64-005RESOLUTION NO. 64R-$ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GihkNT DEED CONVEYING TO THE C ITY"~0F ANAHEIM 'C'ERTAi~ REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property for municipal, purposes, to wit: An easement for . ,public u~iiitv our.Do s,~s ; :- .. : ~.:: .~-_--- .... ~ ~ ..~.__~: ...-.._ .... ~ _ ~ .... ; ,,. , ,,. ,: ,,,_ ,~ _ . · ~ ,,,, , ~ ~ and WHEREAS, the owner~ of said property hay _ offered to sell and convey the same to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept, said offer and purchase said real property. NOW~ THEREFORE:~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the offer of ,M,I._LTON OKIN.~and .... EVELYN V. to seil~tO: the ~C'i~y-°f ~~e{m '-E:h:e fol-l°Wi~'~;' de'Scri'~ed 'real ~ property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to be used for an easement for_ pU'~plic ..... ...... ~__~ ......... ~-~ /--~d~~ore ,~.rtiEula~ly,,,Rescr~be~d, as fOlloWs· ' ~ ~- '~ ~: '" ~ ,_ ~--~ iv ~,0 O0 f~et of that ,_n,= ~.'-~,~ er.L,~ 0 ::eet of ~'" oortion of ~o"- 25 of Ahab, elm .2x:gnsion as shown on a ~,~p of ~' . ~ ~ ~' l~l.3 ~ ~ ou-rvey made b7 l,~:_.i.!i_a::~: :~...,..!. and filed zn the office of ~b.e Co~Iney ';~:L~cord~'L: ............ of Lo: ?ing~ias County~ Ca~ :?_=~.oznia,~ a copy - ,_., Go 'by .:ia .... d re .... in Boo ......... ,. ,: ..... :,,.tonS ani i"%:' :t~' ossens ~ corA~.d ,.~ .... ,. _ o4. c f 0 ~. :: ::~..- :La ''~ ~'::"~',~:...~ e:d s i. d c rn._':?.~ b ,.. ~; .. J,..n ~. :..':~ 't:~.~'. .......... Jou-~N,~--": y "~: n~- ox~ 'i-~:::, ..... lanJ. cony'ay~, ..... to '~-~rman Henry : : , Gage ~' : ':",-n,",',~ :_,::'~.in,~ ~",,: ::.:~ec'~ r~co:cd~,'--~ in Book. 792~ : ......... ? of O¢"x::.c ' al /::..aco"--ds: and dis'*ant ......... Ea~t,,,-:~ y aIonS said Sou'th- .... ~.~ " :: 2 :+ ,3 -: ~ ~ :" :tro m t ?', ~ '~";r .~r y ~ :n~ _:~ ~ ., ::s-te:c'~y Ii. ne of sai.d Lot 25 ,zen~'e'~:' ";i-~ ..... o~. Los .>~n:S.. ........... ~ .... ~e.t ; 'c::.ence North 74° 30~ O0~ ::as: alonS sa: :. ?o'uth-,rly' i:Ln © a ' :stanca o: 432.23 :eet; thence ~_, 25.¢_~°:' .~a .:; k an .i ..:) ara ]_ 1 .~,. .....: t o u Lq ~ We s t e r ~¢..y Ii. ne o ':~'-:";~ 'i_and d::~:sc;'::'~.l_:~.a.:.i-?:a a /~..~e:i to-:ha Sou'hh.~rn PacJ..-Pic Ra:Iroad oc, .c'-* ecords of said ?':anp:.3 Cot-~.n:-:? a :i"s'ca:nc~ ~'~: """' =~ .¢~=.t. thenc~ South 7.'::~© 3 i *~ '~::I0 '->': ..... ' ...... ' ';~ ~ '~'~'' ~ ....... ~ ¢ ::: a d ....... -; ,:; t an c: a ,'-',. .... ::' ''~ ~' {i: ,, ! {: :: ..._,~ ¢_ '.t 't. o t h ~....,:~a s t ¢.:.. r I, y '": ': ' -~ ~'"' .... :=v.e.:: ~:y .Arms trong and F'r ::_-: z G o o b'- s e n s ' : h a nc o:, ........ :': n r t h :'": o ..... :':' ' C' n~,.,; :: I.':~.. s 't a ! o na~- s a i d 'b a:-:.nn:.ng, -1- be, and the same is he~reby~ ~.cce. pted by :.he C~ty Council of the City of gna.eim~ and th.~t the City cf An.~he:tm a~ce, p~ a convey- ance of said prepe, rt'y, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED :hat the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, .and he is hereby, autherized to pay to the owner or owners cf sa~d real prepert..y~ out of General Funds of the City of Ar~ahei. m, the..sum cf THE POREG©ING_ RESO~uT~ON-~ ~:~ is a. pp~oved apd .signed by me thi~ 7th _ day of J~~X ............. ~ 19 6~ ~ ~, ATTEST- t CITY CLERK OF ;THE.~;r!TY OF~_5,,aH~l~m~"m .... STATE OF CAi I FORI~ IA ~? COUN~ Of ORANGE '~ s,~ CITY OF ANAHEIM. 'i':~, passed, and adopted .~t .~ ........ ~¢~a~ ....... =m,eeti~g of the City Council held op the 7th day cf Jaq.~p~j ~, 19 64 , by the following vote c.f th~. me.bars r~her~]cf' A'YES~ .~,OL.~CIL~,N'- Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES COUNCILMEN' None ABSENT COUNC'I LMEN' None AND 'I FURTHER CERTIFY that the:. Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved .and signed: sa. id r'e$olut~o~ o~_ ~he 7th day of January ....... ~, .................. , 1964 -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF':, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the,, City of Anaheim this 7t~h_~__= day of' January_