GeneralPublic Comment From: Teri Shea < Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 1:49 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Canceled event on 7/17/2021 To Whom It May Concern, I am very concerned about the event that was cancelled last weekend, on 7/17/2021. 1 have been a proud Anaheim resident for 23 years, and when I heard the America First Rally was moved to Anaheim after being threatened by violent activists in two other cities, I was especially proud of our wonderful city to not be bullied by threats of violence. As you know, though, it was subsequently cancelled in Anaheim as well. I have 2 concerns about this. 1. Since when do we cave to threats of violence? Isn't this when we send in additional police enforcement to be sure these threats of violence do not materialize? As long as we continue to cave to bullies' threats, our cities will not be safe. The city's response to the cancellation stated our city has "a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values" (see city announcement below). First, by cancelling an event, we are not calling out any speech. We're simply disallowing the speech from being said. And second, can you please tell me what our city values are? I urge you to please reconsider your position on allowing threats of violence to bully Anaheim. I also urge you to please listen to the message that was delivered that day by the event hosts. There was no hatred or discrimination of groups of people. They simply love America and want our most wonderful country to continue being a refuge for freedom. Thank you for your consideration with this matter. Teresa Shea Anaheim, CA Here's the notice: so PLANNED AMERICA FIRST RALLY CANCELLEO A p0nined Amenca First mjUy at a private venue uri Our afly is caoceHer,,l The city rA Analheiiin r0rared poblic safety, cvicerns mth P'to opera rov and those mincems are shafed by the oppratui As a cytywe respeGI free speech Out also have @ Wly TO call ouT speech MM dops not iiefled ouir city and rRs Values - Mike Lyster (My, of A aahem) Spokesman