64-503 '='";,'~p~':,,'..~a~': ti:,e ~.;ii:v Counc:.i did on January 31, 1961: adooc ~_iesoiuzion No. 0634. r e a~,.c~s Gocm:_tional Use Permit No. ,;m. oo~_st Ghurch )~rmiSting said church to ?e~y aescr~_~ed in oaz~ resolution suo:~ec2 :~,% ce!:.~.,.~l c~n:J..c~_ons .2b. ereim se~ forth, and t:i;i:2ZkzAe., sa~.i 9e. rmit was jran: =e~_,~ :for a period of one )-c. ar Jfu:cm~ date ~:] sa:d resolution: Co wig:, 3anuary 31, 1961, o~.,.~.~ at the exo:~.z'a;z'~ott i~-J: sa1.~ period was subject to review ~ne Giay '~" ::.~_an ....... ~ G,:mna:Lsa:~o~'~ an,l City Council upon. ap,)J, zca~zon o,? abe oe~._=7..okler z,.~:: a~t ex~ens[[on of tttme; and %,'i~:..-..m,13~ t._"~ou u'¢cei!?z ox a request fr6m the petitioner an extension of c!mc was graaced for said use, and the 'term of said ~' .... ' ' ~ · p~rm:.~ was ex~ende2 no Januaxy 31 1963~ and ~%,L2~AS: .uin,,-~ ,~i~y %ouncf. i f~nds that the property on which said Cond:[~--;, ~" Use '~ ...... was ,_..~.~ ~e~m.~ granted is now under different ownersbio at'~J :~s no i~.~nger being used for the purpose ,:o~ wh::c said oermJ, t was .~.,iOW', 'fP~Ei,~FtZ&i~ SE kT ~,i.E$OLVzD by the City Council of abe Gizy of Anaheim ;~hat all proceedings in connection with ~onditionai 6se Permi. z No. 94 be~ and ':he same are hereby :erminated~ and uhat ]~.es;luz:..~n No. 6634 be: and the same is [~.ereby ' '~ ed Lo nui:.l and void .czom and after this date. this THE J/Oi~.EGOtNG i:hSOLL';TiUN is apuroved and signed by me 2ist day o~ ~L3, ..... : i~:~o~'.+ I~2YOI~ '02 rt~[,,~I'T'Y 'd'F A~A~IM CiiTY CLEkK u~ zH~ CiTY 'uI' ANAI~E!M STATE OF CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF ANAHEI~ ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-503 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law~ of the City Council of the City of Anaheim~ held on the 21st day of July, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NO£S: COUNCILMEN: None ABS£N/: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CHRTIPY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-503 on the 21st day of July, 1964. IN WITNESS WHER£OP, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 21st day of July, 1964. (SEAL) GIT) CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM