1975/06/0375-494 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linde D. Roberts DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; Ronald Thompson ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR - ZONING: Charles Roberts ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR - PLANNING; Don McDaniel ASSISTANT PLANNER: Allan Daum ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER: William Devitt MANPOWER PLANNER: William Hepburn Mayor Thom called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. FLAG SALUTE: Councilman Seymour led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PROCLAMATION: The following proclamation was issued by Mayor Thom and unanimously approved by the City Council: "PBX Operator's Week in Anaheim" - June 1 to 7, 1975. Mrs. Mary Baldree, President, PBX Club of Anaheim, accepted the proclama- tion on behalf of the Club. MINUTES: Minutes of the Anaheim City Council meeting held April 22, 1975, were approved on motion by Councilwoman Kaywood, seconded by Councilman Thom, with a change to first sentence in paragraph 4, page 75-373 to read as follows: "Councilwoman Kaywood stated she did not believe most 50-year old people con- sider themselves senior citizens; that people in their 50's or 60's did not terminate their driving habit unless otherwise handicapped, and she was of the opinion that senior citizens do not desire the responsibility of ownership." MOTION CARRIED. WAIVER OF READING- ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilwoman Kaywood moved to waive the reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver of reading is hereby given by all Council Members unless, after reading of the title, specific request is made by a Council Member for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. Councilman Thom seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. REPORT - FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY: Demands against the City in the amount of $1,124,977.49, in accordance with the 1974-75 Budget, were approved. RATIFICATION, PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE (PAC)SELECTION - PROJECT ALPRA: On motion by Councilman Thom, seconded by Councilman Seymour, the selection of eleven persons by those eligible for the PAC, Project Alpha, was ratified by the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. Douglas O. H. Renner Gerald R. Bushore Clarence E. Newkirk John C. Duran Conley E. Clark Vivian Engelbrecht Raul Sanchez Darwin Stockwell Jerard F. Warde William S. Woods Oneida Copeland It was noted that members of the City Council would make appointments of the five additional Committee Members at the next regular meeting, June 10, 1975. CHARTER AMENDMENT TASK FORCE - ELECTRICITY GENERATION PROFITS: Mayor Thom re- called that on March 11, 1975, the City Council appointed five citizens to serve with members of the City staff on a Charter Amendment Task Force to make recommendations to the Council prior to July 1, 1975, for the wording of a Charter Amendment proposal on the November election ballot to provide that the profits received from generation electrical power be returned to the con- sumers in the form of lower electrical rates: that two of the Committee Members were present in the Council Chamber and would like to give an update on Committee activities. 75-495 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975~ 1:30 P.M. Mr. James Townsend addressed the Council advising that one meeting had been held with all Committee Members present; the scope and goals of the Committee were discussed along with suggestions for disposition of proposed profits from the generation of electricity, and a formula for action if no profits are realized. Prior to the end of the meeting, Mr. Joe White was nominated for Chairman of the Task Force, the nomination dying for lack of a second, and the meeting was adjourned with no additional meetings having been held since that time. Mr. Townsend suggested that the City Council appoint a Chairman so that further meetings can be scheduled. In response to question by Councilman Seymour, Mr. Townsend advised that without a Chairman, no one person is designated to call and chair meetings. Councilman Seymour was of the opinion the Committee should elect its Chairman rather than having one appointed by the City Council. He offered to call a meeting of the Task Force and assist in implementing the election of a Chairman and the setting of Committee goals. Councilman Sneegas concurred and suggested meeting with the individual Committee Members ahead of time to determine the extent of their interest in the Committee. Councilman Sneegas moved that Councilman Seymour call another meeting of the Charter Amendment Task Force, and in the interim, hold individual discus- sions with Committee Members. Councilman Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-274: On the recommendation of the City Manager, Councilwoman Kaywood offered Resolution No. 75R-274 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHOR- IZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC., RELATING TO A SUMMER YOUTH DEVELOP- MENT PROGRAM. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-274 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-275: On the recommendation of the City Attorney, Councilman Pebley offered Resolution No. 75R-275 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE GRANT OF AN EASEMENT ACROSS CERTAIN CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A DEED CONVEYING SAID EASEMENT. (Euclid Library Site - Pacific Telephone) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-275 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-276: On recommendation of the City Attorney, Councilman Seymour offered Resolution No. 75R-276 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERIM REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT RELATING TO DRAINAGE FACILITIES. (S & S Construction Company) (Tract 7769) 75-496 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3~ 1975~ 1:30 P.M. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-276 duly passed and adopted. INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY POWER POLES, ANAHEIM STADIUM: The City Attorney reported on proposed agreement with West Coast Lighting & Trade Show Supply Company, Inc., who are providing temporary power poles for lighting facilities for two shows to be held on the north parking lot at Anaheim Stadium. Said agreement would allow temporary poles to remain in position during the interim period between the two shows and would hold the City harmless in the event of an accident resulting from the fact the poles are in place. Councilwoman Kaywood noted that on page 2 of the proposed agreement, it states the insurance shall not be cancelled unless the City of Anaheim receives 10-day written notice, while termination of agreement would re- quire 30-day written notice. She expressed concern that in the event the insurance were cancelled, there would be a 20-day period during which the City might be liable. Mr. Watts stated he had no objection to amending the agreement to render it cancellable on 10 days'notice. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-277: Councilwoman Kaywood offered Resolution No. 75R-277 for adoption, as amended. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND WEST COAST LIGHTING & TRADE SHOW SUPPLY CO., INC., RELATING TO TEMPORARY POWER POLES ON THE NORTH PARKING LOT OF THE ANAHEIM STADIUM. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-277 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT: Application filed by Martha L. Morris on behalf of Kallman Productions for permit to conduct public dance June 8, 1975, 10:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M., at the Anaheim Convention Center, was submitted and granted, subject to the provisions of Chapter 4.16 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and that two Anaheim Police Officers be hired to police the dance, as recommended by the Chief of Police, on motion by Councilman Thom, seconded by Councilwoman Kaywood. MOTION CARRIED. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT: Application filed by John G. Jones, for entertainment permit to allow Argentinian and Flamenco dancing and singing with Spanish guitar at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, 931 North Harbor Boulevard, on June 6 and 7, 1975, from 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M., was submitted and granted, subject to the provisions of Chapter 4.18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code as recommended by the Chief of Police on motion by Councilman Thom, seconded by Councilman Seymour. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-278: On recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer, Councilman Seymour offered Resolution No. 75R-278 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE FROM THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CERTAIN TAX-DEEDED PROPERTY AND DIRECTING PAYMENT THEREFOR. (AP 82-461-13) (T.C. Sale 1193) 75-497 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3~ 1975, 1:30 P.M. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-278 duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED REQUEST - RECLASSIFICATION NO. 70-71-13, TRACT NO. 8783, APPROVAL OF SPECIAL RECREATION FACILITY (PELANCONI PARK): In accordance with request by Presley of Southern California, consideration of the proposed special recreation area in the Rancho Yorba development plan was continued two weeks, to June 17, 1975, on motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Seymour. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY - CARDINAL PROPERTIES: City Attorney Alan Watts reported that the prospective purchaser of City-owned property located on the west side of Euclid Street north of Crescent Avenue had accepted the City's counteroffer of a $62,500.00 purchase price, and has proposed certain escrow instructions which were amended by the City Attorney. He further explained basic terms of sale, the escrow to be closed on or before the 19th of August, 1975, subject to terms and conditions as follows: 1. Buyer's approval of the preliminary title report within 5 days of receipt thereof. 2. The Buyer's obtaining of all governmental consents and permits for the commercial banking facility to be located on subject property. 3. That an agreement between the City and the buyer be executed per- mitting occupancy for a temporary banking facility on the property pending close of escrow. The buyer has agreed to pay the appraisal fee, the escrow fees, and the taxes to be assessed after the close of escrow. Discussion was held regarding the terms of a license agreement for the occupancy permit for the temporary facility during the term of the escrow, and the City Manager reported on estimated costs of processing such a license. Councilman Seymour reported that he had recently been involved in a pur- chase of property on South Euclid Street which sold for $4.50 a square foot, however, said parcel was superior in size and shape for potential development. He asked how the City had come to pay over $90,000 ~r subject property. It was explained that at the time of purchase the owner was unwilling to sell the property, and the City paid a premium; in addition, Mr. Murdoch reported that appraiser Cedric White advises that some properties in the area are selling for less than they were when the City purchased the parcel. At the conclusion of the discussion, Councilman Seymour moved that the City Manager be instructed to sign the escrow instructions, and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a license agreement to allow use of a temporary office facility on the premises at $625.00 per month. Councilman Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilwoman Kaywood, the following actions were authorized in accordance with reports and recommendations furnished each Council Member and as listed on the consent calendar agenda: 1. AMUSEMENT DEVICES PERMIT: Amusement devices permit for one cigarette machine, one juke box and a baseball pinball game to be located at The Ratskeller, 201 East Ball Road, granted subject to the recommendations of the Chief of Police. (James T. Moore, Rowe Service Company, Inc. Applicant) 2. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: The following claims were denied and referred to the insurance carrier: a. Claim submitted by Simeon D. Lowe for damages purportedly resulting from malfunctioning traffic signals on or about February 26, 1975. 75-498 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. b. Claim filed by Frederick E. Feinberg, c/o Patrick D. Crail, Seidel, Crail & Serber, for personal damages and injuries purportedly resulting from actions of Anaheim Police Officers on or about February 28, 1975. c. Claim filed by Allstate-District Claim Office on behalf of William Nyman, for damages purportedly resulting from high voltage line being struck by lightning on or about March 5, 1975. d. Claim filed by Joseph R. Giamboi, c/o William C. Darden, Attorney, for property damages purportedly resulting from inadequately maintained drain on Lincoln Avenue on or about March 10, 1975. e. Claim submitted by Lawrence W. Beckhaus, Jr., for damages purportedly resulting from removal of water valve cover at Anaheim Boulevard and Lemon Street on or about April 27, 1975. f. Claim filed by Automobile Club of Southern California on behalf of James M. and Elizabeth M. Reed, for damages purportedly resulting from collision with City vehicle on or about May 1, 1975. g. Claim submitted by Sigrid Speros for damages purportedly resulting from high voltage problem on or about May 5, 1975. h. Claim submitted by Darlene A. Vikse, on behalf of James Vikse, for personal injuries purportedly resulting from manhole cover overturning causing a fall on or about May 12, 1975. i. Claim submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth Duff for damages purportedly result- ing from City employee accident on private property, on or about May 15, 1975. j. Claim submitted by Anaheim Union High School District for damages to property purportedly as a result of use by the City of Anaheim Park, Recreation and the Arts Department during April, 1975. k. Claim filed by Southern California Gas Company for damages to gas service purportedly resulting from backhoe operated by Anaheim Electrical crew on or about April 30, 1975. 3. CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence was ordered received and filed: a. Metropolitan Transportation Engineering Board - Resolution - Requesting the FHWA revise their standards and procedures on noise level requirements on Federal to aid system projects. b. Anaheim Public Library Board - Highlights & Minutes - April 21, 1975. c. Community Redevelopment Commission - Minutes - April 30, 1975. d. Financial and Operating Reports for the Month of April, 1975. Electrical Division Engineering Division Public Library Water Division MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS: Action taken by the City Planning Commission at their meetings held May 12, 1975, pertaining to the following applications were submitted for City Council information and consideration. On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Sneegas, the City Council authorized the actions pertaining to environmental impact requirements as recommended by the City Planning Commission and sustained the actions taken by the City Planning Commission in connection with the following applications: (Items 1 - 17) 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS: The Director of Development Services Department has determined that the proposed activities fall within the definition of Section 3.01, Classes 1 or 5 of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the requirements for an environmental impact report and are, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an E.I.R.: Conditional Use Permit No. 1531 Conditional Use Permit No. 1534 Conditional Use Permit No. 1535 Variance No. 2698, and Variance No. 2699 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - NEGATIVE DECLARATION: The Planning CommisSion recommends to the City Council that the subject project be exempt from the re- quirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. Conditional Use Permit No. 1533 75-499 City H__all, Anaheim, California-- COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1531: Submitted by Willi. am Kugel, to permit on-sale beer in a card room on CL zoned property located at the northwest corner of Crescent Avenue and Euclid Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. PC75-97, granted said conditional use permit, subject to conditions. 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1533: Submitted by Anaheim Memorial Hospital Association, to permit a helistop in conjunction with an existing hospital on CO zoned property located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and West Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. PC75-100, granted said conditional use permit, subject to conditions. 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1534: Submitted by Dale Fowler, to permit an automobile repair facility in an existing industrial complex on ML zoned property located at the southeast corner of Miraloma Avenue and Red Gum Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. ?C75-101, granted said conditional use permit, subject to one condition. 6. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1535: Submitted by Robert L. Clark to permit on-sale liquor in conjunction wit~-an existing restaurant on CL zoned property located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Brookhurst Street, with code waivers of: a. minimum kitchen area b. minimum front landscaping The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. PC75-102, granted said conditional use permit, subject to conditions. 7. VARIANCE NO. 2698: Submitted by Frank L. Reed to permit an existing block wall and lanai on RS-7200 zoned property located on the west side of Monument Street, north of Broadway, with code waivers of: a. maximum wall height b. minimum number of enclosed parking spaces. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. PC75-103, granted said variance, subject to conditions. 8. VARIANCE NO. 2699: Submitted by E. J. Johnson, Armstrong Development Company, to expand retail bakery sales on ML zoned property located on the west side of East Street, north of South Street, with code waivers of: a. permitted uses b. minimum number of parking spaces (eliminated) The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. PC75-104, granted said variance, in part, granting waiver (a) and eliminating waiver (b) on the basis that sufficient area for additional parking spaces is avail- able on the property, subject to conditions. 9. VARIANCE NO. 2664: Submitted by the estate of Lillian A. Hinrichs, c/o Ri. chard J. Zlaket, Executor, the City of Anaheim and the State of California, to establish retail sales in an industrial complex on ML zoned property located at the southwest corner of Katella Avenue and Douglas Street, with code waiver of: a. permitted uses Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was sub- mitted terminating all proceedings in connection with Variance No. 2664,as requested by the petitioner, to be readvertised at some future date at the request and expense of the petitioner. 75-500 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. 10. REQUEST - E.I.R. NEGATIVE DECLARATION: Application was filed by Lawrence R. Ha]onen for a grading permit for a single-family home site located at 270 Peralta Way. Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was submitted recommending that subject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 11. REQUEST - E.I.R. NEGATIVE DECLARATION: The City Public Works Department proposes to widen the north side of Ball Road to its ultimate width from 185 feet west of Brookhurst Street to 962 feet west of Brookhurst Street. Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was submitted recommending that the subject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 12. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8713 - APPROVAL OF PLANS: Submitted by Frank L. Fehse, Vice President, Criterion Development, Inc., requesting approval of final floor plans and elevations to satisfy Condition No. 8 of the conditions of approval for subject tentative map on property located northeasterly of Mohler Place, south of Santa Ana Canyon Road. Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was submitted approving floor plans and elevations (Exhibit Nos. 1 through 25) for Tentative Tract No. 8713, subject to the stipulations of the developers that the setbacks of the garage door widths shall be in conformance with Code requirements, and the roofing materials shall be either fireproof shake or tile. 13. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1218: Submitted by Neil L. Winegar, CPA, and Ted D. Nelson, Controller, Care Enterprises, requesting approval to conduct two businesses on subject property, an accounting and income tax service, and a convalescent hospital management headquarters. Conditional Use Permit No. 1218 was approved by the Planning Commission to permit the establishment of retail distributing firms and service business firms, including business and professional offices, primarily serving commerce and industry, with only incidental service to the general public. Property is located at the north- west corner of La Jolla Street and Kraemer Boulevard. Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was submitted finding that the accounting and income tax service, and convalescent hospital management headquarters, as proposed, are within the scope of the activities which the Commission intended to permit under subject conditional use permit. 14. VARIANCE NO. 2332 - EXTENSION OF TIME: Submitted by Mr. & Mrs. William Ditmar, requesting a three (3) ~ear extension of time. Said variance was approved to permit the continued use of a mobile home as a legal use in con- junction with the existing single-family dwelling on RS-A-43,000 zoned property located on the north side of Ball Road, east of Gaymont Drive. Excerpt from the mi. nutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was submitted granting a three year extension of time to expire March 6, 1978, or whenever the existing mobile home occupants vacate the mobile home, whichever occurs first. 15. PROPOSED LEASE OF MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE: The Orange County Department of Real Property Services proposes to lease medical office space to provide a child health and family planning clinic at two locations in Anaheim; 1825 Romneya Drive (Martin Luther Hospital), and 1211 West La Palma Avenue (Anaheim Memorial Hospital). Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting was ' submitted finding that in accordance with Section 65402 of the Government Code, the proposed lease of medical office space to provide for a child health and family planning clinic at two locations in Anaheim, is in conformance with the City of Anaheim's adopted General Plan, and that the projects would have no significant adverse effect on the environment. Ill 75-501 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975~ 1:30 P.M. 16. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF LEASE: The Orange County Department of Real Property Services proposes a one-year extension of an existing lease for a Mealth Department facility at 1011 South East Street. Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission was submitted finding that in accordance with Section 65402 of the Government Code, although the use is not in conformance with the City of Anaheim's adopted General Plan, it Ks a compatible existing use with no significant adverse effect on the environment, and, therefore, the Commission has no objection to the proposed lease extension. 17. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8520: Owner, Anaheim Hills, Inc. and Texaco Ventures~ Inc.; property located on the east side of Hidden Canyon Road and on the north side of Avenida de Santiago, southeasterly of the intersection of Serrano Avenue and Hidden Canyon Road and contains 18 proposed RS-HS-22,000 zoned lots. It was recommended that action on said tentative tract be continued to be considered in conjunction with Environmental Impact Report No. 111, Reclassi- fication No. 73-74-28 and Variance No. 2566. MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - CLARIFICATION OF FENCE/WALL HEIGHT: Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting held May 12, 1975, was sub- mitted clarifying that setback requirements from private drives serving more than one property shall be interpreted as being the same as from dedicated public streets, and that staff be directed to further study the setback require- ments which may differ in certain situations, and to make recommendations thereon to the Planning Commission. At the request of the Assistant Development Services Director - Zoning, by general consent of the Council, the foregoing issue was removed from the City Council agenda pending further discussion with the residents of Mohler Drive area. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - SAN JOAQUIN NUCLEAR PROJECT: Draft E.I.R. submitted for the San Joaquin Nuclear Project, consisting of a nuclear generating station to be located in Kern County, a power transmission system and a water conveyance system, was taken off agenda for additional study, to be brought back by the City Attorney at a later date, on motion by Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman Sneegas. MOTION CARRIED. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - SANTA ANA COLI~EGE PARKING PROJECT: The Board of Trustees of the Santiago Community College District proposes to acquire 16.62 acres of land now occupied by single-family residences, located south of Santa Ana College for the purpose of adding 766 on-campus parking spaces. Said additional parking area is intended to reduce accidents resulting from traffic congestion and improve community relations by reducing student parking in nearby commercial and residential areas. On motion by Councilwoman Kaywood, seconded by Councilman Seymour, the City Council concurred with recommendations of the Development Services Department that the draft E.I.R. for the proposed expansion is inadequate for the following reasons: 1. It does not contain an adequate discussion of the impact of the pro- posed project on air quality. 2. It does not include adequate discussion of alternatives to the pro- posed project such as the use of public transit facilities or the dispersion of educational facilities. 3. It does not consider the long-term solution to the transportation problem. This is significant in view of the fact that the new facilities will provide only temporary relief. 4. It does not give adequate consideration to the growth-inducing impagt since the provision of additional parking facilities could remove an obstacle to increased enrollment. 5. The report does not include a discussion of the impact of the project on energy conservation. MOTION CARRIED. 75-502 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. AIRPORT ENVIRONS LAND USE PLAN FOR LOS ALAMITOS NAVAL AIR STATION: Memorandum report dated June 3, 1975, was submitted by Development Services Department, advising that the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County is considering the adoption of an Airport Environs Land Use Plan for the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station, with public hearing to be held before said Commission on June 5, 1975. The Development Services Department recommended that the City Council recommend to the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County that the proposed plan be based upon the increased level of operations equalling that which existed during the 1960's, and that an environmental impact report be prepared. Councilwoman Kaywood commented that she resides in west Anaheim near the boundaries for the area under consideration and after experiencing a great deal of noise during the 1960's when operations were at a higher level, she was of the opinion the outer limits of the impact zones noted on the exhibits provided should be expanded. Assistant Development Services Director - Planning, Don McDaniel, reported that the City has received a communication from the City of Cypress suggesting that the City of Anaheim oppose any expansion of the area, as they feel it would imply approval of expanded operations for the Naval Air Station. They further recommend that the proposed E.I.R. concern itself only with the smaller area. At the conclusion of brief discussion, Councilman Seymour moved that the Council recommend to the Airport Land Use Commission of Orange County that the Airport Environs Land Use Plan for Los Alamitos Naval Air Station be based upon the increased level of operation which existed during the 1960's, and that an E.I.R. be prepared to reflect that potential level of operations; further, that the planning area be expanded beyond the 60 CNEL contours; however, this recommendation is not intended to indicate support of any in- crease in the current level of operations of the Naval Air Station, Los Alamitos. Councilwoman Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST - ELECTRICAL AND WATER RATES: Mr. Allen J. Howes, 505 North Anna Drive, addressed the Council advising that he felt the City Council should be made aware of certain facts concerning apartment rentals, and that the rent at his former residence had been increased twice, the reason given being a purported increase in electrical and water rates. Subsequently, the management, in effect, raised the rent again by making the tenants responsible for their own utility bills. Sometime later, two more rental increases were effected, at which time Mr~ Howes vacated his apartment. He was of the opinion that something should be done in order for the City to receive its share of the rental increases purportedly effected because of electrical and water rate increases, which were not sent out to the tenants in writing. City Manager Keith Murdoch pointed out that City utility rate schedules had not been increased for 14 months prior to the increase approved in May. He noted that if there were documented proof of separate billings that the landlord is reselling utilities at a rate higher than the rate established by the City, that there is a penalty which could be assessed. Mayor Thom pointed out that there was no way that the City Council could be of assistance in this matter; the City Council could not increase electrical rates for certain individual locations, and such an increase would possibly generate another increase in the rent at the aforementioned apartment complex. It was determined that without documented evidence of separate billing that the utilities are being resold at higher rates, the City Council has no recourse for regulating the rental fees charged. PUBLIC HEARING - ABANDONMENT NO. 74-15A: In accordance with application filed by Clark Miller, Attorney, and Larry Sears, City of Anaheim, public hearing was held on proposed abandonment of an existing former well site and related ease- ment located south of Katella Avenue, west of Ninth Street, pursuant to Resolu- tion No. 75R-245, duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin and notices thereof posted in accordance with law. Report of the City Engineer was submitted, recommending approval of said abandonment. 75-503 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975~ 1:30 P.M. Mayor Thom asked if anyone wished to address the City Council, there being no response, he declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-279: Councilman Pebley offered Resolution No. 75R-279 for adoption, approving Abandonment No. 74-15A, as recommended by the City Engineer. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF THAT PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN. (No. 74-15A) Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES' ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-279 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM: To consider Anaheim's pro- posed participation in the National Flood Insurance Program - a Federal program - providing subsidized flood insurance to local communities in return for land use controls and flood plain management. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC75-105, recommended to the City Council that the City not participate in the National Flood Insurance Program at this time. Mr. G. Allan Daum briefly presented a background of the Federal Flood Program, using slides to illustrate the material. His report covered the purpose, methods of implementation and the anticipated impact on the City should the decision be made not to join the program. Specifically, Mr. Daum reported that the Federal Flood Insurance was made available as early as 1963 on a voluntary basis, however, as a consequence of limited participation, the Congress passed the Federal Flood Protection Act of 1973, making the provisions mandatory for those areas designated as being within a flood hazard. In the first, or emergency, phase of the program, the Federal Government will provide subsidized flood insurance in exchange for certain land use controls. Mr. Daum stressed that under the Federal Program all communities with identified flood hazard areas must join by either July 1, 1975, or one year after the effective date of notification of flood boundaries. Failure to participate after either of these deadlines will result in a cutoff of all Federal and Federally related financing to the community in the flood hazard zone. Mr. Daum advised that the City of Anaheim received notification of its flood hazard boundaries via a map prepared by a Federal Insurance Administra- tion Contractor which was received July 26, 1974. Utilizing a slide presen- tation with overlay, the area of Anaheim which has been designated by the Federal Contractor to be in the flood plain hazard area was demonstrated which includes 90% of the area in the City. The City of Anaheim has appealed this designation, based on information from the Army Corps of Engineers study data pertaining to the Santa Ana River basin and has requested revision of the map to show an area comprised of approximately 30%to 40% of the City's land area. The revised maps requested have not, to date, been received, and in view of the significant mapping problem the contractor appears to be having, it is now evident that the revised maps will most likely not be received in time to meet the program deadline and, therefore, the Anaheim community must consider making application to the program using the original erroneous maps as the City's designated flood hazard boundary until such time as the corrections are made and the area redesignated. To avoid any doubt as to the City's position on~ the maps, it is recommended that the Council adopt a resolution, affirming the City's intent to receive the revised maps, which could be forwarded together with the City's application for membership. 75-504 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. Upon participation in the program, Federally subsidized flood insurance will be required for all construction, and acquisition in the designated flood hazard area, as well as for substantial improvements. Once the community qualifies for the emergency phase of flood insurance, a flood elevation rate study will be conducted by another Federal Insurance Agency Contractor which will determine the flood elevation to be required and establish actuarial rates for properties within the designated boundaries. Further, land use controls will be mandated at this time, including the elevation or flood proofing of all new structures in the flood hazard area and flood plain zoning required to be applied to the Santa Ana River Channel and adjacent area. Mayor Thom noted the recommendation of the City Planning Commission and stated that obviously the repercussions which would result from such action would not be acceptable. He voiced the opinion that the City Council could not take such action which would, in effect, halt all development and resales in the City of Anaheim and gamble that Congress will pass special legislation to correct the situation. He indicated that the only reasonable course of action for the City Council to take would be to enter the program and start the appellate process to obtain a more reasonable flood hazard map and then to obtain more rea- sonable rates. Mr. Daum advised that he had been in contact with Mr. Jack Pardee of the State of California Department of Water Resources who advised that the City of Anaheim revised maps are a priority item and should be received in two to three weeks. He reported that Mr. Pardee was in the audience if the Council Members had any questions. Councilman Seymour related that he could well understand the frustration evidenced by the recommendation submitted by the City Planning Commission. He noted that the City of Anaheim has been aware of this Federal program and has been monitoring it for some time. He reported that in March of 1975, while he and the City Manager were in Washington, D.C., they met with other Orange County representatives and Staff Members of Senators Tunney and Cranston and Congress- man Patterson, as well as members of the HUD Staff. At that time the issue of the map revision was pressed and it was urgently requested that the revised flood hazard maps for the City of Anaheim be forwarded. Councilman Seymour stated that they were assured this matter would be cleared up within a matter of weeks, yet to date, nothing has been received. Mr. Pardee stated that he had telephoned the Contractor preparing these maps this morning and was advised that they are working on these as a priority item and that in two to three weeks or less the City of Anaheim should receive the preliminary revision to the maps. Once these are received, Mr. Pardee urged that the City be aggressive in its effort to obtain further corrections should they be necessary. Councilman Seymour assured Mr. Pardee that in the event the City has not. received a corrected map within two or three weeks he would personally direct the City's elected representative be contacted to remedy the situation. He noted some of the extremely obvious mistakes shown on the maps, making it mandatory that flood insurance be taken out by property owners who live even in highly elevated areas of eastern Anaheim. He voiced his own frustration over the victimization of the small property owner by this Federally mandated requirement. Brief Council discussion ensued as to whether or not it would be advisable to delay application to the program up to the end of the allowable time period, which would be July 26, 1975 for Anaheim. Mr. Daum explained that the Federal Insurance Administration requires some lead time before the program becomes effective in Anaheim and further, that some lenders may react to the July 1st date, making the insurance requirement effective as of that date. Councilman Seymour explained that if the City agrees to participate in this program, this does not mean that every property owner automatically is required to purchase the subsidized insurance. Rather, it would become a requirement for obtaining a loan. He stated that if the Council does not agree to participate, then the individual property owner does not have that alternative to select. 75-505 C.ity Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. Councilman Seymour indicated he was appalled at the recommendation of the Planning Commission, since it does not represent a rational approach to the situation. He stated that if the City Council were to act upon the City Planning Commission recommendation and refuse to enter the program, this would effectively mean that after the cutoff date, no person could purchase or sell or substantially improve residential, commercial or industrial property in that 90% of the City designated as being in the flood hazard area, except by completely private financing. He voiced the opinion that the magnitude of these consequences dictates that the Council has to approve the program and aggressively pursue an acceptable revision of the flood hazard maps. Councilman Sneegas related some of the activity of which he has become aware to improve the Prado and Mentone Dam systems and inquired whether these improvements, when complete, would have any effect on the City of Anaheim flood hazard area. Mr. Daum advised that hazard maps will be revised as risks are decreased. In this connection, Councilman Seymour advised that he had reviewed a map pre- pared by the Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency, which indicates that with the improvements made to the Prado Dam over the next two years, the e£fect on Anaheim would be to decrease the territory in the hazard area from 90% to 30%, and then to less than 10% of the total City area. Councilwoman Kaywood inquired whether a homeowner obviously not in a flood hazard area could purchase a minimal amount of insurance to comply with the requirement until the revised maps are received and was advised by Mr. Daum that there is a regulation that the lender require the maximum amount avail- able or insure to the amount of the loan, whichever is lowest. Councilman Sneegas stated, in defense of the Planning Commission recommenda- tion, that none of the Council Members likes the decision with which he or she is faced on this issue, and that the Planning Commission is trying, with their recom- mendation, to point out exactly what a poor choice is available to the Council Members. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council either in favor or opposition to the City's participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. Mrs. Mary Dinndorf, 131 La Paz Street, Anaheim, President of the Santa Ana Canyon Improvement Association, Inc., stated that she felt it is important to homeowners in the Canyon area that Anaheim agrees to join the National Flood Insurance Program and make flood insurance available. She indicated that she could understand the concern over the large area incorporated into the flood plain zone, however, she voiced the opinion that there is no doubt but that many of the developments in the Canyon area are located in the flood plain and these homeowners should have the flood insurance available since the City ap- proved developments in an area which is subject to flooding. She related that in 1938 a serious flood involved most of Anaheim. Since that time,the Prado and Carbon Canyon Dams have been built which have alleviated some of the problems. However, she indicated that the Prado Dam is not operating at full capacity be- cause of a buildup of silt and that this makes it clear that a flood could have serious effects on homes in the riverbed. Mrs. Dinndorf outlined two alternatives for the City Council (1) that the City itself provide the flood insurance and mortgage money; (2) that the City Council permit no further building in a known flood hazard area. Mr. Gene Rounds, LeRoy Owen Company, questioned how long the map revision will take and whether or not it might be wise to employ some independent arbi- tration group to make a survey. Mr. Daum explained the process of revising the flood hazard maps and noted that there is an interim period of 1½ to 3 years before the flood elevation rate study would be conducted. He advised that the community will be able to participate in the map study, and there is further provided a 3-month period to officially appeal the results of same. In reply to Mr. Rounds' concern as to whether or not business could be conducted as usual, Mr. Daum stated that there will be certain land use require- ments in the emergency phase, but this would not include elevation of structures until the rate study is complete. 75-506 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975~ 1:30 P.M. Mr. Ben Bay, 2148 West Grayson, Anaheim, read to the Council a letter received in reply to his own communication from Congressman Wiggins, dated May 23, 1975, in which Congressman Wiggins indicates he has co-sponsored legislation to repeal those sections of the National Flood Protection Insurance Act which make flood insurance covera~ and community participation a pre- requisite for approval of any financial assistance in a flood hazard area. The letter further indicated that they hoped to act on this legislation prior to July 1, 1975. Mr. Bay also clarified that from the discussion it has been implied that the insurance subsidy by the Federal Government is substantial. He pointed out that the Government will pay 10C per $100 of insurance out of a total cost of 35¢ per $100 during the emergency phase. Mr. Bay stated that if the City does not act to join all they will be risking is the 10C per $100 worth of insurance and that an individual homeowner could purchase the insurance through him broker for 35¢ per $100 if he wished to sell or purchase a home. Councilman Seymour advised that from his investigation of the situation, there is only one insurance company which will write a flood insurance policy, Fireman's Fund. Mr. Daum explained that the manner in which the legislation is written, Fireman's Fund would be prohibited from writing flood insurance policies for a property owner unless the community in which his property is located is in the flood program. Mr. Bay voiced the opinion that these requirements were outrageous, and that if this legislation affects 60,000 communities throughout the Country, he wondered how many of these communities had responded. He voiced the opinion that if enough cities had voiced strong objection to this program in the begin- ning, it could not have proceeded this far. He felt that the City should refuse to enter the program and allow the citizens to become aware so that they would personally seek action to rectify the situation through their elected representatives. Councilman Seymour gave his projections, based on approximately 400 to 500 homes bought and sold in the City of Anaheim every month, that by the end of the first year, citizens of Anaheim would be paying $42,000 per month for nothing. He also indicated that in some instances this additional $7.00 to $10.00 per month for flood insurance will cause the person seeking to purchase a home to be disqualified for the loan. Councilman Seymour further advised that all of the Orange County Cities affected expected to enter the program although the majority will do so under protest. Mr. Bay urged that the Council delay action to join the program until the July 26th deadline, and further that the Council give this subject all of the' news coverage they can get to make the citizens aware of the situation. Both Mr. Daum and Mr. McDaniel advised that from communications received from the Federal Insurance Administration, it is obvious that some lead time is required and that any further delay may result in the City's not meeting the deadline. Mr. William Devitt read a communication received by his office from the United California Mortgage Company regarding a multi-million dollar loan for the Anaheim Plaza Building, 505 North Euclid Street, which advises that the lender is requiring flood insurance pursuant to the National Flood Protection Act of 1973. Mr. Joe White questioned what has been transpiring over the past 2 to 3 years that leaves the City with this dilemma at the time they are required to enter the program. Mr. Daum briefly outlined the activities undertaken to appeal the flood plain boundaries designated last July 26, 1974. He advised that part of the City's problem had been that the mandatory requirements came into effect very quickly. He assured Mr. White that the City had prepared and filed an appeal before the end of last year and despite followups of this appeal, has received no response. 75-507 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975~ 1:30 P.M. Mr. James Emmi, Kimberly Development Company, 1009 Dolphin Terrace, Corona del Mar, 92625, advised that he owns properties in Anaheim and is very concerned that he be able to provide flood insurance for these properties. He advised that he has already lost tenants because of his inability to do this. He agreed that the City should appeal the incorrect flood zone maps, but reit they should do this from within the program and that the matter could best be resolved by arbitration and by strong technical presentations. He stated that the Council could not stay out of the program because the financial implications are catastrophic. Mr. Bob Hostetteg representing the Board of Directors of the Anaheim Board of Realtors, stated that they encourage the Council to participate in the program. He indicated that they make this recommendation since they feel the City would be in a better position to place the emphasis necessary to change the geographic boundaries of the existing maps from within the program. He also urged that Councilman Seymour return to Washington to represent the City's position with the legislators. Mr. Larry Sierk, Executive Vice President of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, stated that these flood insurance regulations will mean that the City is faced with changes in building codes, and there will be more competition for land, thereby increasing costs, not only to homeowners, but to industrial and commercial properties as well. He advised that there is an effort across the Country to amend this legislation, and he would urge that the City of Anaheim work together with those communities leading this effort. He voiced the opinion that this legislation was directed toward solving a regional problem and that the Federal Government should recognize this and administer the program on a regional basis. Mayor Thom closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Kaywood commented that any city or area which has permitted construction and development in river basins is partially responsible for much of this current problem. She stated that the building code should never have permitted this and neither should the City since it is obvious that there will be problems when building in the path of the river. RESOLUTION NOS. 75R-280 THROUGH 75R-282: Councilman Seymour offered Resolution Nos. 75R-280 through 75R-282, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-280: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PERTAINING TO THE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. (Effective July 1, 1975) RESOLUTION NO. 75R-281: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AFFIRMING THE CITY'S APPEAL OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAPS PURSUANT TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 75R-282: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S BUILDING PERMIT SYSTEM AND THE REVIEW PROCEDURE THEREOF. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 75R-280 through 75R-282, both inclusive, duly passed and adopted. Councilman Seymour requested that should the revised flood maps not be received by the City within 3 weeks as outlined by Mr. Pardee, that the City Council be so informed by staff so that further direction can be given at that time. ir i i~1~ ~1 i, I i/1 i i 75-508 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Juno 3, 1975, 1~30 P.M. Mayor Thom also requested that a communication be forwarded to the appropriate Governmental Agency indicating that the City understands they will receive these maps within 14 to 21 days of this date that the situation be monitored by a mailgram to that Agency every 5 days, advising that the City has not yet received the maps. Mr. Murdoch further noted that the 4 Consortium C~ties have supported pending legislation to postpone the effective date of the mandatory provisions of the National Flood Protection Act for 6 months. He advised that the City Council has been invited to meet with Senator Tunney on June 13, 1975 and that this is one of the items scheduled for discussion. REPORT ON CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT BETA BOUNDARIES - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION: Mr. Roberts reported that subsequent to concern expressed by the City Council at their meeting held May 27, 1975, regarding the boundaries of Project Area Beta, the issue was brought before the Planning Commission at their meeting on May 28, 1975. The City Planning Commission, by motion, indicated that they are not in a position at this time to make any recommendation to the Council for revised boundaries of Project Beta and, further, that they feel they should first have an opportunity to review the consultants~reports on Project Alpha area. In addition, they stated that it is their intention to embark upon an aggressive program of study sessions to resolve this matter as soon as possible and have scheduled a meeting with the Redevelopment Commission and Staff. However, they wish to make Council aware that a recommendation will not be forthcoming within the next couple of weeks. Mr. Murdoch noted that the action of the City Planning Commission is in accordance with the direction given by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency at the special joint meeting called with the City Planning Commission on May 13, 1975. RESOLUTION NOS. 75R-283 - DEEDS OF EASEMENT: Councilman Pebley offered Resolution No. 75R-283 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING CERTAIN DEEDS AND ORDERING THEIR RECORDATION. (Gale Douville, et ux.; Jesus F. Guerrero, et ux.; Dunn Business Parks; John W. Hoskins, et ux.) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 75R-283 duly passed and adopted. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT - THREE DUMP BODIES: The City Manager reported on informal bids received for the purchase of three dump bodies and recommended acceptance of the low bid submitted by Paramount Truck Body & Equipment Company in the amount of $13,038.53, including tax. On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Sneegas, the low bid of Paramount Truck Body & Equipment Company was accepted and purchase authorized in the amount of $13,038.53, including tax. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 3430: Councilman Pebley offered Ordinance No. 3430 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AbiENDING C}LAPTER 3.24, SECTION 3.24.060 RELATING TO AMUSEMENT DEVICES, LICENSE FEES-TERM OF LICENSE. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pebley, Seymour and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Sneegas ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 3430 duly passed and adopted. 75-509 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, 1975, 1:30 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 3432: Councilwoman Kaywood offered Ordinance No. 3432 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (71-72-2(2) - RS-A-43,000) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 3432 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 3433: Councilman Thom offered Ordinance No. 3433 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (68-69-94(1) - ML) Roll Call Vote' AYES: COUNCIL ~MBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL M~{BERS: None ABSENT' COUNCIL MF2~BERS: None The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 3433 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 3434: Councilman Sneegas offered Ordinance No. 3434 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (74-75-24 - CL) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas, Pebley and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 3434 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 3435: Councilman Pebley offered Ordinance No. 3435 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (74-75-26 - CL) ORDINANCE NO. 3436: Councilwoman Kaywood offered Ordinance No. 3436 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3425, NUNC PRO TUNC, RELATING TO THE HOUSING COMMISSION. LOW-VOLUME TOILET FIXTURES: Councilwoman Kaywood reported that at a special meeting of the County Sanitation Districts last Thursday, May 29, 1975, the Districts encouraged use of low-volume water fixtures for all new develop- ment - toilets with 2~ gallon tanks. She suggested that the Council consider making this requirement mandatory in all new developments. Councilwoman Kaywood pointed out that this would be particularly im- portant in the hill area where special reservoirs are required , and it will be necessary to conserve as much water as possible. Mr. Murdoch advised that he would obtain relative cost comparisons on the low-volume fixtures and report back to Council on this suggestion. 75-510 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 3, ~975~ 1:30 P.M. RECESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Councilman Pebley moved to recess to Executive Session. Councilman Sneegas seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (4:00 P.M.) Councilman Pebley left the Council Chamber (4:01 P.M.) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Thom called the meeting to order, all Council Members being present with the exception of Councilman Pebley. (4:54 P.M.) BRIEFING ON NEGOTIATIONS WITH EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT FIRMS: Mayor Thom advised that the Council Members had been briefed on some of the results of preliminary discussions with executive recruitment firms interviewed and that, at the con- clusion of the session, the consensus of the Council was that the City Manager, and City Attorney will attempt to negotiate a recommendation and contract con- cerning one of these firms. ADJOURNMENT: Councilwoman Kaywood moved to adjourn. Councilman Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Adjourned: 4:55 P.M. Councilman Pebley absent. Deputy City C%-~rk