64-357A RESOLUTION OF TI~ CITY COUNCIL OF OF ~~IH ~CCE~TIN~ A G~ DEED FROPER~ FOR ~ ~~T FOR ..~IN~GE PU~~~S. _ ........... .... ~ERFA$, t~he City Council of the City of ~etm t~ desirous o~ lxtr~:h~$ir~ ~:he hereinafter ~eser~bed ~1 ~ro~r~y fo~ ~icip~l~r~s~s, ~0 wit~ ~ ~as~emt ~or_ draznage, vur~9~es ; ~d ....................................... ' - '~ '" ~EREAS, th~ o~e~s~__ o[ said p~operty have o£t~red to sell lnd convey th~ slme ~o the City; aud ~S, ~h~ ~ity Co~cil oi ch~ City of ~hetm finds ~heim co ~cce~ itid oiie~ tnd ~rc~st 8ttd r~l pro~rty. ~0~ ~~FO~ SE ~ ~SOL~ by the City C~il o~ the City of ~hei~ ~ th~ off~ of. JOE LE~SOUE_ p~operty sicced i~ t~ Ci~.~ o~ ~hei~, C~ty DUrDOS~ ~ easemenZ flor drainage purposes over, under and across ~he Northerly 15.00 ffee~ off chat portion of the Northeas~ quarter off ~he Nor~heasZ quarter off Section 15, To. ship 4 South, ~ange 11 ~es~, in ~he Rancho Los Coyotes, as sho~ on a ~ap recorded in Book 51, page 11 of ~iscellaneous Haps, records off Oranae County, California, described as follows- Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of Tract No. 2826, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 85, pages 37 to 42, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, with the Easterly prolongation of the center line of Via Media Circle, as shown on said Map of Tract No. 2826; said point being the Southwest corner of the land described in a deed to Daniel Lee Stradley and wife, recorded September 3, 1959 in Book 4888, page 33 of Official Records; thence North 89° 37' 25" East along the Southerly line of said land of Stradley, 33.62 feet to a point in the Westerly line of the Easterly 630.00 feet of said Northeast quarter of the North- east quarter of said Section 15; thence South 0° 16' 15" East along said Westerly line of the Easterly 630.00 feet of said Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, a distance of 268.00 feet to the Northeast corner of the land described in a deed to Robert D. Stigall and Jay Kruger, recorded October 6, 1958 in Book 4438, page 42 of Official Records; thence South 89° 37' 25" West along the Northerly line of said land of Stigall and Kruger, said Northerly line being the Easterly prolongation of' the center line of Via Sola Circle, as shown on said Map of Tract No. 2826, a distance of 33.62 feet to said Easterly line of Tract No. 2826; thence North 0° 16' 1'5'~ West along said Easterly line of Tract No. 2826, a distance of 268;00 feet to the point of beginning. be, and the same is hereby, accepted by ~he,C£ty Council of the City of Anaheim~ and that the City oi ~%mahexm accept ~ conVey- ance of said property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, and he is hereby, authorized ~o pay to the owner or owners of said real proper~y, out of General Funds of ~e City of A~,.~h~i~ th~ sum cf ATTEST ~)R'/-OF-THE" CiTY'OF ANANEIM " PRO TE~ · CITY CLERK OF THE CITY STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ DENE M.~ WILLIAM~ City Clerk of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby certify that tha foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at ~ ~=~~ular meeting of the City Council held o~ the 19thaa~y oI ~a- , 19 64 , by the ~ollowing vote cf t~~ers ther~~ ~ AYES COUNC.IL~X~: Pebley, Schutte and Dutton NOES :: '~O~C IL,MEN° None ABSEMT COUNCILMEN: Krein and Chandler Pro Tern AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that ~he Mayor/of the City of Anaheim approved and signed sa~d ~aolu:ion on the 19th day of ~,~aM , 19 64 ~ ~ IN WI~ESS WHEREOF, I. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the ~eal, of' the City of At%ahei~ this 19th day of (SEAL) i CITY CLERK OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM