2, 13, 18Public Comment From: Pat D < Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 3:00 PM To: Public Comment; Jose Moreno; Jose Diaz Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments on tonites meeting Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. As I continue to shelter in place, not attending meetings in person, I ask once again my comments be read aloud. In addition for your virtual projection of the meeting, the sound needs to be improved. It is inconsistent with some members and speakers projecting their voice less then others. Please try to make those adjustments as needed. Item 2 - Housing Element Report Having listened to last week's public hearing on the housing element report prepared by staff, I am now convinced that this majority council has no intention of meeting RHNA guidelines particularly in the areas of low and very low income identified housing needs. You continue to favor builders and prioritize land use for the upper income level needs in our community. You continue to show no regard for meeting the needs of those who work hardest to ensure that our city is the destination point you like to tout it as being. I am most disappointed in my own Councilmember Diaz, who sounds like he gets it, but then follows the mayor like a little puppy dog. District 1 is doomed to succeed in the needs we have shown for such a long time. I fully expect that HCD, upon receipt of your report, will have numerous questions about how you will actually meet the assigned goals. State laws have come into place and your plan fails miserably to show an achievable plan to mert those goals. Item 13 - BeWell OC Contract has some merit but any involvement with law enforcement defeats any good. Sadly we still see Anaheim cops even go out of the city to kill folx in crisis. This contract will not fix a department that sees numerous deaths at the hands of our sworn officers. When will we hold officers accountable for the deaths they have caused? Item 18 - Redistricting I am once again not surprised at low participation numbers in your community meetings, yet your report reads as though great success in reaching the masses!!! The email numbers alone are so abysmal. Knocked on any doors lately and talked to your constituents? If you had offered a virtual means of participation, I assure you more would be there. Lets hope more is done in future to educate and engage your public. Please don't interpret folx not attending as confidence in your leadership as it does not exist. Folx are tired of your bully approach to collecting input and limited outreach. They are also quite busy with full lives trying to survive in their communities. Public Comment: AB 339 is coming - are you ready to hear from your public in larger numbers? We who have been unable to attend meetings in person have not been afforded the opportunity to address the Council virtually. I have sent comments but have only once I believe heard back from my council member. So much for communication! ! ! Let's hope as a city of over 250,000 you don't resist this law. Governor Newsom has not yet signed into law AB 339, a similar bill addressing Brown Act teleconferencing requirements. The Governor has until October io to veto the bill, or it will become law. We will provide another update on AB 339 When the Governor acts. This bill would, until December 31, 2023, require all open and N public meetings of a city council or a county board of supervisors that governs a jurisdiction containing least 250,000 people to include an opportunity for members of the public to attend via atwo-way telephonic option or a two-way Internet -based service option, as specified, and would require a city council or county board of supervisors that has, as of June 15, 2021, provided video streaming, as defined, of at least one of its meetings to continue to provide that video streaming. The bill would require all open and 3 public meetings to include an in-pers opport� circumstancE state or loca bill on public cc a n ity, exce p �mment tin specified 's during a declared emergency. The would require all meetings to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on proposed legislation in person and remotely via a telephonic or an Internet -based service option, as provided. Pat Davis District 1 resident Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. 4