64-347REcOLlecTION NO 64R-347 A RE$OL,~,]'IO.. OF THE CITY CO~NCIL OF THE C'I'TY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS AME~,~NT NOo 6 WHEREAS~ the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has heretofore duly passed and adc, prod a resolution recommending denial ~-.f an ~endrnent to the General Plan in the general l~>:raticn and vi~initv ~f the property de~ecribed in Rec]~a~sifica~ion Pr~,ceedings Noo 63 '~4 77 and being generally bounded by ~ ~!~pn St~'eet ......... on the wes~ Municipal Golf Course on the sou~h~ Gilbert Street on the east~,~a~ Crescent Avenue on the north~, an~ compr{~lng approx~ma~t~y tw~acres, as shown and~'~des~cr'ibed cn Exhibit NOo 1 -~~n the City Planning Department ~ after having~~ public hearing in the ~anner and as pres~cribed by law to consider said pro~ posed amendment~ and after having received evidence and reports from pers~'ns intercepted ~herein and WHEREA$~ fc.l~:c;wing the. hearing thereon.~ the Planning Cc, mmiss~.,~.r~ did duiv annou~.~e by formal, resolution its findings of fa,c'ts~ and declare it~ c:p.i~i,~ns add reason~ for recommending denial cf ,said. a.m~end~en'~ ~c, the General Plan~., designated as Amendment N~o 6 ' and %~EREAS~ upon receip**~ cf ~aid 'res~ciution,,~ summary of evidence~ report cf findings~ and reco~endation of the City Planning Ccm~i~ic, n ~ the City Council did fix ~he i7th day of March ~9 64 a~ r~he ~ime and ~h,e council Chamber in the City H~g~the City of Apaheim as the place for a public hearing upon said pr~pc~ed ~r~endment Nco 6 to the General Plan and did gi~e. Dc:rice thereof in the mi~nd as provided by law~ and WH. EREAS~ at the ti.me and place fixed for said public hearing? the City Cc, u'n{~il did duly hold and conduct such public hearing and did give ~1! persons interested therein an oppor~ ~unity to be heard and did receive evidenc~e and reports and .did thereupon c~n~ider the reco..~endation.s o,f the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS~. the City Council does find and determine that Amendment Nco 6 t.~o ~.he General Plan, encompassing the aforementioned~ generally described proper.'ty included within the proposed amendment to the General Plan~,~ as ~hown on Exhibit NO o i ~ on file in the City Planning Depart.ment,~ should be apPro~o ' NOW.~ THEREFORE~, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Amendment No0 6 to the General Plan~ encompassing tThe afc, rementioned an--d generally described prop~rty~ as shown on ~,aid Exhibit Noo I be~ and the same is hereby approvedo BE IT FIRI~HER RESOLVED that the Planning Department be and it is hereby instructed? to amend the General Plan Map to conform to General Plan Amenck~ent NOo ~'~6 __herein approved° this ATTEST~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me 12th day of May ~) 19 64 o MA~YOR~0F~~crfY 0F ~EIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS o CITY OF ANAHEIM } DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anahe'~~-y~t at the °regoing resolution was introduced and adopted a~. a -- regular meeting provided by law cf the City Ccunc{o t e City of Anaheim, held on the 12th day ef M~ 19 64 by the following AYES~ COL~CILMEN~ Dutton and Chandler NOES~ COI~CILMEN~ Krein ABSENT-~ COUNCILMEN,~ Pebley and Schutte AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that 'the Mayor of the Ci.ty of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 12th day of IN WIT~.ES$ WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the ©fficial seal of the City of Anaheim this 12th day of _~ ~ 1,9 64 o CITY CLERK OF THE CIT~ OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)