APFA2019/01/29 ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 29, 2019 The Anaheim Public Financing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:08 P.M. in the Council Chamber in Anaheim City Hall, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., in joint session with the Anaheim City Council and Anaheim Housing Authority. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on January 25, 2019. PRESENT: Chairman Harry Sidhu and Authority Members Lucille Kring, Denise Barnes, Jordan Brandman, Jose F. Moreno, Stephen Faessel, and Trevor O'Neil STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Chris Zapata, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Linda Andal ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments offered related to the Public Financing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 7:02 P.M., Authority Member O'Neil moved to approve the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7: (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members Kring, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Faessel, and O'Neil). NOES — 0. Motion carried. PFA187 1. Approve minutes of Public Financing Authority meeting of November 20, 2018. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 7:03 P.M. 2. Consider resolutions by the Public Financing Authority and City Council approving the B137.1 issuance of not to exceed $225,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Lease Revenue Bonds of the City of Anaheim Public Financing Authority. Public Financing Authority Action: 2-A. RESOLUTION NO. APFA-2019-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the issuance of Anaheim Public Financing Authority Senior Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Public Improvements Project), Series 2019 A, in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $215,000,000, and Anaheim Public Financing Authority Senior Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Public Improvements Project), Series 2019 B (taxable), in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $10,000,000, authorizing the execution and delivery of a Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust, an Escrow Agreement and a Purchase Contract, authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Anaheim Public Financing Authority Minutes of January 29, 2019 Page 2 Official Statement in connection therewith and authorizing other matters related thereto. RESOLUTION NO. APFA-2019-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the application of moneys in the Special Reserve Fund for the Anaheim Public Financing Authority Lease Revenue Bonds (Anaheim Public Improvements Project), authorizing the execution and delivery of Escrow Agreements in connection therewith and authorizing other matters related thereto. Authority Member Moreno thanked the financing team for the briefing they provided and explained that during the briefing process he had requested to include members of the public but was advised against that by the City Attorney as certain information presented was privileged and protected. He asked if the Authority and Council would consider a two-week continuance since he was now able to speak to members of the public. Finance Director Debbie Moreno expressed concern for the market risk now that this item had been made public. Authority Member Moreno expressed concerns with LPMR, mitigating costs, and the inability to pay debt off early. Michael Berwanger, Managing Director, PFM, addressed Authority Member Moreno's concerns and believed that what had been presented was the most cost-effective way to get out of the debt faster. He advised that in order to abolish the LPMR, all of the 1997 and 2007 bonds must be removed which equated to $825 million in remaining obligations. To accomplish this, $600 million of new bonds must be sold, which puts the obligation closer to $1 billion and puts the General Fund at risk. Mr. Berwanger felt the approach of leveling the debt, repaying the debt while continuing to release the monies as fast as possible, and shrinking down the repayment stream was much more beneficial for the City. He advised this would save the City debt service repayments and any delay could increase risk to the City. Discussion ensued regarding the potential risks from delaying the action two weeks, including insider trading and increased volatility in the markets, while the current financing plan had been vetted against the current situation. Authority Member Moreno confirmed if the market stayed strong, the payoff would occur in 8-10 years, or by 2037 if things got difficult, which staff concurred. He further inquired if the funds could be restructured to allow the City to access the funds sooner, to which Mr. Berwanger advised it could not. In response to Authority Member Barnes, Mr. Berwanger clarified there are 1997 and 2007 bonds because the City seized the opportunity to refinance a portion of those bonds in 2007 and to save some interest costs. He clarified that the lease payment measure revenue (LPMR) amounts are collected every year the City re-pays debt service and any excess over collections are held in special reserve funds (SRFs). Finance Director Debbie Moreno clarified that for example, in Fiscal Year 2018, the LPMR amount remitted to the trustee was $60 million and the debt service requirement was approximately $40 million, so $20 million was held in the SRF. Ms. Moreno further explained that interest was paid early one, so not much interest was currently accruing in the SRF. Anaheim Public Financing Authority Minutes of January 29, 2019 Page 3 Greg Herrington, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, believed that there was an investment contract for the SRFs entered into in 1997 and $5.5 million dollars was paid up-front by the investment company for anticipated interest earnings. Ms. Moreno stated staff was looking at this for future changes if it became advantageous to the city. Mr. Berwanger confirmed for Authority Member Barnes that this was a refinancing only with no new borrowing / debt accrual. In response to Authority Member Kring, Ms. Moreno re-introduced Michael Berwanger, Managing Director, PFM, Greg Herrington, Partner, Public Finance, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, Ruth Pan, Goldman and Sachs and clarified their credentials. Authority Member Moreno explained he wished to seek the public's input on this item as he did not have an opportunity to do so previously due to legal privilege. He advised he would abstain from this item because the process was not transparent to the public. Authority Member Kring moved to approve Item No. 2-A, seconded by Authority Member O'Neil. ROLL CALL VOTE: 6-0-1 (AYES: Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members Kring, Barnes, Brandman, Faessel, and O'Neil; ABSTENTION: Authority Member Moreno). Motion carried. City Council Action: 2-B. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the execution and delivery of a Purchase Contract and a Continuing Disclosure Agreement in connection with the issuance by the Anaheim Public Financing Authority of its Anaheim Public Financing Authority Senior Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Public Improvements Project), Series 2019 A, and Anaheim Public Financing Authority Senior Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Public Improvements Project), Series 2019 B (taxable), approving the issuance of said bonds and the form of a Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust pursuant to which said bonds are to be issued, authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement in connection therewith and authorizing other matters related thereto. Mayor Pro Tern Kring moved to approve Item No. 2-B, seconded by Council Member O'Neil. ROLL CALL VOTE: 6-0-1 (AYES: Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Kring, Barnes, Brandman, Faessel, and O'Neil; ABSTENTION: Council Member Moreno). Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, without objection, Chairman Sidhu adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority at 7:42 P.M. Respec si:J. ted, 4721. Theresa Bass, MC Secretary, Anaheim Public Financing Authority