64-559 COUNCIL OF T~ CiTY ~' '":' ~'~iNG~ NO 62-63-64. ,~.~.~,o~ une ~:~.:¥ Counc:,.i did heretofore~ to wit, on ' S .... ca ~ -~" - . ;. . .Nec_as .august i3 1903~ ado~ R~solution No 63K-67~ in ''~ ~ -*-~ - ~-~on Proceedings No. 62-63-64 finling and determining that the ,.~ropertv .nc~ grea theze}.n !escr!bed sb. oul~} be changed. ~rom ;~C'.NE and R-3, [~UL%.~:.,~-~,:~Ni-Y RLSi.})ENTtAL ZONE, as more oarticu- '[s~ri}r set ~,~d,. J.n sai. i reso.tu_:::-.on~ suoject to certain c~nditi, ons outlined '~ er ein, !..?.~2E'EEAS~ Condit.:._on No. 3 of sa:i.J 'resolution reads as foilo~s: That uhe :final map of Tract No. 4230? sub- suant:Lally in conformance with Revision No. 5 signed 'by Hayor Coons on this date~ shall, ce recorded in the Office of the ~ounCy Recorder of O?'an°'e~ o County~ L',alii'ornia~:'; AND ~,~l,mAo~ the applicant for said change of zones has requested that said Condition No. 3 be amended to permit ~b.e construction of a snanaa~.a !~-3 development; and ~.e~,.~.~o~ said a,~plicant has further requested that ,~ona;..~_~on No ~ of" i. l . ~s.~-, Reso!.ut:;_on No 63R-678 be r/eleted. Said Cond:[_~i. on No. 5 reaJs as follows: Thac covenants: conditions and restrictions co insure the oerpetual maintenance of LoC 29 of Tract No. 4230~ ~tevi. sion No. 5~ approved by the. City Attorney, shall 'be recorded in i:he Of:fice o~: ~.e County kecorder of Orange County as a condition of approval of Portion :'F~. ..~: subject 9roperty'~; ~ND ,~kiE~,~A~ 'the City Counci~ z_nds that said requests should 'be grante't; and i~]ii.iEAS~ ;:he City Council does further find that an or~aznaac ' has act oeen adopted directing said. change of zones and compZeting said reclassification proceedings. NOW, f~i%~;FOP,.E, BL tT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City -'~ Anaheim ~hatz ~:' '~" ' 6 ~'~ ~ i.n ,.z _ ~e~oJ_u. ci. on No. c3~,-6/~ Reclassifica- tion Proceec!.~Jngs No. 62-63-64 be~ and the same is hereby amended as zo~l~,ws: i. That Condi'cion No. S of said resolution be~ and t~ ne same '~ ~,~reb,~ amended to read: ¸3. That the fi. nai map of Tract No. 4230, sub- stanUAallv i.n conformance with Revision No. 6 approved ~y the dity Council on February 11~ 196g~ shall De recorded in the Office of the {Joundv ~<ec:_~rder of Orange County~ California.'? 62-63-64 That Condition No. 5 of Resolution No. 63R-678 beD and the same is hereby deleted. BE IT FURT~iI ~iESOLVED that in all other respects said l(esolution No. 63k-678 be~ and remain in full force and effec t~ THE FO~GOING ~ESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this Z~th day of August~ 1964. YOR P~ TEM OF THE CITY 'OF ~NAHE IM CITY C'LEIiK OF THE CITY OF ~AHE~i~ STATE OF oALi~ O~b] iA ) COUNTY OF O~akNGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAI~, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of August, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYE S: COUNCILi~N: Pebley, Krein and Schutte NOES: COO~CiL[~IEN: None ~.~Bo~ ~: COUNCILMEN: Dutton and Chandler AND I ~U~H~ ' ~' .... ~ .... G,".~TIFY that the Mayo~°of the City of Anaheim approved and. signed said resolution on the 4th day of August, 1964. IN E~ITNES$ ~ ,,~k~:oF~ I have hereunto set my hand and a.,.~ed the seal of the ~zcy of Anaheim chis 4th day of August, 1964. ~Y CLmKK OF THE CITY OF ANA~IM