CtrCity-PC Workshop Presentation-20200106-rev_eyt.pdfPLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP January 6, 2020 CENTER CITY CORRIDORS STUDY WHY ARE WE HERE Inform stakeholders and community on the status of the Center City Corridors Study. Share information about the Study. Receive feedback and answer your questions. 2 STUDY AREA North 91 Freeway South SCE transmission line, abuts Platinum Triangle East East Street, portions of the Metrolink rail line, and Lewis Street West 5 Freeway and West Street, abuts The Anaheim Resort 3 TIMELINE 4 5 A specific plan is a planning tool used to establish more detailed policies and guidance for future land use, placemaking, mobility, community services and amenities, and infrastructure decisions. WHAT IS A SPECIFIC PLAN? 6 •General Plan •Guide for Development Greater Downtown of Anaheim •The Anaheim Colony –Vision, Principles, and Design Guidelines •Citywide Historic Preservation Plan •East Center Street Specific Plan •Zoning Code and Zoning Overlays •South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor •Downtown Mixed Use •Mixed Use •Residential Opportunity EXISTING CITY POLICY DOCUMENTS 7 Phase 1 -Completed •Community Outreach Kick-off Event •3 days of Stakeholder Interviews •Pop-Up Outreach Events ▪Cinco de Mayo ▪Children’s Festival ▪Family Series Fridays •District 3 and 4 Meetings •Anaheim Realtor Group Presentation •Online Survey •Project Website COMMUNITY OUTREACH 8 Phase 2 -Underway •Pop-Up Outreach Events ▪Tree Lighting Ceremony –December 7, 2019 ▪Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market –January 23, 2020 •Planning Commission Workshop –January 6, 2020 •Community Open House –January 9, 2020 •Online Survey (Available December 2019 –January 2020) •Project Website COMMUNITY OUTREACH 9 Top Ten Preliminary Vision Principles Based on Community Feedback Support and enhance existing neighborhoods and historic resources Provide a wider range of new housing options Expand economic opportunities and promote the attraction and retention of high- quality jobs Continue to evolve the downtown area, also referred to as the Center City Core, as an active, urban center Foster new events and entertainment options within the Study Area PRELIMINARY VISION PRINCIPLES 10 Top Ten Preliminary Vision Principles Based on Community Feedback Ensure Center City continues to meet the day-to-day needs of the local community Enhance pedestrian, bicycle, automobile, and transit mobility opportunities Create an attractive pedestrian realm and provide pedestrian amenities Integrate additional community facilities and services Create a cohesive community character while celebrating each individual neighborhood’s identity PRELIMINARY VISION PRINCIPLES •Land Use •Urban Design •Mobility •Parks and Community Facilities •Infrastructure 11 VISION PLAN TOPICS FOCUSED AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY 12 POTENTIAL BIKE BOULEVARD OPPORTUNITIES 13 Short-Term Concept Long-Term Concept a.Enhanced pedestrian crossings b.Sidewalk bulbouts with new landscaping c.Bike boulevard installations d.Right-turn vehicle circulation a.Enhanced pedestrian crossings b.Separated bicycle path c.Park space and pedestrian amenities d.One-way vehicle circulation e.Sidewalk bulbouts with new landscapingNote: Improvements shown above are hypothetical and do not reflect proposed changes to any particular street within the Study Area. 14 1.Continue Community Engagement Efforts •Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market Pop-Up –January 23, 2020 •Community Open House at the Downtown Community Center –January 9 from 6-8 p.m. •Online Survey (Available December 2019 –January 2020) •Project Website -www.anaheim.net/C3 2.Prepare Draft Vision Plan document 3.Present Draft Vision Plan to Planning Commission and City Council 4.Finalize Vision Plan 5.Specific Plan –Caltrans Grant Funded. RFP released in January 2020 NEXT STEPS: THANK YOU! Questions? •http://www.contoso.com/