Parks & Recreation 2019/02/27 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Downtown Anaheim Community Center, 250 E. Center St.., Anaheim, California February 27, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Cudd, Chairman Larry Pasco, Director Samantha Navarro, Vice Chairman Sjany Larson-Cash, Community Services Manager Ryan Balius Pamela Galera, Parks Manager James Cook JJ Jimenez – Principal Project Planner Patty Gaby Eleanor Granflor – Sr. Secretary Nichole Rupp COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Craig Farrow A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N _______________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Cudd called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Chairman Navarro led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Cudd presented the December 5, 2018 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Rupp made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Balius. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote; Chairman Cudd accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Recreation, Human & Neighborhood Services Activity Report – December 2018/January 2019: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the report and highlighted Active Adult athletic programs of Pickleball and volleyball at the Downtown Youth Center and the East Anaheim Gymnasium. Also reported was the upcoming reception at the Center Gallery at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center, the Nutcracker Tree Lighting and a donation received from the Anaheim Arts Council. Questions were answered regarding the social media email newsletter, scholarships, and information for residents related to coyote sightings. b) Park Ranger Report – January: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, patrons, and public contacts made by Park Rangers during the park patrols. There was an increase in the number of patrons on the parks, an increase in the number of public contacts made with patrons, an increase in curfew contacts, a decrease in alcohol contacts, and an increase of syringe disposals made by park rangers. Questions were answered regarding how Park Rangers respond to coyote sightings in parks and the group was provided details on where to find coyote information on the City’s website. The Commission was also informed that Lyons Security is still patrolling City parks during overnight hours. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: JJ Jimenez presented the report and highlighted the KaBOOM! Build Day at Barton Park that took place on January 26th, electric vehicle charging stations have been installed at Brookhurst Park, the dedication of Logan Wells Skatepark took place on February 23rd, a community meeting for the Maxwell Dog Park was held on February 26th, and the future skatepark at Manzanita Park. Questions were answered regarding parking at Manzanita Park with the reconfiguration for the skatepark, grant contract amounts for Logan Wells and Manzanita Skateparks, what Phase II includes for Barton Park, funding for the Nohl Ranch Trail project, and the current status of the Wagner House project at the Tennis Center located at Boysen Park. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes February 27, 2019 2 7. NEW BUSINESS a) City Charter, Section 907, Parks and Recreation Commission: Commissioner Balius reported that he requested for this item to be placed on the agenda to discuss the possibility of notification to the Commission of any agreements or amendments that are brought to the City Council for approval. A discussion was held within the Commission regarding the need for this notification. Larry Pasco stated that future items can be provided to the Commission through the various reports or under Informational Items on the Commission Agenda. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Commissioner Balius reported the Logan Wells Skatepark Dedication was a well-attended event, the KaBOOM! Build Day at Barton Park was successful, and thanked staff for the help and support for the WAND Christmas Tree Lighting. Sjany Larson-Cash reminded the group that the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon will be held on March 13th at the City National Grove in Anaheim. Sjany Larson-Cash reported there was a shooting at the Fun on Wheels program held in the Alameda, Brownwood and Catalina (ABC) neighborhood today and thankfully staff and program attendees were not injured. Pamela Galera reported the Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center and Gymnasium will be receiving an award at the CPRS conference the week of March 18th. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Cudd adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.