RA1995/11/07ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT &GENCY NOVEMBER 7t 1995t 5:00 P.M. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Tait, Lopez, Zemel, Feldhaus, Daly, AGENCY MEMBERS: None , CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 12:10 p.m. on November 3, 1995 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:36 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $68,127.59 for the period ending october 23, 1995, $143,296.70 for the period ending October 30, 1995 and $213,900.75 for the period ending November 6, 1995, in accordance with the 1995-96 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENT8 - AGENDA ITEMS: Public input was received on agenda Item $2. See discussion under that item. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM8 I - 4~ on'motion by Agency Member Zemel, seconded by Agency Member Daly, the following actions were aUthorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. Agency Member Zemel offered Resolution Nos. ARA95-14 and ARA95-15, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. le RESOLUTION NO. ARA95-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO AN ESCROW AGREEMENT AND DIRECTING AN INVESTMENT OF FUNDS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. . Approving Schematic Designs for Phase I of the Downtown Community Center. Mr. George MacLaren, 323 S. Indiana Street, Anaheim - Chairman, Senior Citizens Commission and Past President of the Senior Citizens Club. He is present to protest the building, of the proposed community center because he feels it is inadequate in size and lacks sufficient parking. Even now, the elevator in the current Center Street parking structure has not been working for three years forcing seniors to climb stairs or to walk a distance. The proposed center has six levels and a basement for stage-play storage. The Anaheim Arts Council could stage full productions in the building. A survey revealed that seniors rated as $2, a multipurpose room which could accommodate up to 500 participants. At an April, 1991 meeting, the building had been scaled down to two floors with a running track on the roof and a multipurpose room which could seat 620 for dining and able to be sectioned off if needed. The Head Start and Senior Day Care Center in the original plans are no longer included. The plan is now for a one-story building with what he considers a 94-1 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTERt ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 7, 1995, 5=00 P.M. lot of "ginger bread" added to the exterior. The dining hall only seats 200 which is the present seating capacity in the current Senior Center. The Senior Commission agrees with him that the new center is not planning for the future. The emphasis is on the gymnasium and boxing club in Phase I. Seniors are more interested in the Arts Council and their activities. There are now more than 35,000 seniors in Anaheim with 3,000 club members. He is urging that they do not hurry to build the Community Center but wait and incorporate planning for the future. Mark Deven, Recreation/Community Services Superintendent, met with the Senior Citizens Club today and the club members are unhappy being evicted from a comfortable building into a confining block structure. He urged waiting until there is sufficient money to build a reasonable strucutre. He can obtain petitions against the proposal if action is delayed. Chairman Daly. He asked for clarification that the concerns relate to the amount of square footage that is being made available and that the overall facility may not be large enough. George MacLaren. He feels staff is looking at the usage of the Senior Center today and not for the next 5-20 years. Parking is also a concern. He then read a letter the Senior Citizen Commission is proposing to send to the Council/Agency when it meets this coming Thursday which basically expressed the concerns he presented tonight. Janet Woodward, 810 N. Loara, Anaheim. In 1993 and 1994, she was the President of the Senior Citizens Club. As such, she has been pkrt of a coalition group working on the Downtown Community Center. They have spent many hours devising a plan that would accommodate all of the groups. Critics say that the Senior Club does not represent all seniors. She questions why not. The building as envisioned by the architect and following coalition requirements will be dedicated in great part to the needs of seniors. They will have 5,000 square feet which is sufficient for their'use. It has all been worked out. Best of all, they will be able to share with the Arts Council who has rooms in the center. The youth of the City will have a place to play with supervised instruction. She hopes the agency approves the plan as presented tonight so that the coalition's hard work will not have been in vain. They hope to see a new center in their lifetime. She also clarified upon questions by Chairman Daly, that she does not see any detriment to the seniors moving from the present center to the new center. The old building is falling apart. Also, they have never sold more than 200 tickets for any of their events so the space is sufficient. She concedes that there is room for improvement relative to parking for the new center. Warren Holly. He has previously served on the Senior Citizens Commission for four years as Chair and Vice Chair and as a former Board Member of the Senior Citizens Club. He considers himself an activist and advocate for the benefit of seniors in Anaheim. After many meetings and being involved in the Downtown Community Center development, he is concerned that People are coming forward at this late date to protest the plans that everyone has worked so hard on. In June, 1993 under his Chairmanship, the Senior Citizens Commission wrote a letter to the City Manager and City Council on the Downtown Center and by and large, the Commission unanimously endorsed the concept before the Agency tonight. Mr. MacLaren was a member of the Commission at the time as were most of the present commissioners. There was also a letter sent about the same time in 1993 from the Anaheim Senior Citizens Club also endorsing these same concepts unanimously. The present facilities have been totally inadequate for their needs. He hopes they can move forward and break ground on the new 94-2 ]%NAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ]tNAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 7t 1995t 5:00 P.M. center by early next June. Every surrounding/adjoining community has built a new senior or community center. He encouraged the Agency to move forward with the project. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. She will comment on the concerns raised but will also ask Chris Jarvi to give more details. The Redevelopment Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission have reviewed the schematic drawings and recommended approval as well as the coalition made up of the variety of users of the building. Relative to parking, Burton-Aschman was commissioned to do a study for the Agency and determined there is sufficient parking in the current City structure as well as the Center Street structure. They are also recommending the use of the area across the street on Philadelphia for flat parking. That can always be added even though the study did not indicate the need. She asked Mr. Jarvi to respond to the programming and the senior issues. Chairman Daly. He asked if it would be possible to set aside some of the parking spaces on the first floors of the two structures for users of the Community Center; Mrs. Stipkovich. Staff can look at that. The only restriction they had was from Anaheim Memorial Manor who wanted to be close to the elevators. She does not see that as a problem. At present, no spaces are reserved. Chris Jarvi, Director of Parks, Recreation and Communty Serivces. He explained and briefed the extensive activity that has taken place to bring about a Downtown Community Center which started in 1990. The goal was to devise a multipurpose design that would include the needs of' all the various groups. With that principle in mind, the community coalition formed and all the affected groups put together the design approved by the Council. He then elaborated on the specifics of the proposed center with regard to space and usage. Staff worked with all the user groups and asked for schedules. They put together a test schedule which they found would accommodate all of their needs. Relative to future growth, that growth will primarily be seniors on the west end of the City. Eventually, there will be a system of community centers throughout the City since all of the demands cannot be met by the proposed facility. After Mr. Jarvi's presentation, Agency Member Feldhaus stated he would like to see a kitchen facility in conjunction with the gymnasium but that is not the point here. He read the minutes of the October 18, 1995 meeting of the Senior Citizens Commission stating they are not happy with the design but did not have a quorum at that special meeting. He would like to see an attempt to get their approval. Before approving the design, he would like to continue the matter for a week or two to get input from a quorum of the Senior Citizens Commission. Chris Jarvi. The issue will be on the agenda of the Senior Citizens Commission for their Thursday, November 9, 1995 meeting. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Assuming this matter can be set for the Council agenda next week, there will only be a one- week delay in the construction time table. Additional supplemental information can also be provided. MOTION. Council Member Zemel moved to continue this item for one week. Council Member Feldhaus seconded the motion. 94-3 ~N~HEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHE.IM REDEVELOPMENT &~ENC_Y NOVEMBER 7, 199~t 5:00 P.M. Before voting, Chairman Daly asked that the'architect and any other design experts make certain this is the appropriate design, height and scale of the structure compared to buildings around it. He would like it to fit in properly and would like the architect to give it a second look before construction is started. Lisa Stipkovich. Staff can provide the information from Urban Design in the form of a supplemental report on the architect's view of how the project will fit in. A vote.was then taken on the motion to continue for one week. MOTION CARRIED. . RESOLUTION NO. ARA95-15: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE FORM OF, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ITS ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA 1995 TAXABLE TAX ALLOCATION BONDS (HOUSING) AND APPROVING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. (SOUTH OF ROMNEYA REVITALIZATION PLAN FINANCING.) . Approving minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment AgencY meetings held October 3, 1995, October 10, 1995, and October 17, 1995. End of Consent Cal~der. MOTION CARRIED and Resolutions adopted. Ail Ayes. ADJOURNMENTs Chairman Daly moved to adjourn, Agency Member Zemel seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (6512 P.M.) LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 94-4