1950 W. Sloop Ave. )(r._ BU!LDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004.03878 CITY 6{1!:(~~HEIM :':2~!i~1!~1f!/; ( r BUILDI~G DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765. 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765. 4626 TYPE OF PERMIT ResidGntial Addition DATE: 11/4/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 1950 W SLOQP AVE . U,GAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 3247 LOT 11 CENSLiS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 43. APPLICANT: JUSTIN HANCHETT OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR. !NFORiv;;\T!ON: Jimmy Vilt&gas MEGA CONSTRUCTIOr"JGROUP 1950 W Sloop Ave 6464 SUNSET BLVD .~. AnClheim, CA 92804 HOllYWOOD, CA ~ nO''2B 1 coo BUSiNESS PhONE aG074! .7801 JOB DESCRIPTION;Add master oedrocm, bath iind lallndry, .t J ',. r--- r;:::- -~---, I . . '. OWNER.9U!lDEFDECLARATi0N: ..' '._._ "--' 1 h<::!reby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the <;or:tnv:l.o;;sLlcense Law for thefclfowing'mason (Sec. 703'!:"S Bus,Jness and Profes:$ions Code: any dty or.countywr:lch re(juires;3 oerm:t to con::-_irud, a';;~r, improve. demc"rG:1 or rcp;=lr :m:/ stru~t!Jre, prior to its Issuai,ce, also :-eq\Jirp,s the'i'-lpplicant TO!" slJm'perrrli~ to file -a sIgned s.tc:ltem~nt tn:..:t he-l~ l:e,'f:$ed pursuant to the plovisions of the Cor,!ract.:>r"s L.iceflse Law_(Chapter 9)(comriter:o;ing WIth Secti('ln 7000 of Divi;.:;ion 3 of ~he 8US~;1€sS ar'.d Prof€.3S.'h~,s C0de) cr that he is.exemj::~ ~hefefrom <::lnd the basls jor tl-le alleged exemption" Any viol~tjori cf SE:ctiOf17031.5 by ariy. apP~;J::ant for. a per!'i.!t. 'S~J:)t::cts ~he applicant" k;? CIvil penalty of not more: th?nfive"h~pclred dC~:::1l3 (~500). .' . . . ~,.. ," ." -, [J I, as ownerot property., ur my employees wlth WE-ge:3 a::; th.::ir S('l!e ;:::om;,2m:at:,cr;, 'Ni~l '.~':> lhe.'N,:.rk. 8r.d the strtJcture is n')l ipt.<.)f:ded.or offt'!re:d for sa~e {Sec, 7044 Business and Plof~ssiqns Co,je: -:-he Con!i setor';:; l,...lce1~e ::-:,'N does not ~~plyto tin Q,,:r,er of pro percy who bllnd~ o'r.improves thereon,' and who does GUch work himsr.;)tr or ;;ersetf or through h!r,,:;r i;f",{.c....~:i< ~mpI9Yqes, p(f)v.\d~ tMl ~'ch ir,'~m\jement~ar,:; r9Uf'tendw or .")1fercd f0r sale, 'If, however, the building '0i imp;nvorr.er:: 1'3 S0k! 'witt"> cr:~ ):('_'H' of c~'rr.~letio:1. the .')\!/rier-build€:r will l1i4ve ';;1e nUiden o_t provin!;; that he . did ndt bUild or !n.prove fo" the purpose of salE.'). j; . . -0 I'. as the owner cf t.he property, am ,=,Xdlj!:i'/t:.!y cOr"ltra":"'1"ing W~U' \lce,:::e(I.;)'.jntr?G~O,~ to c0r.str!.;ct the project (Sec,_ ';rOM 8:'lsinr:5$ and Professions Cod..:;: The'Contrai::tor'~ LiCCr'lse Law doe'> flt't fl.Pf'ly to an ovmer OT pr,:::p=:t};..:t!o bl1:!ds uiirr.pr-:wes tl-'Brecn..and whc ())!1tracts f\,( such project':i:Nith . ,Q.J{9nt:"2r1oi(S) licensed PUfSUrH1t to~he COl1tractor'$ Lice!i5e L~'/1), -:l~' '. . .' , .L_;., ! am s;<empf.ur.dBf Ssc. ~__, ,:3 & PoCo fo. this r~8S'Jn: ~.:.~ .,_____--'-_____-.""""---:-------:..--- Date: Owner: '1 . - r---.:~~~~V./ORKER'S cm.wEN~AT!O~LDECIo.e.R,.\T!Ot~~-'tL._ ..: . S r-ttI.;S'.':!) Cbt.jTR'O"~O;S;e;;LAAATIOi:(~T. I h:~reby 2ffnn L:nue: penalty of perjl.uyone of the fotl::rv"ing declaratlo,ls:~! I I herepyaff!rr,!l vnderpena!f.y.ot p~r;uIY that i <:;!1TI [J ! hc'l\'e.and 'will rna-int-ai:l ~ certifh;ate of con S<:lr. t to scif-jIlsum for WC;'!~~,(..c.'}(1-.j:.:er;s;:tfon, I' licensed ur;d~i'-ph;/:s;c,nsc;i ~hac,t€r 9 t..;ommeli(;ing as' r,rc'lVided for by 8ect:cn 3700 of the t abo. COde. for lhf:: parfornlzllV.; 0f ;;~~~ \\'011< f(",r '-\lr.:cn ~i.th'.$e:ti0. ,D.?;] GO) ~.f.P i"",) 10 :- .... .0.1 l.h7-BU .n. e"3~. and thisp0rmit 1$ Issued "!lJ~..,4t/es20.0i()4n\?hf. " . 4i/.-.. A , ~ I Mve and \",:Ii mamtarnwoti<cr's com:"~:'s3tlOP !:'!<;:Ui'::'-,C"', (;!S f'2'l1U,r6,j ~t/ Sect'O:1 ~TOO of! ' _ V:-~/, ~ ..... l~abor Coce, for the pe,formance of !.he work fer wh:ch t;,ts permit IS l.:;sIJV:::, My worker'.:: I 01tC:' , . eQntla~tix Co;n~1(:'ns-")tlon Insurance Gainer and petic} a,'e: ~ G::l;.r[cr: EXEMPT Policy Number. EXEMr' ~ I. ~Ufvl8ER E.X::>I~AT!ON DATE j 4't05ill} 41301100$ fBy.} seclion need not be completed if the permit is for one :mr:dt ed dolli.>rs {S i ;:~: ~r !~:i. I JYPE H 1 I certify ttlat in the perforrnanc~ of the work fo; -f/hiell thIS penij1t h ;~'-'-.:;~u ~ Gila Ii not I -employ any person in any manner so as to become sLObject to the worker's c1rnJJcn'3~tjon law~ of California, and agree that if I snoutd become subject to the wo:ke"'s .....Ol":lj:. rnsatio:'l f provisIons of Section 3700 Of the labor Code, i shall f hWI~ olr,p!y -,II}'l t! ps~ ore "Si,Jlls. I ConctrU'0l0n Typeg. . ~' I \IN.. . D~te: 11/4/2004 Applicant: ~:! i LivlnQ Area: WARNING: FAiLiJRE. TO SECUR WORKECOM?" 'SATION COVEF'i,GE is, . . I . . . UNLAWFUL,. AND SHALL SUBJE .. T.AN EMPl :.>YER TO CRIMINAL PEN..;jTIES' AND CI\f;L i FINES UPTb ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND D.OLLARS ($100.000). iN ADDi-nCN TOTHC~' . <':OST or COMPENSATiON. DAMAGES AS PRO\lIDED FOR IN'SECTIOI',\3706 ()F THE . LABOR c.eDE, !NTEREST AND AT10RNEV'S FEES. ,[ .'. .. . L .' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGE~!CY . '__~ I hF.:r!;by <'!ffinn under penalty of perjury that tr.ere :s 3 :;ol1struetic-., ler..~if!g ;J::i:::ncYfor the . . -;.:::,-fvl.-,-:.:J,:.v..;-'J;'t:'."i:~;G\~;:-~~-W-:-,i;:A'J'("i1l-~ti".:::i'i'iji'n:.i~"6V::::~ t-:sec.':'.;)~'" .{;i....CJ. '--.-"' _--- _"_m__:__~_~______ L~nder's Information: , " t . . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: 'CDL VALUATION. 21.400.00 r.;'~ .319 I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction; and . hereby. authorizerepre ntives of thi city to enter upon the 8bove mentione(l property for ins,?:eqtionpur ses. Fees paid for Per"":lit: Total: 1.507.78 Oak 11/4/2004 "'- Slgnat e of Appljcant or Agent The permit . all expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has riot passed final inspection 365 da~ from the date of permit issuance. A . new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION , OATE' INSPECTOR I Temporary Power Pole ! Plumbing (DrainlllVasle Pipe) , IhDfo<; #~ .- Electrical Ground ElectrodelUfer .~ 4 ~ SelbackfFormsfTrenches (Footings) (bMo+, '~ Do not install subfloor or.pourfloor slab until the , foHowing'applicable items,have been Signe& I , Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) '"">, Mechanical (Groundworkl ' " ',' ' , Electrical (Underground Conduit), ' , , Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Re;m. " ~;..-I Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girtlers) 11111~ , Do not cover or COnceal the wor!< below until the ,f()Howing applicable items have been signed:' , 1 st Floor Shear' , '<4, Firesprinlder (Rough) " 2nd 'Floor Shear " RoOf (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) . [',JI'i' Masonry (ReinfJBond, BeamlPre-Gtout) . , . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) n .?~ Rough Mechanical .,.- J Rough BectrlcallLJrY wall) ,. .L Rough Electrical " 'I"~" L' 1l~ , r I Framing (Only after Plpg" Elec.. Mech.. and Fire) 171Vl ~ Insulation (SoundlEnergy) ~ k" po not/ape or pla~ter until the following apPlica~/_./ Items ave been SIgned: ' , " '. f Drywall ' . 161'f1,,~ ~<'--l Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical ' ' penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . 'i Interior Lath ..,~ Exterior Lath ' ,~llJ/~ 7~ 'r." " ' GENERAL ITEMS ' 'Exterior PiaSter, (BioINil Coat) " lI.J'l. d '} t<. (/""">f tr T -Bar Electrical , T -Bar Mechanical T'Bar Structural ' , Sewer , Water Engineering Backflo)iv , " . Water Service , ' , FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final ,P,lumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Tes.\- Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Depl. Final 765-4040 Water Enllineering 765-5268 ' Sub List/Business License 765-519 Ii/, 4 Zoning 765-5139 Building Fina, I, .ILast Inspection- Only I" , After Above Completel " PARTIAL INSPECTIONS!l~ , ' ,Buildina Insoections ...:.....rlV>{...f" ,b..J _ G._~..s_I.....b.:... , r: " IX i;.!{; " ~ Mechanical Inspections , Plumbina' Insoections Electricallnsoectioris ' / \ t I . I ~ ~ ~ q . I . . 1 WCA-'lloO : aoJ.Set.- : PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVED DATE 'Z-2-oS: -~--"'-' --. C.&) PATID Co\l.~ i8Y~~ ) I , Unitial~J FLOOD ZONE Y . H~C DISTRICT REVIEW: fA See Sf.2.I!!D this pa~e \rcle one on above line SEE BUILDING PERMIT FOR - (j1-Ar::3tl~l~JS (p.) 1- SrOrz-t1 S.f.D' <: NDrt.1A J ',," ~ ~ , } I ~IU 1 Ul\)li '<. s' J. 4\1> ~~. ii .~ ~ . 1 . I I g).5Z> t<). .sf.,c:Jo ~ f!IJfI". ~W\ ~9otj- (VIIZ.. .J{'m~ VIL-~ T~ 71q.-7~~er (Ii) '2. - CArt- 6A~e. .......--. ,~.,~ ~ . . .,....; ;" '''T'- , , . (PI 0 ,w >/, : , . 1+ -. . J _,' . . '" '- ~-nL.-- ,- , f1<0~ WClrTi ~, , ~ND~~ (JIJI 'x,' -,' ,; , I'\1,A'1l.ett ';Z. t 2-0'0 +- , 10 oc, --- .0 <:;;:::) ) ..~ ~ ~ 2- ~ ~ :#. .Jf o to . ~Mj( . --"'~-~""'."""':"""'<'"=---~'''-''' , '.'---"~"_. ,.,~- C'C,;:_c_____,..........~~._"....,\"'.,""_,_'__"',~___ .:~