64-201 WHi~}I~SNS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim Sic hold a public hearing to consider an amendment to the General Plan in the -~r;~] location and vicinity of the ~::romerty descriDeo in ~eclassi£ication Proceedings N'o 63-64-62, an0 being generally boun{_ed A line approx. 650 ft. west of Gilbert St. on the east; 3all Road on the south; a line approx. 650 ft. east of Magnolia Ave. on the west; and a line approx. 30¢','. ft. north of Ball Road on the north, and comprising approximately eight (b) acres, as shown and de- scriOeG on Exhibit No. 1 duly approved Dy said Planning Commis- sion, and at saiu Nearing o.i~u, receive evidence and reports from persons interestee therein; and '~':-'r?v~' ;" ?' fo] lowing said : ~ _ .nearing 'hhereon the nlanning Co]m~:ission did duly adopt a resolution containing a report of its fiindings, a summary of t]:~e evidence presented afl said. hearing, an~ a r=con~ae~c~aulo~ that sa4~ amen00aent to the General Plan, ~Aesignateq as Amenc{.ment i~o. I0, be adopted by the City Council; a n d 'WtiEP.~AS, upon receipt of said resolution, sunm~ary of evidence, report of findings, and reco~mmendation of the City Planning Commission, the City Council did fix the 24th day of 7;arch, 1964 as the time an~ the Cour:.cil Chamber in the City Hall of the City of ?n~aheim as ti~e place for a public hearing upon said proposed /.~P~endment i{o. 10 to the General Plan and did give ;~otice thereof in the ~'.~anner an.,i as provided by law; and ~,,~-~o , ..... ~lxec for said public nearing, ~b.e City Council did duly hold a~ld conc!uct such. public l~earing and. did ,.jive all persons interested therein an opportu- _~z~,~ to ~:-~e hearo_ and ,a~o. receive evidence an~- -~ reports and did thereupon consiOer the recommen~iations of the City Planning CoPiaission; a.l~O :.',~HEPm;r~S, the City Council does find. and determine that ~u, nendment ilo. 10 to the General Plan, encompassing the afore- u~entione0, and generally described property included within the 2roposed amendment ~o ti:e General Plan, as shown on Exhibit No. 2, on file in the City Pianning' Department, should be approved. 'i,lOk,,", '2}iSie]FOiC:i, BE IT PESOL\;~D .by the City Council of t~e City of ~aheJ.:~? that P.~,end~?.en~ :.qO. !0 to the General Plan, ,enco~0passing ti~e at'oreraen~ioned an0 generally described property, as shown on said sx~ti}sit lqo. .'~, be , and the same is .~reby_ approve o. ~SE IT FUR'i'ii.:-]R i[ii~SC)]'.,V~i} that the P].annin9' Department be, an(i it is hereby instructe¢~, -to a}~end the General Plan }.iai:, to conform to .... 1 ~> ,.~ne~a~ lad ~.:::?..,.,~/m,e,,e~ ..... ..... 'iio . 10 herein approved._ CiTY OF .~q2~iEI?. ) I, DENE >~. WILLIANS, City Clerk of the City of Anahei~n, do hereby certify that ti~e foregoing resolution was passed ane adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 24th Cay of ..... ,,.~.arc:,, 1964, ~, the following vote of the me~ers t~:.~ereof ~ AYLS ~ COUi:~CIL[P;L: Dutton and. Chandler .; .[ Oi:; S: C O Ui-:i C I L ~ 71 !'?: K r e i n ~_; b(.)u~:: I.,....~:,~.: Schutte and Coons i~2'i't~ I FORTNi/..R CERTIFY that the ifayor Pro Tern of the City ©f .A.naneim apl~roveti and si:,'n,:,d.~ .... said resolution on the 24th day ef i,',arch, 1964. .,..,~o~ I have hereunto set my hand and IN i~~''~'z~',~o¢~ ..... ~i.'~ ~-'" ....r =~' -' the seal of the ": ~ ~ ~' ' a~.zxec{ ._.~tl' of ?~nan_e~m this 24th aay of March, 1964. (SIAL) / CITY I, DENE ~{. ~.~i~LI~-~.o, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, ~o hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolu- tion No. 64R-201 duly passed and adopted_ by the Anaheim City Council on ?{arch 24, 1964. City Clerk