5469 E. Suncrest Rd. TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition. CITY DATE: 12/8/2004 1IlAA~( 714~41O-., JOB ADDRESS: 5469 E SUNCRESTRD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 14641 LOT 15 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765.5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765.4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 179 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004.03980 APPLICANT: LYNDON TAN OWNER INFORMATION: MARTIN CUEVA 5469 E Suncrest Rd Anaheim, CA 92807 JOB DESCRIPTION: Enlarge bedroom on second ftoor over entry, VALUATION: 50.000,00 I OWNER.BUILDER n.ECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of .perjury that: J am exempt from the Contractor'~!,lic€nse Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 .Business and Professions Code: any city or county which requires a permit to construct, 31te.-,r, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, ~I$o requires the applicant for such "permit to file a signed statement that he isljcel:ihed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's license Law (Chapter 9)(commencin9.wlth Section 7000 of Oivi$lon -3 of the Business and ProfessioHs" Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for. the alleged exemption.. Any violation of Section 7031.9 by any ap~Ucant for ape. rmit SUbjJ\_,;:ts the 3pplicant to a civil pena~yof not ~ore than five hundred dollars $50 . ' . , I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their sOle comp::<!\1sation, will do thewcrk, and the structure is rot intended or off?red for e (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License uF:v ?oes not apply to an owner of property It.-ho builds or improves ~reon, and who does,such work himself or herself 0, through his or riel' o....m;:~mploy~es, provided that such improvements are not intended or offeredJor sale. If, however, the building or lmprovem€lnt is sold with onc yei:i\:\)f completion, the owner-builder will h3ve the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of $?Ie). ,!! -. o ': as the_ owner of the property. am exGlusively c.ontractil}g with licensed (i)'~tr"]cto:-s to construct the project (See. 7044 Business'and Pn;:le~ions Code: The Contra.ctor's License Law does n01 app~ to 3n owner of pr::::perty...~;r!o builds or improves thereon', and who corrtracts for such projects with $U(ontractor(s) licensed pursuant to. the Contractor's License Law).:\ . U I am exempt under Sec. __ ,B .... ~,' r<::>~ ~ n: ~.-.._.___!: Date: Owner:_.:::-=:7'.!: L WORKER'S CO ENSATION O!,CLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declaratiolls: o I have and will maintain a certiflcate of consent to self-ineur9'fo:- worke/s;::ompensation. . as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, fcr theperforrranc.e (JftiH~:WOrk for which this permit Is issued, ,i o I haye and will maintain worKer's compensation in~:irance, as req:;ired by~~~ction 3700 of the-labor Code, for-the performance of the work for which this permit 1s if.sljt;~,J- . My worker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: Carrier: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DARRELL C FOLKS 3001 REDHILL AVE #222 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 6M'~ COO'~ :--*),)4~ PROCESSED BY: sAM -.., __J LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I .I hereby atfirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions'of chapter 9 (commencing with Section,7000) of Divs.iof~:) of the Business and Professions COOe. 1218/2004 Date: Contractor Policy Number. NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE This section need not be completed if the pannit is fel" one hundred dollars'I$1 00) :J"less. ~Cer1ify that hthe 'performance ofthe'work for which this permIt is issue<l) i s\",all not oy any person in any manner so ~ to become SUbject to the workets c:Jr;l;::ensation laws o California, and agree that if I should become subject to the work.::r's compe/:sation . provisions of Section 3700 of the labor Code, I shall fort ithcomply ~~th tho~;~ provi~ions. TYPE Date: 1218/2004 Applicant WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUREER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJEe1 AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAU:ES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED .'rHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION :\706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY : hereby affirm under penattyof perjury that there is a construction lending ag~inbyforthe performance of the work for which this permi.t.is issued (Sec:.3097.Gi'v'.C): t<.:7;'ctC'r'::';-::,~0fmC:ltlol'I:--'-------~--' - Construcron Types: VN, , . Occupancy Groups: R3" .. ... ' I certify that I have read this application an<fstatethat the above information is correct. I agree to ccimply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to bu~ding construction, and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection pur~s. ~ . ~ ~ Date: 12/8/2004 Signature of Applicant or Agent Th permits hail expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: 731.64 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION DATE ,. INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainM'aste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/uter SetbacklFormslTrenCheS (Footings) iIWlJ')' ~1il" Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the / following applicable items have been signed: . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) Eledrical (Underground Condu it) P!e-slab (CompactlonlMembrane.Reinf, Underpinning (Floor.Joist/Girders) . Do not cover or conceal the wall< below until the , following applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear ~~ IO( f"C'II" Firesprinl<ler (Rough) . / 2nd FI~r Shear "\1,\0( I'..()I/\ Roof tstrialhi hraam/Frame) t.i/(JtJj' I" OW'rMt'/iI.lA MasOnry "...infJBond BeamlPreoGlOIlt) I ' Rough Plumbing (Top Out> , Rough Mechanical' . Rougn l:Iectrical (ory Wall> " RoullhElectrical ~ \ti{~~.L"vv,- Framing {Only after Plbg ,Elec Mech. and F'reJ ~ ~ltJ 1. ~,~ Insulation (SoundlEnergy) 71 I 111>n. A~ :<.. Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable I items have been signed: ~ /". . Drywall -g.'}. ~W..... Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical / ' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath Exterior Lath. . . . . /? '7'o.S"'c ~, GENERAL ITEMS / Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) 1~ Af.n>lt T -Bar Electrical I T,-Bar Mechan,ical " T -Bar Structural Sewer " Water Engineering Backflow ' Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS .' Date . Inspector Electrical Final' ,1A\!wr ..-n. Plumbing Final . I M!lchanica.1 Final " Gas Test . Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 . Fire Cept. Final 765-4040 . Water E'ngineering 765.5268 . . Sub List/Business License 765.519 Z!>ning 765.5139 Building Final Itast Inspection' Only . \-\z~IO( ~ ~.fWJ... fter Above Complete} PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildinqlnspections' Mechanical Inspections PlumbinQ Inspections . ElectricallnsDections