OM. B. Beelner explained that electric costs have trended higher due to higher than expected wholesale power costs driven by higher natural gas prices. B. Beelner then mentioned that the fiscal year to date of October 31, 2018 water revenue was 1.9% ($0.6M) below budget due to cooler than expected temperatures driving to lower outdoor water use. Lastly, B. Beelner indicated that water costs were below budget by 3.4% ($0.8M) causing a net positive budget variance of $0.2M. 10. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. G. Bowen, Assistant General Manager — Power Supply, gave an update on the Department's Power Supply Portfolio for the month of October. G. Bowen noted that following the September trend, the month of October was one of the coolest since the early 1990's. G. Bowen indicated that the cooler weather coupled with higher gas prices resulted in less retail load than normal, but allowed the Department's generation assets to operate at a much higher level than normal resulting much higher wholesale sales than forecast. G. Bowen shared with the Board that the California Energy Commission provided positive feedback and accepted the Department's Integrated Resources Plan (IRP), which the Board approved earlier in the year, after 6 -months of review. G. Bowen also made the Board aware that the next IRP submission would be towards the end of 2021. 2018-86 11. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK AND COMPLIANCE. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, mentioned that possible legislation might be introduced in December related to further wildfire provisions above what was contained in Senate Bill (SB) 901 that was passed in September of this year. J. Lehman mentioned that the legislation might provide additional cost recovery mechanisms for the investor owned utilities for the recent wildfires that have affected both Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) service territories. The reason for this is that SB 901 only contained financial relief for cost and expenses related to the 2017 wildfires for PG&E, and for all three investor owned utilities beginning on January 1, 2019. J. Lehman shared that the introduction of any such legislation would be watched carefully to ensure that it did not contain additional measures that are applicable to the Department. 12. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee shared with the Board the items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Annual report on customer efficiency programs • Fleet vehicles • Agreement for energy transaction software D. Lee informed the Board that the Department is working on a temporary homeless shelter at the Salvation Army site near Lewis and Cerritos as directed by the City Manager. D. Lee informed the Board that the holiday light exchange program is underway allowing residents to receive a string of LED holiday lights by turning in an older set of incandescent lights. He also mentioned that Council Member Stephen Faessel would be attending the December Board meeting. 13. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. J. Showalter expressed her concern regarding projects that are Citywide responsibility being assigned to the Department. V. Baroldi stated he received a pamphlet from a solicitor claiming to work for Sempra Energy and possibly affiliated with the Department. D. Lee asked the flyer be provided so the Department can further investigate. A. Abdulrahman noted he appreciated the information that was presented on the Department's financial overview. 2018-87 R. Nelson also appreciated the financial overview presentation and thanked the Department for taking on the homeless shelter project. J. Seymour mentioned the upcoming terms for Board members with respect to the recent election, indicating that it takes a significant amount of time to learn about the many facets of the utility industry. D. Lee stated that there would be an application process since each district now has a seated Council member. J. Seymour encouraged the effected members to re -apply. 14. ADJOURNMENT: (NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON DECEMBER 19, 2018, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11TH FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager A. Abdulrahman moved approval to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:01 p.m., to the Board's Regular Meeting date of December 19, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. J. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 7-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. * * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2018-88