64-002RESOLUTION NO o 64R-2 A RESOLUI~iON OF' ;I'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING ~AT FUBLIC CON- ~'.'EN~ENCE A~ND NECESSITY ~QU'I~ THE CONSTRUCTION AND C~- .... ~.~,ION' OF A 'PUBLIC I~RO~EME~ TO WIT i~-';":':- :~,.T,~'~T:'' ~./ 7~%~'7" ~ i,,."~ ~,~"-,~ ~' ~'~=:,)cT~: ~::':':.'~ '~P b r', APPROVI~5!G THE DESIGNS ~ PLANS ~- PROFILES ~ DRAWI~NGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THE~OF; =,~'~:un~'~ Z'ING~. ~=.~,.,~,,.~. THE CON~ ~.RECI ON OF SAID PUBLIC IM- FROVE~NT i'N ACCO~ANCE WITH SAID PL~S~ SPECI .... F!~"~"'rO~'S E'!'C ; ~ND ~C'THORIZING ~D DI~CI'ING THE G;I'T'Z CLE~. TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THE~OF~ WH'EP~EAS~ public convenience and necessity require the construction and c. ompletion of a public, improvement in the City o~ Anaheim,, t:o wit.'~ AND WP. LEREAS~ the City Council instructed the Pu -~,; ic ...... ~~_,~~ .... ~ ...... , t-o prepare detailed ~gns~ pl. an, s,~ profx.~.es~,~ oraw~_ngs and sp.acif:ications, and est~ates of quanti'c'ies and costs and make necessary surveys for the con- .struction of saia public, i.mprovement~ and prepared said detailed des~.,~s? p.~ans~ profiles, drawings and specifications for the construction o;f said public improvement and has subm. i'ttad the same to the City Counci'l~ and WHEREAS~ the City Council finds that the detailed designs? pl, ans, profi, ie:s~ drawings and specifications for said public improvement above mentioned~ are in accordance with good engineering pr'a:ct, ice and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements of the City of Anaheim and ~he ci. tizens and resi~ dents in. said area for the purposes for Which they are intended, and that; nhey are adequate for the construction of said public improvement and should be approved° NOW~ THEREFGRE~ EE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of th~ C~ty of Anahoim that the detailed designs, plans, profiles~ drawings and, specifications for said public improve- ment hereinabove mentioned and described, be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted as prepared by said Pub iic AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said public improve- mez~ sha~l be constrnct~d in accordanc~ with said detailed de~igr,~,~, p~mns~ profiles, drawings and specifications as ~repared by said .;--~'~ ic ~,~ ~,~ and hereby ........ ~ o r,~ ~ D ¢ 2a .r tm ¢ n approved, and such ad'de~'~~ or-modific~tiOn's thereto as may be :~pproved prior to the awarding of bids therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed tc publish a notice according to law, inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment,~ and all utilities and transportation, including p©wer, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to cor~struct and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict, accordance with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, ~r~awings and specifications as prepared by said ?ubl ~c .~, m**~~::~_~ ............. , the public improvement hereinabove mer~.'r~ionect and described, and fixing the j!~?~th day of ....... ~ , at the. hour of '~'[00 o-'clock P.M. as i~e~~i~-~¢~'--~]r for the opening of said bids at the City C--.~,~,~ii~.~v~~ Chamber in the City Hall. in the City of Anaheim, and chat .said ~otice shall be published twice, the first of which ~::ubiications shall, be at least ten (10) days prior to the date ~ixed for the opening of bids, and that said publications ~hai. 1 be at least five (5) days apart. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder o'r bidders shall be required to enter into a contract w£t'h the'~City of Anaheim in the manner and form approved by t'he City Attorney of the City of Anaheim for the construction, ir;sr~allation and compl, etiop~ of said public improvement herein- above mentioned and described, in accordance with the plans ~nd. specifications prepared by said ~?p~'. Wo .... _ t'he 'aorice inviting sealed proposals, this resolution and all' ~pp!icable City Ordinances or Code Sections and the laws of the State of California, and shall be required to post bonds and insurance in the. amounts ap.d within the time required by law, a~ specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in ,. form approved by the Ci'ty Attorney. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me t'~is ?th day of j ? n.~.~ ~r,~ ~. ......................... , 196!, . ATTEST° CITY CLERK OF HE CI~ OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCE ) s s. CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ DENE M~ WILL~kMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a -- regular meeting of the City Council ~-~~--~-n thigh day of January____~ ~, 19 64 , by the foll~~ of AYES° NOESo COI~CILMEN° Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons COLrNCILMEN ~ None ABSENT..° COUNCI 'LMEN° None AND I F(YRIHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 7. th . day of Janu_~_~___, 19 6~_.__J___. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 7%h day of Januar .i.~ "'~ ~' ..... " -CLERK .... OF"THE" 'Ci~-"OF ANAHEIM