Library 2018/12/10ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Founders’ Park December 10, 2018 400 N. West Street.5:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER – The agenda having been posted on December 6, 2018, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Laviguer at 5:00 p.m. PRESENT:Rose Chen, David Laviguer, Linda Newby ABSENT:John Leos, Stan Oftelie STAFF:Audrey Lujan, City Librarian, Jane Newell, Library Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx, PT Management Assistant, Donald Hilliard, Jr., Library Technology Systems Administrator, Tony Lam, Librarian GUESTS:Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Ginny Gardner, Anaheim Public Library Foundation I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.ADMINISTER OATH TO LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER: The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance for Public Office and Employees was administered to Rose Chen. B.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends are grateful for Library staff and their creativity in helping raise funds. The special Teen Titan Library card sales raised $2,778.00 for the Friends in 2018. Their multi-media sale was successful in raising $441.00. Chloe Van Stralendorff made the Friends bookmarks advertising their upcoming sales. The Friends have a new Board Member, Steven Franklin. The Friends approved $25,000 in support of the Library in 2019, which primarily funds the Summer Reading Program. C.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: An activity sponsored by FOCAL is the purchase of books for Canyon Hills Talks & Treats book discussion group, which meets at noon the last Tuesday of each month. These same books are also used by the book discussion group which meets at the East Anaheim Branch Library. Occasionally both groups meet together for a Skype session with the book’s author. Anaheim Librarians Rosemarie Perrone and Cathy Diem lead the discussions, which include background information about the author and topics of interest related to the book. The November FOCAL Book Sale was a success. There are three sales planned during 2019. Additionally, “Flash Sales” of featured items at great prices will be held throughout the year. D.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: The Foundation will participate in a book give away at H&R Block’s food giveaway at their office at 1917 E. LaPalma, Anaheim on Monday, December 17th. They have partnered with Armando Belmudez and Jamie Fredrick from H&R Block, who have donated over $7,000 to the Anaheim Public Library Foundation that assists in the funding of teen programming. The authors for the Mystery Authors’ Luncheon are Tod Goldberg, Glen Erik Hamilton, and Terri Nolan, with Guest Moderator and Author Wendy Hornsby. The theme is Mischief, Mayhem and Murder and will take place April 7, 2019. Sponsor information will be forthcoming in January. Audrey extended appreciation to the Foundation, who have donated over $16,000 for teen programming and a marketing tool, along with addition funding for eBooks. E.UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: Jane Newell welcomed the Board to Founders’ Park. F.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Audrey shared a letter from the Boys and Club thanking the Euclid Staff for the services they provide and a thank you card to Bookmobile staff from a family who is moving out of the area. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting December 10, 2018 Page 2 II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 13, 2018 MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.LIBRARY RULES OF CONDUCT/CHILDREN BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES: Staff is putting finishing touches on the guidelines to send back to the City Attorney’s Office for review. IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.BIG READ: Tony Lam presented on the 2019 National Endowment of the Arts Big Read. Anaheim Public Library received the maximum amount for a grant from the NEA for $15,000. A survey of the community was conducted to select a book. The book chosen was “A Lesson before Dying” by Ernest J. Gaines, written in 1933. The kick-off event will be on February 16, 2019 with author Brandy Colbert, and will also include a New Orleans Dixieland jazz band and plenty of food trucks. The program will run in conjunction with Black History Month and feature many programs at all Anaheim Public Library locations. Audrey thanked Tony for writing the grant and the Anaheim Public Library Foundation, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library, Friends of Anaheim Public Library and Altrusa International of Anaheim for partnering in the funding of this month-long event. B.NEW FEATURES OF INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM: Donald Hilliard, Jr. highlighted the new features of the Library’s Integrated System. New features include family grouping, which allows staff to put several library card holders into a single family group, electronic holdings automatically added to the catalog, more refined search results, one-click access to electronic content, text notifications, and ability to view check-out history. Library staff has been marketing the new system and its features through bookmarks and at the check-out desk. C.NEW COMPUTER USE BROCHURE: Donald shared the New Computer Use Brochure which is a combination of multiple policies related to computer use. Chloe Van Stralendorff has incorporated these policies into an attractive brochure. Approval was postponed until January when more Library Board Members may be present. D.LIBRARY SURVEY RESULTS: Audrey shared the results from the Library Hours Survey that was conducted for five months from April – September 2018. Printed copies of the survey were available at every location, staff promoted the surveys at programs, advertised on the digital signage at all APL facilities, online version on the website, and as a pop-up option on all 380 public access computers at all library facilities. Anaheim has an approximate population of 353,000 and Anaheim Public Library has 291,282 registered card holders. The Library only received 302 surveys with 250 indivual responses as some patrons put in multiple responses. Existing hours were listed for every facility. Overall 69% were satisfied with library hours, 31% had a suggestion for other hours. There was some discussion by the Library Board about the norm in surveys is that they tend to be filled out when someone is unhappy with service while people who are satisfied may not take the time to fill out the survey. To validate a survey 5% of the population is needed, and the Library had .07% response. If additional hours are added, the Library Board recommends that more Library staff would be needed to ensure a safe and welcoming library for patrons and staff. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting December 10, 2018 Page 3 E.ELECTION OF CHAIR: Item postponed to January when more Library Board Members may be present. F.ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR: Item postponed to January when more Library Board Members may be present. G.LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE: MOTION: That the Board approve the 2019 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule as presented. M/S: RC/LN 3 Ayes. V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: The new Bookmobile has arrived and adding the new wrap is the next step. Audrey addressed an inquiry from the Board regarding adding additional book vending machines similar to the one at ARTIC throughout the City. The current machine at ARTIC was paid for with State Grant Funds and donation funds from Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim and the Anaheim Public Library Foundation. Given the cost of the machine as well as the protective cover and the cost of books, we do not have General Fund money to fund another machine at this time. B.BUDGET: The Library is currently within budget. C.LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: ACA 1 was introduced into Legislation. This would lower the current local voter threshold from 2/3rds to 55% for city, county, or city and county issued general obligation bonds placed on a local ballot, for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of public infrastructure or affordable housing projects. The bill also contains authorization for cities, counties, and a city and county, to impose, extend, or increase a sales and use tax, transactions and use tax, or parcel tax for the purpose of funding the construction, rehabilitation, or replacement of public infrastructure or affordable housing, subject to approval by 55% of the voters. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.STATISTICS: Included in the packet. B.ACTIVITY REPORTS: Included in packet. VII.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: Recognized Patricia Grimm for going above and beyond assisting with the restoration of the Mother Colony House. VIII.BOARD ITEMS MEMBER ROSE CHEN: Stated she is very impressed with Library’s new technology and with Library staff. MEMBER LINDA NEWBY: Attended a Bookmobile ride-a-long and was very impressed with the connection the Bookmobile staff has with the community CHAIR DAVID LAVIGUER: Enjoyed the award presentation for the APL/Altrusa Creative Writing Contest at Lincoln Elementary. IX.MISCELLANEOUS Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting December 10, 2018 Page 4 A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be January 14, 2019 at Central Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Laviguer adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.