14 (11)Public Comment From: Lauren Torres Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 9:01 AM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: item 14 opposition From: jodiemosley < Sent: Saturday, March 06, 202112:07 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net> Subject: item 14 opposition I'm writing to you to oppose item 14- the proposed project at 3175 W. Ball Rd. I oppose this project for the following reasons: - this project is entirely too dense. The lot is too small for a project of this size. - the surrounding area is already parking deficient. Adding additional apartment units will only increase parking issues that will pit residents against one another. This is why residents asked for a cap on tandem parking. This project has a significant amount of tandem parking which a majority of residents do not support. Several cities in Orange County limit or don't allow tandem for this very reason. - Anaheim continues to add housing to district 1 despite us being the densest district. All of this new housing, yet no new retail or green space. - this project has very little amenities for the residents. We deserve better. - if approved, the developer gets to walk away. But my neighborhood will feel the negative effects for years to come. -the project asks for several variances. Why have codes if developers don't have to abide by them? - we are already losing commercial space along Beach Blvd. now you're asking us to give up more. While Anaheim is giving up this space, West Anaheim residents are spending their money in neighboring cities like cypress and Buena Park. Simply put- this is not a quality project and not the type of housing our community has asked for. It is not consistent with what our neighborhood wants. There's nothing forcing this council to re zone this space. When the residents of Anaheim hills spoke out against the project in their community, council did not approve it. Will my district be given the same treatment? After decades of fighting for west Anaheim, will residents ever get what THEY want? It's simple to me, why is it so hard for you not to agree? I just care for my district and want the best, which we haven't never gotten. Please listen to the residents who live right here, where we are talking about. Thank you for listening. Jodie Mosley Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device