14 (5)Public Comment From: Jack Fix < Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 5:17 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Opposition to the development of the vacant lot at Ball Rd. and Western Ave., 3175 W. Ball Rd. as an 11 -unit 3 story apartment complex. Dear Members of the City Council, I am a resident of Anaheim since 1952 and have lived in my current home on the block of W. Teranimar Dr. for 55 years. I am opposed to this development of the vacant lot at Ball Road and Western Avenue, 3175 W. Ball Rd. as an 11 -unit 3 story apartment complex. This development is too dense for such a small parcel. There will be no outdoor space that will be adequate for such a densely populated development. In addition, there is no parking on either Ball Rd. or Western Ave. We already have a parking problem with lack of parking on both streets due to over populated apartment complexes. Parking will to overflow onto Western Avenue and within our neighborhood. Our quality of life already is impacted by the blighted motels on Beach Blvd. This poor use of the land will impact our property values and quality of life in an even more negative manner. Please do not rezone this lot for such a dense apartment complex. I would support commercial development on this lot, single family homes or a town house/condo complex. Jack Fix 1