14 (17)Public Comment From: kathy tran < Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 4:06 PM To: Theresa Bass; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Diaz; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Oppose Agenda Item # 14. Hello Mayor and Council members, I would like to Oppose agenda Item # 14 because: 1) Please do not allow rezone this property from commercial to residential zone because: - District 1 is the densest district in all of Anaheim - Not enough park space, extremely poor green space for residents in District 1. - In the Beach Specific Plan, we gave up commercial spaces along Beach blvd and eventually will turn to residential zones. - We further gave up more commercial acreage at 39 Common Project Site to allow for town houses. -And now the City want us to allow another commercial location to be amended to allow for more housing? Please do not destroy the quality of our life in District 1. 2) This specific corner Western and Ball is already plagued with overcrowded parking issues. Allowing a three story apartment building at this corner will only magnified this difficult situation. 3) Dear Mayor and Council members, Please remember the residents in District 1 are voters, not owner or developer of this project, therefore your vote regarding this project would directly effect tremendously the quality of our life, also it would directly effect your next election in 2022. Please consider for the quality of residents in District 1, the district has and continue to endure with all the homeless and densest and poorest district in Anaheim. Thank you, Sincerely, Kathy Tran, Resident in District 1. Sent from my iPhone