Library 2019/04/08ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Central Library April 8, 2019 500 W. Broadway 5:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER – The agenda having been posted on April 4, 2019, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Laviguer at 5:00 p.m. PRESENT:Rose Chen, David Laviguer, Linda Newby, Stan Oftelie STAFF:Audrey Lujan, City Librarian, Jennifer Foxx, PT Management Assistant, Donald Hilliard, Jr., Library Technology Systems Administrator GUESTS:Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends enjoyed the Anaheim Public Library Foundation Mystery Authors Luncheon. They purchased a table at the event and bought an ad in the program. They had a successful multi-media sale earning $553.00. Their next sale is in June. They continue to need donations, especially children’s books and paperbacks. B.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: The Friends held their first Book Sale of the year April 3rd through Saturday April 6th. It was a success! Their next sale will be July 15th-20th, 2019. They have have expanded their selling venue by utilizing eBay to reach a larger purchasing population for their higher value books and collectables. The Larry Rushing Book Corner continues to draw Library patrons to browse for and purchase a variety of books, magazines, and DVDs. C.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: The Mystery Authors Luncheon on April 7 was a huge success with over 300 guests in attendance. Audrey thanked Linda Newby and David Laviguer for attending. Next year will be the luncheon’s 25th anniversary, which was started by Kevin Moore and Dr. June Glenn. D.UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Audrey shared a thank you letter from Olive Street Elementary for facilitating the Creative Writing Contest. David, Rose, and Stan shared their experience as judges of the contest. Audrey is working with Altrusa and the Superintendent of the Anaheim Elementary School District to expand the Creative Writing Contest to all 24 Anaheim elementary schools. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MARCH 11, 2019 MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.ANAHEIM PUBIC LIBRARY MISSION STATEMENT: The Board discussed the proposed Mission Statement and amended it to read: Anaheim Public Library promotes literacy, lifelong learning, and a love of reading through traditional print materials as well as virtual services. Our mission is to promote information through programming and engage our community while providing a safe space for the diverse members of Anaheim to share, thrive, explore, create, enjoy, honor, celebrate, and engage with one another. MOTION: THAT THE LIBRARY BOARD APPROVE THE ANAHEIM PUBILIC LIBRARY MISSION STATEMENT AS AMMENDED: M/S LN/DL, 4 AYES. ITEM #04 Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting April 8, 2019 Page 2 IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.2018 PATRON INCIDENTS REPORT: Donald Hilliard Jr., shared statistics on patron incidents by facility and incident type. Anaheim Public Library, a 10 Library outlet, only had 176 incidents due to staff’s prompt handling and documentation of incidents. B.ANAHEI’M FIRST: Linda shared the mission of the AnaheI’M First Committee that will assist the Mayor and City Council in deciding how to spend $250,000,000 in the next few years to improve Anaheim’s neighborhoods. Linda will be sharing ideas for Library with the committee as it progresses. This item will be on the Library Board Agenda going forward. V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Audrey shared the Bookmobile budget requested at the March meeting. More information was requested and will be presented at the next meeting. Audrey will share 2018/19 Grant information at the next meeting. The new Bookmobile Dedication is Wednesday, April 10, 2019. More information will be presented regarding the Grand Opening of the Canyon Hills Library Reading Garden. Dr. Roberto Baeza has been appointed to the Library Board and will be sworn in at the next meeting. C.BUDGET: Audrey shared the supplemental items being submitted which include more money for staff, security cameras, materials, and public furniture. D.LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: None. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.STATISTICS: Stan requested more information on patron assistance statistics. B.ACTIVITY REPORTS: None. C.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: The Board recognized Irma Lorah on her retirement for 35 years of dedicated service, Ginny Gardner for being nominated as Women of the Year by Member of Congress Lou Correa, and Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim and the Orange County Community Foundation for their generous donations to the new Bookmobile. VII.BOARD ITEMS MEMBER ROSE CHEN: Invited everyone to the WAND BBQ on Saturday, April 13th. MEMBER LINDA NEWBY: Shared information regarding the movie “The Public” which features a library as its setting. VICE CHAIR STAN OFTELIE: None. CHAIR DAVID LAVIGUER: Requested information on business cards for the Library Board. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting April 8, 2019 Page 3 VIII.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be May 13, 2019 at the Haskett Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Laviguer adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.