64-356RESOLUTION N0~ 64R- 856 ........ A I~SOLUTXON OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ C~TY OF AN~H~IH ACCEPTING A G~ DEED CO~Y~ TO ~ ~~0~ ~~~ C~TA~-~ PROPER~ FOR ~ ~$~T ~R ,_RO~ ~ P~LIC ~ILITY_PU~O~E~, ~ ~~;, the City Co~cil of the City of A~lhe~u ~s desirous of ~rc~si~ the herei~after descrtbed ~ pro~r~y foe ~tcipal~r~os~$, =o wi~: ~ easy,mt for __road...~nd, ; public utility purpgses . , ; M~EltF~, the o~e~ of s~i4 pzope~Cy ha.~___ o£fewed ~o se~ an~ convey ~he 8&~e ~ the Ct~y; and t~C ~t t8 ff~ ~he benef~ and be~ ~n~e~eeC Gf C~ C~y of ~' NOW~ ~~FO~ BE IT ~$OL~ by the C1~7 C~tl o~ a widowe r. _ .............. ........... ~ I ,. ~o~erc~ ~~ced tn the_ C~y of Aheim, C~Cy of ~a~e, stace of C~li~o~ia, to b~ u,s~d ~or ~n ~om~t fOr road public utili~.V DurDos~. .. ~ easemen: for ~oad and public u:ili~y purposes ove~, unde~ and across ~ha~ po~ion of Lot 25~ ~ahelm Extension, as sho~ on a ~ap of Survey by ~illi~ Ha~el, a copy of ~lch ls sho~ in Book 3, pages 162 ~o 164, inclusive, o~ Los ~geles County ~aps, in :he office of :he Coun:y Aeco~de~ of O~ange County, California, and Lo~ A, T~ac~ 2757, as sho~ on a ~ap recorded in Book 108, pages 28 and 29 of ~iscellaneous ~aps, ~eco~ds of said O~ange County, 5escribed as ~ollows: Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of said Lot 25, said Westerly line also being the center line of Los Angeles Street with the Westerly prolongoation of the Southerly line of said Tract 2757; thence South 15 31' 49" East along the center line of Los Angeles Street, a distance of 185.16 feet to the Southerly line of land described in the deed to Herman Henry Bruns and wife, recorded November 18, 1935 in Book 792, page 12 of Official Records; thence North 74° 28' 11" East a distance of 53.00 feet; thence North 15° 31' 49" West parallel with the center line of Los Angeles Street a distance of 140.16 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 15 feet; thence Northerly and Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 90° 00' 00" an arc dis- tance of 23.56 feet to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and distant Southerly 30.00 feet, as measured at right an~les from the center line of Clifton Avenue; thence North 74 28' 11" East parallel to the center line of Clifton Avenue, a distance of 252 feet; thence North 15° 31' 49" West a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of intersection with the center line of Clifton Avenue; thence South 74° 28' 11" West'~,. along the center line of Clifton Avenue a distance of 320 feet to the center line of Los Angeles Street and point of beginning. be, amd the same s he=eby, accepted by the C~ty Council of the City of Anaheim, ~nd that the City of Anaheim accept a conVey- ance o£ said property. BE 1T I~URTHER P~SOLYED :hat ~:he City Auditox of the City of Anaheim be, a~d he ts hereby, authorized to payto the ~r or o~ers of ~aid real proper=y, out of General ~nds of chis THE MOREGOIN~ RESOLUTION is approved and si~ned by me 19th '~ay 9f .May ~, 1964 o ATTEST° o STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~So CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ DENE M,~ WILLIAMS~ City Clerk of the City of Anahei~ do hereby certify ~hat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at ~ regular ~eeting of the City Council he~d o~ the 19t ' ' ' ~ay ~ ......... , 19 64 , by the following vote cf the me~er~ there~:~ ~ AYES COUNC[L~EN~ Pebley, Schut%e and Dut%on NOES COUNCILMEN ~ None ABSENT' COUNCILMEN® Krein and Chandler Pro Tern AND I 'FURTHER CERTIFY tha~ ~he Mayor/of ~he City of Anaheim approved ano signed said resol~ation om the 19th day o f ~ay , I,~4 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREO~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal, of the City of A~ahei~ this 19th day of 1,9 64 (S L)