216 E. South St. ft Anaheim Union High School District 501' Crescent Way, P.O. Box 3520, Anaheim, CA 92803-3520 (714) 999-2188 (714) 520-5741 FAX CERTIFICATE of COMPLIANCE PAYMENT of SCHOOL FACILITY FEES NOTICE: The gO-day period in which you may protest the fee described herein will begin on the date this fee is paid. However, if the fee was imposed by the City or County as a condition of approval for your project, and you have received the requisite notice, the gO-day protest period began at the time your project was approved.. Receipt No: e:? d.tJ High School District: Anaheim Union High School District Owner Information: Name: Address: Phone Number: Applicant Information: _ Name: Phone NUl1)ber: ( ; ./ Property Information: Address of Project: Development Type: Project Name: Type: ;t!1;(/~ C.~#~_ . ] Residential - New )>6 Residential - Room Addition ] Commercial ] Sin9ie Family Multi-Family Condos/Apartments - # of units: Commercial: Total Square Footage: Multiplied by Current Rate: Elem. $ $ $ .j 'l = $ 3(,. -$ Residential: [ ] Levell [ ] Level 2 - ACSO Ooly ,[~ [(-vel 3-ACSO Only Total Square Footage: /'t<;; , Multiplied by Current Rate: Elem. $ //llJ $ /f,3<. H.S. . $ I./'V $ /wa.'l Equals Total Fee: $.q .:J. <I $ 3>2~ \. Fee Waiver: Fees Waived: Yes [to No If yes, reason: Acknowledgement: The above representations as to square footage representations are not true, Certificate Developer/Applicant Signature: e. Developer/Applicant agrees that if it is later determined that such atically te d the appropriate City/County shall be notified. Certification: This certifies that the above named Developer/Applicant has paid school faCility fees in compliance with Government Code Sections 53080 and 65995. Date ~f'V Represent'~~ union~istrict Actual Fees paN{: ;q8.JS.D . Anaheim Union H.5. District $ $ /r;~."'j? / t; .:5'~ .'70 Check No. Check No. ::~t Distribution: CJtyjCountv. Developer - Accountino . Elementarv District . .. CITY QF'ANAIIEIM FINANCE DEPARTMENT , COLLECTIONS OFFICIAL RECEIPT/l)EPOSIT DATE:"J l LOP =<.0 2013 . N~ 16'1414 RECEIVED FROM: / (7dcltADn fll- rJlI" E.5/')lJh 51- 13LD,QO{)~- OSl37~ . (ZIP) RE: ncf n+/orncd d . (Ulr/- DEPOSIT BREAKDOWN CHECK(S) QTY AMOUNT: CURRENCY; 7rr,-f-(j (' h:rS; qq. 06 ~li(" ~nJ!:. FPlj (~~.C() .. i< f:r ('('5; log. ?il 1oo's x - ('- 50's x 20's x c k -#= Lj{Jl/O 10', x 5's x l'g x EFFECTIVE DATE: DOCUMENT TOTAL: I R MAIL STOP) 5L/7/ .31.../ COIN: CASH AMOUNT: TOTAL DEPOSIT: $ RPTG' CATG (8) (4) , 0081/ 008(/ (4) ", "COLLECTIONS,vALIDATIONDO " NOT WRiTE BELOW THIS BOX '.j, , TOTAL 5L/7/. V DISTRIBUTION: WlllTE -ACCOUNTING YELWW - CUSTOMER PINK ~ RECONCILE COPY GOLDENROD"' ORIGINATING DEPT. COR Rev. 6101 COl.-IS- Rev. ,6101 '. ~s '. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FEES 5.;J\ si- BUILD # Q3_0~ !.) PROJECT SITE: 2.t~ € SIZE: SF,/:) FFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION FEES: CITYWIDE TRANSPORTATION FEE: ACCOUNT # FUND -ACCY- ORG -REV SRC 278 - 412 - F724 1818 TE# RAFFC SIGNAL FEE: I ACCOUNT # FUND -ACCY- ORG -RE SRC 279 - 412 - F724 - 301 o' ba7 SANTA ANA CANYON FEE: ACCOUNT # FUND -ACCY- ORG -REV SRC 278 - 412 - F724 - 2001 EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR FEE: ACCOUNT # . FUND -ACCY- ORG - BS ACCT 101 - 412 - F724 - 6704 COMMENT: ~\I REVIEWED BY: ALFRED YALDA (71 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION CREDIT STREET~ROVEMENTS DA SEWER CONNECTION FEE ACCOUNT# ... ..., G LJ . . .. \. ."/ CITYSEWERASSESSMENT ACC~UNT; .J' -I-:~ .'" ~~'.J. ~< ,.. - ~ Fi'Z.4-.- ~Ot"t. 'S 0 / /' ~ . BIVd1 ~'\GE; AESCSSMCl.ff fEE ACCOUNT # '-, 'L. - '111- ~"n."I'3"1. )-Sb S <..: 3'5": >$ ~ ~ D.t1SMo\.(.4e c ~ .'1> ... ...; GRADING: ~ t J ~ pJ~ ra ,. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN: f1. 'A . LAND SUBDIVISION: 10.,- Ie- I'~ "~..J< ~ ~r " .Reviewed by: Date 0 z." \)3 www.anaheim.net City of Anaheim DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 28, 2004 Mr. Pablo W. Rosas 723 S. Oakstone Way Anaheim, CA. 92806 RE: GRADING PLAN NO. GRA2004-02230 216 E. South Street, BLD2003-02373, (D-84) FIRST CHECK Dear Mr. Rosas: The Subdivision Section had reviewed your project. The following will be required with your next plan submittal: 1. This Subdivision Section check's print and a copy of this letter. 2. Three copies of corrected plan addressing all corrections on the check's print folded with title and plan number visible on an outside fold. 3. Plot plan on City of Anaheim standard border template and engineer scaled. . 4. Use City of Anaheim standard notes for Flat Land Grading. 5. List and reference City of Anaheim area benchmark to establish proposed site elevations and indicate pad I finish floor elevations of existing home and proposed second unit. 6. Plot the existing Right-of-Way improvements, i.e. curb & gutter, sidewalk and dimensions from street centerline. 7. Indicate location of sewer lateral and water line connections. 8. Provide existing and proposed couture elevations for site and drainage swale with slope percentage. 9. Indicate any perimeter wall~ and I pr fence lines. 10. Include grading construction notes and list legend with only those applicable. 11. Complete earthwork quantities and correct legal description of property. 12. Indicate case / permit number GRA2004-02230 and district (D-84) to lower right corner of plan sheet. If you have any questions regarding this project, call me at (714) 765-4431. Gary E. Johnson, City Engineer Doug Faulkner, Associate Planner File Robe . Luciano Associate Engineer c: P.O. Box 3222. Anaheim, California 92803 TEL (714) 765-5176 FAX (714) 765-5225 . , . www.anaheim.nel City of Anaheim DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr Pablo W. Rosas 723 S. Oakstone Way Anaheim, CA. 92806 October 02, 2003 SUBJECT: . REVISED 216 E. South Street, quarter section map no. 84 Residential Second Unit Addition (Building Plan Check No. BLD2003-02373) Dear Mr. Rosas: The Public Works Department has reviewed the plans for your building permit application at the subject location for conformance with City requirements associated with street right-of-way, traffic, sanitation, street improvements, sewer, drainage, grading, and land subdivision. The information in this letter is intended to help you to complete your building project with as little inconvenience as possible. The revision oHhis letter reflects changes in the City's fee schedule. STREET RlGHT-OF-WAY Additional street right-of-way may be required along South Street. Records indicate the right of way is currently 30 feet from the centerline and 32 feet from centerline is required. Please provide a copy of the grant deed or title report for the property verifying the easement and if dedication is required, the legal property owner must sign an easement deed prior to clearance for your building permit. The copy of the grant deed or title report for the property, legal description and sketch prepared by your civil engineer or land surveyor, address and telephone number of the legal vested owner and a $ 325 service fee deposit will be needed if preparation of an easement deed is required. Contact Ms. Christine Pilapil in the Real Property Section at (714) 765-5100 ext. 5818 if you need additional information. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION The following traffic related fees are due. The fees will be collected at the Building Division counter prior to issuance of your building permit: Transportation Impact and Improvement Traffic Signal $99.00 $687.00 If you need additional information concerning these fees, contact Mr. Alfred Yalda in the Traffic Engineering Division at (714) 765-5 ~~3. . '. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Any improvements damaged prior to or during construction at your site must be repaired prior to clearance for certificate of occupancy (reference Section of the Anaheim Municipal Code). SEWER The following City of Anaheim sewer fees are due. The fees will be collected at the Public Works - Engineering counter prior to clearance for your building permit: Sewer Assessment Fee, account 2Il-4l2-F724-3022-SWOT: P.O. Box 3222. Anaheim, Cali10rnia 92803 $1,645.00 TEL (714) 765.5176 FAX (714) 765.5225 '/~ , ~ " .' Building Plan Check No, BLD2003-02373, Revision Page 2 DRAlNAGE The following drainage fee is due. The fees will be collected at the Public Works - Engineering counter prior to clearance for your building permit: Drainage Assessment Fee, account 212-412-F724-3023-SDSC: $988.24 GRADING A site grading plan must be submitted to the Development Services Division for review and approval. Additional information is needed concerning the site grading to determine the extent of grading and plan review required. Please provide the quantity of excavation (excluding foundation) and fill (in cubic yards) and depth of cut and fill. LAND SUBDNISION The legal description ofthe property is; Lot 18 of the "South Street Tract". If you need additional information concerning street improvements/repair, sewer and drainage, grading, and/or land subdivision please contact me at (714) 765-4431. ;yZ Robert D. Luciano Associate Engineer cc: Shucri I Yaghi 112 E.ChapmanAve. "C', Orange, CA. 92866 . Doug Faulkner, Zoning Plan Check Supervisor -File < www.anaheim.net .,., City of Anaheim DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr Pablo W. Rosas 723 S. Oakstone Way Anaheim, CA. 92806 SUBJECf: June 23, 2003 / 216 E. South Street, quarter section map no. 84 Residential Second Unit Addition (B 'lding Plan Chec o. BLD2003-02373) t 1'7 ' ~o ~ 7 yV $66ot:OO . 'tot . ing these fees, contact Mr. Alfre Yalda in the Traffic If you need addi . nal information conce Engineering Di sion at (714) 765-5'183. Any imp~ ements damaged prior to or during construction at your site must be repaired prior to for certificate of occupancy (reference Section ofthe Anaheim Municipal Code). / The ollowing City of Anaheim sewer fees are due. The fees will be collected at the Public Works- Engineering counter prior to clearance for your building permit: Sewer Assessment Fee, account 21 1-4 I 2-F724-3022-SWOT: P,O, Box 3222, Anaheim, California 92803 TEL (714) 765-5176 FAX (714) 765-5225 .' . Building Plan Check No. BLD2003-02373 Page 2 DRAINAGE The follo . g dra' ge fee is due. The fees will be collected at the Public Works - Engineering counter prior to cle ce for your building permit: _ ,\1.1t ,,> Draina e.AssessmentFee, account ~12-4l2-F724-3023-SDSC: ~ \1.I~5'~.h... GRADlNG p8<.8O if r~')~ A site grading plan must be submitted to the Development Services Division for review and approval. Additional information is needed concerning the site grading to determine the extent of grading and plan review required. Please provide the quantity of excavation (excluding foundation) and fill (in cubic yards) and depth of cut and fill. LAND SUBDMSION The legal description of the property is; Lot 18 of the "South Street Tract". If you need additional information concerning street improvements/repair, sewer and drainage, grading, and/or land subdivision please contact me at (714) 765-4431. Robert D. Luciano Associate Engineer cc: Shucri I Yaghi 112 E. Chapman Ave. "C', Orange, CA. 92866 . (Jary K Johnson, Director ofPubJic Works! City Engineer i. Chris Lee, Building Plan Check Supervisor j Doug Faulkner, Zoning Plan Check Supervisor Sean Razmy, Field fuspectibn Supervisor File ., " MEMORANDUM CITY OF ANAHEIM DATE: September 25, 2003 TO: Doug Faulkner Planning Department FROM: Tom Kupman ~ Neighborhood Preservation Coordinator SUBJECT: Plan Check in Anaheim Colony Historic District 216 E. South St. The owner of the property at 216 E. South St. has submitted plans to add a second unit attached to and behind the existing single family residence. Since this property is located in the Anaheim Colony Historic District and is on the list of Qualified Historic Structures, the Neighborhood Preservation Office is required to review the plans. I had previously met with the homeowner of this property and found him to be very agreeable with the guidelines and suggestions that I presented to him. The plans, as submitted, show sensitivity to the historic fabric of the existing structure. The exterior improvements shall be in compliance with the U.S. Secretary of Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation. In that regard we have a few comments. Our concerns are as follows: 1) The new structure should have wCiod windows instead of aluminum sliders. If it is not economically feasible to use all wood windows, then at least the four (4) front facing windows should be wood to match existing; 2) The three (3) exterior doors should be solid core instead of hollow core doors; the front door of the new unit should'be designed to reflect the design of the front door on the existing house; and, 3) The detail on the new attic vent lattice should differ slightly from the original to differentiate between the new and the existing structures. Thank you for forwarding these plans for our review. If you have any questions, I may be reached at 4334. c: Phyllis Mueller Bertha Chavoya F:\DOCS\HOUSING\MEMOS\TKM3925A.DOC DATE,:Jll De .30 20TI - . ~;~h~' ~:a;?a;~h~:~~~~1~;5~~: .' . 13CO;J063-;'0h2:37::) '/;o-C-fi (' rP",s ~ qq, 06 -udlil' .5.i.4n '.Q Fl>c, ~]. CO . 'fbAK f: lYe Fff'-<j; I-/(Dg5~?J-/ .cfl . q4-ffij;f (ZIP) ',-: . '.~ :<'}'/i'h:,',~ . "";;~'ti'" ;:.?X}~~::~~i~~ ~S::.{;:. ';t};j , .. "~S', RECEIVED FROM, .,,'.,> DEPOSITBREAKDOWN';'\ ;:'~. QTY CHECK(S)' AMouNT: . ._,'::_---"--~_. CURRENcY: :-:,,:A:,:.{I~'!i. :;::;:'f;ii~~\-ij~~:; '~':;:" 'st~ :::;,':i,\~J.l':1~F .J/-:'.- _.'>i.', ','. ';~t~?:: .\.\:\ : / " ~iii'O::!/ :'Wo lOO'sx = = / :. ;h );;',,- '}:l~~~',::_~~{~ ~.~' ,.:, .~; ~~:"~~. ~ ~:l~} \:ilif.: ._:-:r.;:_..'..,:.i.....;'...(':,.' ,. '. ',._ ~ ',"-'-, -,', :':,{,<:;~:~~~~t~:(.,. ,', .~d~ ",:;,',j";~': :','\?'-~ . .,,>;'.d. ",..,,~~~~~::;;Q~l~ "1 Ml,t1.tlAlll!JU!; 1:;: $99:88,', <r;;;; C1841cFt~4 1318 . 01l34""'::; ,.1"'.5/: "1 m!;{;f.llMOllS 1 $637:il8:';:;'c{ ~ml~fIC4 .!lIl1 ll88-\......" ,,':!.;r nI tlWUlIlNHIIIS 1 $46eS:34 . . '" ':cr. ~::;n::~~ ~1 c:~~tti:,~'i1!!!~; Tran< date: . 71611e~ . '. Ti~~~;:~~;~~i2S~<<~~: :.'COL.18' Re~~ &01 ",:';.lJ"::;'i?-~f-, '. - .:-.,;:n~-~:,t_~.~:':~,--~~>:,::~t~E~~i:\ I R MAIL STOP) 5.Lf7/.~tf TOTAL 5L/7 I. i: . DISTRIBUTlON:.WHITE -ACCOUNTING YELLOW - CUSTOMER PINK - RECONCILE COPT GOLDENROD - ORIGINATING DEPT. COR Rev.6/oi' , ,