Public Comments Received 03/26/20 Council MeetingJennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, item ## ok , Distributed ed to majority Of City Council within 72 h o u rs of %L0, I . _meeting. Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:04 AM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Morena; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faesse I Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 Pu bIicCommentSpecialCCM032620_Distri butedO32620_O 1.pdf Attached are public comments (5 emails) received as of 11am, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC" City Clerk City of A nah eim 200 S Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: tbas s anaheim. net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4105 1 Public Comment From: Diana Kotler , Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:53 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter of Support Anaheim Economic Relief Package Attachments: Mayors Economic Packag e.pdf Good morning, In support of the Economic Relief Package to be considered by the Anaheim City Council later today, please forward the enclosed letter of support to all Anaheim City Councilmembers. Thank you for your assistance and should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Diana Kotler etar� t � rp , r � . Anaheim Transportation Network Anaheim. CA 92805 March 26, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: SUPPORT OF ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND RECOVERY PACKAGE Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, On behalf of the Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN), I'm writing to express our support for the Mayor's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. ATN provides a menu of transportation services for the general public in the greater Anaheim region. These programs include a network of fixed routes throughout Anaheim and on -demand MicroTransit services in our local neighborhoods. As similar actions have been taken at the state and federal level, we believe the Mayor's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package will support local residents, employees and businesses through the challenges facing our community. The $15 million assistance package, combined with the proposed policy changes, will provide immediate and much-needed assistance to those in Anaheim most affected by the crisis. Like other businesses, we are working diligently to keep our workforce employed. The package before you this evening will help bring stability to the business community, which will benefit employees and residents throughout Anaheim. Thank you for your leadership, and consideration of our views. Sincerely, Liana Kotier Executive Director Public Comment From: John Machiaverna Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: John Machiaverna Subject: Public Comment March 26 2020 The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress March 26, 2020 Dear Honorable Mayor Harry Sidhu of Anaheim, I doubt that this will come as a surprise to you but the outbreak of COVID-19 has hit our organization hard. As it would be unsafe for the children to come to our Clubs, we have had to shut our doors for the foreseeable future. As an organization that has long prided itself on the ability to say we never turn a child away, we are distressed to say that we have now had to turn away children, families, and even our own employees. As you may know, Anaheim has the greatest concentration of at -risk children and families in all of Orange County. 80% of our young members fall well below the poverty line and all of them rely on us for daily lunch and dinner. Additionally, our dedicated staff are looking at an extended period of time where we will not have work for them to perform in order to receive a living income. We know that our needs are not unique, but we do know that, as a direct result of our doors closing, over 375 children who would have come to our various Clubs on any given day are now left with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. Our mission is to "inspire and empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as caring, responsible, productive citizens." Without additional government support, it is unlikely that we will be able to see that mission through. While we are still supplying emergency food distributions to feed our community, this is merely a band aid over a serious situation. We are asking that you help us to support our children, families, and employees so that no one falls through the cracks. Any funding you can provide to help us manage these difficult times would be greatly appreciated. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim has been a significant part of our community for over 3 0 years. We hope to return to normal and resume serving youth with the quality programming that has become expected from our Clubs. We can do this with your help. Thank you, on behalf of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress as well as the children and families of our community. we are optimistic that our partnership with Anaheim will continue to grow and flourish. Together we have made great strides in our community and the work that has been done in Manzanita Park must continue. We cannot allow what has been accomplished to fade away; we have all worked extremely hard to give our community their park back and allow the children to utilize the facility for its intended use. Sincerely, John Machiaverna Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress Public Comment From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 10:2$ AM To: Public Comment Cc: Subject: Anaheim City Council abusing National Emergency, Public Comments Attachments: Public Comment.pdf Attached Public Comment for March 26, 2020 "Secret" special council meeting. RE: Agenda item to give millions of dollars from city reserve accounts to friends of council members. Prevent Freedom of Speech to council residents.. I Anaheim City Council Comments, March 26, 2020, Agenda Item # 1 VIA EMAIL TO: 1)ubliccomment'i_.anaheim.net FROM: Home Owners Maintaining our Environment A "secrets' special council meeting is scheduled today with questionable same-day advance public notice. The one agenda item is to give millions in public funds to the friends of council members and indirectly to themselves. The Anaheim City Council members being led by their Mayor Harish S. Sidue has lowered themselves again by exploiting the National Emergency. They are preventing public participation from rejecting verbal comments at their council meetings. The ruling of "to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise" requires comments to be made "telephonic," which is by voice. Mayor Harish S. Sidue and his cabal on the city council have maliciously interpreted the rule to mean only in writing, not telephonic. Several methods could be used to allow "The Rights to Freedom of Speech" voice comments for the residents of Anaheim. One method would be a simple telephone -answering unit limiting incoming public comments to three minutes, then playing the recordings at the council meeting during the public comment periods. As a bare minimum, the city council should have a clerk read the submitted written public comments during the public comments periods at the council meetings. It is known from the idiotic questions made by council members to their staff at council meetings, that they have rarely bothered to read written critical staff reports given to them prior to the council meetings. Therefore, since they rarely read critical written staff reports, they will almost never read any written public comments submitted to them. Public Participation for City Council Meetings in Response to COVIDW19 SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING COVID-19 On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California as a result of the threat of COVID-19. Can March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20 (superseding the Brown Act -related provisions of Executive Order N-25-20 issued on March 12, 2020), which allows a local legislative body to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and to address the local legislative body. Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, please be advised that the Anaheim City Council will participate in meetings telephonically. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Pursuant to Executive N-29-20 and given the current health concerns, members of the public can access meetings live on-line, with audio and limited video, at www-anahe*lm.net/councilvidens and on cable channel 3. In addition, members of the public can submit comments electronically for city Council consideration by sending them to publiccomment a@anaheim.net. To ensure distribution to the city Council prior to consideration of the agenda, please submit comments prior to 3:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. Those comments, as well as any comments received after 3:00 P.M., will be distributed to the City council and will be made part of the official public record of the meeting. Contact the city Clerk's office at 714-765-5166 or cityclerk a anaheim.net with any questions. ACCESSIBILITY: If requested, the agenda and backup materials will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Any person who requires a disability -related modification or accommodation, in order to observe and/or offer public comment may request such reasonable modification, accommodation, aid, or service by contacting the City clerk's Office by telephone at (714) 765-5166 or via email to cityclerkanaheim.net, no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the scheduled meeting. Cou■ aff Agendas J, e s ti----�- r City Council Agendas ActionAgendas 0" CnunciI Videos �� y iil�IF View -City council Meetings Lige & Archived 2020 city Council Meeting Calendar Enable Google Translate Public Comment From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 10:50 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Tonight's Agenda Dear city counsel Members, There is an item on the agenda proposing to spend $15,000,000 of city Reserves to address the impact of COVID-19. While this is great, one big problem I see is that it proposes the city spend $6,500,000 on Marketing. That is completely too high and way out of line. I hope you would agree. That money may be better utilized on resources such as medical equipment and PPE's and masks to address future viruses. Especially considering this virus could become a seasonal virus or could mutate into another similarly deadly virus. Please reconsider. Douglas Cohen, CEO Policy 1 Insurance Services, LLC Anaheim Business owner Public Comment From: Johnny Bellini Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 10:37 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Republic business trash services Thank you for taking my question. I manage a small business in the Yorba Linda 1 Anaheim area. When I called Republic Trash to see if we could suspend trash pick up and save money at this difficult time on billing. I was told no I cannot cancel the service or suspended service. that they will continue to do trash pick-ups and invoice me even though there's no trash to be picked up. I find this outrageous during this difficult time that they're going to continue to invoice small businesses for trash when there's no trash to be picked up. Is anybody talking with Republic trash about suspending service for businesses that do not have any trash and are closed due to mandates? Thank you Maria Wood Home Consignment Center Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android item # y �. Distributed to f"��iority of City Council witiliN i2 hours of6t9�jj_l -- , r eetir ff Jennifer L. Hall IL % __ .. __%". From: Loretta Day Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:33 AM To: Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno Cc: Samantha Saenz; Salvador Figueroa; Marisol Ramirez; Theresa Bass; Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/26/2020 01 From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Thursday, March 26, 202010:33 AM To: Loretta Day eLDay@anaheim.net> Cc: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil @anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaesseI@anaheim.net>; Council <council@anaheim.net>; Chris Zapata <CZapata@anaheim.net>; Sandra Sagert <SSagert@anaheim.net,; Tracy Urueta Jodie Mosley (W ANA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH) Amanda Edinger (Policy Aide to ANA Council Faessel) Robert Fabela <RFabela@anaheim.net> Subject: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/25/2020 Ms. Day, Please enter into record my AGAINST vote below for the Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan. Please make sure it is entered because, that entire council, including the Mayor, stated at last meeting they Were not in receipt of any emails regarding the subject even though you had sent me a receipt. Please send me a receipt on this item as Well (I know you will). AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN Really? $'15,000,000 with only $2,000,000 going to residents and $0,000,000 MORE THROWN AT THOSE WORTHLESS DEADBEAT LAZY -A$$ CRIMINAL TRANSIENTS, and the rest going to your Favorite businesses? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,.... that's a big FAT N 0 You jumped the gun just hours before the stimulus package was approved. This is NOT something which should be done locally, rather, this should come from our CA Governor (see Arizona Governor Ducey's order for the entire state). STOP IT! our President has already handled it! APPARENTLY THIS CITY HAS MONEY TO BLOW! KATHY CHANCE D=1 Jennifer L. Hai! From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, Item # . Distributed to T�nejorit o1K City council Within i2 hours of 4o meeting. Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:13 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (2nd Distribution) PublicCommentSpecialCCM032620 Distributed032520_02.pdf Attached are public comments (15 emails) received as of 2:00 pm, Thursday March 25, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City of Anaheim 200 S Anaheim Blvd #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: thas s . anaheim. net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4105 Public Comment From: George Grachen Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 11:44 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Visit Anaheim Why are we giving a grant to Visit Anaheim when the State of California has stated that all tourist attractions are to be closed. what is this money going to be used for? wages to the tourist industry employees? Please detail the intent of this grant since it is not listed on the agenda item or in the staff report. Thank you, Sent from Mail for windows 10 Public Comment From: Lyndsey lefebvre Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:03 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment for 3/26 Special Meeting Mayor and City Council Members, At this time of crisis in our country, state, county, and cities, it is essential that elected officials consider the need to meet the moment of crisis head on. Considering the needs of the community is housing, health, and safety, it seems to be a knee jerk reaction to provide $6.5 million to Visit Anaheim in the start of this crisis - no where near the end of it. we are at the start of a crisis - I hope you will consider the needs of the most vulnerable in your decisions. Most of the regular people who live in Anaheim are not concerned with the public's love and desire to come to our Resort Area - they are concerned with public health and their ability to protect their own fragile status quo. Lyndsey Lefebvre, La Habra Resident Forever Anaheim-er Public Comment From: Julia Humphrey Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Marketing funds in Crisis? No monies should be frivolously spent while we are in crisis mode! Shame! Spend wisely and anticipate needs of our medical teams and economic recovery! ! r So no appropriate funds for Marketing! __ Sent from Gmail Mobile Public Comment From: Denise Barnes Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:27 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Test Denise Barnes Anaheim City Councilwoman, District 1 0 Public Comment From: Fred Brown Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 12:22 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter of Support - Anaheim Economic Relief Package Attachments: Letter to City Cou nci Ldoc Good afternoon, In support of the Economic Relief Package to be considered by the Anaheim City Council later today, please forward the enclosed letter of support to all Anaheim City Councilmembers. Thank you for your assistance and should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Fred LKL H A N S J Fred Bro-%vn Hansji Corporation Aiiahei-rn, CA 92802 This message and any attached documents contain information from Hansji Corporation that may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you._upport 1 DESERT PALMS HOTEL &SUITES ANAHEIM RES•"iii March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending With the Worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am Writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in World history. As With similar actions taken at the state and federal level, We support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city Workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening, March 25, 2020. Sincerely, Fred Brown General Manager Desert Palms Hotel & Suites ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92802 • Public Comment From: Fred Brown Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:27 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter of Support - Anaheim Economic Relief Package Attachments: Del Sol Inn - Letter to City Council.docx Good afternoon, In support of the Economic Relief Package to be considered by the Anaheim City Council later today, please forward the enclosed letter of support to all Anaheim City Councilmembers. Thank you for your assistance and should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Fred MxJ H A N S J I Fred Brown Hangii Corxnora.tinn Analien'n, CA 280 This message and any attached documents contain information from Hansji Corporation that may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you. Supgart An 0 cw 1606COV *a ot tKK JAN[A lErM Rnoity March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to tape steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening, March 25, 2020. Sincerely, Fred Brown Vice President of operations Hansj i Corporation Anaheim Del Sol Inn Anaheim, CA 92802 - Public Comment From: Beverley Rooney Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 1 2:38 PM To: Public Comment Subject: 3/26 Meeting I understand there is a proposal to spend $15 M of City Reserves to address impact of COVID-1 9. I don't think it is important for the City Manger to spend $6,500,000 of this money at this time for Marketing and would think the money be better spent on medical equipment if needed. Beverley Rooney Concerned AH Citizen Public Comment From: Jared Franz Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:44 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Accounts Payable Will the city be making payments to vendors and suppliers during this time? Thanks, Jared Jared Franz Cornorate Controller HUFCQR, Inc. Janesville, VVI 53545 UPCOR ID shaping your experlertce Hufcor's Privacy Policy and Legal Notices click [sere Public Comment From: George Grachen Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:31 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Visit Anaheim Why are we giving a grant to Visit Anaheim when the State of California has stated that all tourist attractions are to be closed. What is this money going to be used for? wages to the tourist industry employees? Please detail the intent of this grant since it is not listed on the agenda item or in the staff report. Thank you, Sent from Mail for windows 10 Theresa Bass From: William Leming Sent: Thursday, March Z6, 2020 11:23 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Lucille bring; Trevor O'Neil; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno Cc: publiccomment@anaheim.net.; City Clerk Subject: City of Anaheim Special Meeting. Mr. Mayor & Members of the City Council, The proposal to spend $15,000,000 of City Reserves to address the impact of COVID-19 is the right thing to do at this time. Issue I have with it is on page 6 of 5 to spend $6,500.000 on Marketing at this time when we need to make sure we have the medical equipment available to address this and future viruses. It wou Id be better to i ncrease fu n d s, to "Anaheim Community Foundation" noted in the b IIet item on page 5 then spend $6,500,000 on marketing. I believe we should spend the funds to help people not marketing. There will be a time in the near future to address those type of issues. Thank you, William ( Bill) Leming - GRI T ULLIAM L.LMING Real Estate Coutpany Anaheim, CA 92801 Theresa Bass From: Frank Joseph Seat: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:42 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Rental assistance for small business my name is Frank Joseph I have been in the city of Anaheim doing business since 19801 have a hair salon which was ordered closed by the county, city and state I am hoping that the city can help m Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Theresa Bass From: Stacey Watters Sent: Thursday, March 2b, 2020 11:51 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Rent & Mortgage Good Afternoon, I wanted to reach out in an effort to gain more information on what is to be done about individuals who have been dismissed from work due to COVID-19 and cannot make rent payments. Has there been any call to action on this matter? Thank you, Stacey Watters Public Comment From: David Mazer Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:24 PM To: Public Comment Subject: DO NOT REQIRE VERIFICATION Dear sir. I would like to share something with you regarding evictions. As per Governor Newsome's executive order he stated " that's the last thing seniors should worry about is a place to live." find your proposal very sound, with one flaw. That seniors over fo years old provide proof to the Landlord how Covit-1 9 has affected them. Pursuant to President Trump, his Task Force, the Center for Disease Control, and the Army Center for Infectious Disease Control. They all agree on one thing. That seniors with pre-existing conditions over the age of 50 should not go outside. If the Landlord is already aware that you have a pre-existing condition, then I do not feel you have to share any additional information regarding your medical condition to prove the effect that Covert -19 has had on us. Being a senior 73 years old, with a pre-existing condition, COPD and Cancer I do not believe that we as tenants should have to violate the Patient -Doctor confidentiality rules. At this point in time I believe that seniors should be investing and things that will maintain their health and stock up for at least two weeks as recommended by the CDC. In addition they can invest in an air purifiers with germicidal lights, and food for 2 weeks, rather than be required to pay the rent on time. This will also minimize the number of trips that have to be made to grocery stores and taking a chance in coming in contact with those already infected with this deadly virus. As an Amateur Radio Operator for almost 55 years, I have discussed this with hundreds of rental tenants in Anaheim. The rest of the proposal seems very fair, keeping in mind that most seniors do not get their checks until the 3rd of June, So setting a date of June 5th, would be very helpful to those seniors. Thanking you, I remain, Sincerely, David M Mazer Public Comment From: John Machiaverna Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:29 PM To: Public Comment; Public Comment Cc: Mayra Martin; John Machiaverna; Harry 5idhu (Mayor); sfaessel@anheim.net; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring Subject: Mayors Recovery Fund Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, As I shared earlier, the Boys and Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress have been hit hard along with many members of our community contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After reviewing the City's agenda item tonight, I am writing to urge your support for the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. The funding set aside to support the immediate work of the city's non-profit organizations is essential and will have a very real and positive impact on the kids and families we serve at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress. Please remember on July 1, 2020 the Manzanita Park Facility will become an officially recognized county approved Family Resource Center facility. It's also critical to include funding to Visit Anaheim to stem the loss of jobs in our heaviest hit industries and ensure the city can expedite its recovery and get people back to work quickly. The loss of Transit Occupancy Taxes (TOT), sales taxes, and other revenue sources will also continue to impact city services long after the quarantine has ended. The sooner our industries are back to full strength; the sooner our city funding is restored as well for vital city services. We need to work together to minimize local impacts and this package, along with state and federal economic assistance, will make this possible. Thank you for your leadership at this difficult time. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening. Sincerely, John Machiaverna Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress Theresa Bass From: Adam Wood Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:05 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: BIA/0C Comment Letter Attachments: BIAOC Comment Letter.pdf Hi Theresa, Please see the attached letter for tonight's Council meeting. Please distribute to the Council as soon as possible. Thank you! -Adam Adam S. Wood Director of Government Affairs Building Industry Association I Orange County Chapter (BIA/OC) Irvine, CA 92614 Building Industry Association of Southern California, Inc. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER March 26, 2020 Mayor Harry S idhu City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 RE; ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN Honorable Mayor and Council Members, The past several weeks have seen unprecedented impacts to our local and global community. The State and Federal directives to remain home were nearly unimaginable until they were reality. The economic impact this will have can not be overstated. It is therefore important to realize that before the COVID-19 crisis, we in California were suffering from a Housing Supply Crisis. The orders to shelter in your homes exacerbated the crushing need for housing in California to meet the demand. Thus, it is with great optimism we see the City of Anaheim again leading the way through this difficult time with the Economic Recovery Plan proposed. Measures included in the Staff Report calling for "extending time frames as necessary to facilitate development, deferring, reducing, or waiving fees, expediting the plan check and review process" and further regulatory relief measures are exactly what is needed to again solidify Anaheim as a leader in California. We also know there will be a great deal of work needed to make good on these proposals. We offer the experience and knowledge of our Association in providing the assistance necessary to implement these plans. Again, it is exciting to see Anaheim again rising to the top and creating a roadmap to recovery. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Respectfully, 7 _a Steven C. LaMotte Chapter Executive officer PRESIDENT SUNTI KUMJIM MBK RENTAL LIVING VICE PRESIDENT ERIC NELSON TRUMARK HOMES TREASURER BROOKE DOI SHEA HOMES SECRETARY NICOLE MURRAY TAYLOR MORRISON IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT RICK WOOD TRI POINTE HOMES TRADE CONTRACTOR V.P. ALAN BOUDREAU BOUDREAU PIPELINE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT MARK HIMMELSTEIN NEWMEYER & DILLION, LLP MEMBER -AT -LARGE PETER VANEK INTEGRAL COMMUNITIES MEMBER--AT-LARGE SEAN MATSLER COX CASTLE & NICHOLSON, LLP EXECUTIVE OFFICER STEVE LA MOTTE Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, Item #�\ , Distributed to majority of City Council within 72 hours of _meeting. Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:21 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; aamantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisoi Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (3rd Distribution) Pu blicCommentSperialCCM032620_Distributed032620_03.pdf Attached are public comments (19 emails) received as of 3:00 pm, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City ofAnaheim 200 S Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: Mass, anaheim.net Phone: (714) 765-5166 I Fax: (714) 765-4105 1 Theresa Bass From: Kath a ryn Q. M u n iz Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:32 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Bring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Cc: Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Theresa Bass Subject: PLEASE VOTE YES FOR ITEM #1 - Special Council Meeting, March 26, 2020 Attachments: 2020-03-26 Support - Anaheim City Council Item #1.pdf Importance: High Dear Mayor Sidhu and honored Council Members, Please see attached letter of support for Item #1 on tonight's special council meeting agenda. Thank you for your service and dedication to the youth of Anaheim. Sincerely, Katharyn O. Muniz Chief Executive Officer �fPRWDLYs¢NGOUR ceMMUN9V ORANGE COUNTY C+��J5E1�1�l�,�1C7N CORPS "The Orange Count)} Conservation Corps tram forms one life at a thne through hard work and personal responsibility " i 1F ORANGE COUNTY CONSERVATION CORPS March 26, 2020 The Hon. Harry Sidhu Mayor of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, 7t" Floor Anaheim, CA 92505 SUBJECT: March 20, 2020, Council Meeting Agenda Item #1 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the City Council: For over 25 years, the orange County Conservation Corps (CCCC) has served orange County as a premiere nonprofit partner to our county, municipal, and educational agencies as a partner in workforce development, disaster operations, and community services. For reference, I have attached a flyer that describes or local functional capacities. We are proud to call the City of Anaheim home to our headquarters. We create a safety net and career pathways for at -risk young adults throughout the county, focusing on the 5% of the county's young adults who are considered "'disconnected" — individuals who are neither in school nor working and much more likely than their connected peers to become homeless, join gangs, or become incarcerated. By giving these young people opportunities to work on the region's critical disaster relief and environmental management projects, we provide them paid work experience, mentoring and life skills, and pathways to high school diplomas and careers. For 70% of o r Corpsmembers, the ❑CCC is their first job. The effect is clear: quality of life, social cohesion, and economic outcomes are improved for our Corpsmembers and their families, while poverty and crime go down. It's this experience that makes CCCC acutely aware of the devastating impact the novel coronavirus/CCVID-19 crisis has had on our Anaheim community and our Corpsmembers. CCCC serves 550 youth annually, 50% of whom are Anaheim residents. Every single one has been impacted personally or through family. In addition, more than 50 Corps alumni have been laid off from their jobs and are reaching out to the CCCC seeking emergency employment and resources. These are Corpsmembers who have successfully completed one of our programs and have transitioned to outside employment, only to lose it. They and their fellow Corpsmembers need our community's support, especially as we ask them to fulfill our region's critical disaster relief needs. Given these dire circumstances we are facing together, I was heartened to see that the City Council is considering Item 01 as an initial relief package to bolster critical city services and support the economic engines that we will rely on to recover from this crisis. On behalf of the CCCC, its staff, and its Corpsmembers, I strongly and respectfully urge you to vote in favor of Item #1 on tonight's agenda. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text me at Thank you for your kind attention. incerely , � _ti ha;,Muniz C�k-- Cc: Members of the City Council City Manager Chris Zapata Orange County Conservation Corps I Anaheim, CA 92801 Orange County Conservations Corps (OCCC) are boots -on -the -ground at the front lines in helping Orange County's communities prepare for and respond to crises and natural disasters. Our crews work alongside Local, regional, and state partners to deliver swift and effective solutions when it matters most. when disaster strikes OCCC has resources, equipment, and hundreds of trained staff ready to respond throughout the county. We know aur communities intimately and can assist partners to engage effectiveLy. OCCC work in the City of Anaheim + Fuel load reduction (fire risk areas —Deer Canyon Park, Pelanconi Park, Oak Canyon Nature Center) Native plant installation Native tree installation Split -rail fence instaLLation General Landscaping (weed abatement) ALLeyway clean-up (Litter and debris removal) Tree maintenance support with city crews Flood channel Litter and graffiti abatement Homeless encampment removal Bus stop cleaning and maintenance Homeless shelter assistance (building beds) Community Event Assistance (Labor for events) E -waste and waste Tire collection from city alleyways and streets Neighborhood Clean-up with city agencies and Waste Hauler Street/sidewalk debris clearing Fire restoration and trail delineation v Water + Food Delivery */ Jan itoriaVDisinfection v Language Translation & Communication v inventory & Organization Other CRC Services Traffic Control v Distribution Supply Delivery / Logistical Support for Disease Testing Centers Meat Delivery for the Home -Bound or Quarantined Set-up/Tear-dawn for Emergency Centers •� Emergency Center Staffing OCCC is state -certified and able to contract directly via the California Emergency Services Act with the office of Emergency Services (CA Gov Code Section 8585.8). Orange County Conservation Corps Anaheim, CA 92801 Let's stay safe and get to work. Theresa Bass From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:35 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please attach to the record for the council meeting tonight and give a copy to all members Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a couple of points of input on the urgency funding proposal before you this evening. Like everyone, I recognize the absolutely unprecedented nature of the impact the COVID-19 outbreak has had on our community, state, nation and world. I am happy to see that the City Council is actively working to identify solutions to so many of the issues we are now faced with - and I firmly support the funding proposal before you tonight. I believe it is our responsibility to call upon the considerable assets of the City of Anaheim to support the residents and businesses of our community as we work together to get through the challenges this generational epidemic presents. In reviewing the proposal, there are three key points that I'd like to bring to your attention in an effort to ensure that this emergency legislation best serves the needs of our community and concentrates the use of the City's resources most effectively. In the interest of brevity, those points are listed as follows: 1. Dedication of funds to support City workforce continuity: While I wholly support the concept of providing necessary financial support to our business and workforce community, I think it is important that the legislation provide a bit more clarity as to specifically how those funds will be utilized. Particularly, I'd like to suggest clarifying the language to explicitly state that the funds will be utilized in a tiered manner to first support Anaheim -based businesses that employ Anaheim residents, with any remaining funds being allocated to Anaheim -based businesses that do not maintain a workforce that includes Anaheim residents. 2. Use of funds to support tourism advertising: Given the significance and importance of tourism to the economy of the City of Anaheim, I agree that it is critical that the City make every effort to promote the world-class attractions that are unique to Anaheim. In an effort to maximize the impact and benefit that the City derives from the use of its advertising dollars, I think it would be prudent to wait on the deployment of an advertising program until local quarantines, shelter -in-place and safer at home measures are lifted. Further, I believe that until there is a clearer picture as to when life will return to "normal" (whatever normal looks like moving forward), our advertising dollars would be misspent if we were to deploy a program too soon. I Would defer to the experts in the advertising industry for their input on this - but it just seems a bit premature to roll out an advertising program. 3. Waiver of various City fees: This is another idea that I am fully supportive of. However, the language as it is currently written does not offer a definitive end-point as to when this fee waiver period will expire. The collection of City fees is a significant source of revenue for the City - and while I strongly believe this is not the time for the City to be worrying about the collection of various fees, I do think that it would be prudent to implement language that establishes a timeline of three (3) months in which the City Manager has the discretion to waive fees. At the end of that period, the City Council can evaluate whether the need is still in place for the waiver of fees, or if the City can be moving back towards a more "business as usual" approach to the collection of its revenue generating fees. Thank you for the opportunity to provide my input - I am hopeful that it is helpful in fostering a thoughtful discussion of these issues. As a resident of the City, I am thankful for your leadership during these challenging times. I know it is not an easy job. Should you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best, Ryan Balius Theresa Bass From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello Theresa and Jennifer, Lauren Torres Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:53 PM Theresa Bass Jennifer L. Hall Call Re: Emergency Council Meeting - Reserve Fund FYI-- A resident just called our office, wishing to leave the following comment about tonight"s meeting: "`The reserve fund should be used on the homeless and residents, not for businesses and advertising." Name: R. Joshua Collins Phone Number: Thank you, Lauren Torres Senior Secretary Office of the Mayor and City Council Itorres Civanaheim.net 714-765-4393 Public Comment From: John Machiaverni Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:32 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Mayors recovery fund Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, As I shared earlier, the Boys and Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress have been hit hard along with many members of our community contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After reviewing the City's agenda item tonight, I am writing to urge your support for the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. The funding set aside to support the immediate work of the city's non-profit organizations is essential and will have a very real and positive impact on the kids we serve at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress. It's also critical to include funding to Visit Anaheim to stem the loss of jobs in our heaviest hit industries and ensure the city can expedite its recovery and get people back to work quickly. The loss of Transit occupancy Taxes (TOT), sales taxes, and other revenue sources will also continue to impact city services long after the quarantine has ended. The sooner our industries are back to full strength; the sooner our city funding is restored as well for vital city services. We need to work together to minimize local impacts and this package, along with state and federal economic assistance, will make this possible. Thank you for your leadership at this difficult time. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening. Sincerely, John Machiaverna Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: John Machiaverna Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Mayra Martin; John Machiaverna Subject: Mayors Recovery Fund Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council! As I shared earlier, the Boys and Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress have been hit hard along with many members of our community contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After reviewing the City's agenda item tonight, I am writing to urge your support for the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. The funding set aside to support the immediate work of the city's non-profit organizations is essential and will have a very real and positive impact on the kids and their families we serve at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim -Cypress. Please remember that as of July 1, 2020 The Manzanita Park Facility will become a full-fledged County recognized Family Resource Center. It's also critical to include funding to Visit Anaheim to stem the loss of jobs in our heaviest hit industries and ensure the city can expedite its recovery and get people back to work quickly. The loss of Transit Occupancy Taxes (TOT), sales taxes, and other revenue sources will also continue to impact city services long after the quarantine has ended. The sooner our industries are back to full strength; the sooner our city funding is restored as well for vital city services. We need to work together to minimize local impacts and this package, along with state and federal economic assistance, will make this possible. Thank you for your leadership at this difficult time. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening. Sincerely, John Machiaverna Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress Public Comment From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:17 PM To: Public Comment Attachments: Please also include the number of recovered. Thank you le -e WO This m sage was tc you Lv a T.Mob ilo iviralms phano, Public Comment From: SHEENA INNOCENTE Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:22 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public comments Dear Anaheim City Council, I want to strongly encourage you to take immediate actions which will provide new housing units to those deemed most vulnerable to COVID-19 and currently residing in an emergency shelter. It would be detrimental to the entire Orange County community if COVID-19 were to infect a large number of people at the same time. Our health professionals, housekeeping, and janitors at hospitals are counting on you to keep the spread of COVID-19 to a minimum in our community. Please take action now. Best regards, Sheena Innocente, MSW Public Comment From: Mark Daniels Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:28 PM To: Public Comment Subject: NOW! ... Is Not The Time To 'Prop Up' Private industry (corporate bailout) now is the time to 'Prop Up' the "Mom -&-Pop" small businesses that pay their tax here in Anaheim, those who are in 'Dire Needs, Should Come First, Corporate will take care of i tse... NOW! ...Is Not The Time To 'Prop Up' Private industry (corporate bailout) now is the time to 'Prop Up' the "Mom -&-Pap" small businesses that pay their tax here in Anaheim, those who are in 'Dire Needs, Should Come First, Corporate will take care of itself, you should not be giving public funds to Private industry, that would be the role of the Federal Government and I'm sure they'll take care of that. Thank You, and Good Nite 1 Mark Richard Daniels Born in Anaheim 1958 Public Comment From: Regina willis Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:43 PM To: Rachel Miller; Public Comment Subject: Agenda for tonight's CityCouncil Meeting To whom Ot May Concern, Please note that we are business owners and homeowners in the Anaheim Hills area. We are aware that there is a City Council meeting tonight and discussion of a proposal to spend $15,000,000 of City Reserves to address the impact of COVID-1 9. The main concern we have is on page 6 of 6 that states that $6,500.000 would be spent on marketing. We feel that that is an exuberant amount of money to spend in marketing when there's so many other ways to allocate those funds. One way to is to allocate funding for medical supplies and education to combat the deadly virus COVID-1 9. This virus is proving to be unpredictable seemingly for years to come and to spend money on marketing feels a little irresponsible at this time. We appreciate your time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully, Regina Willis Public Comment From: Veronica Rod a rte Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:51 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Proposed Resort Assistance Hello, I am writing to express my disagreement with the proposed resort assistance. I believe it is premature to authorize use of general funds from the City for unclear marketing purposes. while I understand that the loss of resort revenues will have an impact on the City's overall revenues, I do not believe it is prudent of the Council to authorize this expense amidst uncertainty. The impact to the resort area is unknown at this time and it is also unknown whether they have their own resources to use for marketing purposes. There are thousands of Anaheim residents who will need assistance as a result of this crisis and prior to authorizing expenditures, the City needs to consider these first. Thank you, Veronica Rodarte Public Comment From: Vickie Talley Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2020 2:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Peter Herzog; Robert Evans Subject: March 26 2020 Agenda Item #01 - Support Mayor Sidhu and Members of the City Council, The So Cal Chapter of NAIOP, Commercial Real Estate Development Association, supports your efforts to address the hardships being faced by Anaheim residents and business owners with an impressive Economic Recovery Plan. NAIDP members are on the front lines providing work places for Anaheim residents and are in a unique position to provide any support you may need in the implementation of the Economic Recovery Plan. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You are to be commended for your leadership and dedication to the City of Anaheim. Thank you, Vickie Talley COM ER IAL REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION SoCAL CHAPTER Vickie Talley, Director of Legislative Affairs NAIO P SoCal Commercial Real Estate Development Association Laguna Hills, California 92653 Please visit the SoCal Legislative Update at www.naiopsocal.org The NAIOP SoCal Chapter represents commercial real estate professionals in orange and Los Angeles Counties. This email is intended for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. No one is authorized to copy, re -use, disclose, distribute, take action or rely on this email or any information contained in it. If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you please notify us by reply email and destroy all copies of the message and any attachments. Thank you for your prompt attention. Public Comment From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:03 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Help Anaheim Residents Hello, I would like to sa at that I am disgusted with our city leadership. If you actually paid attention to the city residents you would know that Thousands of us are worried about rent. Stop helping everyone but us!!!!! Do the right thing or more of us will rise up during voting time ... we will vote you out f ! ! A frustrated resident that actually warps and lives in Anaheim, Yesenia Salgado Beatty Sent from nay Sprint Samsung Galey S 10+. Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Subject: Mayor and Council Members, Gloria Maae Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:59 PM Council Special Meeting March 26th I appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through the COWD 19 crisis. I understand that City funding is impacted, like residents and businesses, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, I support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. I also support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your continued due diligence and ongoing leadership especially during these trying times. I urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2024. Gloria Ma'ae Jennifer L. Hall From: Ian Gee Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:29 PM To: Council Subject: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sid.docx Please see attached letter of support for Mayor Sidhu's emergency proposal to be considered in today's special meeting. S Ian Gee to N%M General Manager Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort Anaheim, GA 92802 Marriotf.com/S NAPS Website I like us on Facebaok I follow us on Twitter 1 elmi r tS � ftj� 0*0 w SHERATON Park Hotet at the Anaheim Resort March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Ian Gee General Manager Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort Jennifer L. Hail From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 10:33 AM To: Loretta Day Cc: Denise Barnes; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Council; Chris Zapata; Sandra Sagert; Tracy Urueta; Jodie Mosley (1N ANA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH); Amanda Edinger (Policy Aide to ANA Council Faessel); Robert Fabela Subject: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/26/2020 Ms. Day, Please enter into record my AGAINST vote below for the Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan. Please make sure it is entered because, that entire council, including the Mayor, stated at last meeting they were not in receipt of any emails regarding the subject even though you had sent me a receipt. Please send me a receipt on this item as well (I know you will). AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN Really? $15,000,000 with only $2,000,000 going to residents and $6,000,000 MORE THROWN AT THOSE WORTHLESS DEADBEAT LAZY -A$$ CRIMINAL TRANSIENTS, and the rest going to your Favorite businesses? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,.... that's a big FAT N 0 0 You jumped the gun just hours before the stimulus package was approved. This is NOT something which should be done locally, rather, this should come from our CA Governor (see Arizona Governor Ducey's Order for the entire state). STOP IT! our President has already handled it! APPARENTLY THIS CITY HAS MONEY TO BLOW! KATHY CHANCE D -'l Jennifer L. Hal[ From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Karen Lorton -Vella GENERAL MANAGER Flafti "Ield *T Rtk*kms Fairfield by Marriott Anaheim Resort /Anaheim, CA 92802 Lorton, Daren Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:41 PM Council Economic Assistance and Recovery Package for Anaheim Letter of Support.Mayor Sid.docx This communication contains information from Marriott international, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, andlor using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. Yaliffl,eld BY MARRIOTT Anaheim CA 92802 March 25, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 25, 2020. Sincerely, Karen Lorton -Vella General Manager Fairfield by Marriott Anaheim Resort Jennifer L. Hall From: Molly A. Robison (HCS Grange 0571) Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:32 PIM To: Council Subject: Letter of Support - Mayor Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: SORPR21820032613320.pdf Good afternoon, [Members of the City Council, Please see a letter attached from Jeff Farano, Sr., Corporate Counsel of SA Recycling. Thank you Molly Robison Executive Assistant to Vice President SA Recycling Orange, CA 92865 GOT SCRAP. Orange, CA 92865 Office: Fax: ---� Recycling March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the CCVID-1 9 pandemic. On behalf of the 150 employees at the SA Recycling Anaheim facility and as long time community leader, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, life our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support 'the Mayor's request to approve a $ 15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sinc Jeff � ara- .sq. SA .I / ,`ycling Jennifer L. Hall From: Sal Ortiz Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:52 PM To: Council Subject: Letter or City Council to Approve & Support Mayors Economic Recovery Pack SOrtiz 3.26.20 Attachments: Letter to request support for the Mayors Economic Recovery Package SOrtiz 3.26.20.pdf Goof Afternoon, Please see my attached letter requesting support for the Mayors Recovery Package. Kindest Regards, Sal Ortiz, CAM, CORM, MCM, CPC Newport Pacific Regional Property Manager Friendly Villaee of Anaehim Anaehim, CA 92807 Newport Pacific Capital Co., Inc Irvine, CA 92614 NEWPORT PACIFIC FAMILY OF COMPANIES CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION This e-mail transmission contains confidential information which is intended only for the addressee and which may be privileged under applicable law. Do not read, copy or disseminate it if you are not the addressee. if you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it. Thank you. 1 Irvine, ("'alifornia 926 11 NEWPOKT PACIFIC FAMILY OF COMPANIES March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI a-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 20, 2020. Sincerely, NEWPORT PACIFIC FAMILY OF COMPANIES, INC. Sal Ortiz Regional Property Manager Friendly Village of Anaheim Anaheim, Chi 92807 Newp i -t pacific Capital Corn Daly., Inc. Cirus Development Company, Inc. Modular Lifestyles, Inc. Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:24 PM To: council <cou ncil@ ana heim. nets Subject: Re: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, On behalf of our employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 2f ► 2020. Sincerely, cathu OUT OF THE OFFICE ON 3/26 & 27/2020 item # � _ . Distributed to majority Of City Council within 72 hours of �� Jennifer L. Hall meetin� , From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:33 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Trump just updated America / Re: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/26/2020 From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:57 PM To: Loretta Day Cc: Denise Barnes; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Council; Chris Zapata; Sandra Sagert; Tracy Urueta; Jodie Mosley (W ANA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH); Amanda Edinger (Policy Aide to ANA Council Faessel); Robert Fa beta Subject: Trump just updated America / Re: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/26/2020 Ms. Day: Please update my comments for the Record for tonight's meeting since it is a bit before 3 pm, and I still have an open window. There is no need for Anaheim to panic and over -react. President Trump just updated America and there is no need for Anaheim to pulled $15,000,000 out of Reserves, unless there is a hidden agenda? Because that's what I see after reading what you plan to spend the funds on, Mayor. Visit Anaheim at $0,000,000??? Are you serious? It's only been two weeks!! Trump, as well as the Governor of CA, has it under control. $6MM to Visit Anaheim, $6MM additional funds to "homeless" crap (as if we haven't been drained enough) and $2MM to the people (if we are lucky). THERE IS NO REASON TO WASTE OUR RESERVES. EVERYONE CALM DOWN! I seriously feel like, Mayor, you are seizing an opportunity While no one is looking, to get this item approved swiftfully. You are not even giving our President or CA time to deal with this. Instead, our Governor Newsom waved the magic wand to allow cities to implement their own orders, and I feel that is totally wrong. Again, look at Arizona --- Gov Ducey WOULD NOT allow each city to make their own Orders; instead, he made Executive orders for every city in the state, and that is the way it should be. Kathy On Thursday, March 20, 2020, 10:32:32 AM PDT, KATHY CHANCE wrote: Ms. Day, Please enter into record my AGAINST vote below for the Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan. Please make sure it is entered because, that entire council, including the Mayor, stated at last meeting they were not in receipt of any emails regarding the subject even though you had sent me a receipt. Please send me a receipt on this item as well (I know you will). AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN Really? $15,000,000 with only $2,000,000 going to residents and $0,000,000 MORE THROWN AT THOSE WORTHLESS DEADBEAT LAZY -A$$ CRIMINAL TRANSIENTS, and the rest going to your Favorite businesses? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,Ram. that's a big FAT N 0 You jumped the gun just hours before the stimulus package was approved. This is NOT something which should be done locally, rather, this should come from our CA Governor (see Arizona Governor Ducey's order for the entire state). STOP IT! our President has already handled it! APPARENTLY THIS CITY HAS MONEY To BLOW! KATHY CHANCE D -'I K Item ##l -� . Distributed to majority of Y Council within of �._Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours meet !J.. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:54 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Mayor Sidhu From: Alan Moi Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:48 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Jordan Brandman Subject: Mayor Sidhu Please rethink your decision to give 6.5 million dollars to Disneyland and the resort area. It's hard to believe a place like Disneyland should get a bailout from the city of Anaheim. Should our city give away money that needs to be available for any major crisis that might come up in the future. Please think of the City not the big money making companies. Cheryl Moi 25 year resident of Anaheim Item# Distributed to majority fMY J Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of w k From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:34 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: AnaCityCncl.pdf From: Christopher Neilson Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:54 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel Subject: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Dear Anaheim City Council Members, Attached please find my letter in support of Mayor Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package for Anaheim and requesting you to support it too. Thank you. Christopher Neilson General Manager Direct Line Fax Hotel: I Hotel Fay Email: Reservations: DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort -- Convention Center Anaheim, CA 92802 Website I Facebook I Twitter DOUBLETREE ooki-le a*ts kv Hilton-` This transmission is not a digital or electronic signature and cannot be used to form, document, or authenticate a contract. Hilton and its affiliates accept no liability arising in connection with this transmission. Copyright 2020 Hilton Proprietary and Confidential 1 AP) DOUBLETREE BY HILTON - MarchILTON- march 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI D-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Marry idhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the M'ayor's request to approve a 15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city wormers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, 'March 26, 2020. Sincer , Christop er on General Manager DoubleTree suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort Convention Center DOUBLETREE SUITES BY HILTON ANAHEIM RESORT CONVENTION CENTER Anaheim, CA 92842 W1Ah Item # okDistributed to majority of cit Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours ot From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:58 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Resident Jay Cole Comment: DO NOT USE TAX DOLLARS TO PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.neta Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:57 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring , Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net}; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <sFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Mariso! Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenzanaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Resident Jay Cole Comment: Do NOT USE TAX DOLLARS To PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis Mayor and Council, For your consideration. From: Jay Cole Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 3:27 PM To: Loretta Day <LDayanaheim.net>; City Manager Cit%rrn anagerLr-anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhuLc1,�anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnesCivanaheim.net> Cc; Subject: DO NOT USE TAX DOLLARS To PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis Hello Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council Members It has come to my attention that a special meeting is being held to rake a vote on $15 Million. I request that you do not use taxpayers or city funds to spend on promoting the City of Anaheim during or after this COVID 19 Crisis. Allow the private sector and industry to fund the promotion of the City of Anaheim. Do not use 6.5 Million from the General Fund for Promoting Anaheim. Use the funds to help our Homeless and people who have lost thier jobs in this Crisis. The Private sector has the resources to make a bigger difference and Help engage them to help more. Jay Cole Anaheim, CA 92804 {tens # . Distributed to majority of City Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of<nL�L-60t-'_ From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:12 PM To: Jennifer L. Hail Subject: FW: Item #1 re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan -----original Message ----- From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:11 PM To: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net> Cc: Lauren Torres <LTorres anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net]; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net}; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Item #1 re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan FYI -----original Message ----- From: Duane Roberts < Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:07 PM To: Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes c, anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Chris Zapata <CZapata@anaheim.net>; Gregory Garcia <GGarcia@anaheim.net> Subject: Item #1 re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan Wednesday, March 26, 2020 Re: Item #1 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and members of the Anaheim City Council: I'm writing this email to express my deep reservations about a proposal in Item #1 on tonight's city council agenda which will give "Visit Anaheim" (also known as the "`Anaheim Area Visitor and Convention Bureau") approximately $6.5 million in public funds to "support the relaunch of tourism marketing." I fully understand the pivotal role tourism plays in generating millions of dollars in tax revenue for the City of Anaheim. But since Governor Gavin Newsom hasn't given us a clear indication as to when his "stay -at -home -order" might be lifted, isn't it a bit premature to start spending large sums of money on this now? Furthermore, Jay Burress, CEO of Visit Anaheim, received about $453,480 in compensation in 2017, according to a recent Form 990 filing with the IRS. In fact, quite a few people employed by him earn more than $150,000 a year. Exactly what percentage of public funds will be going to support their lavish salaries? See the following link: https:Hgcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https/a3A% 2F%2Fprojects.propublica.org%2Fnonprofits/2Forganiz ations%2F952143156%2F201812999349300626 2Ffull&amp;data=02%7COI%7Clday%4oanaheim.net%7Ce557ele828b 44ea758b308d7d 1da97cd %7C74c3739c502a49c68d212bbc30f56f22% 7C1%7CO%7C637208609092126478&a m p;sdata=l p k R p99 bzAF4KJ z6 ut6G 9 HcUt4py1SV Egya gvi8h Lxo%3 D&a m p; rese rued =0 Personally, I think it is downright immoral for this body to even be wasting its energy talking about "tourist marketing" at this time. Our number one priority as a city should be focused on stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the general population, not spreading $6.5 million in public funds to the mayor's friends. Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts Anaheim, California 92804-4294 Jennifer L. Hall item ## ( . Distributed to mal-jorlty of City Council Within 72 hours of meetin . Frdm: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:22 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Support for Mayor Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan Attachments: Ana heim_Mayar Economic Support.pdf From: Council <council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:14 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring - Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward ECWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Clover <JClover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Support for Mayor Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:09 PM To: Council <council � anaheirn.net? Subject: Support for Mayor Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan Dear Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council, Please find attached a letter of my support for Mayor Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan. Warm regards, Lauren Lauren Dunn. REALTOR CENTURY 21 Discovery, E: Fullerton, CA 92885 Are you social? Follow me on Facebook and lnstagram at LaurenDunnRealtor AEIR%, OLM-- w 0, VNF-W U RY 2' Discovery March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and related economic impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a resident of Anaheim and independent contractor, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry 5idhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. I appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. understand that City funding is impacted, like my own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, I support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, I support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents and ease regulations on local businesses, keep city workers on the payroll, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Most sincerely, Lauren M. Dunn Realtors I Century 21 Discovery Jennifer L. Hall Item # a\ _ , Distributed to majority of Cit Council within 72 hours of a3 a�.z�eeting. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:22 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Letter of Support Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package.pdf; ATT00001.htm From: Council <council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:15 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net]; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno @anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessei@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>- Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro cDFierro ac anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>F Marisol Ramirez EMaRamirez@anaheim.net?; Nam Bartash ENBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak cSBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Letter of Support Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package Mayor and Council: For your consideration. From: Kameron Calabria - 1> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:10 PM To: Council <councilCcDanaheim.net> Subject: Letter of Support Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package STUDIOS March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI D-1 9 pandemic. On behalf of myself, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. I appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. I understand that City funding is impacted, like my own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, I support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, I support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Kameron Calabria Owner KMC studios Item # _ _ __. Distributed to majority of Cit Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of meeting. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:22 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Attachment Attachments: rdc.pdf From: Council <council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:16 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno EJMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres c anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net,; Cynthia Ward <CWard anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Attachment For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Cook, Rosa (ANAXA-F� Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:06 PM To: Council <council anaheim.net> Subject: Attachment Rosa Cook General Manager HYATT house T1,11 at the Anaheim Resort/Convention Center Anaheim, Ga 92802 At H'(AFr hws,^,_ ' �rc ao weh* -rt%j4_tRt THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL DR ENTITY TO WHICH IT ISADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or the agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Receipt of this message in error does not waive any confidentially or privileges. This e-mail is Iron-binding unless and until a definitive written contract between the parties is fully executed if you have received this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system and notify the sender. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail March Z6,2020 Hyatt louse at the Anaheim Resort/ Convention Center , Anaheim, CA 92802 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the ciWs Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis_ We understand that City funding is impacted, like our awn business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a 15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's special Meeting agenda tonight, March 25, 2020. Seely, a � Rosa -k General Manager Hyatt House at the Anaheim Resort/Convention Center Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:24 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall item # AJ Dstributed l/�j e majority ofaz.meeting. • Council within -sm 72 hours of Subject: FW: Support for Mayor Sidhu Economic Package Attachments: Letter of Support -Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package -Reborn Cabinets.pdf From: Council <council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:17 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno @anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass cx anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres {LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Clover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net3; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Support for Mayor Sidhu Economic Package For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Vince Nardo Sent: Thursday, March 26, 20204:04 PM To: Council <council., --anaheim.net> Subject: Support for Mayor Sidhu Economic Package Please see attached. Vince Nardo President u .. . CABINETS: iI . L,*A an A Putts raenndallno enarimielt Fet_ 19$; Anaheim, CA 92807 Anaheim, CA — San Diego, CA — Torrance, CA — Lake Forest, CA — Pleasanton, CA — Las Vegas, NV Please consider the environment before printing this email. This email may contain information that is confidential or attorney-client privileged and may constitute inside information. The contents of this email are intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are directed not to read, disclose, distribute or otherwise use this transmission. If you have received this emai! in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission. Delivery of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privileges. �eq Uc "SNUs CABINETS INC. kitchen & bath remodeling speclalisu Est.1983 March 26, 2020 ate usmu OATH SOLUTIONS a divWon of Reborn Cabinets Inc. Est. 19$3 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may know, Reborn has been a long time supporter of the City of Anaheim and very involved in the Anaheim community since our start in 1963. Today, we are faced with an unprecedented disaster. In one day, our business fell over 50% threatening the jobs of our 460 team members. We have already been forced to conduct many layoffs as the significant decline in business threatens the future of the company my father founded after moving to Anaheim in 1972. On behalf of the hundreds of families at Reborn impacted by this, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim with a swift and expeditious response. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Vince Nardo President CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS OC SHOWROOM & MANUFACTURING SOUTH OC SHOWROOM LA SHOWROOM SAN DIEGO SHOWROOM PLEASANTON SHOWROOM LAS VEGAS SHOWROOM RE!' UDELIms F SPECIALISTS a division of Rebom Cabinets [nt Est IN3 We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may know, Reborn has been a long time supporter of the City of Anaheim and very involved in the Anaheim community since our start in 1963. Today, we are faced with an unprecedented disaster. In one day, our business fell over 50% threatening the jobs of our 460 team members. We have already been forced to conduct many layoffs as the significant decline in business threatens the future of the company my father founded after moving to Anaheim in 1972. On behalf of the hundreds of families at Reborn impacted by this, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim with a swift and expeditious response. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Vince Nardo President CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS OC SHOWROOM & MANUFACTURING SOUTH OC SHOWROOM LA SHOWROOM SAN DIEGO SHOWROOM PLEASANTON SHOWROOM LAS VEGAS SHOWROOM Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:25 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Emergency Funding Please Read From: Council council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:22 PM Item #._ja � _ r Distributed to majority of City Council within 72 hours of" o n�ooti n r. To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anahelm. net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; .lose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net}; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anahelm .net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anahelm .net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Emergency Funding Please Read For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Leah Whitenack Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:17 PM To: Council <,counci[2 anaheim.net> Subject: Emergency Funding Please Read March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am a resident of Anaheim and very worried about not only our safety but our local economy from the results of the Covid- 19 pandemic. I am urging to support Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We need your leadership to protect our valued businesses and tourism that will for years be broken if we do not get your support. PLEASE approve the $15 million in assistance for immediate help. If we do not protect our income stream we will loss services to our residents and jobs. Thank you for your consideration. Kindly, Leah Whitenack Anaheim Resident Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:24 PM Item # r Distributed to To: Jennifer L. Hall majority of Cit Council I with i n Subject: FW: AFA Letter 72 h Chamber. df ours of rneetin . Attachments: p � From: Council <council @anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:18 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net,; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net}; Lucille Kring , Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil @anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward cCWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Clover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: AFA Letter For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Rob Lester Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:00 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: AFA Letter Rob Lester President Anaheim Firefighters Local 2899 1 r�g ANAHEIM FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION IAFF LOCAL 2899 Anaheim, CA 92801 EXECUTIVE Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, BOARD President On behalf of the men and women of the Anaheim Firefighters Rob Lester Association(AFA),I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Vice President Sidhu's Community Economic Recovery Plan on the Council's special Jun Ramirez Meeting agenda tonight. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused Treasurer TonyManzo worldwide health and economic impacts. Secretary Nathan Petralia The City of Anaheim has been hard hit economically, especially the Director industries that create the most local jabs and generate the most David Baker revenue to fund city services. To ensure we recover quickly, get Director residents back to work, and limit any deeper impacts to city revenues Alex Dale that fund our Firefighters and support personnel this economic Director JoeAldecoa package is an essential first step. Director Dennis Yunk The AFA urges your support and we thank you for your leadership. l� Director Sincerely, Tyler Bashaw Rob Lester President Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass ftem ## OV . Distributed to q-3-.lority of City Council Within 7 2 h o u rs of meeti n g� Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:28 PM Ta: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Letter of Support -Anaheim Economic Relief Package Attachments: Mayors Economic Package.pdf From: Loretta Day ELDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2020 4:27 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno EJMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille firing _ _ Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net,; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net,; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward ECWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net,; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.neta; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz c, anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartcaak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FIN: Letter of Support—Anaheim Economic Relief Package For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Diana Kotler Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:25 PM To: Council <councilr� anaheim.net> Subject: Letter of Support—Anaheim Economic Relief Package Enclosed is the letter of support from the Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). ATN fully supports proposed Mayor's Economic Relief Package. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Thank you. Diana a Ko #ler Anaheim Transportation Network Anaheim, CA 92805 March 20, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: SUPPORT OF ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND RECOVERY PACKAGE Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, On behalf of the Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN), I'm writing to express our support for the Mayor's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. ATN provides a menu of transportation services for the general public in the greater Anaheim region. These programs include a network of fixed routes throughout Anaheim and on -demand MicroTransit services in our local neighborhoods. As similar actions have been taken at the state and federal level, we believe the Mayor's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package will support local residents, employees and businesses through the challenges facing our community. The $15 million assistance package, combined with the proposed policy changes, will provide immediate and much-needed assistance to those in Anaheim most affected by the crisis. Like other businesses, we are working diligently to keep our workforce employed. The package before you this evening will help bring stability to the business community, which will benefit employees and residents throughout Anaheim. Thank you for your leadership, and consideration of our views. Sincerely, Diana Kotler Executive Director I tem # OV Distributed to majority of City Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 h o u rs of t n 6. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:25 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: City of Anaheim Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package.pdf From: Council <council@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:21 PM To: Denise Barnes EDBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net,; Lucille Kring - Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net,; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net}; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Clover <JGIover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez EMaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anahelm. net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject; FW: City of Anaheim Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Mayor and Council - for your consideration. From: Diana Flores Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:59 PM To: Council ecouncilCcLianaheim.net> Subject: City of Anaheim Economic Assistance and Recovery Package March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my family, friends and neighbors in District 6, 1 am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $16 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Diana Flores Diana Flores Community Member District 6 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my family, friends and neighbors in District G, 1 am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, O&II&Z, g7W/V!V Diana Flores Community Member District 6 Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:46 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: This evening's motion. From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:39 PM item # (7�3-N- . Distributed to majority of pity Council within 72 hours of czpw meeting. To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>: Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno @anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaesse1@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil {TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres ELTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net,; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net3; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: This evening's motion. For Mayor and Council consideration. From: Tern Nelson Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:36 PM To: Loretta Day <LDa Danaheim.net>; Public Comment <LLubliccomment .',anahelm.net> Subject: This evening's motion. First of all this is NOT any kind of emergency, especially the part about pledging $6.5 million to advertising the resort district through Visit Anaheim. This foolishness can be discussed at leisure in regular meetings. Secondly that $6.5 million for advertising is an especially offensive reason to siphon our precious and dwindling reserve funds, which are already being siphoned off by the Convention Center expansion bonds and this months extravagant public safety raises. The world does not to be reminded, in April and probably not in May, that Disney, the Ducks, the Angels, the Convention Center, and our hotels exist. And when the world needs to be reminded of all that, those wealthy interests can pay for their oven advertisement. We have real needs in this city, much more urgent than that. GET SERIOUS PLEASE. If there's a time for corruption and cronyism it might not be right novo. Respectfully, Vern. "The White Man of Anna Drive. Idem # _�. Disiributed to majority of pity Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of meeting, From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:43 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Clover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (4th Distribution) Pu b I icCom mentS pec is ICCM032620_D istri b uted032620_04.pdf Attached are public comments (27 emails) received as of 4:30 pm, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City ofAnaheim 200 S Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: tbass anaheim. net Phone: (714) 765-51661 Fax: (714) 765-4105 Jennifer L. Hal! From: Daren Harrell Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:23 PM To: Jennifer L Hail Subject: FW: Please see attached for Council Meeting Attachments: Sidhu.Letter[15797]March 26.pdf From: kay carpenter Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2020 3:22 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Please see attached for Council Meeting Sent from Mail for Windows 10 the March 26, 2020 F YCCrM 00MLOWOff 11 FSR HEALTHY LIVIM FM SWAL RESPONSIBILITY YMCA BOARD of Dear Mayor Sid hu, DIRECTORS Officers The Anaheim Family YMCA is grateful to hear of your leadership in offering an Kay Carpenter Board Chairwoman Economic Recovery Pian that includes dollars to go to the Anaheim Community Marty Dutch, Foundation to fund non-profit efforts to serge the residents during this trying time. Vice Chairwoman Bahl Dalati, Secretary Steve Corona, Treasurer Bharat Patel, Assistant; Treasurer Executive Committee Lucille Kring Brandon Moody Rick Martens, Ed.D., President & CEO Directors E. Michael Arnbrosi Jim Sang Carol Bostwick Jorge Cisneros ;acnes Dinwiddie Frank Donavan,, Ed, D. ]ackie Filbeck Emily Grant Larry Herman Michael 3ohnson Larry Labrado Larry Mandell Paul Mott Nicole Provansal Barry Boss Steve Baro Bruce Solari At the Anaheim Y we have continued to be on the front lines of serving the underserved families in Anaheim with grab and go meals, supplies and remote activity support during a time when many parts of our economy have shut down. We have dedicated employees who have continued to make this possible at their own risk while strictly practicing the necessary required precautions. And, as you can imagine, we also are experiencing our own shortfall of financial resources as are Many non -profits. Our hope, however, is to expand our efforts to help those in our community where the need is the greatest. Where we are able, we stand willing to address the gaps in services in those areas of our city where they exist. Through this funding we would be able to do that. We wish to thank you and the City Council for stepping up to the challenge of assuring the health and safety of all residents of our great city. We would be grateful to be included in that ,effort. Sincerely, x 1f 1 �Rick Martens President/CEO ANAHEIM FAMILY YMCA Anaheim, CA 92802 Kay Carpenter Board Chairwoman Jennifer L. Hall From: Katie Henry Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:11 PM To: Council Subject: Letter of support Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package copy.docx; ATT00001.htm � C: Smith Design <Build March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-1 g pandemic. As a Chamber of Commerce Ambassador and on behalf of employees in the city of Anaheim, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Katie Henry New Business RC Smith Design Build Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 2:54 PM To: Council Subject: Anaheim State of Emergency Attachments: March 26 Letter to Council.pdf Be Part of the Story, Marshall Weinstein I General Manager Grand Legacy At The Park Anaheim CA 92802 GRAND LEGACY *Y#4�7---MA THE PARK - City of Anaheim City council March 26, Zoo Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result esult of the COVI D-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Ha ��dhu' s Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the c Counil has worked together to call for a state of emergency ge cy a nd to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations center to help need those in d e through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, life our own business during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance ce Package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to ors �Y ge protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery ry in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully p y ur a g your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. p Sincerely, Marshall Weinstein General Manager Grand Legacy at the Park Tho% C: 44 L. Anaheim, CA 92802 1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Natalie Meeks Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:07 PM To: Council Subject: Support letter for Item 1 Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Packacge.pdf City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 March 20, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis, and to develop a strategy to move forward and speed Anaheim's economic recovery. In addition, vire support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's special Meeting agenda tonight, March 25, 2020. Sincerely, Natalie Meeks Anaheim Resident and Planning Commissioner Jennifer L. Hall From: Navin Gupta Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:13 PM To: Council Subject: Letter of support from Navin Gupta, Ambassador Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package_Navin Gupta.pdf Dear Mayor and Members of Anaheim City Council, Please read my signed letter of support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan (enclosed). Let me know, if you have any question for me. Regards, Navin Gupta President OMIT Solutions of Anaheim West Anaheim, CA 92806 *#*0r 5olutions `. * 0 �'� Your Technology March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID--19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry idhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, r Navin Gupta President, OMIT Solutions of Anaheim West Jennifer L. Hall From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:57 PM To: Loretta Day Cc: Denise Barnes; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Council; Chris Zapata; Sandra Sagert; Tracy Urueta; Jodie Mosley (w ANA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH); Amanda Edinger (Policy Aide to ANA Council Faessel); Robert Fabela Subject: Trump just updated America / Re: AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN 3/26/2020 Ms. Day: Please update my comments for the Record for tonight's meeting since it is a hit before 3 pm, and I still have an open window. There is no need for Anaheim to panic and over -react. President Trump just updated America and there is no need for Anaheim to pulled $15,000,000 out of Reserves, unless there is a hidden agenda? Because that's what I see after reading what you plan to spend the funds on, Mayor. Visit Anaheim at $5,000,000??? Are you serious? It's only been two weeks!! Trump, as well as the Governor of CA, has it under control. $6MM to Visit Anaheim, $6MM additional funds to "homeless" crap (as if we haven't been drained enough) and $2MM to the people (if we are lucky). THERE IS NO REASON TO WASTE OUR RESERVES. EVERYONE CALM DOWN! I seriously feel like, Mayor, you are seizing an opportunity while no one is looking, to get this item approved swiftfully. You are not even giving our President or CA time to deal with this. Instead, our Governor Newsom waved the magic wand to allow cities to implement their own Orders, and I feel that is totally wrong. Again, look at Arizona --- Gov Ducey WOULD NOT allow each city to make their own Orders; instead, he made Executive Orders for every city in the state, and that is the way it should be. Kathy On Thursday, March 25, 2020, 10:32:32 AM PDT, KATHY CHANCE wrote: Ms. Day, Please enter into record my AGAINST vote below for the Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan. Please make sure it is entered because, that entire council, including the Mayor, stated at last meeting they were not in receipt of any emails regarding the subject even though you had sent me a receipt. Please send me a receipt on this item as well (I know you will). AGAINST: ANAHEIM ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN Really? $15,000,000 with only $2,000,000 going to residents and $5,000,000 MORE THROWN AT THOSE WORTHLESS DEADBEAT LAZY -A$$ CRIMINAL TRANSIENTS, and the rest going to your Favorite businesses? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,.... that's a big FAT N 0 a, You jumped the gun just hours before the stimulus package was approved. This is NOT something which should be done locally, rather, this should come from our CA Governor (see Arizona Governor Ducey's Order for the entire state). STOP IT! Our President has already handled it! APPARENTLY THIS CITY HAS MONEY To BLOW! KATHY CHANCE Di1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Benjamin Ly Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:16 PM To: Council Cc* : Keith Mases Subject: Mayor Harry 5idhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Letter.pdf Good afternoon Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Attached is my letter of support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. Thank you, Benjamin Ly General Manager Homewood Suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort -- Convention Center Anaheim, CA 92802 Follow us on Instograrr Like us on Facebook! Fi THIS MESSAGE IS IN3'ENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENMY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFOWATiON THAT IS PRWILFGED CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LA W. 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SUITES BY MILraM` ANAHEIM RESORT/CONVENTION CENTER Manch 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI Q-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I ars wi ting to urge your support for Mayor Harm Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the cies Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayors request to approve a 15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addl#ion, we support the policy changes included its the Mayoes package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration, of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. S! n cerel , w L Benjamin Ly General Manager Homewood Suites by Hilton Anaheim resortwConvention center I Anaheim, CA 92807 Telephone: j Fax: Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Castle Inn and Suites Anaheim, Ca 92802 March 26, 2020 Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:03 PM Council Letter re Emergency City Council Meeting City Letter 032620.docx Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the !Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job lasses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 2G, 2020. Sincerely, Bharat Patel President Castle Inn and Suites Castle Inn and Suites Anaheim, Ca 92802 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Bharat Patel President Castle Inn and Suites Jennifer L. Hall From: Cecilia Aguilar Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:12 PM To: Council Subject: Please open -1 attachernent included. Attachments: Anaheim Recovery Lettery to Council.jpg Good afternoon, I am in full support to help the recovery of Anaheim. I want to make sure that those residents who are in need a businesses that are suffering due to the pandemic crisis can receive assistance. Please find my letter attached below. Thank you so much f MM Sincerely, Cecilia Aguilar Realtor CaIDRE 01 94473 5 Paul Kott Realtors, Inc. Anaheim CA 92805 March 26, 2020 [dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the CCVID-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my community, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry idhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a 15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Cecilia Aguilar Realtor Paul Kott Realtors Inc. Jennifer L. Hall From: Diana Ramirez Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:16 PM To: Council Subject: Letter of support re: tonight's Emergency City Council Meeting Attachments: 2020-03 Signed.pdf Thank you for acknowledging my letter Diana Diana Ramirez Director of Community Relations A� [: Anaheim, CA 92807 It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice ied TUUMM E BIFUET I .r kitchen & bath remodeling specialists Est. 1983 March 25, 2020 [dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, ULD tk 443682 BATH SOLUTIONS a division of Reborn Cabinets Inc. Est, 1983 First, 1'-d like to acknowledge the Council and share my respect at how quickly they have come together to call a state of emergency for Anaheim. Taking the steps through the City's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis is much appreciated. We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVia--19 pandemic. Understanding City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, Reborn Cabinets supports the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. The open communication with Anaheim City Council, Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim Chamber is much appreciated. Helps to ease some of the stresses of the business Owners'. Thank you for _oy. urr consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistp�6nd- Recover Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sin erel , t Dia—ha�Ra Director of -o y Relations Reborn Cabinets CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS ANAHEIM SHOWROOM SOUTH OC SHOWROOM LA SHOWROOM SAN DIEGO SHOWROOM PLEASANTON SHOWROOM I ac 11er-ec CUMAIDnnKA Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:10 PM To: Council Subject: Support Letter Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package.docx Please see attached. Thank you, Sergio Gonzalez March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. I understand that City funding is impacted during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, I support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, I support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Sergio E. Gonzalez Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi City Council Victoria Blasiak Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:57 PM Council Letter of support Ltr to mayor and city council.pdf As an Anaheim business owner and resident, I am in full support of Mayor Harry Sidhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan. Attached is a letter from me, confirming sante. Victoria J. Blasiak, CPA ift5w=O%V� VICTORY TAX &Financial Services Protection, Peace of Mind and Results Victory Tax and Financial Services Anaheim, CA 92806 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry idhu's Economic Assistance and recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the -city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate'assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents,, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses., mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. incer , Victoria J. Blasiak, CPA, CLO Victory Tax and Financial services Public Comment From: Amal Cooper Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:13 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Help for business owners in Anaheim To whom it may concern: I read through some of the topics to be discussed during the Tuesday meeting. However, my concern as a chiropractor practicing in Anaheim for over 20 years that 90 days may not be enough for business owners to recover. Just because I have relief now, it does not mean that nay business will just bounce back in 90 days. After the 2008 recession, it took my husband and I close to 8 years to recover. I am devastated as the past two years have felt a bit better financially for us and then this happens. I am certain that my business and my family's well being will need long term support th ru this. As of today, I am experiencing at least 80% loss of business in just two weeks. Please help us to continue to work and provide for our families. MW Dr. Aral F. Cooper Clinic Director Doctor of Chiropractic Anaheim, Ca,, 92806 Restoring Health Through the Relentless Pursuit of Exceptional Care! This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. It is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by??Healthsource of Anaheim,??Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates, as applicable, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you Public Comment From: Ernesto M ed ra no Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:20 PM To: Theresa Bass; Public Comment Subject: Letter Supporting Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: 20200326 1 45806g76.pdf Good afternoon, Attached please find a letter of support for the Mayor's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. Thank you ERNESTO MEDRANO, COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council r 0 .- Los Angeles, CA 90026 This email and any attachments may he confidential or legally privileged. if you received message in error or not intended recipient, please destroy the message and any attachments or copies. �.� Los Angeles Orange Counties Los Anizeles, CA 9002 6-5784 y r, : Building and Construction Trades Council q Affiliated with the Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO RONMILLER Executive Secretary March 26, 2420 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Each of us is contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The work that the men and women of the building trades do in Anaheim and throughout Orange County has been no exception. When the Anaheim Resort and projects in every part of the city come to a standstill, it affects every one of us, and our families. On behalf of the Los Angeles & Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sldhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. You've seen us, the members of the trades, throughout the city. And you've seen us of course in the counci 1 chambers to speak out on issues important to us. We're folks who are even now beginning to feel the impact of the economic slowdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. That means families trying harder and harder to mare ends meet and pay the bills. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we want you to know that we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million dollar assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. For us, we recognize especially the importance of streamlining the development and approvals process, reducing or waiving fees, expediting plan check and review periods, implementing electronic checks where possible, and other regulatory releif measures to cut back on red tape and mare the approvals process smoother and faster. All those important steps add up to one very crucial result: getting the building trades back to work doing what we do best, and that's building Anaheim. 'Whether it's more hotels, convention and meeting facilities, schools, or infrastructure, it means we do our part to contribute to Anaheim's economic recovery. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, including many of our own who call Anaheim home, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Anaheim's pain is our pain, and we feel it. But Anaheim's success is also our success, and we stand shoulder to shoulder with the city, acting as partners to get our men and women back to work, for ourselves and for the success of Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight. Sincerely., Ron Miller Executive Secretary nlesto Medrano Council Representative Public Comment From: Albert Milo Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2020 3:27 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Recovery Package for Anaheim Resort Industry As a long-time resident of the City of Anaheim, I am writing to express my opposition to a $15 million Recovery Package for the City's Resort Industry. That amounts to nothing more than corporate welfare! Instead City Council should seriously consider helping all the Anaheim residents seeping unemployment benefits. They will soon be unable to pay their monthly rents/mortgages, medical bills, food expenses, etc. And once again you are overlooking the most vulnerable among us, i.e. the Anaheim homeless. $15 million would go a long way in supporting our existing food banks! r - Albert J. Milo � . M - i�. IMMAY0 ►11:11108M-�1 Public Comment From: Nancy _ Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:28 PM To: Public Comment Subject: opinion to be read at tonights council Mister Mayor, Councilmen, and Councilwomen, I am writing to you as a fellow city member. I was born and raised in this city and I find it appalling that during these difficult times in this world, country, state and in this city you are making a decision to hand over 6.5 million dollars of city money, my money and that of my neighbors over to businesses that can easily make that money in weeps. Mister Mayor, you continue to make these critical decisions without any regards to the opinions of your council let alone those of the people you serve. You had no problem signing of an ordinance so families that rent wouldn't lose their home due to lack of money. However, those landlords still have mortgages to pay to the banks. Your power will not stop banks from removing these families if the landlord can't pay their loans. we have families in need of assistance to pay for their rent, meals, and utilities. That 6.5 million can really come in handy to these families that may take them months to recover. As a citizen of this city, I believe the use of large amount of money or making decisions on how we allocate it should be taken to the city for a vote. Let the community speak, because we will soon speak to have you removed from your position due to misuse of power. During difficult times, people will unite and changes will be made. Sincerely, Fancy Ramos Public Comment From: David Bartle Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:31 PM To: Public Comment Subject: As an Anaheim Resident I disagree with using the city's reserve money to help Disney and it's resort. To whom it may concern? It is my understanding that The city has reserve money in place to help its residents. Disney also has reserve money set aside to help its self in case of an emergency. It is mine and my families opinion that this is unfair to help Disney when the city's residents are at a standstill and watching our lifetime of savings dwindle away. Food and water vouchers for residents rather than 6.5 million to Disney would be appreciated. Kind regards, The Bartle Family. P.S. if you have any insightful information that we are not privy to, please enlighten us. Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Juan Alvarez Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:43 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Disgusted Resident Anaheim City Council, During this time of uncertainty for Anaheim residents it would behoove our city council to consider the well being of their residents by prioritizing their safety and well being before any profit or financial assistance to the resort area. The $6.5 million dollar boost to Anaheim First that Mayor 5idhu proposed this past week is nothing short of repulsive. It is sickening that the Mayor wasted no time to pursue this type of devisive and self-serving action in a time where residents are worrying about basic survival. Only a den of a snakes like Mayor 5idhu, Trevor O'Neil and Steve Faessel would have the audacity to propose such a giveaway from Anaheim's reserve. I am a former Cultural & Heritage Commissioner that worked for almost two years on a proposal for a cultural event that would serve all Anaheim residents only to be told that there was no money available for such a thing. Now all of a sudden, during the COVID 19 pandemic, we are in dire need of pulling millions of dollars out of the reserve? For what? To settle debts from campaign contributors? It is obvious, through this week's recommendation by the Mayor, that our council majority only serves corporate interest in Anaheim. The council majority does not care about the well-being of all Anaheim residents especially those those that live paycheck to paycheck. I urge the council majority to throw away the pians that would provide millions of dollars to Anaheim First. It should not even be an item up for discussion. If the council has an ounce of integrity or heart they will cease pursuing this item. I ►would like to suggest, however, that if the council decides to tap into city reserves that those funds go directly to residents in the form of aide during this pandemic. Thank you. Juan Gabriel Alvarez Anaheim Resident Trustee, Anaheim Elementary School District Anaheim, CA 92801 Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Mayor Sidhu and Council, Annemarie Randle-Trejo Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:48 PM Public Comment Special Meeting of March 26th $15 million stimulus. I am writing to urge you to not give 6.5 million to the Chamber for advertising ! My name is Annemarie Randle-Trejo AUHSD Trustee. I'd like to let you know first that the Anaheim Union High School District is doing it's part to help our families in Anaheim. Although we have closed sites we are still feeding our students and the Anaheim Elementary students who need meals. We average over 800 meals a day at just one of our sites and we have many sites! I can appreciate you wanting to help the city get back on it's feet when we deem ,at a certain time ,1s safe. We all want to get back to our normal lives again. However,the message that is being sent out today with certain provisions of this $15 million stimulus package is that corporations and business carnes first. I am certainly not alone in my assumptions as we heard you speak about this at the last meeting. I will be brief but I will be blunt. Giving the 6.5 million to advertise is an inappropriate way to spend money at this time. People are hungry, afraid of becoming sick and afraid that there will not be a hospital bed for there if they get sick. When the country and county are talking about shortages of masks, gowns, ventilators and hospital facilities city residents are counting on you. They want you to think about them first- not Disney. Frankly ,we all know Disney will be fine . They will advertise and the tourists will come to Anaheim. Mr. Mayor with all due respect this action does not make you seem empathetic to the residents who live here. It's a poor lead and not a good move. Please reconsider giving the 5.5 million to the chamber at this time. It sends a bad message that we are giving more than a third of a stimulus package to advertise. Is that the message you want to send? We can re run our old advertisements and save costs. We residents all our are going through our pantries and using what we have to conserve. The city can at least do that and not use up our reserves for non essential things. What the public needs to hear more about is our plan. What are we going to do to help each other when people catch the virus and how we are going to whether that storm? Please council use your good judgement. We need your leadership during these unnerving times to make sound decisions. We are counting on you. Thank you, Annemarie R-Trejo Public Comment From: Lis Sos Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:01 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda My name is Lisette Sosa and I am against giving 5.5 billion to Anaheim First to boost the resort. Anaheim needs to think about small mom and pop business and it's residents, not the resort and Disney. Start with trickle up economics. This trickle down has been proven to skip the very residents that fund these initiatives. Also, stop trying to use the Coronavirus to fleece our pockets under the guise of our benefit. Get down and dirty and actually listen to community needs. Many of us have much more time on our hands to watch and monitor what you are doing. I know I am watching the lack of embarrassment had by our city reps in lining their donor pockets as payback. Public Comment From: Pat D Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes Subject: No dollars for the resorts! To Anaheim City Council members, The agenda for today's meeting to funnel money to the resorts is highly suspect. My concern is only heightened when I read that proposal came from "...economic recovery task force comprised of Mayor Pro Tem Steve Faessela Council Member Trevor O'Neil, and community stakeholders, ..." This is not a representative body that has demonstrated compassion or concern for our most vulnerable. The discussion Tuesday nite was the latest example of the business focus vs resident focus practices. The ordering of the priorities is touching but also suspect. The homeless and at risk families should have been helped 2 years ago if this money was in fact readily available. The referenced $6.5 million to Visit Anaheim is outlandish, especially with current promises of federal money to assist in just this type of situation. "...our City support the relaunch of tourism marketing so that Anaheim is among the first destinations to emerge from the economic slowdown in the interest of all of Anaheim. The Mayor therefore recommends that Council direct and authorize the City Manager to negotiate terms and performance metrics, and grant up to $6,500,000 to Visit Anaheim, our Destination Marketing Organization, with three equal payments in April, May, and June." Impressed you would have performance metrics but still waiting for complete financials on the miracle Anaheim Way shelter. And the idea of novo (vs when we are in safer times) sounds like tR.ump's idea we should open our country soon and fill the churches on Easter. People know where Disneyland is! (Df course few can afford to pay their exorbitant prices, while management draws huge bonuses. ) Your donors do not need this help. The people need the help. We need to care for our workers and residents, not the corporations and your donors pockets. Do not approve the $6.5 million dollars and put our "sinkhole" city at further risk. May all be well, Pat Davis Resident, Dist I Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Public Comment From: Lizzette Barrios Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:05 PM To: Public Comment Sub 9ect: $6.5 million assigned to resort Mr. Sidhu, I don't know if you have noticed the number of homeless people all over Anaheim. People sleeping on the streets or families sleeping in their cars. I have, and I worry about them every day, especially now during COV I D-19. You, on the other hand, seem to put residents after businesses. Your whole career has been putting businesses first and residents last. There is no reason to assign $6.5 million dollars to a resort that has billions! Send it to the workers that will be unable to work, those that don't even make $15 an hour working for those billionaires. Send it to the struggling families who will fall behind on their rent. House those on the streets and those in their cars. You are insensitive and an embarrassment to our city, which used to be the City of Kindness until you took over. I am ashamed that my city promotes greed over taking care of our people. I can't wait to vote you off as mayor. Lizzette Barrios-Gracian, Anaheim Resident Anaheim Teacher Anaheim Activist Anaheim Voter Public Comment From: Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Special meeting regarding taxpayer funds ____ FonmPrripri Mtnccanp From: To: "iday a@anaheim. net" <iday ar anaheim. nets Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2020, 03:38:54 PM PDT Subject: Special meeting regarding taxpayer funds To: Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council Members It has come to my attention that a special meeting is being held regarding the use of taxpayer funds. request that you do not use taxpayers or city funds to promote the City of Anaheim during or after this COVID 19 Crisis. 1 also request that you do not use 8.5 Million from the General Fund for Promoting Anaheim. Use the funds to help our Homeless and others in desperate need during this Crisis. It is time to put people before profit, and I do hope and pray you will make the right decision. Thank you for your time, and know my prayers are with you all. Sincerely in CHRIST JESUS, R. Joshua Collins Homeless Advocates for CHRIST Public Comment From: MARIA ALEJO Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:16 PM To: Public Comment Subject: $15 million Recovery Package Please do not give our taxpayer money to the Disney Resort: give money to the people or to small businesses that need it. Thank you Maria Alejo Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ana Naves Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:17 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Concerns regarding Emergency meeting Good afternoon, This letter is in hope that as city council representatives and as human beings you would consider the crisis at hand with this Covid-1 9 pandemic within our city. It is extremely sad to see that these meetings are being held without informing the general public in advance. Many residents are affected by this quarantine and I would expect that as elected officials by the people for the people, that you would be looking out for the general well being of the residents who elected you. Right now we should be looking in how to provide medical provisions to those in need, hospitals, social service staff and children. why you turning a blind eye and trying to syphon off funds for tourism, is that of important at this given time. where are your priorities`,, as a resident I plead for you to desist of making malicious decisions that do not pertain to Babe threat at hand. We have residents who need medical care, food, and yes they need a break because many will be impacted financially. Stop oppressing the community who put you in office to look out for their well being. I pray that God guides your decisions and shines His light upon any evil intent and exposes it. Thank you for your time. Ana Naves -Villanueva Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: DAVID D U RAN Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:26 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Todd.Spitzer@ocgov.com; info@loucorrea.com; sharon@sharonquirksilva.com; assemblymember.daly assembly.ca.gov,- Kelly Aviles; Brooke Weitzman; Carol Sobel; Lili Graham; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Sarah Gregory; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman; Lucille Kring; Gallegos, Claudio; Alfonso Ceja; Batiste; Cynthia Aguirre; Nick Gerda; Vern Nelson; Kurtz, Norma; nsantana@voiceofoc.org; Bill Taormina; Jeanine Robbins; mrobbins Mark Daniels; Andy Lewandowski; info@phtfoc.org; comments@hhroc.org Subject: RE: Anaheim City Council "SPECIAL MEETING" March 26, 2020 Re: Agenda Item 1. It has been brought to my attention that the State of California is providing funds ($15,000.000) to be ethically and judicially utilized to assist Anaheim Residents impacted by COVID-19. I'm deeply troubled and genuinely concerned by the pre announcement that Mayor Shidu is "already" planning on gifting six million ($6,000,000) dollars of taxpayer funds to "Visit Anaheim;" (visitanaheim.ors-) an entity that is only designed "To develop, promote and sell Anaheim ...... :and, provides no services to existing residents, devastated by CDVID-19. With the recognized worldwide pandemic still spiking and with Anaheim currently at the top of the list with most infected in Orange County; and, with the real and rising threat to the Homeless population living on the streets of Anaheim, utilizing the $15,000,000 to provide more health and safety for ALL the residents of Anaheim is certainly a more ethical and moral use of the taxpayers funds. Proactive actions like Los Angeles is strongly recommended. Providing dozens/hundreds portable hand washing stations is absolutely necessary at this time and represents only one example of how "ethical" leadership could help residents to prevent the spread of CDVID-19 in Anaheim and neighboring cities. Placing Homeless is safe buildings where they can practice safe isolation, currently, Anaheim is promoting the spike of COVID-19 by failing to provide "safe" spaces for people living face-to-face and head -to -foot in shelters located throughout the city. If the goal of gifting millions of dollars to attract tourists is the demented priority, one can only conclude that the Mayor and other city council members in support are corrupt and unqualified to represent any of the residents of Anaheim. David Duran Anaheim Resident David L. Duran Orange County, California cell: email: Breach of confidentiality &accidental breach of confidentiality This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Public Comment From: Vern Nelson Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:36 PM To: Loretta Day; Public Comment Subject: This evening's motion. First of all this is NOT any kind of emergency, especially the part about pledging $6.5 million to advertising the resort district through Visit Anaheim. This foolishness can be discussed at leisure in regular meetings. Secondly that $6.5 million for advertising is an especially offensive reason to siphon our precious and dwindling reserve funds, which are already being siphoned off by the Convention Center expansion bonds and this month's extravagant public safety raises. The world does not to be reminded, in April and probably not in May, that Disney, the Ducks, the Angels, the Convention Center, and our hotels exist. And when the world needs to be reminded of all that, those wealthy interests can pay for their own advertisement. We have real needs in this city, much more urgent than that. GET SERIOUS PLEASE. If there's a time for corruption and cronyism it might not be right now. Respectfully, Vern. "The White Man of Anna Drive. I tem # ' . Distributed to majority of Cit Council within Jennifer L. Hall -7 C ?42-0 _ 0 + ;. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:14 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Cc: Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Subject: Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (5th Distribution) Attachments: PublicCommentSpecialCCM032620_Distributed032620_05.pdf Mayor and City Council, Attached are public comments (29 emails) received as of 5:00 pm, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City 0fAnaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim CA 92805 Email: tbass ; anaheim.net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4145 1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: To whom it may concern, Hope this email finds you well. Amy Li Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:46 PM Council John Hsu Letter of support to City Council STCLetter 0326.pdf Please see the attached for the letter of support. Please stay safe and healthy. Best Regards, Sincerely, Amy N.C. Li Manager, Marketing Division STC Management, an Accredited Management Organization Whittier I GardenWalk Whittier, CA 90601 L4-Iif 1. The information transmitted is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient, please note that any dissemination, disclosure, distribution, taping of any action in reliance upon; or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply email or phone and delete or destroy all copies of the original message. Do not disclose the contents to anyone or retain any portion of this message. E -Mail can be altered, intercepted, and read by persons other than those for whom the messages are intended. Therefore, unless encrypted and signed, the integrity of this and all other electronic communications cannot be guaranteed. March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Si dhu' s Economic Assistance and recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to tape steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, John Hsu, Managing Member STC Gardenwalk, LLC. Health * Love * Wisdom STC GardenWalk LLC I Whittier, CA go6 o 1 Page 1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Cindy Smith Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:46 PM To: Council Cc: Fred Brown; Kim Painter, Junko Ikeda Subject: Letter of Support Mayor Sidhu Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sid.pdf Thank you for coordinating this very important effort. Attached you will find our letter of support for economic relief. Warm regards, Cindy Smith Director of Sales & Marketing naheini Majestic Garden Hotel nn Kola, r❑ ❑OW)O ANAHEIM M A, - - a" J-1 " - E - - S,_ T I C GARDEN" HOTEL 1 ANAHEIM MAJESTIC GARDEN HOTEL March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVIN --1g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. S' ;erely, . 1�'_.} Cindy S �tg Director Sales & Marketing Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel ANAHEIM MA,JES'TIC GARDEN 140TEL March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sinc rely, Kim Painter General Manager Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Subject: March 26, 2020 David Mier Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:32 PM Council Support for Anaheim Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, David Mier Managing Broker Realty One Group West Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:35 PM To: Council Subject: Anaheim Economic Assistance and Recovery Package March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, These are unprecedented times requiring immediate action and strong resolve. The COVID-19 pandemic has caught the world off -guard and threatens lives and the economic well-being of Anaheim, it's businesses, and its residents. On behalf of our community, please support Mayor Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. The Council's swift action to deal with this crisis is commendable and what is required to instill confidence throughout the city. The decisions that you make and the actions that you take going forward will be critical to ensure a quick recovery once this crisis subsides. In the meantime, our local businesses will shoulder a significant portion of the burden that will be required to outlast the COVID-19 virus. Some will not make it. Most will need assistance to have a chance for survival. The $15 million assistance package will help provide and target needed services and economic stimulus to help give them that chance. Businesses, employees and residents are counting on it. Thank you for your consideration. Si ncerely, //John Luciano Resident j Community Advocate Founder, Goodnight Anaheim Hills Jennifer L. Hall From: Junko Ikeda Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:55 PM To: Council Subject: Letter of Support Mayor Sidhu Attachments: 4031 _001.pdf Thank you for coordinating this very important effort. Attached you will find our letter of support for economic relief. JUNKO IKEDA FHR Management, Inc. Office: PREMIER HOTEL GROUP °uR Management., Inc. Anaheim, CA 9 620 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, w 'Ju riko liked Senior Manager PHR Management, Inc. Jennifer L. Hall From: Keith Moses Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:43 PM To: Council Subject: Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package - Hyatt Place Anaheim Resort Attachments: Hyatt PI ace. pdf Good afternoon, This letter is sent on behalf of Bonne Gardner, General Manager of the Hyatt Place Anaheim Resort in support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package being proposed. Best regards, Keith Moses Viae President— Hotel Operations Prospera Hotels, Inc. Orange, CA 92868 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY To WHICH IT I5 ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or fhe agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissernination, distribution, or copying of this communication is stric fly prohibited. Receipt of this message in error does not waive any confidentially or privileges. This a -mail is non-binding unless and until a definitive written contract between the parties is fully executed. If you have received this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system and notify the Sender. kA Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P Anaheim, LP March 2b, 2020 Hyait Place Anaheim Resort Anaheim, CA. 92802 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, ! am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, r i+ (- TL I ;mow Bonnie Gardner General Manager HP Anaheim, LP Jennifer L. Hall From: Keith Moses Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:41 PM To: Council Subject: Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package - Hampton Inn and Suites Attachments: Hampton Inn & Suites.pdf Good afternoon, This letter is sent on behalf of the Hampton Inn and Suites Anaheim Resort in support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package being proposed. Best rega rds, Keith Alloses Vice President — Hotel Operations Prospera Hotels, Inc. Oranqe, CA 92868 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE DISE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WCH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT 1S PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or the agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notifed that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Receipt of this message in error does not waive any confidentially or privileges. This e-mail is non-binding unless and until a +definitive written contract between the parties is fully executed. If you have received this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system and notify the sender. `A Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 1 � f(amptorU cYnuUCV5'uiteo by HILTON March 26, 2020 Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort Convention Center Anaheim, CA, 92802 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COViD-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, 1 am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Since , Keith Moses Vice President of operations Hampton Inn and Suites Anaheim Resort Jennifer L. Hall From: Keith Mases Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:39 PM To: Council Subject: Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package - Cortona Inn and Suites Attachments: Cortona Inn & Suites.pdf Good afternoon, This letter is sent on behalf of the Cortona Inn and Suites in Anaheim in support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package being proposed. Best regards, Keith Moses Vice President -- Hotel Operations Prospera Hotels, Inc. Orange, CA 92563 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDiJAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAV. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or the agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you etre hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Receipt of this message in error Maes not waive any confidentially or privileges. This e-mail is non-binding unless and until a definitive written contract between the parties is fully executed. If you have received this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system and notify the sender. FA Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail CORTONA, INN & SUITES Anaheim Resort March Z6, 2020 Dear [Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending With the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, On behalf of my employees,. I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our oven business, during this unprecedented time in World history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city Workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincer I Keith Moses Vice President of Operations Cortona Inn and Suite I Anaheim CA 92802 Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Members of the City Council, Linda Hurley Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:56 PM Council Emergency proposal In order to subsidize the losses occurring due to this unprecedented crisis, I urge you to approve the mayors $15,000,000 economic recovery package. Thank you, Linda Hurley Anaheim resident Sent from my Phone Jennifer L. Hall From: Linda Newby _ Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:44 PM To: Council Subject: I support the concept of the Assistance and Recovery Package I will be watching the meeting tonight to learn more about "who gets what" in in this proposal. I appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency [operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. I understand that City funding is impacted, like our my own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As ►with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Linda Newby, CTA Gallery Travel Anaheim, CA. 92805 "Travel is the one thing that you buy that makes you richer". It will create memories that will pay dividends for a lifetime. It excites the mind, lifts the heart and enriches the soul. I Proud member of the Signature group of travel specialists that are experienced in the art of travel. Follow me on Facebook. Friend me at LindaNewby,71 and let's share life! Your Travel Specialist Linda Lee Newby Ga llery Travel Anaheim, California 92805 CST# I took my first flight when I was 21 years old and knew at that moment that I LOVED TO TRAVEL. 168 countries later and it is still my passion. I love helping people visit the places that I have been and am able to offer them invaluable first-hand experience. I want to turn your dream into a reality that exceeds your expectations! The art of travel to exotic and luxury destinations is my area of expertise. Having also been on over 100 cruises I am able to best guide you to a ship, and on an itinerary that best matches your style. The best gift and compliment that you can give to me is to pass my contact information along to a friend: Follow me on Facebook: 2 Jennifer L. Hall From: Patrick: Durand Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:31 PM To: Council Subject: Defer TOT Payments Attachments: SHI letter to Anaheim City Council.pdf March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family owns and operates the Park Vue Inn hotel as well as the Anaheim Cold Stone Creamery on Harbor Blvd in Anaheim. The effects of Covid-19 and the closure of Disneyland have been forced to close our doors indefinitely as we fight this virus as a Nation. Although there seems to be some government sponsored financial stimulus for small business like ourselves in the works, it hasn't been made available to us and may not for several weeks or even months. In the mean time, We are desperately trying to conserve operating cash with zero revenue coming in. We are feverishly working to shore up working capital, however working through the bank takes time. We are now out of time for the February Transient occupancy Tax deadline. I'm asking that you take up a measure to defer our Transient Occupancy Tax liabilities of the last two months of operations, February and March. This use of cash is critical to our business solvency as we want to retain our employees and keep our properties ready for the day we can reopen. Than k you for you r valuable consideration, Sincerely, Patrick Durand CFO / owner Scalzo Hospitality Park Vue I n n Patrick Durand CFO Scalzo Hospitality, Inc. Patrick Durand scalzo Anaheim, CA 92$02 h o s p it al it y March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family ovens and operates the Park Vue Inn hotel as well as the Anaheim Cold Stone Creamery on Harbor Blvd in Anaheim. The effects of Covid-19 and the closure of Disneyland have been forced to close our doors indefinitely as we fight this virus as a Nation. Although there seems to be some government sponsored financial stimulus for small business like ourselves in the works, it hasn't been made available to us and may not for several weeks or even months. In the mean time, we are desperately trying to conserve operating cash with zero revenue coming in. We are feverishly working to shore up working capital, however working through the bank takes time. we are novo out of time for the February Transient Occupancy Tax deadline. I'm asking that you take up a measure to defer our Transient occupancy Tax liabilities of the last two months of operations, February and March. This use of cash is critical to our business solvency as we want to retain our employees and keep our properties ready for the day we can reopen. Thank you for your valuable consideration, Sincerely, Patrick Durand CFO 1 Owner Scalzo Hospitality Park Vue Inn Jennifer L. Hall From: Tamara Jimenez Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:43 PM To: Council Cc: publiccomments@anaheim.net Subject: March 26 meeting March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and RecoveryPackage. As I've mentioned before, Lighthouse has taken a serious hit. Our census has been cut in half as people don't want to go to rehab right now. It's becoming increasingly difficult to beep our staff on board. We are a very small business trying to save lives but it's hard if we can't fill our beds. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, Deep city workers on the payroll, and case regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Anaheim Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 CHIPAA1% 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Jennifer L. Hall From: Vancleave, Beckley - Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:36 PM To: Council Subject: Anaheim Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Attachments: Letter to the Mayor and Anaheim City Council.pdf On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. Many of my associates are Anaheim residents and need this assistance. Beckley Van Cleave General Manaw- Clementine Hotel & Suites Anaheim Anaheim, CA 92892 General Manager Advisory Council Member This communication contains information from interstate Hotels & Resorts that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature ander applicable lava. The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sale purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If YOU have received this transmission in error, any use; reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please irnmodiatsly notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any. This email has been scanned for email related threats and delivered safely by Mimecast. For more information please visit HOTEL & SUITES ANAHEIM March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-1 g pandernic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to Delp those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, Deep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery 'Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sind=rey, y Beckley van Cleave General Manager Clementine Hotel and Suites Anaheim ANAHEIM, CA. 92802 * PH; Jennifer L. Hall Subject: Economic Assistance & Recovery Package - Letter of Support Attachments: Economic Assistance & Recovery Package_Letter of Support City National Grove of Anaheim.pdf From: Jordan Harding < Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:40 PM To: Council <counciWmanaheim.net, Subject: Economic Assistance & Recovery Package - Letter of Support Hi Mayor & Council, I've attached a letter of support from City National Grove of Anaheim / Nederlander for the assistance & recovery package. Hope you're all staying safe and well and good luck this evening! Warm regards, Jordan JORDAN HARDING I General Manager CITY NATIONAL GROVE OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, CA 92806 March 26, 2020 RE: Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. on behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Jordan Harding General Manager, City National Grove of Anaheim Cc: Alex Hodges, CEO — Nederlander Concerts David Green, CFO — Nederlander Concerts Jennifer L. Hall From: Council Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:57 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan Attachments: 032620 -Response Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan.pdf From: John Orti2 Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:55 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan Bear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I found out about the last minute Council meeting today at 2pm. I read the Recovery Plan and I have attached my response. Regards, John Ortiz cam`.. • Sustainability It� Ally March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Everyone knows that Anaheim, like the rest of the nation, is in the midst of dealing with the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic. Our President and the Coronavirus Task Force is working hard to bring together all of the resources of the Federal Government. Our Governor and the State Task Force is working with our State's resources to implement solutions along with the Federal Governments strong support. Hopefully, Congress will set aside partisanship and approve a stimulus package that helps individuals and businesses (with loans) across our nation. our city should be focused on residents and implementing the best "last mile" deployment for assisting people. The "Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan" breakdown is as follows: 1. $ 2,000,000 grant to the Anaheim Community Foundation for direct assistance to residents and community non -profits 2. $ 6,000,000 to the City Manager to support programs for homeless population, housing assistance and city workforce continuity 3. Direct City Manager to defer enforcement for TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) for a period of 90 days 4. $ 6,5001000 to Visit Anaheim for Destination Marketing 5. Direct City Manager to design incentivization programs for commercial and residential development 6. $ 500,000 for a Buy/Shop/Dine/Hire/Purchase Locals program As written, I cannot support the "`Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan,". The only item on this list that could support ,as written, would be #5. Of course, the City Manager should already be doing this on his own 1 As the City Manager, he should be figuring out what aspects of the Anaheim economy could be re- started with a strategic incentive after Federal and State mandates are released. Every other item does not list enough information to support it. The $ 6,500,000 to Visit Anaheim is just a bad decision. A Destination Marketing plan is going to be a waste of money because there is no demand for visiting a tourist mecca. Rest assured, everyone in the nation knows that Anaheim has the Disneyland Resort, Hotels, Angels, Ducks and the Convention Center. The new normal for entertainment, tourism, hospitality, restaurants and bars will not begin until people feel safe again. The first customers for these industries will be the people that live within 30 miles of our great city. Those are the people you will have to convince first and your actions to help the people of Anaheim will show those people that Anaheim is a safe place. With all of this uncertainty surrounding us, we are fortunate to be in America. Anaheim, Orange County, California and the rest of the Nation had great economic success in 2017, 2018, and 2019. We were all on our way to have an amazing 2020, until Wuhan Coronavirus showed up. Fortunately, most businesses are sound and some are strong and ready to get back to business. Anaheim, CA 92805 ' "Sustainability cm Sustainability The city of Anaheim should be focusing resources on the "last -mile" of support. Here are some good ideas to start the ball rolling: 1. Develop people networks for the entire city. We need to communicate with everyone via email, phone, text, twitter and the City website. People need to stay connected. I heard about the Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan today at 2pm! (Essential Communication) 2. Mobile Food Banks. The City should sponsor or manage a mobile Food Bank where essential food and products are pre-packaged and given to each Anaheim resident. (Essential Help) 3. Senior Resident Mobile Team. A team should be deployed to deliver food, medicine and hygiene products to senior citizens to keep them safe. (Safety for our Seniors) 4. Deploy Free Dumpsters. Many residents are home and having dumpsters around the city would motivate them to clean out their garages and homes. (Personal Accomplishments) 5. Promote Volunteerism. Use your people network and spur residents to get involved in Neighborhood Watch, create an Online CERT Training & online small business support training 6. Hotels for Homeless: The City should contact every hotel and negotiate a rate to use hotels to house the homeless population. The City should be pursuing grants to help pay for this effort. (Hotel Revenue) 7. Homeless Shelter Development. The City should be contacting the City's Developers and help incentive them to build long-term homeless shelters. (Contractor Jobs) It took me an hour to write this letter, given the opportunity, I bet I could come up with a list that would help Anaheim build the "last mile" of support. We are in a fight and most of us have never had to deal with a situation like the Wuhan Coronavirus. Transparency, Understanding of our Capabilities & Patience will get us through this challenging time. appreciate the efforts around the city. Regards, John Ortiz Anaheim, CA 92805 Public Comment From: Ismael Coronel Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:43 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment for City Council Meeting Hi, I'm Ismael Coronel, a resident and homeowner of Anaheim at In regards to the $15 million being proposed, the vast majority of it going to tourism promoting, is absurd. We have homeless people sleeping where the bus benches nice were, and we're worried that people won't know what Disneyland is? Absolutely insane - Harry Sidhu, and any council members that support this are for sale to corporate interests, not us tax paying constituents. Thank you for hearing me out, even if most of you are already owned by the mouse himself. Public Comment From: Benita Gagne Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:45 PM To: Public Comment Subject: From Benita Gagne - Resident - What the City should do regarding economic recovery planning Hello Council and Staff, It is not a City's job to indemnify its residents and businesses against tough economic times. Period. In our opinion (my husband and mine) no City of Anaheim revenue/money should be allocated toward further economic relief efforts, including the "Mayor's Economic Recovery Plana. This two week shutdown is affecting every resident and every business across the nation, and if the shutdown extends it may cause businesses to fail and more people to be out of work; I understand that. I also know that $15,000,000 would not make everyone in the City of Anaheim whole. It comes to $42.85 per person. That is insignificant, so I believe Anaheim should not have an "Economic Recovery Plan" that essentially fails to promote any kind of a viable economic recovery. Governments cannot do everything well at all. History has taught us that. Governments are good at certain things that citizens cannot do well just by themselves. Governments are not good at regulating economies. Be that as it may, I understand that the Federal Government has just passed a relief bill of 2 trillion to assist everyone, renters, landlords, tourist venues, everyone. It will give each adult $1,200.00 and each child $500.00. Presuming that there are 2 children for every two adults in Anaheim (a sheer guess on my part), the Fed Gov vuill be sending $75,500,000 to the residents of Anaheim. If the city government MUST do something, then lower the tax/fee burden on all Anaheim employers of Anaheim residents. It may not translate into direct employment but it should help keep struggling employers in business and thus keep their employees employed, which helps the City. In short, save already allocated City of Anaheim money for the programs, and services, and projects currently underway that will be greatly needed once the "shelter in place" is lifted and don't divert it for "economic recovery" efforts that cannot achieve what they purport to achieve. Thank you. Benita and Roland Gagne Public Comment From: Roger Tefft Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Emergency Restaurant Relief Please consider adopting temporary relief for restaurants by suspending municipal restrictions on sales of alcohol to go. The State ABC, and other major cities in California and the nation, including Los Angeles, have temporarily adopted measures to allow restaurants impacted by dine -in bans to sell and deliver closed containers of alcohol to their patrons. This would be an important benefit to Anaheim restaurants as well. Thank you —Roger Tefft Greenspoon Marder LLP Sent from my Whone GREENSPOON MARDER LLP LEGAL NOTICE The information contained in this transmission may be attorney/client privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, any discussion of tax issues contained in this e-mail, including any attachments, is not, and is not intended to be, "written advice" as defined in Section 10.37 of Treasury Department Circular 230. A portion of our practice involves the collection of debt and any information you provide will be used for that purpose if we are attempting to collect a debt from you. Public Comment From: Angelica Mota Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:59 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Disney Money Hello, My name is Angelica. I have been a resident of Anaheim my entire life. In these times I would expect a Mayor to think first and foremost of his or her constituents. As much as I love Disneyland I find it offensive that our city funds are even considered to pay for their advertising. Disney is a multi-million dollar company. They have never needed help advertising and I highly doubt they will need it now. These funds could serve a better purpose. Like helping your constituents with rent assistance. Gentrification has already made it difficult to keep up with the never ending rise in rents, you add on top of that the fact that thousands of people are without work and you really have a crisis on your hand. The people you voted for you need you. Now is the time to demonstrate that you actually care about them and not corporate interest. Public Comment From: Al Dino Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:01 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment I ISO NOT support the proposed plan that will be introduced tonight. This is just a scheme to give money to the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. Almost half of the proposed $15 million will go to Visit Anaheim aka the Chamber. This seems very shady to me especially since the chamber supports the Mayor's campaign. Public Comment From: Therese Denbeck Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: Assistance Funds going for Promoting Anaheim City Hey I was told that you may be using funds towards promoting Anaheim for the city of Tourism - I personally would like to see the funds only add allocated for crisis driven responses only at this point in time. I hope that you guys start addressing the prostitution as a virus potential on Beach Boulevard and a greater response for the homeless at this point in time. I currently am stuck at a relocation property off of Beach and Lincoln and feel that we are an at -risk property right now with several of the elements that are going on here up to and including people using the parking lot to turn around and pick up hookers on the street. Sincerely T. Denbeck Sent from my T -Mobile 4G LTE device Public Comment From: David Mazer Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: NO NEEED FOR SENIOR VERIFICATION Dear Mayor and Council Members: would like to weigh in on something with you regarding evictions. As per Governor Newsome's executive order he stated " that's the last thing seniors should worry about is a place to live.". That seniors over 60 years old do not go outside and remain at home which makes them unable to work. Pursuant to President Trump, his Task Force, the Center for Disease Control, and the Army Center for Infectious Disease Control. They all agree on one thing. That seniors with pre-existing conditions over the age of 50 should not go outside. This could be a death sentence for them. do not feel you have to share any additional information regarding your medical condition to prove the effect that Covert -19 Virus has had on us, which would be a violation of law. Being a senior 73 years old, with a pre-existing condition, COPD and Cancer I do not believe that we as tenants should have to violate the Patient -Doctor confidentiality act as well as their oath. At this point in time I believe that seniors should be investing and things that will maintain their health and stock up for at least two weeks as recommended by the CDC, and the Army Center for Infectious Disease Control. In addition they can invest in an air purifiers with germicidal lights, and food for 2 weeks, rather than be required to pay the rent on time. This will also minimize the number of trips that have to be made to Grocery Stores and taking a chance in coming in contact with those already infected with this deadly virus in which seniors are much more acceptable to As an Amateur Radio Operator for almost 55 years, I have discussed this with hundreds of rental tenants in Anaheim, and thousands across the country. The rest of the proposal seems very fair, keeping in mind that most seniors do not get their checks until the 3rd of June, So setting a date of June 5th, would be very helpful to those seniors. Thanking you, I remain, Sincerely, n.gvir! M Mawr Anaheim, California 92805 Theresa Bass From: Chad Brown Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:45 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. Melia Homes is a builder Within your City and want to be a part of the solution and your proactive action is beneficial to our industry. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVIN -19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Chad Brown Irvine, CA 92618 Theresa Bass From: Joseph Oftelie Sent: Thursday, March Zb, 2UZU 5:05 NM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Joseph Oftelie Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Tim Markel , Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:05 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Tim Markel V Irvine, CA 92614 Theresa Bass From: Valerie Hardman Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:08 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Valerie Hardman Irvine, CA 92606 Theresa Bass From: Teresa Ramos Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:09 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we Were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim? Regards, Teresa Ramos Anaheim, CA 92804 Theresa Bass From: Art Barela Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:10 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Art Barela Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Mark Himmelstein Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:11 PM To: Theresa Bass Subect: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVIN -19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim* Regards, Mark Himmelstein Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Genn'Ifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, item # .Distributed to majority of Cit Council within 72 hours of < meeting. Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:39 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios, Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Anaheim Police Assn. Letter Re Item #1 (CCMtg 3/26/20) Anaheim Police Association Emergency Letter of Support for Mayor and Council Economic Recovery Package March 26 2020.pdf Attached is a letter from the Anaheim Police Association related to Item No. 1 on the Special meeting agenda. Thank you, Theresa. Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: tbass: L i anaheim.net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4105 March 20, 2020 Re: Support of Emergency Mayoral Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Dear Honorable Mayor Sidhu, Members of the Anaheim City Council, Staff and to all our families and businesses in the Great City of Anaheim: On behalf of the entire Anaheim Police Association (APA) and our members, who work and live in the great city of Anaheim, we extend our full support and ask for your immediate assistance to approve the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package before you tonight! While it is sad and frightening to see what can happen in only a few weeks to the entire Country, nevertheless we must continue to lead our city and all in the County and region. Now is the time to rise to the occasion and provide immediate help in full as presented tonight. The devastating effects of the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI D-1 0 pandemic knows no mercy — it hurts all and we must band together to do all we can to reverse its effects. We are on the frontline serving the public like never before with professionalism and are a lifelong partner dedicated to all in the entire city. Our tourism, city employees, businesses, families, entertainment assets and more are being devastated. we must preserve jobs, pay and benefits, working conditions and prepare for the quickest return to economic health as possible. We appreciate and value your leadership on the Council who has worked together quickly to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We completely understand that City funding is impacted during this unprecedented time in our city, county, state and world overview. History will judge us for how well we took care of one another and now is not the time for petty differences or division. We must lean -in to the challenge before us with all our might and collective voice. The APA has always lead on challenges big or small and we believe this is one of the most important ones before you tonight and going forward. Please support now immediately the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million worth of an assistance package to get immediate and desperate help out to residents, local businesses, city staff and other vital services most affected by the crisis. We also strongly support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your positive consideration and immediate action of this request. We appreciate and look forward to your full support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening, March 25, 2020. Sincerely, Peter Mitchell Edgar Hampton Chief Consultant/Advisor: APA Officer and President: APA Executive Director: OC Cops Retired Military Veteran: U.S. Navy Anaheim, CA 92806 1 Peter Mitchell: Brea, CA 92822 1 item # 0I o e Distributed t majority of pity Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of � Z� me e i i I From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:36 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Cc: Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; . Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Subject: FW: Letter to City Council Regarding CARES Act Attachments: Letter to Anaheim City Council.pdf Mayor and City Council, Below/attached is an email/letter from Congressman Luis Correa regarding the CARES Act. Thank you, Theresa From: Gallegos, Claudio < Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 5:14 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) EHSidhu@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.nets Subject: Letter to City Council Regarding CARES Act Good Afternoon Please see the attached letter from Congressman Lou Correa to the Mayor and the City Council. Please let us know how we can be of help. Claudio W. Gallegos I Acting District Director Office of Congressman J. Luis Correa (CA -46) I Santa Ana CA 92706 1 J. LUIS CORREA 46TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA 1Al ■I�11.�.ATA1. �.�r1A!" WASHINGTON, RC. 20515 SAIiITA SNA ❑!STRICT OFFICE 6T1+i� r �.y of the j� �$fidvs SA.%rrA ANA, CA 92706 �%Ouze of C-ftreocidaffix.0 JJ__ XU04,11t&n, POET, 20515 March 26, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.,7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Honorable City Council: HOUSE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY SUBCOMNIMFEE ON IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP SUBCOIuIMITiEE ON COURTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE INTERNET VICE CHAIR HOUSE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY SuBccumITTEE ON BORDER SECURITY, FACILITATION, AND OPIrRATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE oN TRANSPORTATION AND MAnmME SECURITY CHAIR Today, I am providing an overview of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the third stimulus package related to the coronavirus. Yesterday, it passed the Senate by a vote of 96-0. It is expected to be voted on by the House of Representatives, tomorrow or Saturday. The entire cost of this third stimulus package is $2 trillion, representing about 9% of the US ODP. The legislation contains non-taxable assistance for individuals and families. Sadly, for individuals to obtain assistance, a person must have a social security number. Consequently, many of our resident taxpayers will not be eligible to receive assistance under this category. Additionally, there is funding to help small businesses to stay in business and continue to pay their employees. There is also funding to help state and local governments. I am working with our Orange County representatives to ensure that our local cities can obtain all funding that they may be gligible for. After you review this third stimulus package, please contact ane with your thoughts, comments and concerns. Please note that a fourth funding package is expected in April. I commend your efforts to keep our residents in their homes and to keep our small businesses open. If you have any comments or questions, please contact our office. Respectful . ear J. ,uis Correa Member of Congress CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF AND ECONOMIC SECURITY (CARES) ACT This is an overview of the third stimulus package that the Senate passed this week, and the House is expected to pass as well. First stimulus package, cost was $8.3 billion in part to develop a vaccine. Second stimulus package, focused on mandating greater access to paid sick leave for workers and free testing. Please find below brief details of the third stimulus package, of $2 trillion, or about 9% of Nation's GIMP PAYMENTS TO INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES For individuals that earn $75,000 and couples who earn $150,000: * $1200 per adult o $500 per child * These payments phase-out and end altogether for those earning more than $99,000. @ To receive the payment, individuals must have a Social Security number. v Additionally, payments are considered a tax rebate based on 2018 or 2019 taxes, thus not taxable. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION E $350 billion in loans for expenses for up to 10 weeks Small businesses are eligible for these loans ONLY if they keep their payrolls steady through the crisis. HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT * $7 billion for affordable housing and homelessness assistance programs, including funds for Section 8 and public housing agencies. Funding will help low-income and working class Americans avoid evictions. The bill includes a temporary halt of landlords being able to file evictions on rental homes with federally backed mortgages and provides new funds for emergency rental assistance to help people stay in their homes. Funding is provided to help homeless individuals find shelter or temporary housing. IMMIGRATION -SPECIFIC PROVISIONS Many self-employed workers and contractors who are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits will be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. However, "non-resident aliens" (noncitizens who don't have green cards and haven't been physically present here long enough to establish "substantial presence"} are excluded from unemployment insurance. Also ineligible are noncitizens who aren't work authorized or weren't work authorized when they were working. People who use Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITILs) for anyone in the family are excluded from the direct cash assistance that is a centerpiece of this bill, even if some in the family have Social Security Lumbers (SSNs) that are valid for employment. There is a limited exception for military families if at least one spouse has a valid SSL. $350 million for "Migration and Refugee Assistance" under the Department of State. No new funds are included for Immigration and Customs Enforcement or Customs and Border Protection. Transfer and reprogramming restrictions are attached to the Department of Homeland Security operational money. The bill also prevents Department of Defense funds from being diverted for border wall construction on the southern border. NON-SPECIFIC CATEGORIES, INCLUDING AIRLINES * $500 billion 6 backstop loans and other assistance that the Federal Reserve plans to extend to companies HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES $140.4 billion Funding is included for hospitals, public health agencies, non-profit organizations, and other entities to support coronavirus testing, research and development of vaccines, medical response efforts, and the purchase of medical supplies. TRANSPORTATION * $31 billion o Amtrak, public transit systems, and airports. The funds will be used for operating purposes, preventative maintenance and c l earring . VETERANS AFFAIRS @ $20 billion Funding ensures the agency has the necessary equipment, tests, telehealth, and support services to provide medical care to veterans at facilities. Funding further ensures veterans and their families remain eligible for pension and other income -dependent benefits, even if an emergency benefit paid by the government would have put them over the threshold. HOMELAND SECURITY a $45.9 billion e TSA, Coast Guard 9 FEMA a Provides $45 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund and another $400 million would be provided for grants overseen by FEMA.. Funds would be used for the purchase of personal protective equipment for first responders and federal employees, sanitation at airport security checkpoints, reimbursement to state and local governments for certain activities. X 9_161101ILII , $34.1 billion for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), child nutrition programs, and provides aid to agricultural producers affected by the virus EDUCATION $30.8 billion for states, school districts, and colleges for coronavirus -related costs. For elementary and secondary schools, funds could be used to plan for and coordinate during Tong -term school closures. Colleges could use funds to cover expenses for technology associated with remote teaching and grants for students. DEFENSE $10.5 billion for DoD for health-care of servicemembers and their family, deployment of the rational Guard, military medical research programs, and expansion of military hospitals. The bill prohibits these emergency funds from being used for the construction of the border wail. OTHER TOPLINE FUNDINGS $300 million for Social Security Administration (SSA)to support telework, communication needs, and salaries and benefits of Federal employees impacted by office closures. This funding provides the resources necessary for processing disability and retirement workloads and backlogs when SSA offices reopen to the public. $250 million for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to cover costs associated with delaying tax filing deadlines and implementing tax changes. $350 million for migration and refugee assistance to contribute to pending appeals from international agencies to prepare for and respond to coronavirus among vulnerable refugee populations abroad. o $400 million for election security grants that would be distributed by the Election Assistance Commission. As coronavirus affects primaries, funds could be used to increase the ability to vote -bymail and expand early voting and online registration. $200 million for the Federal Communications Commission, including to help health-care providers with telecommunications services, information services, and devices to enable telemedicine, Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass �� . Sent: Thursday, March 26,, 2020 6:14 PM Item # Distributed _ butCd t! To: Jennifer L. Hall majority of City Council within Subject: FW: Corona Virus 72 hours of 6�Ltow meeting. From: Roxanne Leach Sant: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:36 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Cc: Roxanne Leach Subject: Corona Virus Only you would use the Corona virus outbreak to fund MORE UNNESSESARY things for your buddies. The tourist traps can pay for themselves. You need to concentrate on the Mom and Pops, people who are unemployed now and the homeless. You rich cronies can take care of themselves. You really are a piece of work. And not a good one. *7" rw, Ra .ems 1 Jennifer L. Hall Item # _i�l _. Distributed to majority of Cit Council within 72 hours of 7dP meeting. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:16 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: DO NOT USE TAX DOLLARS TO PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:01 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrand man@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno @anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeiI@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRam1rez@anaheim.net3; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa ESFigueroa@anaheim.net,; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: DO NOT USE TAX DOLLARS TO PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis For Mayor and Council Consideration From: Michael Vilest DuBrock Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:55 PM To: Loretta Day cLDa , anaheim.net�; City Manager Cit mana ;erCDanaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhulanaheim.net>; Denise Barnes EDBarnesianaheim.net> Subject: DO NOT USE TAX DOLLARS TO PROMOTE ANAHEIM tourism in COVID 19 Crisis Hello Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council Members It has come to my attention that a special meeting is being held to rake a vote on $15 Million. I request that you do not use taxpayers or city funds to spend on promoting the City of Anaheim during or after this COVID 19 Crisis. Allow the private sector and industry to fund the promotion of the City of Anaheim. Do not use 5.5 Million from the General Fund for Promoting Anaheim. Use the funds to help our Homeless and people who have lost thier jobs in this Crisis. The Private sector has the resources to make a bigger difference and Help engage them to help more. Michael DuBrock Anaheim, CA 92894-1893 Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:13 PM � r + �`�� � r Distributed to To. Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Letter of support to city council majority of CitCouncil within Attachments: SMIS Mayor Ltr 2020.doc 72 hours of 6�rzIL" meeting. From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:30 PM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman cJBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Clover <JClover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Letter of support to city council For Mayor and Council consideration. From: george silve Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:28 PM To: Council <councili anaheim.net> Cc: Scalla Jakso Subject: Letter of support to city council Thank you, Angelica Silva Silva Management Insurance Services 1 I { 1 y I u Silva mwb. nirm' Services L f, Marsh 26, 2020 C Dear Mayor Members Anaheim City Council, and of the Oo we are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the m e COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's C` Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. r,� We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to ,/YutO take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal business level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect ��-- vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Workiers Thank You for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda Comp tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Angelica Silva Me a It h Vice President Phone Fax Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Item # _sus :�° .Distributed to majority Of pity Council within 72 hours. of �r�eetin�:Jennifer L. Hall. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:13 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Letter of support for City Council Attachments: 03262000.PDF From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 20204:33 PM To: Denise Barnes cDBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring , Lucille Kring {LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@ana heim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@a naheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.neta; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash eNBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>a Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Letter of support for City Council For Mayor and Council consideration From: Grant Roma ncia Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:30 PM To: Council <counciI1,"dL1 anaheim.net> Subject: letter of support for City Council On Mar 26, 2020, at 2:25 PM, Scalla Jakso wrote: Hello Grant, Many thanks for taking the time to send the letter to show your support for Mayor Harry 5idhu's Community and Economic Recovery Plan. It is important for City Council members to hear from you on this critical matter by no later than 5 pm today. Attached is a sample letter for your use. You may send your letter and/or comments of support to the Mayor and City Council at councilana eim.net. Also, I've attached a PDF that provides more background info. To learn about tonight's special City Council meeting, please click here. Any questions, I'm an email/phone call away. Thank you again! Scalia <image003.jpg> Scalia Jakso Communications Manager Address Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone Websit <Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package.docx><Mayor's economic package.March 25.2020.pdf> NCIA 1� RO MA photography March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. l am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. For my Tbusiness this has been devastating and is costing me thousands of dollars. I had numerous jobs and events in the next couple months that are now cancelled and some won't take place at all, others postponed indefinitely, with only one of them actually rescheduled with a new date in August. My cash flow has completely stopped yet the bills don't. Since 1 am 100% self employed this puts me in a difficult spot. I am hoping that there will be some assistance for the "VERY small business owners" I appreciate that the council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations center to help those in need through this crisis. I understand that City funding is impacted, like my business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, I support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, I support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. fi Sincerely, Grant Romancia Owner / Photographer Grant Romancia Photography Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, ;tem # ��ajority of Cit 72 hours of . Distributed to Council within ajWrneeti n. Theresa Bass Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:36 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (6th Distribution) PublicCommentSpecialCCM032620_Distributedo32620 o6.pdf Attached are public comments (24 emails) received as of 6:30 pm, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC Cit, Clerk City of Anaheim 240 S. Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: tbass anaheim.net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4105 1 Public Comment From: Lorri Galloway Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5015 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Funding for most vulnerable, homeless children of addicts Honorable Councilmembers: Thank you for your consideration of covid-19 emergency funds going directly to the community and to help businesses. Please remember the most vulnerable of our homeless population, children of addicts. They are the "`silent sufferers" of the national oploid crisis that has threatened every community in our nation. Sadly, they are seldom mentioned and seldom seen, but they are seen by those of us who work on the front lines of homelessness. Please ensure that there is specific monetary help and consideration given to these children who suffer behavioral, mental, and scholastic deficiencies and are most likely to abuse drugs/alcohol at a young age. Respectfully submitted, Lord Galloway, Executive Director —The Eli Home, Inc. Public Comment From: Mari bel Reyes Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:23 PM To: Public Comment Subject: oppose, must read! Hello, as a long time resident of Anaheim and a teacher in AESD there is no way my family supports 6.5 million dollars to anyone else that is not the people of Anaheim. No way! Disgusting when the public doesn't even have knowledge you are doing this! Mariffiel Reyes 1 Public Comment From: Therese Denbeck Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:33 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Assistance Funds going for Promoting Anaheim City My Bad - I read it wrong the money is going to help them in Crisis 4� Yes by all means fund them during the down time economic damage Sentfrom my T -Mobile 4G LTE device ------ Original message ------ From : Therese Denbeck Date: Thu, Mar 26, 2020 5:03 PM To: publiccommentanaheim.net; cc: Subjeet:Re: Assistance Funds going for Promoting Anaheim City Hey I was told that you may be using funds towards promoting Anaheim for the city of Tourism - I personally would like to see the funds only add allocated for crisis driven responses only at this point in time. I hope that you guys start addressing the prostitution as a virus potential on Beach Boulevard and a greater response for the homeless at this point in time. I currently am stuck at a relocation property off of Beach and Lincoln and feel that we are an at -risk property right now with several of the elements that are going on here up to and including people using the parking lot to turn around and pick up hookers on the street. Sincerely T. Denbeck Sent from my T -Mobile 4G LTE device Public Comment From: Sent: Thursdays March 26, 2020 6:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: 6.5 million Dollars All 15 million dollars should be going to the people and hospitals. No money should be given to the resort as a billion dollar company should not be priority during this time. Rudy Loera Anaheim resident Public Comment From: Natalie Olivares Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:05 PM To: Public Comment Subject: 6.5 Million All 15 million dollars that were allotted to Anaheim should be used for the city's residents, including the homeless, hospitals, and residents who are no longer working. It is extremely disappointing that the city would use these funds to help millionaires in the midst of such a crisis. Residents should Come first. They are who vote you in and vote you out. Natalie Olivares Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Norma Zendejas Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:13 PM To: Public Comment Subject: No $6.5 million for Visit Anaheim To whom it may concern, I wanted to share that I do not agree that $6.5 million go towards Visit Anaheim. That money can be used for our community in these moments of uncertainty. There s s a lot of people that need assistance with their rent, utilities, childcare as well as the elderly that need assistance with their groceries. But especially our hospitals, first responders and healthcare providers. A decision like this can't be taken so lightly. More time is needed to see what the needs are of our city and residents. I feel strongly that the voting on this must not tale place in such a rush. Thank you, Norma Public Comment From: Katherine Gutierrez Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:22 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Proposed GoVID 19 plan To the Council Members and Mayor of Anaheim city: As a long standing resident of Anaheim, who has gone from elementary to grad school in this community, and has participated in civic events throughout High School as Katella High School's School Ambassador At AUHSD, I am asking you to not vote in favor of this bill. The proposed 6.5 million dollars allocated to Visit Anaheim WILL NOT benefit our community. This money should instead be going directly to those residents affected by COVID-1 9 closures. Let the large corporations that attract tourism each year manage the tourism attraction, they can afford it, WE your citizens cannot. Right now, what is needed is money in infrastructure so that our local hospitals can afford protection and better care for our residents. We need to shelter the most vulnerable, we need to make sure our bids at risk of going hungry are fed. We will worry about tourism at a later time, or better yet let those companies figure it out, we all know they are not going anywhere. It is your responsibility as OUR council members to take care of your constituents, please remember who elected you. The proposition does not protect us, your citizens, it does not protect our homeowners and renters. Come up with a better plan, because this is inaceptable. Best Regards Katherine L Gutierrez Concerned Anaheim Citizen Theresa Bass From: Fred Graylee Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:01 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim' Regards, Fred Graylee Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Connor Medina Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:00 PM To: Theresa Bass; Loretta Day Cc: Jesse Ben --Ron; Rachel Rolnicki Subject: Support Letter from OCBC for Anaheim City Council Attachments: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan _Support_City Council.pdf Good afternoon, Please note Orange County Business Council's letter of support for the City of Anaheim's economic recovery plan, addressed to Mayor 5idhu and the City Council. Thank you, and please let us know if you have any questions. Kind regards, Connor Connor Medina Government Affairs Specialist Orange County Business Council I Irvine, CA 92614 ORANGE COUNTY BUS IN ESS CO UNC [ L Suite 100 1 Irvine, CA 926141 March 26, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu Mayor City of Anaheim 260 S. Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92605 RE: Economic Recovery Package — SUPPORT Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council, First and foremost, thank you for your leadership in such unprecedented times. We all know you a have the profound responsibility of keeping your residents safe from the spread of COVI D-1 9 by "flattening the curve" by making sure Anaheim residents are sheltering in place and practicing social distances. While the health of your residents is the utmost importance, COVID-1 9 and the policies in place to stop the spread have caused a major disruption to our economy. Anaheim's economy has been especially hit hard, since the City has a large concentration of hospitality, tourism, retail and food services, industries that have taken the brunt of the economic impact. That is why orange County Business Council, the leading voice for business regionally and nationally, supports this $15 million economic recovery plan, as it will take resources and a concerted effort from the public, private and nonprofit sectors to get the Anaheim economy back to being the jobs hub it was less than two months ago. Although dubbed an Economic Recovery Plan, OCBC would like to commend all of the community benefits in the plan as well. Funds designated for housing assistance, senior assistance, homelessness assistance and workforce development are laudable, and OCBC appreciates the inclusion of benefits to residents and businesses alike. OCBC supports the passage of this Economic Recovery Plan to protect residents and support industries vital to the health of this city and region, and hopes this is a model for other cities to emulate as well. Please consider OCBC as a resource for city leaders and staff as we work to overcome COVI D-1 9. Sincerely, Jesse Ben -Ron Director, Workforce & Economic Development Orange County Business Council THE LEADING VOICE OF BUSINESS IN ORANGE COUNTY Theresa Bass From: Michael Burica Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:12 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Michael Burica Anaheim, CA 92808 Theresa Bass From: Jennifer Ryan Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:13 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim Regards, Jennifer Ryan Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Ryan Ray Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:14 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Ryan Ray Long Beach, CA 90814 Theresa Bass From: Jennifer McCullough Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:15 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Jennifer McCullough Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Theresa Bass From: Colleen Rust Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:16 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Colleen Rust Anaheim, UA 92808 Theresa Bas's From: Alexander Ruiz Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2420 5:17 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim f Regards, Alexander Ruiz Anaheim, CA 92806 Theresa Bass From: Jeff Musial Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:18 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Jeff Musial Las Angeles, CA 91401 Theresa Bass From: Laura Barber Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:19 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Laura Barber Anaheim, CA 92808 Theresa Bass From: Alan Scales Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:20 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City 'is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of CDVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Alan Scales Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Shelby Tiede Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:21 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Shelby Tiede Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Evan Miles Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:22 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Evan Miles Santa Ana, CA 92703 Theresa Bass From: Christy Whittaker _ Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:23 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we Were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim r Regards, Christy Whittaker Anaheim, CA 92 807 Theresa Bass From: Tami Salcido Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:01 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the cornmunity. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the CDVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Tami Salc ido Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: Fred G rayl ee Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:01 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Dear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, Fred Graylee Anaheim, CA 92807 Theresa Bass From: kamal karam Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:04 PM To: Theresa Bass Subject: Please Support Housing Recovery Bear Theresa Bass, City Clerk Anaheim Mayor and City Council, Thank you for proactively addressing the challenges faced by the community. The proposal to implement a variety of programs, policies, and practices designed to incentivize development and business activity in the City is critically important. Before the COVID-19 crisis, we were squarely in a Housing Crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have only exacerbated the importance of building homes to meet demand. Please support all efforts to get homes built in Anaheim! Regards, kamal karam Anaheim, CA 92807 Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, Item # _ (2 . Distributed t0 majority of Cit Council within 72 hours of meeting. Jennifer L. Hall Thursday, March 20, 2020 7:02 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Clover; Salvador Figueroa; Nara Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Mike Lyster; Theresa Bass Public Comments - Special Meeting March 26, 2020 (7th Distribution) Pu b I icCom ment5pecia ICC M032 620_D istri buted032620_07.pdf Attached are public comments (7 emails) received as of 7:00pm, Thursday March 26, 2020 related to Item No. 1 on the March 26 Special Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Theresa Theresa .Bans, CHIC City Clerk Cit} o f Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. #217 Anaheim, CA 92505 Email: #.bass a anaheim.net Phone: (714) 765-5166 1 Fax: (714) 765-4105 Public Comment From: Griselda Aguirre Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Video Comment- Anaheim Native, District 3 Greetings, My name is Griselda Aguirre. I made this video in hopes to advocate for my community (See below. we should not be spending money on already enriched entities such as Disney- resort industry. we should be funding small businesses, mobile home owners, support homelessness and housing- the 15 million should go to our residents. Living paycheck to paycheck is NOT living. Surviving is not living. This is happening rather quickly. You all are not including us in the conversation. Think about our community. Respectfully, Griselda Aguirre, District 3 Move on 3-26-20 at 6.19 PM.mov Public comment From: Rosie Roman Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:51 PM To: Public Comment Subject: To our council and Mayor To the council who represent the City of Anaheim and their residents and to Our Mayor who Should have And want the best of interests of the fellow Anaheim residents. I totally disagree with what the 6.5 million of dollars are being proposed to be used for. I don't believe promoting tourism is our biggest concern at this moment. I however agree that that money should go towards helping the residents of Anaheim to payback or to relive the stress of paying their rent in these difficult times as we battle a world pandemic that has affected not only our nation but our beautiful city. I'm certain that Anaheim and Disneyland itself will have funds coming in from the State that can help with the promotion of tourism later on. I would definitely like for our council members to please take a minute to think this through and to please VOTE NO! It's not in the best Interest of Anaheim Residents. Rosalsela Raman-Pescador Public Comment From: Sandra Leyva Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:51 PM To: Public Comment Subject: En contra de donar a "visit anaheim " Senor Alcalde en estos momentos las familias de Anaheim necesitan mas el dinero y los pequefto nos negocios estoy en desacuerdo como residents de Anaheim que utilize eros fondos en dicha organizacion gracias. Public Comment From: Francisco Acevedo Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: 6.5 millones Es inaceptable que el Conceao de la ciudad asigne 15 millones del auxilio federal para el pulpo DISNEYLANDIA, en vez de soportar hospitales de la ciudad y las personas desamparadas, que son ma's susceptibles de transmitir el cov19. Pregunto: Senores concejales, sera que DISNEYLANDIA esta en bancarrota para merecer este Auxilio ? Public Comment From: Maria Palafox Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:54 PM To: Public Comment Disneyland tiene sufieiente dinero para solito poder pagar su publicidad, las familias de Anaheim tienen otras mas importantes prioridades que pagar , si la enumeramos son bastantes, mas sin emcabio el pago tan elevado de la renta , la luz que aqui se gaga mas. Ese dinero to necesitan nuestra familias, para sostenerse de esta pandemia. Por favor sewn convincentes las familias necesita ayuda. NO DERRDCHEN EL DINERO EN TIEMPD DE CRISIS. Public Comment From: Anto Nery Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2024 6:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: 1 Anto Nery Public Comment From: Dee Dee Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: My Anaheim To whom it may concern, don't believe it's in the best Interest for 6.5 million to go towards my Anaheim and tourism. Sent from my Whone Item # _ � _ Distributed to majority of City Council within Public Comment 7'� hours of� za& meeting. From: Jennifer L. Hall on behalf of Public Comment Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:06 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes (DBarnesanaheim.net); 'Jordan Brandman'; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Daniel Fierro Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; 'Arianna Barrios'; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Mike Lyster; Theresa Bass Subject: FW: From: ba rba ra nava rrete Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:04 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> Subject: No estoy de acuerdo en que el dinero sea destinado para promover Disneyland, ese dinero es mos util para la ayuda puhlica, ahora en tiempos dificiles. Graclas. I iters #C.�( Majority ' * Distributed to Of CitY Council within Public Comment 72 hours of t .a From: Jennifer L. Hall on behalf of Public Comment Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:05 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes (DBarnes@anaheim.net); Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Daniel Fierro Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; 'Arianna Barrios'; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Mile Lyster; Theresa Bass Subject: FW: Buenas tardes quiero comentar que No estamos de acuerdo que 15 millones se usen en el to rismo por su atencion g racias . -----Original Message ----- From: Guzman Marce Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:03 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim,net> Subject: Buenas tardes quiero comentar que No estamos de acuerdo que 15 millones se usen en el turismo por su atencion gracias . Marce Guzman Public Comment Item # 01 _. Distributed to majority of City Cmuncii within 72 hours of �� meeting, From: Jennifer L. Hall on behalf of Public Comment Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:06 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes (DBarnes@anaheim.net); 'Jordan Brandman'; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Justin Mover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Daniel Fierro Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; 'Aria nna Barrios'; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Mike Lyster; Theresa Bass Subject: FW: From: Patricia Uriostegui Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:05 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.neta Subject: Fwd: Patricia Uriostegui Ini Item # Distributed y of City Council Within 12 hours of - �meetin FF Public CommentU. From: Jennifer L. Hall on behalf of Public Comment Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:08 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes (DBarnes@anaheim.net); 'Jordan Brandman'; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Daniel Fierro Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; 'Arianna Barrios'; Helen Myers; Cynthia Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Bel mer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Mike Lyster; Theresa Bass Subject: FW: Giveaway -_---Original Message ----- From: Steve White Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:07 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> Subject: Giveaway Sirs: It is completely incomprehensible that you would consider gifting public monies to an enormously profitable corporation at a time of medical crisis for residents. Shame! Sent from my iPhone Item # _ , Distributed to majority of City Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of From: Theresa Bass Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:12 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Item #1 re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan From: Duane Roberts Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:20 PM To: Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor ONeil; Jordan Brandman; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Cc: Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia Subject: Item #1 re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan Thursday, March 26, 2020 Re: Item #1 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and members of the Anaheim City Council: I'm writing this email to express my deep reservations about a proposal in Item #1 on tonight's city council agenda which will give "Visit Anaheim" (also known as the "Anaheim Area Visitor and Convention Bureau") approximately $6.5 million in public funds to "support the relaunch of tourism marketing." I fully understand the pivotal role tourism plays in generating millions of dollars in tax revenue for the City of Anaheim. But since Governor Gavin Newsom hasn't given us a clear indication as to when his "stay -at -home -order" might be lifted, isn't it a bit premature to start spending large sums of money on this now? Furthermore, Jay Burress, CEO of Visit Anaheim, received about $453,480 in compensation in 2017, according to a recent Form 990 filing with the IRS. In fact, quite a few people employed by him earn more than $150,000 a year. Exactly what percentage of public funds will be going to support their lavish salaries? See the following link: https:llgcc02.safel i nks. protection.outlook.com/?url=https/o3A/ 2 F%2 Fprojects.propu blica.org%2 Fno n profits%2 Forga n iz ations%2F952143156%2F201812999349300626%2Ffull&amp;data=02%7C0I%7Chsidhu%4oanaheim.net%7Ca5d5b6241 04b4c6f0f5d08d 7 d 1dc53e2 %7C74c3739c502a49c68d212 bbc30f56f22%7 Cl%7C0 %70637208616549176030&a m p;sdata =Pom%2B2Xsnd BQixCBcSlvRyyo j hvj5bbS28V7a lz2XM jQ% 3 D&a mp;reserved=0 Personally, I think it is downright immoral for this body to even be wasting its energy talking about "tourist marketing" at this time. Our number one priority as a city should be focused on stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the general population, not spreading $6.5 million in public funds to the mayor's friends. Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts Anaheim, California 92804-4294 Jennifer L. Half From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mayor and City Council, Item # _ f-`A�,_. _ __• Distributed to majority of Citi Council within 72 hours ofL. mQetjngs Theresa Bass Friday, March 27, 2020 1:31 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Bring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Stephen Faessel Justin Glover; Salvador Figueroa; Nam Bartash; Amanda Edinger; Samantha Saenz; Annie Mezzacappa; Arianna Barrios; Helen Myers; Cynthia 'Ward; Sarah Bartczak; Marisol Ramirez; Chris Zapata; Gregory Garcia; David Belmer; Robert Fabela; Kristin Pelletier; Lisa Hughes; Jennifer L. Hall; Mike Lyster OCEA/AMEA Letter Re Item #1 (CCMtg 3/26/20) SKM�C75920032612070.pdf Attached is a letter, received today, March 27, 2020, from the Mayor's office from the OCEAIAMEA related to Item No. 1 of the Special Meeting agenda, 03/26/20. Thank you, Theresa Theresa Bass, CMC City Clerk City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd #217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: thass! a anaheim. net Phone: (714) 765.51661 Fax: (714) 765-4105 1 OCFA I ORANGE COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASS*CIATION SANTA ANA, CA 92701 March 26, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Burd. Seventh Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Re: Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan Dear MayorSidhu: I am writing on behalf of the Anaheim Municipal Employees Association (AMEA) and the orange County Employees Association (OCEA). Both AMEA and OCEA strongly support Item No. 1 on tonight's City Council Agenda and urge the City Council to adopt the "Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan." In a crisis such as that presented by the COVID-19 pandemic we must all stand shoulder to shoulder to ensure that the City remain capable of providing vital public services and, just as critically, that the City be prepared to recover as quickly as possible from any resulting economic harm. The 'Anaheim Economic Recovery Plan" accomplishes Doth of these imperatives and we strongly recommend unanimous adoption of the plan by the City Council. Please contact me if we can be of any assistance. Sincerely, ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION ORANG N EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION r axles Barfield General Manager Orange County Employees Association LEZLEE NEESE, PRESIDENT • JUDY BOWLING, Is' VICE PRESIDENT s BUTCH GARCIA, 2110 VICE PRESIDENT CHRIS PREVATT, SECRETARY • ANJALI ESSOE, TREASURER * MARIA CORONAS INSURANCE OFFICER 27 Jennifer L. Hall Item # o ._--.0 Distributed to majorit�r f City Council within 72 hours of zc� meeting. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:04 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Letter of support for tonight's Council meeting - 3/25 Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package Bear Pit.docx From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Friday, March 27, 202010:13 AM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno EJMoreno @anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) {HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@a na heim. net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>- Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Letter of support for tonight's Council meeting - 3/25 See attached and below regarding Special Meeting Thursday 3/26 not seen until after close of business. From: Terry Hanly Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 4:59 PM To: Council <council,5- anaheim.net> Cc: Travis Torres Cindie Torres < Subject: Letter of support for tonight's Council meeting Mr. Mayor and City Council Members, Please see the attached letter from Bear Pit for tonight's city council meeting. Terry Hanly Bear Pit I Bear Pit Anaheim, CA 9287 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayer and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI D-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Coach Torres Owner Bear Pit Jennifer L. Hall From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:04 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Please Stop this Insanity! 2 million to help residents and 6 million to help the homeless, I just don't understand. I think Disney can afford to do it's own advertising. Please just stop!! Item # ��.Distributed to majority of City Council within . � -----original Message ----- 72 hours of meeting. From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 9:53 AM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno EJMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring - Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil @anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa cx anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard cx anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anahelm. net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover <JClover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Please Stop this Insanity! 2 million to help residents and 6 million to help the homeless, I just don't understand. 1 think Disney can afford to do it's own advertising. Please just stop!! For mayor and council. item received during meeting, 3/26. -----Original Message ----- From: Don Nebel Sent: Thursday, Ma rcn Zb, LUZU / :lu VIII To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Please Stop this Insanity! 2 million to help residents and 6 million to help the homeless, I just don't understand. I think Disney can afford to do it's own advertising. Please just stop! ! Sent from my iPhone t#em # Ck . Distributed to majority of pity Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours of ��_ meetin��. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday,, March 27, 2020 4:06 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Resident input re Thursday, 3125 Special Council Meeting FW: Economic plan From: Loretta Day ELDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Friday.. March 27, 2020 8:54 AM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass,@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net?; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward �CWard@anaheim.net�; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheirn.net>; Justin Glover <JGlover@anaheim.net>; Marisol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: Resident input re Thursday, 3j25 Special Council Meeting FW: Economic plan Mayor and Council members: See input from Jodie Mosley for council consideration. From: jodiemosley Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2020 6:52 PM To: Council <councili, c-,,-Aanaheim.net>; Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Economic plan I agree with this but I insist the economic development plan includes west Anaheim, as we were so close to our Beach Blvd plan, and we dont want to see it bumped to the bottom of the list again. Small business owners want to open and invest in this area, and they are rightfully concerned. So when this is over, and it will end, thank you, but let's keep it very well balanced and fair. Sincerely, Jodie Mosley Sent on nay Virgin Mobile Phone. item# _ate. Distributed to majority Of City Council within �meeting. Jennifer L, Hall 72 fours of From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:05 PM Ta: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: 5 letters attached - re: Special Meeting, Thursday, 3/25 Attachments: FW: Council outreach for tonight; Anaheim Police Association Emergency Letter of Support for Mayor and Council Economic Recovery Package March 25 2020.docx; We need help; Republic Services Letter of Support For Anaheim Economic Recovery Proposal; Letter of support for tonight's Council meeting Importance: High From: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 9:32 AM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno @anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; Lauren Torres <LTorres@anaheim.net>; Amanda Edinger <AEdinger@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Cynthia Ward <CWard@anaheim.net>; Daniel Fierro <DFierro@anaheim.net>; Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Justin Glover EJGlover@anaheim.net>; Marinol Ramirez <MaRamirez@anaheim.net>; Nam Bartash <NBartash@anaheim.net>; Salvador Figueroa <SFigueroa@anaheim.net>; Samantha Saenz <SSaenz@anaheim.net>; Sarah Bartczak <SBartczak@anaheim.net> Subject: 5 letters attached - re: Special Meeting, Thursday, 3/26 Importance: High Mayor and Council -- Please see the attached 5 letters received late yesterday regarding Special Meeting 3/25. Apologies I did not see these letters until this morning. Loretta I Jennifer L. Hall From: Brad Purcha Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:05 PM To: Council Subject: FW: Council outreach for tonight Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package.docx Importance: High Mayor Sidhu, Please see attached latter. Thank you! Yours truly, Brad Purcha Brad Purcha Insurance Agency Office: J Mobile: J Fax: Anaheim, CA 92801 Specializing in: Group & Individual Health, Life & Disability, Medicare, Voluntary Benefits March 26, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim City Council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the CCVID-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Brad Pu rcha, Owner Brad Purcha Insurance Agency Jennifer L. Hal! From: Peter Mitchell Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:54 PM To: Council Subject: Anaheim Police Association Emergency Letter of Support for Mayor and Council Economic Recovery Package March 26 2020.docx Attachments: Anaheim Police Association Emergency Letter of Support for Mayor and Council Economic Recovery Package March 26 2020.docx; ATT0o001 .htm March 26, 2020 Re: Support of Emergency Mayoral Economic Assistance and Recovery Package Dear Honorable Mayor Sidhu, Members of the Anaheim City Council, Staff and to all our families and businesses in the Great city of Anaheim: On behalf of the entire Anaheim Police Association (APA) and our members, who work and live in the great city of Anaheim, we extend our full support and ask for your immediate assistance to approve the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package before you tonight! While it is sad and frightening to see what can happen in only a few weeks to the entire Country, nevertheless we must continue to lead our city and all in the county and region. Now is the time to rise to the occasion and provide immediate help in full as presented tonight. The devastating effects of the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-1 g pandemic knows no mercy — it hurts all and we must band together to do all we can to reverse its effects. We are on the frontline serving the public like never before with professionalism and are a lifelong partner dedicated to all in the entire city. Our tourism, city employees, businesses, families, entertainment assets and more are being devastated. We must preserve jobs, pay and benefits, working conditions and prepare for the quickest return to economic health as possible. We appreciate and value your leadership on the council who has worked together quickly to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency Operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We completely understand that city funding is impacted during this unprecedented time in our city, county, state and world overview. History will judge us for how well we took care of one another and now is not the time for petty differences or division. We must lean -in to the challenge before us with all our might and collective voice. The APA has always lead on challenges big or small and we believe this is one of the most important ones before you tonight and going forward. Please support now immediately the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million worth of an assistance package to get immediate and desperate help out to residents, local businesses, city staff and other vital services most affected by the crisis. We also strongly support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your positive consideration and immediate action of this request. We appreciate and look forward to your full support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda this evening, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Peter Mitchell Chief Consultant/Advisor: APA Executive Director: OC Cops APA: LW � 1 ! ! • ! Edgar Hampton Officer and President: APA Retired Military Veteran: U.S. Navy Anaheim, CA 92806 1 Peter Mitchell: I Brea, CA 92822 1 I 1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Sweeney, Karla Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:47 PM To: Council Subject: We need help Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sid.pdf Please find attached letter in support of the Mayor and the Economic Assistance & Recovery Package. Please reach out with any questions and wishing everyone health, peace of mind and safety to you and your families. Karla Karla Sweeney, CTA A7 -ea Director of Vales Clementine Hotel & Suites Anaheim Courtyard Anaheim Resort l Convention Center This communication contains information from Interstate Hotels & Resorts that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this inforn7ation is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, andlor using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. Operated under license from Marriott International. The contents of this e-mail message and any attachnents are confidential and are intended solely for addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. if you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. if you are riot the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any. This email has been scanned for email related threats and delivered safely by Mimecast. For more information please visit 1 Y Art R n' BY MARRIOTT March 25, 2020 Dear Mayor and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations Center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that City funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, VA �01 • z r Karla sweeney Area Director of sales & Marketing Clementine Hotel & suites Courtyard Anaheim Resort/Convention Center Jennifer L. Hall From: Johnson, Michael Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:01 PM To: Council Subject: Republic Services Letter of Support For Anaheim Economic Recovery Proposal Attachments: Scanned lmage03-Z6-2020-1 9561 2.pdf Thank you for your consideration of our letter of support for tonight's meeting. Michael Johnson Market Manager, Government Relations Anaheim, CA 92806 ' ' REPUBLI44 C' 1 17,' REPUBLIC A Mahe; 4 CA 92806 SERVICES March 26, 2020 Mayor Harm Sidhu Honorable City Council Zoo S Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Honorable Council: As an essential service provider, we are committed to partner with the City of Anaheim as we address the health and economic impacts as a result of the CDVID- An pandemic. Like many businesses during this unprecedented time, our revenue is down, and we have had impacts to ou r employees. on behalf of our team, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. We appreciate that the Council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's EDC to help those in need through this crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the -payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. we are all in this together! Thank you for your consideration of this request we respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the Council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Since ely, Mich. o hnson Market Manager. Government Relations Anaheim, CA 92806 Jennifer L. Hall From: Terry Hanly r I Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:58 PM To: Council Cc: Travis Torres; Cindie Torres Subject: Letter of support for tonight's Council meeting Attachments: Letter of Support.Mayor Sidhu Economic Recovery Package Bear Pit.docx Mr. Mayor and City Council Members, Please see the attached letter from Bear Pit for tonight's city council meeting. Terry Hanly Bear Pit 1 Bear Pit Anaheim, CA 9287 March 26, 2020 Dear Mayer and Members of the Anaheim city council, We are all contending with the worldwide health and economic impacts as a result of the COVI D-1 g pandemic. On behalf of my employees, I am writing to urge your support for Mayor Harry Sidhu's Economic Assistance and Recovery Package. We appreciate that the council has worked together to call for a state of emergency and to take steps through the city's Emergency operations center to help those in need through this crisis. We understand that city funding is impacted, like our own business, during this unprecedented time in world history. As with similar actions taken at the state and federal level, we support the Mayor's request to approve a $15 million assistance package to get immediate assistance out to residents and local businesses most affected by the crisis. In addition, we support the policy changes included in the Mayor's package to protect vital services for residents, keep city workers on the payroll, and ease regulations on local businesses, mitigate existing job losses, and expedite our local recovery in Anaheim. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We respectfully urge your support of the Economic Assistance and Recovery Package on the council's Special Meeting agenda tonight, March 26, 2020. Sincerely, Coach Torres Owner Bear Pit Item # 0V — _._ . Distributed to majority of pity Council within Jennifer L. Hall 72 hours 2L4iWw meeting. From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:20 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Anaheim City Council "SPECIAL MEETING" March 26, 2020 From: Stephen Faessel <SFaesseI anaheim.net? Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:47 PM To: Mile Lyster <MLster4-anaheim.net> Subject: Fwd: Anaheim City Council "SPECIAL MEETING" March 26, 2020 Stephen J. Faessel Mayor Pro Tem City of Anaheim Sfaessel � anaheim.net 714-765-5247 Office Cell Begin forwarded message: From: Brooke Weitzman Date: March 26, 2020 at 5:43:55 PM PDT To: DAVID DURAN Cc: "info.: loucorrea. com" cinfo (,� loucorrea. comms, "sharono.0 i, sharon . uirksilva. coni" <sharoni_(i ; sharontl uirksilva. comms, "assembINm ember.dalv-'a assemblN-, . ca. gov" <assembl ,iii ember. dal .assembl% .ca.tiova, Jose Moreno <JMoreno: anaheim.net>, Denise Barnes <DBarnes,t� anaheim.net>, Stephen Faessel <SFaesseli:anaheim.net>, Trevor O'Neil <TDN6I0 anaheim.net>, Jordan Brandman <JBrandman,"O anaheim.net>, Lucille Kring _ "Gallegos, Claudio" <Claudio. Gallel., osl,(,I, 111 all.house.>, "Kurtz, Norma" <Norma. Kurtz , asm. ca. ova, Bill Taormina Subject: Re: Anaheim City Council "SPECIAL MEETING" March 26, 2020 Dear City, I echo these sentiments. We are in the midst of a public health crisis. The CDC has been clear. It is an emergency. All people must socially distance and shelter in place. Homeless individuals need to be moved into private rooms with private bathrooms temporarily to slow the spread. People who may have been exposed and have at risk family members at home need to have access to private rooms for self quarantine. Any action other than immediately renting all available hotels to (1) get workers employed and (Z) slow the curve is a dangerous misuse of the fluids. If Anaheim fails to take evidence based and well conceived action now it will cost lives. Lives of the homeless people. Lives of other members of the community. Lives of first responders. Lives of medical providers. Our hospitals will struggle, we see it in other locations and we know it will be here within weeks. If the City insists on refusing to use this money for real solutions now, at a minimum the city should wait until the pandemic passes so there is an opportunity to reconsider before the funds are spent. Here are some critical resources. CDC Guide hhtt i s :llwww. cdc. a , ovlcoronavirusl2019-ncovlcommunit� ,/homeless-shelterslunsheltered- homelessness.html If you skip to minute 30, you can hear lessons learned in Ding County. hti i-ss:llwww.usich.4.-lov/tools-for-action/webinar-covid-l9- Tannin(.-and-response-isolation-and- t.�l uarantine-lessons-learned-from-king-countN ,I Here is a terrifying paper about risks if we do not quarantine and isolate in individual space. htti)s:llendhomelessness.or(,,:"wa)--content/ul-)Ioads/2020/03/COVID-Ilal)er clean-636L.m.i.L.df The CDC recommends moving people to INDIVIDUAL ROOMS with bathrooms to reduce the spread. This is the only way to allow for real social distancing. Absent that, the CDC recommends reducing capacity at large shelters to allow for social distancing and engaging in an education campaign to make sure people have the facts about how to stay safe. Right now, none of Anaheim's shelters allow for adequate space to maintain social distance safely. And these shelters do not have access to transfer symptomatic individuals to isolation instead of ERs. with this funding, the City has an opportunity to right this wrong for the benefit of the community. This virus spreads FAST. If people are in shared space, they will touch the same surfaces, tables, and bathrooms and will spread it if anyone inside is infected (volunteer, staff, or resident). Beds 6 feet apart will not protect them. Imagine you are in a bed surrounded by beds -- you and your neighbor both want to stand up, how do you do that without coming toe to toe and then face to face with them? You cannot maintain the 6 foot distance. Additionally, the CDC recommends people in individual tents STAY in those individual tent where they can be socially isolated and the governments bring hygiene to them if they are groups of 10 or more. The CDC recommends TENTS be placed 12 feet apart. Surely people without tents should not be any closer than that. Today, the urgent need, the only need that will save lives, is to provide everyone a safe place to shelter in place. That means ensuring that Anaheim matches the standards set forth by LA to suspend towing and tickets and keep families where they are. That means that Anaheim follow CDC guidance for low income residents and homeless residents to get in safe individual temporary placement. That means creating an opportunity to engage in social distancing and ensuring everyone has access to handwashing and basic sanitation. That means voting no on spending the money in any other way before the crisis has passed. Regards, Brooke Brooke Weitzman z Directing Attorney and Co -Founder Santa Ana, CA 92705 Elder Law & Disability Rights Center Confidentiality Notice: This message and any attachments are intended solely for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. It may contain information that is legally privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any distribution or copying of this information is prohibited by law. If you have received this message in error, please notice the ELDR Center immediately, delete this message, and destroy any stored copies of this email or its attachments. On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 4:22 PM DAVID DURAN wrote: Re: Agenda Item 1. It has been brought to my attention that the State of California is providing funds ($15,000.000) to be ethically and judicially utilized to assist Anaheim Residents impacted by COVID-19. I'm deeply troubled and genuinely concerned by the pre announcement that Mayor Shidu is "already" planning on gifting six million ($6,000,000) dollars of taxpayer funds to "visit Anaheim;" (visitanaheim-ort P ) an entity that is only designed "To develop, promote and sell Anaheim....": and, provides no services to existing residents, devastated by OOVID-19. With the recognized worldwide pandemic still spiking and with Anaheim currently at the top of the list with most infected in Orange County; and, with the real and rising threat to the Homeless population living on the streets of Anaheim, utilizing the $15,000,000 to provide more health and safety for ALL the residents of Anaheim is certainly a more ethical and moral use of the taxpayers funds. Proactive actions like Los Angeles is strongly recommended. Providing dozens/hundreds portable hand gashing stations is absolutely necessary at this time and represents only one example of how "ethical" leadership could help residents to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Anaheim and neighboring cities. Placing Homeless is safe buildings where they can practice safe isolation, currently, Anaheim is promoting the spike of COVID-19 by failing to provide "safe" spaces for people living face-to- face and head -to -foot in shelters located throughout the city. If the goal of gifting millions of dollars to attract tourists is the demented priority, one can only conclude that the Mayor and other city council members in support are corrupt and unqualified to represent any of the residents of Anaheim. David Duran Anaheim Resident David L. Duran Orange County, California cell: email. Breach of confidentiality & accidental breach of confidentiality This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taping any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.