Parks & Recreation 2019/06/26MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION West Anaheim Youth Center, 320 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, California June 26, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Cudd, Chairman Sjany Larson-Cash, Community Services Manager Nichole Rupp, Vice Chairman Pamela Galera, Parks Manager Ryan Balius JJ Jimenez – Principal Project Planner John Elwell Eleanor Granflor – Sr. Secretary Craig Farrow Yogesh Shah STAFF ABSENT: Larry Pasco, Director COMMISSIONER ABSENT: James Cook A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Cudd called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Farrow led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chairman Cudd presented the May 22, 2019 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Vice Chairman Rupp made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Balius. The motion was approved with 6 ayes; Chairman Cudd accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Recreation, Human and Neighborhood Services Activity Report – April/May: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the report and highlighted the S.T.A.R.S. Afterschool Program, Tiny Tots, Cinco de Mayo Fiesta and Carnival, Spring Fling & Eco-Fun Faire, Active Older Adult Programs, Teen Centers, and the WAND Barbecue. Questions were answered regarding aquatic class registration and free Public Swim. b) Park Ranger Report – May: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols and patron contacts made by Park Rangers during the park patrols. Sjany reported the Park Rangers assisted with the Children’s Art Festival, the Anaheim Coves Northern Extension grand opening, Movies in the Park, Concerts in the Canyon scheduled this summer, and the July 4th Special Event. Questions were answered regarding the number of curfew and alcohol violations during park patrols. 1) Park Ranger Study: Sjany Larson-Cash provided a copy of the Park Ranger Study to the Commission and provided an overview of the study. Questions were answered regarding staff involved in completing the study, security cameras in the parks, definition of a Park Ranger being an ambassador versus enforcement, having Code Enforcement assist with parking violations, and changing patrol areas based on the type of park (pocket, neighborhood, community, etc.). Chairman Cudd requested for this item to be added to next month’s Commission agenda for future questions and discussion. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: JJ Jimenez presented the report and highlighted Barton Park, Maxwell Dog Park, Manzanita Skate Park, and La Palma Park Improvements. Questions were answered regarding the lowest bidder for Manzanita Skate Park. 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Smoking Ordinance: Lynn Cudd provided a brief overview of the previous request for a smoking ordinance that went to City Council for approval in 2015, but was not approved. Commissioner Farrow shared information regarding Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes June 26, 2019 2 smoking in the cities of Santa Ana and Huntington Beach. A discussion was held by the Commission regarding smoking in City parks. Commissioner Farrow made a motion to not move forward with the recommendation to request for the City Council to approve the update and implementation of a new smoking ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Elwell. The motion was accepted with a vote of 5 ayes by Chairman Cudd, Vice Chairman Rupp, and Commissioners Farrow, Elwell and Shah and one vote against by Commissioner Balius. b) Park-In-Lieu Fees: Commissioner Balius provided a brief overview of a previous request taken to the City Council to increase Park-In-Lieu Fees. Commissioner Balius recommended that the Commission to write a letter to the City Council to place the original request back on the City Council Agenda to increase the Park-In-Lieu Fees. Pamela Galera provided information on Quimby Fees, answered questions regarding the resolution that was taken to City Council for approval, and discussed fees of surrounding cities. A discussion was held by the Commission regarding Park-In-Lieu Fees. Commissioner Balius made a motion to form a working group of Commissioners to put together a recommendation to City Council to increase Park-In-Lieu Fees. Commissioner Rupp requested that the agenda item be tabled to the July meeting. JJ Jimenez stated the study can be provided to the Commissioners to review. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Chairman Cudd reminded the Commission about the Boards and Commissions Brown Act and Ethics Training on July 1st. Commissioner Balius reported that a free concert on the green will be held at Dad Miller Golf Course on August 2. Commissioner Shah reported that he and Chairman Cudd attended the Anaheim Coves Northern Extension Grand Opening. a) 2019/2020 Meeting Schedule: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the proposed 2019/2020 Meeting Schedule. Commissioner Balius requested for a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber. Staff will look into the availability of the Council Chamber and report back to the Commission. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Cudd adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.