590 S. Sunkist St. , ,~~~ CITY "C}.FT:2,~i:;::~ ~~ 'f~~".<"";j'!,;~,$~):;~ ,oil"", "":"""':'0',,' !:"I,kiiY:r?' .".' J :'s~~\",'" " O'~ ,,', ,~~;;t\'}N1"~fJ\) -l:" ,v ",,<iil"I" , c' ':C"J. ., \ '~'~"'~til" , \~~~:!f:~? , , , ?l'rpE OF PERMIT :~~~W Residential Co.nstruction ' ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S,ANAHEIM BLVD, ' (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 .4626 CENSUS CODE: 101 QUARTER SECTION: 123 . BUILDING PERMIT NO, BLD2003-0211,9 . DATE: 5/4/2004 JOB ,^.DDRESS: 590 $ SUNK!,ST ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HEli'lS SUB LOT 3 N 72 FT S 472 FT W APplicANT: DAVID LOI OWNER INFORMATION: DAVID LOI'" 9021 TRINI CIRCLE Westminster,GA92683:odoo ,', ) JOB D,ESCRIPTION: New Single Family Dwelling, Plan B-1, Uving 3?01sl, (':I'f"ge 99901' .,'.., .' 11." , VALUATION: 239,702,00,' , " "',~, ,S" ' , ' PROCESSED BY: KBT , ' I ' ' , ' ' , " , Ov\(!'iER-BUILDEP;i~!:CLARATrON ", ,"'" , I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury ti1::lt I ame~ernpt frotn.tbl3 C0l1tractr.lt.Licens~L3wfo'r"the'following;.r~sbn (Sec'.7031.S Bus,iness ~nd 'PrOf~sions, Code: any cityor.county w;\lch fe.quires a permi(tobonstruct,:?:'#"r, improve;'~demolish or repair.an'y.structure, pri?r.to i.~s.issuarce,:a:~b-:::~..,. . -re~y}res the~pp!ic:ant for ~uch permit t~ ~J~ a signed state.ment tHat hets Ji~~c~e!i pursuSln_~ to thE!proyi,si<?ns ,?fthe Contractqr's Li~~nse Law-(fh~p.t~r,~'~.. 9hcommenclngwlth SectIon 7000 of DIVISIon 3 of th_~, .Busrne,:ss~nd Profes~j.)(lsCod,e}or tha~ he)s exemp~ therefrom, andtne_~,asls for the-alleged. ", " exemptio!1. .A.r'lY violation of Section 7031.S.by any ap'pticanffor a permit SU~6cts tti~applica.Qt tq-a dvi! penalty qf not more,thiin fiv~ h\Jl)gr~ doll-q[$. ,..,', .- ($500>::- '" _ "" _ ,_ :'-:' '-, . - ". ' '. , --' . .' -::r~-'-" -, r:... ':,' -' ," ' ." r .., - . .~ "'. :,_>>~'_' . [J ..'1;_..as 'o,;"'rler of.p~op,~rty,.or my ern~loyee~.with wage~ as tt:leir sO,~.e cor-:~'nsationr.\:,/J!.Ldq}he W?~~, ~.~~ the sfrupture'i$'npt jritel1d~(:t~:~,CJffer~.?J~ 'sa1e,,(Sec, :.':044, Suarness and ProfesSJOn3Coi:le: The Contractor's Llcense---:I~'W does.not.applyto an owner of pr9P~ who builds orJmproves "there ,sj"ld who does such wo~k himseif or herself or throu9h his or 'her o~;t\employees', proyidect 'that such i'1lprovements are pot 'intfmd'ed'Qr' offe ,d for sale. 1(, howe~er, the buLldirif; or improvement IS sold_ with one y",~r of oomRletion, the oWfler-builder Will have th~ bI,Jfdeo of,proving that he~ .. dl ot build or improve for the purpose ot sale),... '_-)~" ',""'" ' "';;1 '" ;" ,_ .' . ,I, as the c,Wner of the property, am exduslvely contrdctmg with liCenSeij~il1ractors to construct the project (See. 7044 Business ana P[ofessions ~ .Cod.e:- Theyontractg(s L19€nse La,,^, does. not .Jpply to an,O'Nner 01 prCrp_e~!&.~o bl,l.rlq~~or improve~ ther~~r'l' and.wh.o CQo~racts.for.!5~~ pr~.i.el?ts_ w~h ~ Lj~rltra:c;t.?~\:'>) nccnsed~pur~ua.ntto tile Co~tractor's Uce~Sl9 La",,). .9:>;:,-':: "-:;_'~: " ':";\~~c.;< .:"';!-,,-\"-:_ ._, ' - ',\,_: ",;' "'~:;.i:.:<"" ::'j": . ?:~~:"_";;,... ~~te: am ~mPt.U!ld~r;:)e~wner: ", 'f, P,C..f r hls'~e::lsort: "__;~~: . ,,'. .r...... ',-,' "" ", .' - . ..' - . .,~-"'''' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 'f .t;,' i, LICENSED CONTRACTORSDECLAAATION f~Em~9Y;fafflrmunder pe't1a~o/'of perjuiy one o!,the following declaration'5: .>f, "-':: <"';:,:;k " I hereby-affirrQ -und~rPElnal,ty of perjlJrytt.lat I am'~ D. I h'8\'e and win niaint~in a certific,ate~9Lcohsentt(J,.self~insure for worke:,f;;~9_ompEH1~atiol1~ ,'_Iicens~aunde'r:'pr()~sions~f chilpter'"g'(c6mrnerv-;ing . as. provided for by Section 3700.of the C~bOr Code, for the pf'.rfcrmanee of tr~wo'i1< for whlC;h- '\Witt,,8:ection .,pQP) of' g{VS," 'i~~n, ~,o(the BUSin~~ and' .this ~rmit is issued. '. '.' '.. ..' '. _1 . ,,' -, ,.professI6~s,C6ge.,<, o I h1:lveimdwmmaintain worker's compensati.an insurance, as required C1.Section 3700 of'!)/4/2004',- '-':'-'\_ t~,e Labor. Code, for the performance .of-the work for which this permit is Ir-.su?-d. My worker's, '.'" ",~Dr;l.te:." ""-'_,A~," Com'pensationinsurance carnerandpoUcy are: .' . . . . ',t .~, --, <. '" ,.,'. ~"~'... . >i' Carrie. ", " Policy Number. 't' NUMBER EXPIRATION 'DATE Thi s,actia,; need riot be- comPletedifth~,~imit is for ~rie hund;ed dallars ($1C~'J'~r less._ : TYPE '; ,', ' .'" ~ :'1 :::~rtifythat in t~e p~rforrnance oft~-e worK f~r which. this pE:i-rmit. is._J~~-1;~i!.~'~~H~ot-, -: ,. employ.any person in any manner so as to .beclJme subject to thewQrkel~('.~'ml1e!1satjon laws._ ofCalifomia, andagree that if I should become, subject to the worker's cGU~_iJ-,,-il.-iatioh '_ ' provisions: ,.of Section 3700 of t~e _Labor Code, "I. shad orthwith c ply w,~th'~tt.'o~c~'J~-:Q,yi~on;. , Date: ,5/4/2004 , ' , Applicant: ' j" WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATIONGOV~.","oGE I&, , , UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEN!!.1;U,$ANDCIVIL FINES UP TO ON~ HUNO RED 1H OUSANO DOLLARS ($100,000), INAP~:;n]:cjN: TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SEc:r1et[37G5 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTER~ST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, ' " '0 ~ ,;,' ;" ' ,,"0' I, CONSTRUCTIONLENDING AGENCY , ' __1.. I nereby;aff!r,~tjrid~r''penalty .of -perjury. that th~re is a constructior.!,~'nding'Ne'lcyfor the''';'' r:~~~;n;}~J:,;:'~~~n~_~~rk_ ~o ~~~~jch t~,E.~~:~_~~i~~~ed (See. 309~.Civ .C):~_~~ GONTRACTOR'INFORM,\TJON: ( ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: ,PHILIP Ti\GGART ' 5131 AIRPORT DR. ' CO:>;TA MESA, CA 000000000 ,:':', Contractor .'".,.;...-- ;;;""< ,,~''l" CdnstruClon Types: VN, " Occ~pancy Groups:. R3, U1, , , Fire Sprinklered? Dwe.mnQ Units: Livina A~eii Garaae Area _, . \ NO 1 3,081 1,035 .;,:.....'-". I.~ I certify that I haVe,read.this application 'and state that the above inf~rmat1cln is correct: I .- 'agree to oomply with C1fl city ordinances and'statelaws relating to bu~ding construction. and' hereby,authorize representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for ir:tPurr>>se~ ~L " , ,'0 'A ' "', Dat,,: 5/4/2004 . "', .' . Signature of Applicant or Agent.. - : The permit shali expire by limitation and become nullimdvoid if tho building or work ,has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to, commence, or continue work. ....., "," ,Fees paid far Permit:.' Totai: 7,268.75 INSPECTION RECORD " " INSPECTION , DATE', INSPECTOR 7,'emporary Power Pole,' , '" Plumbing (DrainlWastePipe) , Elec;tric!ll Ground Electrode/Ufer . , :Set~ackll'ormsrrrenChes (Footings) ,Do not inst!lllsubflooror pour floor slab unt; I the following ,applicable items' have been signed: " Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinl<ler Valves) , Mechilnical (GrQu ndwork) " , " Electrical (Underground Conduit) , ..;, " Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nt. 1-_1/ .o~ "'7/., P7. / Underpinning (F1Cl(lrJoistlGirders) , /\ Do not cover or conceaJ.the work below until the L.,...--- following'applicable items have been signed:' , " I 15t Floor Shear -~ Firesprinkler(Rough) , , 2nd Floor Shear " 't1'l,1e, /' I. IL~ Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) il. ~ M~onry (ReinfJBond BeamJPre-Grout) ", re ~ J RoughPlumbing, (Top Out) <((0," , Rough'Mechanical , '2JD 'if /J, / I tcOll!lh ElectrICal ,II)', ') v'l:.? RouOh Electrical', , ' " , " ~ " Framing, (Olllyafter Plbg.; Elec:. Mectr. and Fire) 'I,~ /~... 7J.,J6/J InsulatlQn (SoundlEnergy) , , - Do not tape, or plaster untillhe following applicable items have been signed: " , ' ," , ' , Drywall ,,', ' , 1t(,/...-tI1 ../ Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) MeChanical , Penetralions,(Fire Rated) Plumbing , " Interior Lath, Exterior Lath . /pJ" ~ / , " 'GENERAL ITE S, , d// Exterior Plaster (BlOWn Coat) y/,. (}1" T -Bar Electrical /' T -Bar Mechanical ,- , , T -Bar Structural, , ' , , Sewer' , , 9-o0.G 1', ,~-. Water Engineering Backflpw , , , " ,1'/..... !':V<......, : Water Service ., -~<l -0 ir ",' I. Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765,.4040 Water Engineering 765-52,68 Sub ListlBusines,s Lic,mse765.519 ' Zoning 765-51 ~9 Building Final fLastlnspection. Only , 'Alter AboveComplete) PARTiAL iNSPECTI Buildina InSDections ' Date ' Inspector (,-I-d l~.i,o) , , /l.-I-d I~ ,NS~a MechanicallnSDections , Plumbina Inspections ElectricallnSDections /t-;n-",r /)N_ ;::uJ1~o. i{nuI<.oe.~- fs/LJL~V"-.: ,. .. , . TY.PE OF PERMIT . R~sidential Addition CITY BUILDING DIVISION , 200 $. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765.4626 " BUILDING PERMITNO. '.. BLD2004-D4017 \,/., 'j/ \'~t~t4=X,r:i~V' ) I APPLICANT: '. i OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DAVID LOI ' , ,i KENNETH E AGEE sE3:l40 " 601 S SUNKIST STREET :' 3452 E FOOTHILL 626-432-5850 'ANAHEIM, CA 92806 , 1, PASADEtJA, CA 91107 JOB DESCRIPTIONAdd 34551 lamily room extension and 2nd floor 40051 ITl,!'" "rhedroom exljnsio" .nd 13851 balcqhy VALUATION: 24,000.00 . PROCESSED BY: MJL , , " , ,OWNER-BUILDERiDECLARA110N . '. ' '" __J I hereby affirm underpenalty of perjury tt)at'lamexempt from th~GOhtra~qrf,~icense ~'for ths-follOvving re1'lson (Sec~ 'l031~5 Business and Professions_Code: anicity or county which requires a permit t9"construct, a!t~~.-)mprov6; demolish or, r.epa ir any structure, prior. to its issuance, also, . r~qUir~t~e app:licant'for such permit t6 file a signed st~tement th~t he i$ Ii,!:t,~~~ pl;lr'1uant to the p,,-?visions of the. Conha~or's License Law (crya;>te,~: ,'. 9)(conirriencing with S'ec1ion 7000 of Divi$ion 3 of the Business and ProfesJ'~.ns~Cqde)or that he is' exempt therefrom ;3nd.the basis for tli:€' all'3ged._,(",::" exemption'. Any violation of Section?031.5 bY,aflY applicant f~r 3 permit su~i~.?,is th~apphcant loadv\lpen.alty of not ~~r.~3'than five hundred doll.ars _ ~-: ($500~. .' .,' , .... _,.," ',",;_~i--._ ..:.,,',' :"J:>':..,., .,.'" . ,_ \:' , . o 1;"<lS'OWnei ofpro:pert'!,'or "1Y,ef!iployees wlth~ wage$.a,,~t~elr ~Ie comJt~p.$,~tIQJl,;"v.':H,r.!;? ,lhe work" 8!ld the ~~tructur~,ls nctiliterldedJH' qffflreqfor. sale ($ec.1044 Business and ProfeSSi?nsCode:.: The <::~ntra~tor'sLicense~4w_ does p,otapp!y to,anl)l!lrIer of proPf'rty wh-..') bui\t1S<-,J' Improves' ~- th?reon,' and who.?,oes.such Workf1i~etf qf he:rs~lf orthtqV9h:his>o~ her o~f.::erl~PtOYC~~, pr(wld~d t11at !)uGIUrr.proverrentsqre not!ntef)<1~d ~r offered for,sa!e"',lf,h9wevci,r, ,t,he building:.oi),jmpro~'erT)entis sold ,With one y~{~t com~letion, the C'v!ner-bl1lldcr ~'1111 havet,he ,burd\1,~,:~.f ~"r9.,,'dngthat he did,!lot,bUilc1'cri,nlproveforthe'purposeot_~le}._.,~)"':'_"_', ,:,_:,;' '_,,' ,':, _ __"':';<~:_"'"'_:''':''' [] '-,i,_ast'n'e_,cw<1er o{the pr()~erty,am,~xdusiv,e.1y c~ntfctcling':\Nrth ntense;J ,0nt,.aciors tCCCi1stru~t the prC'jec.T(~ec. 70M, Buo:;rt'1ess erxfR_rofes.~,i.jns COde:"~h'e'CqiJtractor's Ucenselaw does n'-'t'apply_to'':m o\.~i~er:ot"piopert~ "i'ho ::)l~ilc'-;; OI.lml==reVt::}s therflC)i1, c::r.ct Nho oontra,c:t5 for-zudf:h:)jeciS with. . ~~ntracior(srVcens~.pursuan~ t~th~S_~~tr~~t~~"sUcanse^La,:W)., "', " 'J "- ' . \.. - . ~ U_"!-am exemptunderSec.- '.:.. '~'B& P;oc. for this reas9r.:,~ ____' _______,____ _,--..:,.:-~~.... Oate.', ,.~., . .' 'OWner" ' !. J ;:- r . ,WORKER'~ COMPENSATION DECLARATION ~[---=--:J 1~.J:i..CENS~~TRACTORS C~CLARA~O'~-3 I hereby affiim under. penalty of$.,oerjury ~me:9f the f,2l1cwing declarations: 11- " I h t'!r'erlY aff:r,71 ..md"').l pe;13 Ity of perju.ry that : aTT'! \ [J I nave and will maintain a certificate 'OJ consent to se!f-lr$ur-3 for workef:: c3r"~;er'lsaf:on ~lcert.~ed tlnCBr pravl;sior s of cI'apter!) (cO!Tlmenchlg as pro,' vided fO, r bYSectio~j". 3100' of the'"L,'a60r cpde'.,l,or the petfojmanre.~bf t;~,i'l w..:>rk for' wh;t.~') I' \\<lth Se~tl :OOC) ,(,f L vsiu:-; 3 of t'le <'> s;nes3 and 'this permltis'jssued. . '.' -:., \,... . '-. ---.' '. ,';" .' .' P(l'Jfesslon.s- D,j'hi::lve.and "'Viii maintai_rlworker'S9ofrlpensation insurance, as required ~~~' ~'O:;Gt;611 37qO Of] ,the: :Labo, r C?d~, for the"perfqr~anc,'~,:.of~he wcrk fi?r whicfr'this permit, .is__t~S~'''H~,;{<M,YWO,ike:-'0'..' Di'b~ CompensatlOn'lnsurance carner ano'pollCY are: .. ,.'-'.i:-'. ~;~~:tiQ" ~Od not be completed ilthe pennit is::~:::~~e;~l!ar'f$10;,t~I~S. I ,:~::ER o i certily' th2t in the p;,rfonnance of the work lorwhic;h ihis p~r~it'~3.si}'K;j,~hait nnt I employ any person !O a ny. manner so as to become_ subject to ttie WOfk~I~.('~~rr:p~r:3at!on~aws of California, and agree that if I should beeo .subject to the woTker's-'ccmb'6f~sa:tjon'~: ' provisions of ~ection~}po Of, the Labor C, od ,I shan forthwith COmPiy,;';',~ih,lr~,'i,:f,';P,;,',r,6v,ISiO';S' so~]str"Ci0n, TYJJes. Date: 11hB/2004 ]'Applicant: ' . .. ... 6.~':~.;~: ~:'-~_ Fire Spdnklered? WARN ING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS COMPEN$A TION COVE,,-"l.;\o IS' Livlnq Area: UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINALpE~t'::.T!ESA~iO CIVil I Batconv /Deck Area: FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED 1HOUSA~D DOLLARS ($100,000 J,INiP,:O,t,',ITI',O, N"I,QTHE I . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN sEcfrc,';37C€H:1F' THE ' , LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ' , fe"" ' I. " '" ,<:ONSTRUCTIO~ LENDING A.GEtl~: ~L"J,.,.:,<, .,. . ,'J' , ::'::-,r~:::";;:-~~j;";;\ -..:.r~.;;.tA-n;;:h,i -\.;oj. P:O'j-';'f'i-tb)i.~~:,-:.rs-;~, .c;col"'z;:n..::t;~'":';"",:H...J-,;-;,'; q;i-:-''?:''~~':-!":~--''-------~ ~ . , _' '. . performance of the work for, which this'permit is iSSlled (S'ec.3097 ;Giv.9): ~ Lender's Information: ~, DATE: 11/18/2004 , , JOB ADDRESS: 590$ SUNKIST ST CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 123 LEGAL DESCRIPTI.OJl!: HEiNS SUB LOT 3 N 72 FT S 472 FT W Ccnti6.ctor,' EX~IRATiON DATE NO 745. 138 ..._~, -------- t:: '< . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to oomply wi h all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and .. hereby authorize-r presentiv~s of this city to enter upon ,the above mentioned, property for inspecti rpo s. . Date: 11/18/2004 Fees paid for Permit: . Total: . 1,679.47 Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if th" building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the:date of permit issuance. A new permit is, required to commenc~ or continue work. FINAL INSPECTIONS Date . Inspector . .. Electrical Final .: . . . Plumbing Final . . \ . Mechanical Final - Gas Test . .' . . -::r/ (' 11/-1.)'':' J I=-' Engineering/Gracling Final 165-5126 . , Fire Dept. Final 7654040 ..' '. . . , Water Engineering 765-5268 . Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 . . Building Final hLast Inspection- Only /~/U -c.. . fter Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION RECORD I INSPECTION DATE Temporary Power POle 'Plumbing (Dl3inJWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/Uter SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) Do not install.subfloor or pour floor slab until. the following applicable' items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (CompactiontMembrane.R\!Inf. Underpinning (Floor JOist/Girders) . Do not-cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items. have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear Rresprinkler (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical Rough. 8Ctric Wall Rough Electrical. . Framing" (Only after Plbg., EJec.."Mech. and Fire) Insulation (SOIlndlEnergy) Do not tape or plaster until the follOWing applicable items have been signed: . . . Drywall . / .R ~ . PenetratiOns (F/IV Rated) EleCtrical. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath Exterior Lath , GENERAL ITE S Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) T -Bar Electrical T -Bar Mechanical T -Bar Structural Sewer. ."Ii- Water Engineering Backflow _ Water Service I..., v - <>.f) INSPECTOR .... . Buildina Inspections .~ Mechanical Inspections Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections