21August 24, 2021 Lucille Kring Anaheim, CA 92802 Mayor Harry Siclhu and City Council Members City of Anaheim 200 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 Good afternoon Mayor and Council Members, I am applying for appointment to the Orange County Water Board. I am very familiar with the work of the Orange County Water Board and support the Poseidon Project because of my work as a Council Member and as a board director of the Orange County Sanitation District. I served as a board director of the Orange County Sanitation District for 7 years, where I was a member of the following committees: Administration, Operations, Legislative and Public Affairs, Groundwater Replenishment System, and Headquarters Complex Ad Hoc, was Vice Chair of Administration Committee and Chair of the Headquarters Ad Hoc Committee. I appreciate your consideration of my request. Respectfully, Former Mayor Pro Tem, I Lucille Kring