570 S. Sunkist St. DATE: 3/4/2-004 JOB ADDRESS: 67<1 S SUi~K'IST ST =,. ;"-- . ~^ ,.'" ", I ' -"- ~, "- CV ,. -~...,\ -., k '-'~>O~\ ;..;:}J '. _~~~\ CITY ~{E~.J~;r~~HEIM ,", \)~~~~!:~?~<<r}y/ I. :; . ,,,,,..::<.~,""T_-:':-:-~'-'1i '><:7r?r'~~j~"'/. ~~, .~ BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2003.02118 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HEINS SUB LOT3 N 72 FT S 472 FT W. i, ~ ; \i. BUILDING DIVISION 200S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 101 QUARTER SECTION: 123 .. TYPE OF' PERMIT . New Res:dential COi1~tr~ct;oir .APPLlCANT: DAVID LO: , OWNER INFORMATION:. CONTRACTORINFOR~~hION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DAVID LOJ. . f; ,..' PHILIP TAGGART "I"~ 9021 TRINI CIRCLE . J' 5131 AIRPORT DR. Westminster, CA 926830000 .. ." .' COSTA MESA, CA 000000000 JOB DESCRIPTION: New Single Family Dwelling, Plan 8'-1'., Living area ~2('{s',:garage area 99~~f ,,-"jI;->>- "- VALUATION: 2J9.702.00 . .\ ").-. I ... _._.....::..-__..___. . . OWNER-BU!LDl8DECLARAT10N. . . . . ! hereby affirm,under penalty of pe-rJury that.1 am e_xempt fr9f'l'tth~\~ontrat.:t<::<iiS'Uc.e(!s,e"_Law'for the fo)iawiog reas.on (8ec.-"7-031..5 _6usiness and ?rofe!;~lor s Code: anj aty cr c':...ur.;y w~i':'h requ~~.$ a ;:x~:-;'''it >~o constn-!c,::, r.iJ~T' Improve, demolis~ or repaIr any structure, prior to its Issuance, also jequlres :j~~ appl;~;-;t for such pe~lT1lt to no 3 sig~ '8t~tement that he i5l~'~r._sed cur,sua~t to the provisions of the Co~tractor's License Law (Chapter .g)(c::jfTIfn~i1(,:r:9 witl': Se~tlo~ 700G of DlviSIf,)fl 3 of th(:; aus,;ne~,s a.l1dP?f~~-!frl~ p;ope) ortf1at he IS, exempt, therefrom an9, the baslsJ~r.th.e:al\~ged' . .'- i;~J.'.';~r'.".'A.n/ViO.I&tiOr.ot. Section 70';1.5 r,y oilY apPlico,nt.fo.r a..~e~.m;h..~....~I.f9ts,tbe QPPlica...n.t to a civil penalty of not more thanfive hU. ndred d..Olla.rs..;,.. ,_ [J..I,'.~;S~wr:e:~: cfprr..perty,' or my emp~oyef'..s with_'w'ages'8$ .i.h;:j.: sole.r.v;,~J~l$ation" will'do, the work,"and the structure,is, not intended or-cff~redJ~t:I"f:~' sale'eSee. ,~!914 O!Jsiness and Pro:_?ssions C'ode: -The ContrCick:r's ~;C0nS_f;:l.i'W,does not apply to an owner of pro Perty who .buildsor improves',' , . rnere()r~'.'- ::~~'<:! vh.') (k;~~:~,:,:>t:cl; wr,:-K :):~'Tls-=if or herself Cor thr(l~gh :'l:;,crh:;ri.)~": hempi.oyees, provided that~uch improvements'ere not intended or,., .. _.' ' . .~~:;'~~:;,J~~~;,~~,~/:j}~:~,~';,;~,~:'1fO:~~f,rcv.n.'~r'~;s Sqldw;t~i)r.~:/<~00fCOrn~etion, the owner-builqer w~1 have the bur~en of~.roVi~g}ha.t.h!'. ,E0:'.~,,'~S(~e o~ir\\~r:~'f'~~:::i ~;:~o~,~':J~,:'. ,n;T: ;;;:(~,,~~'-~:,:f:!Y c0.i11,i~ct!:~.,vit;1 :,:~cn~_~ ,:yntractors to construc(t~eproject (Sec., 7044.8u::;iness:and. P~ofessi6ns ~od:e: T.1i'~c.c'11f'.Q.C:l')(S:l..i(",U;..;:'?: ~.:,".rJd:),:-~ fX:t ~(jpt,..tc <:it; ')VI:jero.~..'prop'~'l\ t',.~o buijds-cr improves thereon, an~who contrac.~'_~or;sllc.h projects'yvi(h ,', .p~O}1~ac~'~)I:,\~)nf)f3Ils:~purs:J3n!tothe C~r.trc:c~or-sU, ~5~ Law.1..:t' -" -:--;: , , _~ -; >... -. . L.J1:':VJl,&t.d~rs. ~C, ....~. .~"-,..~B ,:P.~.: If_en~ ."islea:::":'.I;'. __.~.;, '.' hggte:.. .' ..... O'i':l~r: .... '~/~, . I ...) . .... -WORKER';? COMPENSATION DECLIlRAT'ioN ._~ ;::::J UCENSEDGONTRAClORS DECL.ARATION 1:.. I hereb~,'a_ffirmul"!iJd~;::~n3Io/'dp~_~j!..ry or;<;_~rttJe-follqW;[1gdeC1arBtit)n6:. ._,_ ':"_' ,I hefeby;;:ff:rm.under pe,n_a,1ty of perjury that,I'arT\ <. o I ha.je ~nd wi!l m<3int9ri.. -~ C~~'ttific~le-.Of Cortsentt~':SeIf-in;::l:r~ f(,_,wo:-kcl. ,~"con1pensatlon, licensed iinde~ provts,ions Qf chapter 9 (commencing . as pro\,lided~ to" by Sectior.~2/0:; of tht--L~l1C( Code, fcf'tnep~rf;"manre. oi~: j~Ork for which ,'with Se:ctio.n 7000) 'o..t 'oi~ion 3"?f the ;Bu~ines~ and .this ~'€rrr::itis i~sIJ€!d~' , \. ..;. ":." J 'Professions Code. . .~:-~,., . . . [J I h'?lve' and v.11I mai,ntzfn VlOrKe:i't; c.;(;;:;:;pE:nsation,i.rlsur~nce, as' reqtJireJ.h".Sevtiun370u_of II 5/4/2004 _____ ~ the. L?b.Orc;OdC;, .~O r [lie p-::::l'forrry:3:':::'u cf the:Vlork fer W.' hid.! tll is permit _h.,h~S.U~~f-h-~ y Wo-l kp-t,~__,<, ' Date;. . /~;. Contra\tor:J .:./' :', ',- ;Comp'er.lsationinsuranoa carll..;-r-awj lNiicy 'are;. . . .,.:.-,:,':~<;\ . . ... ~;:Z;ion need not be Ulmpletedifthe pennit is fo:O:~~:~::e:'~'la,. (MQ~ c; ;ess. ~:::ER EXPIRATiON DATE . ~~~rtlfY that in the. performance of the work for whIch th,!; penn:t l~ '~t:{dfiJ'\J,alf not employ any person in cny manner so as to become subject to tbe wl,;'f~~;~:;; ht1JTI..gensation laws of California, and agree that if I should bE>.come subject. to the wol1<er'5 ~9~1;!"!"~~~tion provIsions of Section 3700 (",ftheLabor Code, ~all fOj~With cOr:1ply ,.'~i~~1b~.op"C;;iSiOr!S. Date: 5/4/2004 Applicant: ,I j' Y)p.,(~ ~~j . WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE~~~ COMPENSATION CQlj;',JA.'GE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUS';ECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINALPE~%:~ANI). CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED lHOUSAND DOLLARS.($100,000), INAYRilJON TO THE COST OF COM?ENSATION, DAlvlAGES AS pRoviDED FOR IN SECTISlN ?-(Oo~OF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.. . ...i':;~i ,:- . I. .... .. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCG--~:r': ... ~ l'h~reby:affk'm under pe:18_tt'j of perjury that there. is s_::.onstrl!dion l':Hldih~f~"'\.incy ti:ktlle - _ ;Je0'o:"';k1,nce .of!~e work fo.:" which th!s permit i~; issue:~ {Sec.-~q~7 ,,Civ~C)':!.:~ :\: _.......Le0::!eu.-.lil:!Junchr,~.. - .-:-1_~_. _-- -.' .-,.,--' <,.:i-~ P ROC ESSED' BY: KBT Construcion Types: VN. . Occupancy, Groups: R3, U1,'. , Fire Sprinklered? Dwellinq l!ni"ts: ,LhHnQ Area: Garaqe Area NO 1 3,201 999 I certify that I have read this application and state thatthe above information;s correct. I agree tocornply with all city ordinances ~nd state'laws relati'ng to bu~djll9 cc.:nstruction, and . he(eby authorize repre,sentives,of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for :ri~n ~~s~Jr*r. .. .... Dal,,: 5/4/2004 . ~. .' Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shafl expire by limitation and become null andvoid if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to ccmmence or continue work. ";--' Fees-paid for Permit: Total: 7.277.69 , INSPECTION RECORD -. I , i,:. ' INSPEC110N, , ',DATE INSPECTOR "l Temporary' Power Pole , " I , Plllmbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) , " , , I Electrical GroUnd E/ectrodlil,lJfer Setbaek/ForrnsfTrenches (FoOtings) " 00, noUnstall subfloor or'pour floor slab untilthe , following applicable items have been signed: Plllmbing(Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) , Mechlinical(Groundwork) , ' , '- Electrical (Underground Conduit) , J~ / Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf., V'ZI-"" 'ff'-frV ,Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , " /.-/ Oo'not ,cover or conceal thework below until the.", ,~ following applicable items have been signed: . I 1,st Floor Shear<::-.. ~ ' AJ/,/-.H, ,,?"-AUJ ./> Flresprinklef (Rough) .' .. ' , , , " 2nd Floor Shear , <?'ZC' ' , Roof ISheathina/Diaphragrn'Frane) ~ '-;;;. ,- J MasOnfY (ReiilfJBcind BeaTi/Pre-Grout) " , , ! Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical. ,,',' I Rough l:IectrlClII (ury wall), 711t-( 10f! 1A /: ....' """"... .. . . ~ Framing {OnlYafterPlbg.EJeC Mech and F;re) ~/ltlJ1.$'. ',',' Insulation (SoundlEnergy)' ..' " " Do not ta'pe or plaster' until the following applica, , items.bave been signed: .:. '.' '- Drywall' " " ", f 'In ,140 Penetrati,onS (Fire Rated) Electrical I ,ft Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mech;ll1ical , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing , . Interior Lath ' '. - Exterior Lath~ '" S; -J1 , GENERAL ITE AS W,) , " ,Exterior Plaster (Bll7Nn Coat) , 11<t/../t6 ,""/(,; . T -Bar Electrical: , ,. " T-Bar Mechanical , , , T -Bar Structural " , Sewer . , U.'" fl-ii:> '1..30"0 ,~ , Waler Englneerirtg Backflow "~" IA / Water Service. '.Jl' ,..d _1M' J ',,' . . - . - .' Date Inspector Electrical Final Plumbing Fina,l. Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 ~' Water E;ngineering 76$-5268 Sub' List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139' Building Final ,ILait Inspection- Only' . /, u~ I/;~~ , " Alter Above Complete) f v, , 7, ~" ;Z'h";ft~1< :tfft/L INSPECTION,S Buildrna Inspectlo~ ' . Mechanicallnsoections Plumbinalnsoections 'Electricallnsoections .. BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-04014 -""-'.,,-, . ,t:~~~~~::~~:f~;;;~.. .1 "c. ".'u-" '. <<~.'- tK.: '^.'. . II; $~('''' ,', ~: ;" ~-~::,,'\ CITY"<'N~HEIM . ,C . i~$,~ti~f,} '\~oi"- ~7lk__":~t_ 'J ~:~~~'\~\t),},~'il , - , l BUILDING DIVIBION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD (714) 765 - 5153 . INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: . (714) 165.4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTION: 123. , mE OF PERMiT ~"sidential Addition DATE: 1111812004 JOB ADDRESS: 570 S SUNKIST ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: -f HEINS SUB LOT 3N 72 FT S 472.FT W , . APPLICANT: . ~" OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEERINFORMATION: DAVID LOI . .'. .'\" KENNETH E AGEE SE3340 . 601 S SUNKIST STREET' .," i 3452 E FOOTHILL 626-4J2-5850 ANAHEIM, CA 92806' . ',' PASADENA, CA 91107 JOB DESCRIPTIONl\dd 390st'to existfamlly room and 400sfto master bedii:rro VALUATION: . 25,000,00 . . . '!if . PROCESSED BY: MJL - ." . '. j -f . .' l I hereby affirm underpena~ of perjury that I am exemp~:~~h~-~~~~~';~~~e.~~~!2~ th"foll6Wing reason (See, 7031.5 BU~i~~S;~~d . Professions Code: any dty or county which requites a perl'"flit to cooslr~ct,a'tt~r{)~Yipr9ve, demo!is~_ c(~epair anysiructure. pr!ortOjh.3:issuance,'~b:;o... requires cth-.e ~ppli~nt f9.r ~u9h permit t~ file a sig'ned state.me.nt that..~~..iS fi.G,tG;~~~.,.'p:u:~s~a.nt to.., t~e.:..pit>visio.ns of the contra~. or~s. ,u?13n...s....e...'Fa_o/.(0.~~p~e.r.......:.::.. 9)(commencJng WIth Section, 70CO af Division 3 of the BUSiness and-:profes::;ftt~3'C\.YJe) ?r.that he IS_ exem{:Jt therefromondthe ba~sfortheall~ed.'"-_}",, ,,:-: . exef11P~ja,n. Any-v~lation of Se,ctlon 7031.5 by any applicant for'a .~~rmjt$,u1i;rtsthe ~.PPI'icant!oa,:d~jl per~ltY'~fnot.M~r~::tha>n'fJV~:::~up'~.re.~_'d__91~al::~:>u::":-::'- tj50?)~ owner'of pr?perty,or rr:y.ernPloyees with wages as' theirsoie cl;)rri~;r.S'r.tid~, will do theWOrk,'-and.t~estruc.tureis;iiot:jrytel",'~e4:?'(~fh:~re'd'i:)~:>;. sale.<Sec. .7044.~usiG'~s-and ProfessionsCodS: The ContractOr's ucen~,e'~[''\Vd6.es not"app:y',tC1 an -6wrJer of propertl't't:,9 :b,U,J,ldspr-irn,prOYe5' ",:_ ._/",~ thereon, and who'does"'sljCh 'wo~k hims,~lf or helSelf orthrough his crher o\~"emp!oye.es.,:'prQViqed.thafsl.IGb iil1P~Ve_,ni,~?t~'3re,no(-,inten~_~qot..,_,>",t::.:~ ;': o~~red f~~'sale: If, hoviever. the buliding or impr~\lemef.t,is sold y.JithQne y~ l'of co'mpletkm;. ~e ,?\,~nei-blJIJder,,~:~I:!l_~~.e':t~r,~:~_~_rd,~:~~?r..W_(~~_i,~g_:~i)~.:~:f:l~~.i, dlo notbulld or Improve for the purpose of sale). , . .' , ::t_ :.-_ -.-' _,', . ,_:'-':' .;,>:::~:'''''i ' ~~,>>,<:",_"':'_:-'.'-:l '>:: '__::.~' ': [J I~ BS the' owner of_ the property, am exciUSivelY_~,ont'adlng with .liCeJlSe9,~jntr~ct0rs ~o .con~~ruct ~!)e:p~_91e'~t,_(8l';lc., 7~:44 'Bu~in~ss ~fid.:rfqfe,~~pnS_;~" :"~' Code~ ..~he conJracior's License Law does ,l1ot apply t? an owner of pr'operty~~? ~ued$ CJr ir"lp_r.0~e~'t~e!a"n,2<:!_~_?;~V,~~.}7~i~~?ts/or$~ch:',prOj~m'':>:\Ytt~. _.v ,c ~O.~,::der~~~~C~':e~~s:~~suan,t to the co,'n:~c~~ ~~~h~:;e~::~': _jti~~ ." ,~,-" "-'~':<;''-:-',:::~;'~'>\'=''~.~~~:''''''-'~.,~::: ,-' ,,,,\-,,_~\\>~,~:'-' . Date: " Owner: ~_____..., . -.." r - WORKER'S COMPENS.A:rION DECLARATIOf{' .. ----:--1 lLlCENSEDC')NTRf~~TCiRS.'pE~.~ARATIO~Ct/' I hereby affirm undel penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: .. 1/. . '. ! :'._:;,:.~;..1-c~5~trqY;,~,~lrm.:;'.J:?8Si,p~~~,!fY:.orperjLAf(~atl.~arr' '>,;; ;;.pr~~~dv~ ~~~ :).I~~~~~~~~6ftlr~c:~a~~;;;tf~r ::-~~s~~~~~,~:~tt1;~~~~~'~:~~g;:::'I-:~r~~~-~9~i,'~~~.djY~~~>11;~~~~a::~~e9 ~~~~~i:.A~g", OS :",;;::~~s~i7Id~aint~in worker's compensation insurance, .as reqYi",qbIs~::lbn370o?f I;~{:;;@&/ ,. . the Laber Code. for the perfonnance of the work for which ttljs?~tWijt"jS isS~~f~l~ MYWOIK.ei's II' bat~:~.>_:,> ',.,'V ,,< 'i' ";;C6~trit-cior'-;- i Compensation insurance carner and policy are: {,. ...... .' . Carrier: Pulley Number. .' . I N!~M~E:-::' '.'E.XP)II:~.Al\o.N'bATE. This section need not be completed if the permit Is for one hundred dollars ($1 Qr-f,ir,eS5. .' TypE o I certify that in the perforrnanceof-the work forw~ich this per;~it:~'~~~~~IV-I~s.~:I~lC?t I ,__' employ any person in a ny manner so as to become subjec~ to the worke_(~~9$J~nsaticn laws" of Calif6m)a. an? agree that if I st)ould b~co e subject_ to the wor1<e(s",s..?mppl~s~~on . I _._',," ". . provisions of Section 3700 of the La "Cod, I shall forthwith co~ply \liittn1:><,~"prOVisions, I~b~~tr~c;on Type'S: Date: 11/18/2004 V Applicant: .'. ".;"1 . Fire S~rillklered7 WARN ING: FAILURlTO SECURE WORKER'S COMPEN SA TION COVERf/"F is ". L;vinQ Ar.:;: . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYEH TO CRIMI('AL REI\If\l'.\~IES AND GiVi~ B.lconyl Deck Area: FiNES Up TO ONE HUNDHED ll-lOli8AND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN I\bO,l;iI9f1.TQ::;HE . . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGESAS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTiON ~706'OFTHE LABOR COD'E; INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, ."" ..,', '"." L . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY-,-~i,-:..."-~ "~;~;)r. "" ". _. c:. W~j:'e;'y -t'.tt~!~n'!--,JnqErq:ie'~rc:IHY::D--r-:p~f1Ia'i lhCii. ihei"~' I:. a ,CuhStfucticn:;e,noing"'ag%cy'R)fo If;e;",':d,;,',.;,,. .::-:;:;~'~ '..:: Performance of-thework for which this permit is Issued (Sec, 3097 .Civ.C): . Lender's Information: NO 790 '138. ~~(~;~::,,,, ,';.,,-,.}.....-o;~:~ ~..,', .." c':', I certify that I have read this application and state that the above fnformation is correct. I 'agreeto comply with all city 'Ordinances and state laws relating to building con$tru~tjon. and hereby authorize rep ntives of this city to enter upon the above m-entioned property for inspection se;s. .. Fees paid for Permit: Total; 1.679.57 Date: 11/18/2004 Signature of Applicant or Agent . The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date ofpermil issuance. A- new permit is required 10 commence or conlinue work. ,'!'. INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION DATE ,INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole, , Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground ElectrodelUfer SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) D<> hot install subfloor or .pour floor slab un,til the "following applicable item~ have been-signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , Mechanical (GroUndwork) , Electrical (Underground Conduit) , Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. Underpinning (Floor JoiSt/Girders) D<> not cover or conceal the wor!< below untn the following applicable iteJ1)s have been signed: ' , 1 st Floor Shear' " , II zI@. / Firesprinkler (ROugh) , ' I 2nd Floor'Shear , Roof (Shealhing/Diaphragm'Frame) , Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) , Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , , Rough Mechanical, " ' ' , Rough 8ectrical (Dry walll Rough Electrical , Framing (Only aher Plbg,.Elec,. Mecn, and Fire) $i !J Insulallon ISoundlEnergy)' sl;~ /"... Do not tape or plaster until the following applica ,terns. have be~n signed:. ". '. Drywall , " ' , " Penetrall,ons (Fi,re Rate.d) Electrical Penetratlol1S (Fire Rated) Mechanical PenetratiOns (Fire Raled) Plumbing Interior Lath Exterior Lath' " GENERAL ITEM& /J I fJ/ Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) I "'b-II o~ T -Bar Electrical , T-Bar Mechanical , T -Bar Structural " , , Sewer 4' An, , q';}D'~ -~=rIA .,. . Water Engineering Backflow ' . I Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing Fina,l Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire,Dept. Final 765-404.0 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765,5139 Building Final (Last Inspection, Only . After Above Completel {'~~ I~'/ PARTIAL INSPECTI.ONS Buildina Inspections ',-.;. Mechahicallnspectioris ;, : Plumbina Inspections .Electrical Inspections