64-256Park & lRecrea-lion Accounting Off. ilESOLUTiON NO. 64R- 256 A i~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE JOINT COMPRJNITY RECi~EA- TION FkOG~ OF THE CITY OF AINAHEIM, THE ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, THE ANAHEIM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND THE MAGNOLIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND AUTHOitlZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEtQ( TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR SUCH JOINT COMMUNITY ~CREATION PROGRAM. WHEi~A$, the City of Anaheim, the Anaheim Union High School District, the Anaheim City School District and the Magnolia Elementary School District desire to promote and preserve the health and general welfare of the people of the City of Anaheim and said. School Districts and. to cultivate and develop good citizenship by providing for an adequate orogram of community recreation and to conduct such a pro~ram 6f community recreation as '.will contribute to the attainment of general educational and recreational objec- tives for the children and adults of said School Districts within ~2he City; and WHEREAS, -[he City of ~Maaheim and said School Districts desire to cooperate with one another to carry out the provisions of Chapter 4, Division 12 of the Education Code of the State of Cs±ifornia, and to that end to enter into an agreement with one another to organize, promote and conduct a joint program of com- munity recreation to promote and preserve the health and general welfare of the children and. people of said School Districts within the City. NOW, THEFcEFOitE, BE IT i~ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of .Anaheim that the City of ~maheim enter into an asree- ment with the Anaheim Unfion High School District, the Anaheim City School District, and the Magnolia Elementary School District for the following purposes: I · . To enter into and jointly organize, promote and conduct a program of community recreation for general education and recreation objectives for the children and. adults within the bound- aries of both the said City of Anaheim and. the respective School Districts to promote and preserve the health and general welfare of the people of said. School Districts within the City. To provide that all public parks and recreation fac:i!ities of 'the City of Anaheim shall be made available and be used as a part of a joint com- munity recreation program, and shall be main- tained and. cared for by 'the City of Anaheim; and That the City of ;~naheim shall ~nake available to 'the ;.maheim Union High School District all public parks and recreation facilities excepting the La Palma Park Stadium, except as the use of La Palma Park Stad~:~.um is provided for in the lease of said facilities between the City of Anaheim and the ~}naheim Union High School District, said facilit:~es to 'be used jointly in the physical educate_on prog~am of the ~rmaheim Union High School District, md to be maintained and cared, for by the City of Anaheim. -!- · To prov£de that all recreation facilities of 'the Anaheim 'Onion High School District shall be made available and be used as a part of said joint community recreation pro~.;iram and be maintained and cared for by the Anaheim Union High School District. · To provide 'that ~iI recreation facilities of Uhe Anaheim 8;i. ty School District shall be m=,~d.e available and. be used. as a part of said joint community 'recreation program and be maintained an~ cared for by the Anaheim City School District. . To provide that ,-~11 recreation facilities of the Magnolia Elementary School District shall be made ~vaii~ble and be used. as a part of sa~i.~d joint community recreation program and be maintained and caz'ed foz' by 'the Magnoli~ Elementary School District. BE iT Fb'~,.~THEi~ i',.~.ESOLVED 'that the Ci~cy of Anaheim shall ~,ay an annual sum eq. usi to ~.06 per $100 of the 'total assessed ~" '~ ~oca~ed v~ithin the boundaries of the ~?,~..~.tuat on of the property ~ ~- '-~,:.'cy oz ,,-:~nane:~..m. Th ~:~naheZm 'Union HiGh School District shall pay an annual sum ecuai to 65% c.~' $.015 per $100 of the total assessed v~iuation of the pz'oper'ty iccated x~zithin the boundaries of said ~.~:~n School District. The /maheim C~Cy School District shall pay an annua~ sum equal co ~.015 per $i00 o~ the -total assessed valua- t._on of the property located within Uhe boundaries of said City ~]choo! D~ a .... :~' .~r~t. The Magnclie Elementary School District shall pay an annual sum equal to g0% of $.0275 per $100 of the tocai assessed valuation of the property located within the boundaries of said Msgnolig Elementary School District. The sums provided for 'by 'this formula shall be the maximum amounts conuributed by the City and said School Districts. in the event that 'the sum required 'by the budget is less than the sum provided by this fo:~m~ule, 'the parties shall contribute a lesser amount. This ~:~mount~· - :is -to be calculated on a pro-rata basis. BE IT FU~;THEX ~SOLVED that said. a~reement shall commence as of the 1st dsy of July, ].964 and shall continue in effect as :~fo!iows: (a) Any' party to said. a~:~reemento- may withdraw from the agreement by ~iv~ o ~'~' .,no notice of its intention so to do; provided, however, that the ag~-eement shall remain in full force and effect as to the remain- :lng parties· Such notice to withdraw must be ~siven by January !st in order to be effective for the next ensuing fiscal year. (b) Any othez- School District partly or wholly within 'the City may become a party to said. agreement upon its agreement to pay the sum determined by the · parties thereto 'to be a fair and equitable pro- poz-tlon of the j oin~ recreational activities encompassed by sa:(d asreement. BE iT FUi~XTHEi% AESOLVED that the City of ,!-a~aheim shall be designated as the entity to administer said agreement. -2- BE IT FU~ITHEii i-:ESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk t~e, and they are hereby authorized and directed, to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim as of July 1, 1964. THE FOitEGOING iiESOLUTION is approved, and. signed by me 'this 14th day of April, 1964. / ~I~R OF THE CITY oF"'"~NAHEI~M ATTEST- CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ~;iNAHEIM ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF Oi~A~NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cert~Lfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 14th day of April, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, $chutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FUilTHE~t CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said. resolution on the 14th day of April, 1964. IN WITNESS V~R~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af£ixed~ the seal of the City of Anaheim this !4th day of April, 1964. CI Y CLERK-OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM -3-