7870 Samantha Cir. BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2005.00373 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765.5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765.4626 CENSUS CODi;: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 200 TYPE Of PERMIT Blockwall/ Columns DATE: 2/1012005 JOB ADDRESS.:' 7870 E SAMANTHA CIR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . N TR 8831 LOT 96 APPLlC;ANT: MIKE, THOMPSON OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION:. MICHAEL THOMPSON 7870 E Samantha Cir Anaheim, CA 92807 , JOB DESCRIPTION:Build 43 lineal feet of 6 foot high block wall per city specifi;"'tions. VALUATION: 1,032,00 PROCESSED.BY: SAM I OWNER:BUILDER DECLARATION '. lhereby affirm under penalty of, perjury that' am exempt from the COT1tractor's-Licens:e,~w for the following reason (Sec. 703_1.5'Busihess and Professions Code: any city or county which requires a.permit to construct; aJt;1-r, improve_. demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for-such permit to file a signed statement that he is Iiceri'sed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9}(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3.of the BUl5iness and ?rofessicns C'ode) or that he is e,xempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subj~ts the applicant. to a dv~ penalty of not more than five !1undred dollars $ ~ ' , ' " ',' , I, as ownerofproperty, or my employees with wages as their sole CoITtpt.;'nsation, will do the w'ork, and the structure is not intend~ or offered for s Ie _(Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: TheContractor's License L'~\IIldoes not appl'yto an owner of property who builds or improves t~ereon, and who ?oes such work himself or herself orthrough his gf.tmf owr:empioyees, provided that such improvements,are not intended or . offered for sale. If,however, .the building orimprovement is sold ith on.e ye;-.f of completion, the, owner-builder will have the-burden of proving that he did not build of improve for the, purpose of sale).. . _- , o I; as the owner of the property, am exdusively 'C?on . 9 Wit~eosed i:tJntr~~ors' to construct the projeCt {See. 7044 BUsiness and Professions Code:, The Contractor's License Law does not. ap !Eo 'owne .f " e .who 'ilds or improves thereon, and who contracts for,such projects with fl.!(ontractor(s} licensed pursuant to the Contr~~i. n~ ..' U I am exempt under Sec. , B ~C. fOr' reason: _____ Date: Owner: WORKER'S CO ENSATION DECLARATION . I' I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fOllowing declaratiohs: o I have and will maintain a certific~te of consent to self-insure: for worker'::: compensation, as providedfor by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the peTformanceofth~-:: 'Norkldrwhid1 tni~ permit is issued. . , o I have and wili maintain worker's compens~tion insurance, as required b}; Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is_ iSSUE..:.'. Myworker's Compe,nsatiOn insurance.CC!rrier and policy are: ' Carrier: 'Policy Number. UCENSED CONTRACTORS, DECLARATION I hereby affirm un er penal~ of perjury that I am licensed u.nder provisions of chapter 9{commi:mcing with Section 7000) of Di\lS)6n 3 of the_ Business and ProfessiOns Code. 2110/2005 Date: CQntractQr NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE This section need not be completed if the p"ennit is for. one hundred dollars j.$1;OO) .>r less: ~' ., ertify tha't in the performa nee oft.he work for which this y it1Si~ued..A shalt not- em any person in arty manner so as to become 5ubjec. w9.fKer. mpensaticn laws of lifomia, and agree that if I should become subje e 0 er' pensation.. . . provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,l t ~~s~ons. Date:' 2/10/2005' Applicant: WARNING:"FAILtjRE TO SECUR WORKER'S COMPE SATION COVERi\GE is UNLAWFUL, AND SHALl SUBJECT AN EMPlOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000)./NADDITlON TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTICli'\!' 3706 OF THE LABQR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is aconstruction lending a~f1cyfor the performance of the work for which this permit is iswed (Sec.3097 .Civ.C): . L~naei'sillformation: -- TYPE Construcion Tvpes: VN, , Fire Sprlnklered? . NO at the above information is correct. ,I ~nces lavils relating to building construction, and iv ('of thO c::ter upon the above mentioned property for ',,/ , - " Date: 2/10/2005 Signature of plicant or Agent The permit'shall expire Iiy I,imitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. I certify that I have read this a agree to cOmply with all hereby authorize inspection purpose . Fees paid for Permit: Total: '125.04 INSPECTION RECORD IN$Pl:CTlON , I'DATE INSPECTO~ T &n1porary Power ,Pole Plumbing (Drain,waste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrodel " . ' 'A ~ ~ II 'SetbacklFormslTrerlChes (~,"!I<{/O< '''"" (..wV 1., So not install subfloor or piS , or slab until the ' following applicable ilems have be,en signed: ' Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , Mechanical, (Groundwork) , ' " " Electrical (Undernround Condu it) Pre-slab (CompactionlMemllrane.Reinf.j , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , ,', 00 not cover or conceal the work below until the , following applicable items'have been signed: ' 1st Floor Shear Firesprinkler (Rough) , . 2nd Floor Shear ' , Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm'Fr Masonry (ReinfJBond Beapl1Pre.GroutI' <J11Il/<>( 'f""", ~ Rough Plumbing .(TOp,O , r Rough Mechanical , ' , Rougn t:IectrlCaI ,....y lfTdll" Rough Electrical Framing .(Only after P/bg.. EJec.. Mech.: and Fire) Insullillon (SoundlEnergy)' po not tape or pla~ter until the following applicable It..ms have been sIgned:, " , Drywall Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical , Penetrations (Fire Rated) MeChanical Penetrations (Fil'll Rated) Plumbing " , , Interior Lath ' , , . Exterior Lath , , GENERAL ITEMS "C' Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical, , T-Bar Mechanical , T -Bar Structural Sewer, ' , , Water Engineering Backflow " ' Water Service c - FINAL INSPECTIONS DatE: ' Inspector Electrical Final, . . " Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test , ' , ' Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 , , Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 , , , , Water Engineering 765-5268 , " , , Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 , Building Final ~ast Inspectian. Only r AI A~ <1l.' fj ,fler Abave Camplelel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections , Plumbina Inspections ElectricallnsDections y f,/" ~ \ZX oj ~ \i>V ,y ~e~ \ .\ I.\~ ~IJ- ~<b ':pv<'" II \.f -e;\- G, ~V ~ r / III ",v j ;{ fJD- ~" t 9''' /( ?? 1~7D E L 0\2; THE' ISSUANCE OF THIS PERM/. ooes NOT APPROVE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING CODES OF THE: CITY, THE HOLDER OF THIS PERMIT PROCEE:DS AT HIS OWN RISI<. FEB 1 0 2005 /' \J~ e :} ~:eS-3 Qs" PLANN/i\lG DEPAfo1' ',900 A ~. ,\ IvIENT "PPRQvr-O DA TE __",;2d;qjp.'f?b 8Y~~_JWJ ! FLOOD ZONE X (Initi6.!s;) I HISTORIC DISTRICT - I' ~ ~ REVIEW, . ~)C(;l stfimo t!-. . eEE BU'SL;'1e on ;'-b;;;.I;~n:ag,e ING PERMIT Fa !l:N~_CONOITIONS R oIL f;r - 6L~ 01~~f:r~ b ~ ~ BUlI.D:NG PERMiT NO. BLD2004-ij0219 _.........._..-..--...J._;,..,~ , l;;f~.,:~L;;,,~~\ CITY :,:'<"~~,~,:N.HEIM " ' 'E:'tW.~':Jrjf '\ " '~';;J!r ,> ' ~~tLqt','r~~.\'iJ/' BUiLDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 , , INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 -4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QU~.RTER SECTION: 200 TYPE OF PERMIT Reroof DATE:, 1/23/2004 JOB ADDRESS, 7870 E SAMANTHA CIR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 8831 LOT 96 CO~~TRACTOR INFORf,!!\TION: YORBA LINDA Room,q 3924 : MIRALOMA AVE #." , AtJAHEIM;CA 9280601)(-)' , BUSINESS PHONE: '714 9~,-1307 JCB DESCRIPTION:Tear off wood shake and Install 15 squares of Au"u," .';';S 12.5 Lbs ICBO # 2310 VALUATION: 6,000.00 \ PROCESSED BY: ODC I OWNER'BUILD;=,illECLl\RATION ==J I'hereby affirm under f)P.nalty of .perjury that I am,exempt from the Con!racr::)i:J U~enst.. ,laV(for the following reason'(Sec.-7031.5 Business ~nd professions Code: any 'dty.or county which requires,a permiU':l ~onstrll(.t, <'\:,-;:'r. !''':1proVE':, demolish ,or repair anystructur,=. prior to its issuance, also requires the app1icant for sucn permit to'file asignw statement th,'t he is I ic),r sed pi.lrsua__r,~ to the provisicnsoftheContractt'r's License Law (Chapter 9)(commenciI)9 with Section 7000 of Divisi,on 3 of the, Business and Prof~3,:<';:"!s Gode) or that ~c is exempt therefrom. and the bas;s.for the ailegad exemption. Any vio'~ation of Section 7031.5 by any applicaJ"lt fvr a permit !,Urle'!C+_s th~ applicant to a dvii penalty of not mere thal'\five hundre~ dollars ($500). " " .. 'i ' " " , , ' o I, as owner of'property" or my employees with wages as the;, :sole ,;nmr:,ensatlon, wi{/ do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (-S:ec. 704A8usiness .2~d protessions Code; The Contractor':; L:cen!:o.li~w c!oes not apply to an o~n~lrof property who builds or :mproves. thereon, nnd who dC~$ such work himself or herself ar through his or hS(-OWil e'n~!oyees, provided that such improvements are not Ir.tench:.d or . offered for sale. If, t;cwever, the building or improvemi:mt is seld with one y~~r of 'completion, the awher.builderwill ha~'e!he burden of preYing 1Jjat he did :'lOtbuijd or imprvve for i.he purpose pf sale);' \ . . _ . '. C-j _I, a~ the owner of th.e property, am exdusively cO!1tracting .with Iicens('.j;~.j!1~:-<;~tcrs to construct the proj'9ct (Se9-. 7044 B,Jsiness and profe,ssions Code: The Cont!"a~tor's License Law does not 3!JPIy to an owner of pr..:r:::\e.ty'....-t"o bUl;di; or irnprcves}hp-reon, and who contracts for su.j, rdojects. with ~ontrador(s) licensed pur~uant to the Contractor's"1JcenSe Law). LJI am ~ernpt LInder Sec:. . .8-& P.C. for this reason: Oate: . . Ownei: c=_~_- WORKElis COMPENSA"nON DECLARATION _,.__, 'l I hereby affirm undorpenalty of perjury one ofthefolrowing-dedarations; j O' I have and \~:jlrY'.aintain a certificate of consant to self-insure for \vorl<...r~ (:ompensation, as provided for ,by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of tc~ 'NorK fer \\lhlch this permit is issued. . . . o , have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required i',::' Section 3700 cf the Labor Code, fo~ the performance of the work for which thi~ permit is iSS~.II'~' Mywor!\er's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are,: Carrier: EXEMPT " APPLICANT: MITCH ATCHLEY OWNER INFORMATION: D<Jle R Thayer. 7870 E Samantha Clr Anahalm, CA 92807 ARCHITECT/ENGI.Nf,ER INF.ORMATION: .~ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I J hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am Hcensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencipg ..vithSection\~iori3ofthe Business and Professions ~,_ _ .~ ' 1/23/2004 / '_ . Date: Contr;::lctor Policy Nu,"'1be.r: NO EMP~OYEES NUMBER , 549263 TYPE TYPE EXPIRATION DATE , 11/30/2004 This s on need not be completed if the permit-is for OM hundrerl-dol!1lYs($~iK; :r- ,!ess. I certify th<;1t in the performance ofthe work forwhichthis.Germit iSis~tej;'-Shall not employ.any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worke-fs:i'C(:lllp€nsation laws of Califomia, and agree that if i should become subject to the worker's COr11P:Jo.$ation . . provisions of Section 3700 of the Labo~ Cod . all' .~orthwith con:pl!, Vi:.U, tt'J3~_ provisions. Constru.:;ion Tvpes: , d-- ' V N. , Date: 1123/2004 Applicant:' , _,;.11. " " I Fire Sprlnklered? WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSAT1QN COy:1< \02 IS , , 'I UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRiMINAL PE'tlt:. ":!OS AND CIVIL ' '. FINES UP TOONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000)..!NA6~'T1C'J\1,TO THE. COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR INSECTI~' 3106 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. '. "'," '. ',.' ' , [ , , ,CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENQYi}, , :C__"' I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there isa con!ltn..!ction reT1c!in~.i -~,~C ~ncy fqr the rc.,4"~..=,,",s.!'!~ ,::i~~ ...:-...4- 0'" '.vh:~ ~l..+..; ~~...~;~ 1:.- :::~. :~..'"1- ~S_"'-:": ~:",:?f":'~~~,-"! )-~~-.......">- -~. . C39 HIC NO L~;;G~r S Illrcrmanon: I certify that I have react .this application and state that the above information i.s correct I agree to romply with 8:11 city ordinances and state laws relating to bu iding construction, and . hereby authorize representiVes of this dty to enter upon the ab.ove m'entioned property for in~r' -> Fees paid for Permit: Total: 235.99 Date: 1/23/2004 SI9nature of Applicant or Agent The. permit shaUexpire by limitatiOn and become null and void if the building or work has not pasSed final inspection 365 dajlS from the date of permit issuance; A neW permit is required to commence or c:;:ontinue work. INSPECTION RECORD . . INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole . . Plumbing (DralnlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer SetbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) . Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the fOllowing applicable items haye been .signed: Plumbing (WaterPlpe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwol'k) . . Electrical (Underground Conduit) ., .. . Pre.slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. Underpi!lning (FlOOr Joist/Girders) . Do not cover or cPoceal the work below untolthe . . following applicable items .have been signed: . 1 st Floor Shear. . . Firesprinkler (Rough) . 2nd Floor Shear .. ~ Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frane) ( -. . Masonry (ReinfJBond BeanlPre-Grout) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . Rough Mechanical .. KOugh .t1ectrical aliI . Rough Electrical. . Framing, (Only after Plbg., ;.lec., Mech.. and Fire) /171{CiI;- ..;;>>:::::,--. . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . po not tape or pla~ter until the following applicable Items have been signed: . . . Drywall. . . . Penetr-,ons (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing.. ... Interior Lath . . . . Exterior Lath . .. . .. GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . T .Bar Electrical T-Bar Mechanical . T-Bar Structural Sewer . Water Engineering Backflow . Water Service ,.. FINAUNSPECTIONS . Date InspeClor Electrical Final . . .. .. Plumbing Final . . Mechanical Final .. r Gas Test EngineeringlGrading Final 765-5126 . Fire.Dept. Final 765-4040 . . Water Engineering 765.5268 ,. Sub List/Business licen$e 765-519 . . Zoning 765-5139 . .. Building Final ~ast Inspeclion. Only., !0;-~ ..-'R.. /:; . tw Above Complete) PARTIAll.NSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections . Plumbina Inspections . Electrical Inspections