ARA2004-09 RESOLUTION NO.�, 2004-�9 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2004/05 BUDGET WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim's (the "City") has conducted a public hearing (the `Budget Public Hearing") regarding the City's proposed FY 2004/OS Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program (the "FY 2004/OS Budget"); and WHEREAS, as part of the Budget Public Hearing, the City Council of the City was presented with, among other things, that portion of the proposed FY 2004/OS Budget for the Community Development Department of the City; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department's proposed FY 2004/OS Budget �"" includes, among other things, the proposed FY 2004/OS Budget (the "Agency's FY 2004/OS Budget") far the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency"); and WHEREAS, the Agency's FY 2004/OS Budget contains all of the following specific information required by Section 33606 of the California Health and Safety Code: (a) all activities to be financed by the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 33334.3, (b) the proposed expenditures of the Agency, (c) the proposed indebtedness to be incurred by the Agency, (d) the anticipated revenues of the Agency, (e) the work program for the coming year, including the goals of the Agency, and (� an examination of the previous year's achievements and a comparison of the achievements with the goals of the previous year's work program. WHEREAS, the Agency's FY 2004/OS Budget includes the proposed planning and administrative expenditures (the "Low and Moderate Income Housing Planning and Administrative Expenditures") directly related to the programs and activities authorized under subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the California Health and Safety Code (the "Low and Moderate Income Housing Activities"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has adopted the FY 2004/OS Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of Fiscal Year 2004/OS Budget. The Agency's FY 2004/OS Budget, as set forth in the adopted FY 2004/OS Budget for the City, is hereby approved and adopted, as required under Section 33606 of the California Health and Safety Code. 1 Section 2. Planning and Administrative Expenditures. The Low and Moderate Income Housing Planning and Administrative Expenditures included in the Agency's FY 2004/OS Budget are (i) necessary and proportionate to the proposed costs and expenditures related to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Activities, and (ii} reasonable and necessary costs for the production, improvement and preservation of low- and moderate-income housing, all in accordance with subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 33334.3 of the California Health and Safety Code. Section 3. Real Property Acquired with Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Moneys. With respect to all real property interests acquired by the Agency with moneys from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund five (5) or more years ago, the Agency has initiated activities consistent with the development of such property for the purpose of developing housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income, as required under Section 33334.16 of the California Health and Safety Code. ..�. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THIS TWENTY-SECOND (22ND) DAY OF JUNE, 2004, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLE CALL VOTE: AYES •Chairman Pringle, Agency Members Chavez, Hernandez, �1cCracken NOES: none ABSTAIN: none � ABSENT• Agency Member Tait CHAIRMAN ATT ST: G�NC SECRETARY 54562.1 2