64-309 RESOLUTION NO. 64R-309 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 64R-179 IN RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS NO. 63-64-751. WHEREAS, the City Council did heretofore, to wit, on March 17, 1964, adopt Resolution No. 64R2179 in Reclassification Proceedings No. 63-64-75 declaring its intention to change the property therein described from R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL ZONE to R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, subject to certain conditions set forth in said resolution; and WHEREAS, Condition No. 5 of said resolution provides in part, that the property owners shall acquire Lot "A" of ' Tract No. 3289; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a typographical error was made in said Condition No. 5 in designating said tract as No. 3289 when in truth and in fact said tract is numbered "5389"; and WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that an ordi- nance has never been adopted directing said change of zone and completing said reclassification proceedings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Resolution No. 64R-179 in Reclas- sification Proceedings No. 63-64-75 be, and the same is hereby amended by amending Condition No. 5 thereof to read as follows: "5. That Lot "A" of Tract No. 5389, not yet recorded, shall be acquired by the property owners to provide access to Rutherford Street; or, ghat a dedicated and fully improved street shall be provided along the westerly boundary of subject property. BE IT FURTF~ER RESOLVED that in all other respects said Resolution No. 64R-179 be, and remain in full force and effect. me this THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by ~th day of May , 1964. ATTEST: ~ITy "dL~ '0 ~T~E" CITY OF ANAHEIM 63-64-75 SIAIE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR;~NGE ) ss. crr¥ ANA I ) I, DEN£ M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-309 was introduced and. adopted.at a regular mee~in9 provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim; held on the 5th day of May, 1964, by ~he following vote of the members thereof~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley~ Dutton, $chutte~ Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN; N one AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the MayDr of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolu2ion No. 64R-309 on the 5th day of May~ 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim~ this 5th day of May, 1964. (SEAn) CITY CLERK OF TH[ CITY OF ANAH[IM