64-213.~iESOLUTiON NO. 64!~.- 213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHO~<IZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BEIK~EEN THE CI~I~f OF ANAHEIM AND ~fUTUAL -WATER CO. WITH kEFERENCE TO RELOCATION OF CERTAIN IRRIGATION LINES PREPARATORY TO THE WIDENING OF KATELLA AVENUE. ~rHEiiEAS, the City of Anaheim desires to widen Katella Avenue between State College Boulevard and Howell Avenue; and ~HEi:~EAS, the owner of the abutting property has agreed dedicate the necessa'~-y easement foz~ road purposes to accom- 7~iish said widening:, su'bject to the existing easement of the b'lutual Water Co.; and WHEREAS, the Mu~zual Water Go. has an existing easement fo~ i~rigation lines and has i'rrigation lines installed in the az'et necessary foz~ ~he street widening~ and said lines are ~.ocated in the area ~ropos~d for the travnlway portion of th~ ~'idened ~oadway; and ~,R{Ei~%?~tS, ie will 'be for uhe benefit of the City to ~' _ s l~ne~ from 'the proposed travel- ?e~-ocate the said IJater ~,~ompany' ~' ~ ~,~ay portion to the parkway section of the new roadway alignment; and WHEi~EAS~ the Mueuai Water Co. is willing to have its lines relocated and to release o'~~ quitclaim the existing ease- ~=n~ for i rr~_gation line pu'~poses in exchange for a new easement -~'- such ourposes to u_ .~ocat~ in ~he parkway portion where the irrigation lines are to be installed under the City's pro- posa!~ said new easement to be oaramount to the City's easement for road purposes; and %~]IEIX~iAS~ the City and said Water Company desire to ,enter into an agreement for the relocation of said irrigation lines by the City~.~ and for the exchange of certain easements to enable 'the City to widen Katelia Avenue. NOW, THEi%EFORE, BE IT &E$OLVED 'by the City Council of uhe City of Anaheim that an agreement be made and entered into Oy and between the City of Anaheim and ~5~tual Water Co. provid- ~n? for the relocation by the ~ ~ ~iny of certain irrigation lines owned by Mutual Water Co.~ and for the exchange of certain ease- ~nts~ uoon the foi~no~ terms and conditions' The 'Mutual Wate~~ Co. shall: i. quitclaim to the City all of its right~ title and intel:est in ~-eat prope~ty or easements therein lying between the center line of Katella Avenue and a line oaraliel thereto and lying 60 feet south thereof between the center line of State Goliege Bo~!evard and a point approximately 718 feet east the~'eof. o Quitclaim to the. City all of its right, title and in t,~r __ ~ ~ ~ in pipelines and other appurtenances lying within the area described in Item 1 above; including its pump and well site. The City shall' i · Drill a new well for the Water Company.on its property located approximately between a point 196 feet easterly of the center line of State College Boulevard to a point 232 feet easterly thereof and between a point 60 feet south of the center line of Katella Avenue and a point 68.5 feet south of the center line of Katella Avenue in accordance with Plan No. 5852 on file with 'the City Engineer of ~he City of Anaheim. · kebui!d a i4-inch concrete irrigation line from the wall site described in Item 1 above, easterly approximately 492 feet to a juncture ~..~ith said Water Company's existing irrigation line, said line to lie approximately ~54 feet south o-f and parallel ~o 'the center line of ilat e I i a Avenua. The C'~ ay shall grant to said 57ater Company the rzgn~ to enter and re-enter upon said parkway in which said rebuilt irrigation line is Located for the purpose of maintenance and repair 'thereof Sail ri,~" .... . on~ snail be paramount to any right which ~ha City may retain in said ":mrkway area. 3E IT FUi{THEX N~iSCLVED that said agreement be entered n~'~o as of ~oD_,cemoez~ ~- 12~ 1963~ and that the ~yor and City Clerk. eu, y ==nb. or:tzed to execute said agreement zor anJ on behalf of the Ci;iy cf Anaheim. ~his THE FOREGOING i;,ESOLUTION i s aop~ov_~d~ _ ~ ~ and signed by me 24th ,day o'J! March > .,_...,=. 2.~YOP/OF~T~4~ CITY 0-F A--~i4E PRO TEM., IM T$I.;~ ~ITY OF ANAHEIH -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the £oregoin9 Resolution No. 64R-213 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council o£ the City o£ Anaheim, held on the 24~h day o£ March, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~N: Schutte and Coons Pro Tem AND I FURTHKR CERTIFY that the Mayor/of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-213 on the 24th day of March, 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this 24th day of March~ 1964. (S -AL) cITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM