64-707' ~,n Pe:~:': i ass J persons in[ei::est~d therein ev'ide't.',:'e I:~r~'ese~'~t'.e.,! ~ --:,.:tii [,e:~.):i.n!~, a:~.d a ~_ .e.~':,~.mme'ndation that the prc~p3"=,'lz~e, amr,,'"i:'i:::,a~zt [:e. adopte,:t b? l.l"~e i';it.v' Council and that a:~d re<::om~':~;en:J, ati. on of the City ('Tca~nc:il. did ~.x~'~ ' t:he 22nd day t:he time .apd ,~:'he City Council proposed ame'ndment to Title 18 and the exclusion of said prop- t:t,~n the z~'me or zones in which " t. im~ a. ad place fixed fc;r said pu'bl, ic ::lid h~:'~id ~t'nfl ,::oad~.~c:t: such public Jj.d recei',?'e evidence and reports, and t'[~,.~... ~,~.m, ary of evidene, e present'ed at '~ the Planning Conm~ission, its report :t: ,::.5: i:i:e :v,,;e:~,,?.a',ea' t:::,. ::ti [e 1[:~ ~'f7 the Ami, heim ~micip~al Code .:~ e t: fo r t 'h the i~i~S:' ,::::i g,~5.~.i~e:l..m that "[icle 18 of the ,ana, he'i,m l~nicipal C'.",:te 'he, and t.t,e :::a:.'~.,:~ is he'~:ehy~ amend, ed and that the following ....... f,.be~~ 'pr:;';,p .... ~ .... ~, ~i ........ .. ~ ~ .,', ~:ed in ~ he (':;ity' of Anaheim, (,:ounty Or.a.ng.e, St:at:e of ~"aii. f.:':r~r~ia, t:'o wit:.: 64-65-:L9 Thau portion ~f the bou!:hwest quarter of the Nor'ch- west quarter of Section 28~ Township 4 South: Range 10 ~Pes~ in the City ~f ~mat.emm~ as said section is shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 51~ page 10~ Kisceiianeous Maps~ records of said Orange County, together wi'ah s. portion of Lot 1 of the Townsend ~ubdivision as shown on a map thereof recorded in ~ook 5~ page ,~)~ Miscellaneous Maps~ records of said Orange County:; and a portion of the abandoned stz'¢e'c adjoini,:~g sai~2 'lot on abe douth: described as a whole as follows' geginnin$ at 'ti:~e $outhwes'c corner of the North 264 feet of the Sou~Ch half of 'the Southwest quarter of the Northwest ~uarter of said Section 28~ and running 'thence North :i~~ 56' 30''~ West along the West line of sail Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter~ 265 57 feet more or iess~ to the Southerly line of the Anaheim--BarDer City Channel:~ 50 feet wide~ as described in the deed recorded June 9, 1960, in Booi: 52o~ ~ ~' page ~5~'''~.~ ~ Official Records_. ~ said point ba-:n~' on a curve concave Northwesteriv and having a radius of 2413.45 feet~ a radial line to saLd pomnt oear~ng ~oucn / o3 ~2 ~ast~ chence Easterly a=ong o / I ~ said curve through a central angle of 5 4~ 12 an arc distance of 241.64 feet to an angle point in the Westerly boundary of Tract No. 3946~ as shown on the ~'~ap of sa~.d tract recorded in Book 140~ pages 33, 34 and 35~ Niscellaneous Maps records of said Orange County; thence ~ouch 0 36 30 East along said Westerly ~oundary~ 327.35 feet to the South iine of the North 264 feet of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Sec'cion 2g; thence Westerly along said South line, 23~ feet to the poin~ of beginning. i~e extruded zrom R-A, kE£IDmNrIA~.-AGKIGULTUikkL ZONE, and incorpo- ._ I ~ '~ .' "~ ':"' / TM racec~, in C-u~ ~O~r~IAL OFFICE ZONE, upon the following conditions ' !. That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width~ from the center line of the street, along Euc~..~.~ '~? ~ Street~ for street widening purposes. 2. (a) Th. at all engineering requirements of the City of Anahei~ along Euclid Street, including prepara- ~zon of itnprovement plans and installation of all improvements~ such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and ~aving, drainage facilities, or ocher appurtenan[ work shall be complied with as required ~Oy 'che City Engineer and in accordance ~,_'~ scan~:~a~d plans and spec~fica'~ions on file in the -~:~ " ~:~_'ty E~gineer; and (b) that a .~n~ in an amount and form satisfactory to 'the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee ~zhe installation of said engineering requirements ~ -2- That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of ~2.00 per front foot, along Euclid Street~ for street lighting purposes. That the owne~~ of subject property shall pay to 'the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Euclid Street, for tree planting purposes. (a) That d~ainage facili~cies shall be installed along Euclid Street as ~equired by the City Engineer~ and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and (b) that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall 'be posted with the City to guarantee 'the installation of said drainage facilities· That subject property shall be developed sub- stantially in accordance with plans and specifi- cations on file with the City of Anaheim, marked ~Exhibits Nos. i and 2'~; provided~ however, that all structures shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the easterly boundary of subject property: and= provided further, that all present and futu~'~ Jevelopment on subject property shall be liming-ed 'co one-story construction~ as stipulated 'by the peni~ioner; and that final plans of develop- ~r~ent shall ~oe subject to the approval of the City Council ~rior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. That plans of development for the medical building to be cons~tructed on the southerly portion of subject property at a future date shall be sub- mitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation to the City Council for approval. · ~=t the owner of subject property shall dedicate to the City of Anaheim all vehicular access rights 'to Tonia Place. 9. That the completion of 'these reclassification pz~oceedings is contingent upon the full perform- ance of~ ov.~ bond-~'~_n~,. ×or~, all conditions set forth in Conditional Use Permit No. 614. i0. That Conditions Nos. t~ 2(b), 3, 4~ 5(b) and 8 above- mentioned shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. itE IT FURTi~i% liESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and determined to be necessaz~y and ?roper. -3- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me 29th day of September _~ 19 64 o ATTEST~ · · CITY CLERg OF THE ,~I-TY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM I~ DENE 14. WiLLIAHS City Clerk of the City of Ana~e~oq~h~r~e~by ~~-~i'-~"~-'~'~'~'egoing resolution was introduced and adopted an a -- regular meeting provided by law of the ~.~ty Council, ~~ of ~aheim~ held on the 29th day ~f ~ ~- ~ 19 64 by the oep ~.emoer following vote AYES COL~CILMEN' Pebley, Dutton, Krein and Chandler NOES ~.~OL~CILMEN ~ None ABSENt, :I ~:OUNCILMEN© Schutte AND 1 F~qtTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim a, ppr~ved and ~igned said resolution on the 29 h day of IN W "~ ~ I~N..SS WHEREOF~, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of' the City of Anaheim this 29th 19 64 o of . . $~%qcember ~ day (SEAL) CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM -4-