64-344Acctg. Off. ?ark &Rec, Public Works RESOLUTION NO. 64R-344 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING A PROPOSED LEASE WITH SAVANNA SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE LEASING OF CERTAIN PREMISES FROM SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR A PUBLIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID LEASE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY o WHEREAS, Savanna School District is the owner of certain real property hereinafter described, consisting of approximately 5 acres lying adjacent to the Twila Reid School, and which is not nor will not, at the time of delivery of title or possession or in the immediate future, be needed for school classroom buildings by said District; and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim desires the use of said property for a public park and playground to be utilized in conjunction with the present school playground; and WBJgREAS, the Savanna School District has offered to lease said property to the City of Anaheim for a public park and playground, and has submitted to the City Council a form of lease to be made and entered into by and between said School District and the City as of May 7, 1964; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that said property is an adequate and suitable location for a public park and playground, and that such use would be to the advantage and best interests of the City of Anaheim, the Savanna School District and the general public, and that said offer should, therefore, be accepted and said lease approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the lease this day submitted to the City Council to be made and entered into as of May 7, 1964, by and between the City of Anaheim and Savanna School District for the leasing of the following described property from said School District for the purpose of developing and maintaining a public park and playground, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said lease, and for a term of 25 years commencing on August 1, 1964 with an option in the City to renew and extend the term for an additional 25 years, be and the same is hereby approved. Said property is that certain property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, which is 418.43 feet x 503 feet, or 4.83 net acres, located at the east end of the Twila Reid School site located at 720 South Western Avenue, Anaheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said lease for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim. -1- me thi~ THE FOREf~()I~!.:r~ RF~SOi'?'I~r~O~i! i~-. approved and ~signe:d by 12th d.~¥ of May. __, 1964 . ~, ~. D:,!!~ :"~,_.~. WILil~_~S ~ "~.,~ tv Clerk 9~ tr, e ,~xty of A?'¥.~he:i.?~.., do he':r~?~?' e'.ct~fy' t::~:~ th~ forego~.g resolu~io~ was ..... =._~..: ~ a~. a -- r'~gular meeting of .... ~_e o~ t'%~ 12th day of ~~ ....... , 1.9.~, by the f'oli.owi~zg vote o'f ~h~ ;~embers: t~e'reoft ~2,iES: CO'~.~N2[lJ~_~]N'~ Pebley, Dutton, S.c:hu~,~' K~ia::.and~:Chandler ~OE $ ' COUS;'C IL~5] ~> N on e A~i'D _.[ P,~JR'?~FR (~gERTIFY t',i*~zt: the ~yor c',f the City' of A'r~mheim approved ~-~.d si~ned s~id resolution on the _l~th day · ~ ' :~ "' ~ {:ity f A-t~h,~im t. nrs 12th day of (SEAL,) ., C'r/5~ CI_:ERK~? UP A~tAHEt,M