64-301--Ung~. - 2 Acctg. 0~¢. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-301 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN;J~EIM APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, ENTITLED "SUPPLE~[ENT TO DOCUMENT 117966," BE ENTERED INTO WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY WITH REFERENCE TO THE WIDENING OF THE CERRITOS AVENUE CROSSING (NO. BK-511.8); AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT. %¢HEREAS, the City of Anaheim and Southern Pacific Company did on August 7, 1962 enter into an agreement for the joint installation of protective devices at the crossing of Cerritos Avenue, Crossing No. BK-511.8, over the tracks of Southern Pacific Railroad Company at or near South Anaheim, Orange County, California; and WHEREAS, the City proposes to widen the crossing area at Cerritos Avenue and install curbs; and WHEREAS, the City and Southern Pacific comPany desire to enter into a supplemental agreement to evidence the agreements of the City and said Railroad Company with respect to the relocation of existing flashing light signals at said crossing to accommodate the additional work and prepare the track area; and ~¢HEREAS, Southern Pacific Company has tendered to the City a supplemental agreement, entitled "Supplement to Document 117966," covering the relocation of the flashing light signals and the proposed widening of said crossing area and installation of curbs, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, which agreement the City Council finds would be for the benefit of the City and should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the supplemental agreement, entitled "Supplement to Document 117966,'~ a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, covering the reloca- tion of existing flashing light signals at the Cerritos Avenue crossing to accommodate the additional work in the widening of said crossing, be and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are 'hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim. me this ATTEST: THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by 28th day of April, 1964. MAYOR' ~ 'THE '~¢I~ OF AN~4EIM DENE M. WILLIAMS ~ITY-CLERK QF 'T'HE C%TY' O'F 'Ai'4~E:~ Deputy City Clerk Supplement to Document 117966 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, made this day of -- 1964, by and between SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMIC. ANY, a corporation, herein termed "Railroad", and CITY OF ANAHEIM, a municipal corporation of the State of California, herein termed "City"; RECITALS' By agreement dated August 7, 1962, the parties hereto set forth their agreements with respect to the installation of protective devices at the crossing of Cerritos Avenue, Crossing No. BK-511.8, over the tracks of Railroad at or near South Anaheim in the County of Orange, State of California. Said agreement is now in effect. City proposes to widen the crossing area and install curbs as indicated on the attached print of Railroad's Draw- ing A-5587, Sheet No.2, revised January 6, 1964. It is desired by this supplemental agreement to evidence the agree- ments of the parties hereto with respect to the relocation of existing flashing light signals to accommodate the add- itional work and prepare the track area. AGREEMENT: NO~, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as l'ollows' 1. Railroad shall furnish all necessary labor, materials, tools and equipment to relocate and shall relocate the existing flashing l~ght grade crossing signals from the locations indicated in yellow to locations indicated in red on the attached print. Railroad shall furnish ant install creosoted timbers along the rails of the track located through the additional crossing area as indicated in red on the at. ta¢:h+~d print. City agrees to reimburse Railroad for all cost and expense incurred by Railroad in connection with the work contemplated under this supple- mental agreement. City, at City's expense, shall furnish and place all paving and construct said curbs. 2. Except as herein otherwise provided, all of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said agreement dated August 7, 1962, shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cause.d these presents -1- SOUTI~ERN PACIFIC COMPANY By (Title) Attest Assi s tan t'" "Se'~-re tary -2- .... i illin II Il ' '' ....... I I ii Illl