2660 Stockton Ave. DATE: 5/26/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 2660 W STOCKTON AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2303 LOT 39 .....4"-:~~ v~:: ~ ~~"':.. i ~"/;o/ f" <....~..f,~ ,9'" 7:€i I '~~:;'''''~ ,'~'.{f( "~'C' !I:J..J/fi'i - . , ~\,...., >: : - l~ ~ ~ 1 ~E~;~ IIHEIM "'(~~h'p! II '~"J:>t..,1t..L: '"" . ;/f'(J '~t/;-J.~.~)7./ . BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANA)jW~D. (714) 760- 0153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765-4626' . CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 19 f( BUILDING PERM I; NO. .J;lLD2004-02102 , "--' . , TYPE Of PERMIT CITY Patio .Cover ' APPLICANT:', OWNER INFORMATIOI\i: Paul R Clark . 2660 W stockton Ave Anaheim, CA92801 , JOB DESCRfP~f10NPatio Cover: Remove 'Unpermitted patio ~n'd install new 69gsfpatio per engineered plans. .(HIH) VALUATION: 12,000.00' . J PROCESSED BY: JJJ I. .. ' '. OWNER-BUILDEF!pECLARATION' .',. " . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that lam exempt from the Contract~r~s, ljc~nse Law for the fOllowing reason (Sec. 703.1~5 -Business and Profession::; Code: any dty orcountywhi/?h re.quires a 'permit to construd, ~-'t.\-'-improve. demolish.or repair any struqtur~, prior to'its issua~ce"also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he islj,<::,":l')sed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's .Licens~ Law(Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3,of the. Business and Profess,.:~:n3 Code) or' that he is exempt therefrom, and the, basis for the alleged exemption.' Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant ,for a permit slJ~'.;eGts the appl!cant to. a civil penaltyofnot-more than five hundred dolla~s ($500).' . . . . ' ,', j . . '. IJO.. ,I, asown~r of pro perty"or my empJ:cyees with wages as their sol~ comp;;lisatibn,_ will do the work, and_ the structurei~ not intended or ~ffered for. 'sa~ ($ec',,7044 Busine~s and P'rofessions Code: The Contractor's License r..~\tl does-not a.pply,toanownerof property who builds or-imp~o\ies . thereon, and'who does sudi work. hi mself _or herself or through his or her 0.'1>;': employees, provided that such iropmvementsate not intended on offered fo~ sale. .If"howevs-r, the bUilding or improvement is sold witl1 olie Y-6:,;;- af tompl:etion, the owner-builc:lerwill have;the burden of proving'that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) ; , ' , ; <. . ",: ~ . 0-'1. a5 the owner of tl)e property, am e~dusiv~ly contracting with licensod ~:1:tractors to construct the project (See. 7041 Business ~nd Professions Cod,e:The Contractor's License_ Law does not apply to an 'owner of properry~"ho builds 0" improves therebT1; and Who. r.:ontrads far sum projects with " Ma~i'~'dcr(s) licensed pur.~~ant to the'Contra~ 5 u~~se La'N).... , ' ~~ 2l!:lJ..t mp underSec,' . . : Date: J /".2-' 0 r ' . Owner: WORKER'SCOM ENS. TION DECLARATION __L I her~by affirm- under penalty of perjury one of the follOwing declaratior.3: [J I have, and-wili-,maintain. a certificate of -_oonsent to. self-insure for WOl'ke-rj~-COr.1pensation, as providedf6r by Sectio.n '3700 of the Labor,Code, for the performance ofti;,~ work for which' this. perrnit is issued. . . ,0 I have and will maintain'worker's G:<?mpensatlon insurance, asreqvi~:""; !J:~' S9ct!cn 370'0 of the Labor 90d e: fa r the performanceof tr,e wark fo..r whi~h th is permit IS iS3lif. it. My wo rker's Conipen~tion' insuranCe carrier an-d pOlicy are: ". Carrier: ' Policy Numb~r. I CONTRACTOR INFORMI'.T1QN: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: I . LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I. 1 her~by'affirm und~rpenalty of perjury that. 1 am' licensed ur.der'pr?vis,km-s qr chapter 9 (cammencing with Section 7000) of Divsi6:n-3 ofthe BUsiness -and Professions Code. ' . . 5/26/2004 . Date: . Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATioN DATE . . . This section need not be :cOmpleted if the p'ermit is for one hundred d~lIars ,($1 CO;.y less. 01 certify thatinth~ performance oTthe wark far which this permit is fS$'':~~, I shail nOt , employ any perso.hin any manner sa'as to become subject to the warkei's,~ctJ:'l-pensation laws of Califo.mia, and"ag~e'e that if I should becomesu . ct to. the worker's COrnPf.':"tsaticn 'provisions of Sectian 3700afthe Labor C e.l forthwith. comply' i ,th:.s~ pravisio"ns, TYPE Date: 5J2~/2004 . . Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE E S COMPENSATION COVER.,GE IS . . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECTANEMPLOYER TO CRIMINALPI;NA! TII;S AND CIVIL FINES UpTO ONE'HUNDRED lHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), INADDnlQNTOTHE . COST OF COMPENSATION,DAMAGES ASPROVIDED FOR INSECTIOt, 3'f06.0F THE LABORCODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .' . . ::<' . I : CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY_ " . t h,el'ehy _affjrrn,_~:"'d_::!!: ,op.na!ty oaf perj~ry t!1at the!"e 'is'aco:1~tr~-=~idr:' fepd!-i~ ""'(_~'f>cy-f-d_?tn~~___"':,_. penormance of the wark tor whidl this permit is i~Slled (S.e6:'3097.Civ.C): .... Lender's Infarmation: Construcian Types: VN" Fire $prinklered? Patio.Area: NO 692 ,\",.' :" tcertifyJhat I ,have read this application and state that the abave infarmation'i.'i'carrect. I agree,ta oomply-_ ith.all city ordinances and state I~ws relating.ta buAding car:str,uction, and I"!ereby uthar:" .r p~sentives of this dty to enter u'pon the above mentianed prC?perty for inspecli ur se.' - '/;/7. - /_" " : . . .' . ~ , Date: 5/2612004 . Signature af Applicant or Agent The permi sh<!ll.expire by limitation a,nd become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new per~tis 'required to commence Or conti~ue work. . Fees paid for Pe.rmit: , Total: 1.20 INSPECTION RECORD ,..~....~ . INSP.ECTION. '. . DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power. Pole' . . '. Plumbing (DrainlWastePipe) ElectdcalGroun.dElectl'C)de/Ufer / /I /J~I .//. .. SelbacklFornislTrenches (Footin ]YIL'\ I\';"""~ ';';UO Do not install Sutlfloor or. pour floor sla until the .. followingapplicableit~ms have been signed: .. . '. Plumtling (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork)' . '. Electrical (Underground Conduit) . Pre-slatl (CompactionfMemtlrane.Reinf. , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders)' Do not.cover or conceal the work below until the . following applicable items have bei'in'signed: .' 1 st Floor Shear Firesprinkler (Rough) . .'. 2nd Floor Shear '.. , . ~ . Rpof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) fA (,,/0:> . Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPr9'Grout) J Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical R9"9h ElectrIcal. \ U<)" ""all)' .' . . Rough Electrical . . . ~ Framing (Only:after P'lbg.. Elec.: Mech.. and Fire) . Insulation (Sound/Energy)' . Do not tape or plaster. u.ntil the following applicable items have been ,signed:.' . . Drywall '. .... . . . '.' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical I Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Intenor Lath '. . Extenor Lath '. . .'GENERAl ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . T ,Bar Electncal '. . . . . T-Bar Mechanical .. . . .' T -Bar Structural .' '. Sewer . Water' EngineenngBackflow . . Water Service . . . . . FINAL INSPECTIONS' : Date '.Inspector Electrical Final . ~ .. . ~~~. . '. . ..... Plumbing Final Mechanical Final . .' . . .'. . Gas Test .' . .'. .. Engineerin9lGrading .Final 765-5126 ... . . Fire D"pt. Final.765-4040 . . . .' , '., ". Water Engineering 765-52.68 . Sub List/Business lic"nsl!765-519 . . '.' Zoning 765~5139 . .' . . Building Fina" ll:ast Inspection. Only'. . dv.iitS r ;- ,. . .... fter Abov.. Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS . (.,;~. . Buildina hisP9ctions '. '.' . .' '. . ~ l~ M~~ S.~.~ 1rr-\l."a,.l1"~' t.Jb"'~~,.r~~., .... . MechanicallnSDections. . Plumbina Inspections ElectricallnsDections