14 (18)Public Comment From: Tiffany Welt < Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 9:16 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Rezoning the property at Western/Ball Hello City Council, As a very active and long term resident in District 1, 1 want to express my opposition to the rezoning of this property. The fact that we are even considering changing another commercial property to residential and so many residents are against this, is yet again no one really taking into consideration what the residents want in THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD. Not only are we rezoning commercial space, but we are stacking more people on top of each other with no parking allotments. We are over capacity with zero parking as is. And then we are supposed to be getting 10 more houses next door to this property as well. We are in desperate need of quality commerical business not more apartments or dense housing. My biggest concern is also that this property owner, who has owned this property for decades all of a sudden just wants to build dense apartments and hasn't even looked into building anything commercial. How are we as a city going to allow the rezoning when the owner hasn't even looked into commercial businesses. I hope the city council votes no on rezoning this property and takes into consideration that no one in this district wants more housing, let alone dense apartments. Keep Commercial spaces commercial and bring actual thriving businesses back to district 1. Thanks! Tiffany Randel Sent from my iPhone