1713 E. Sycamore St. :~ 1/ '- lj f; ."~ ~ TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition' - .-., '. '. .,~~;~~.~'_'C,~~~,~%~,. . CIT---r ~~i~.l:fN~)-I EI M \'.~f~jj'r(r~~/ BUILDING PIVISION 200 S. ANAHE!M BLVD. (714) 765 - 51.53 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765- 4626 CENSUS COPE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 102 BUIl.DING PERMIT NO. !!l.D2003-02515 DATE: 8f712003 JOB ADDRESS: 1713 E SYCAMQRE ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ANAHEIM EXT LOT 3 S175 i-T E 240FT APPLICANT: RUBEN L PENA , OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMifrION:' ) ~o se _Ayon ~ 1713 E Sycamore SI , . Anaheim. CA 92805 . . ,. '. .' JOB DESCRIPTIONAdd 1190~f living and 245sf garage to existing ~FD ciso r~PJf1c? windows same for same and add.stuccq to rerr.ainderofhorilo, I . VALUATION: 86,041.00 . J. PROCESSED BY: ODC !. OWNER-BU1LOERbECLARAT10N . 1 hereby affirm underrienalty ofperjurf that I am exemptfrorn.the-(;Qntracto~i3_Uc;.nse-Law for t~e fdl-iOV'Jng rcason (Se'~~:7031.5:Bll~!.r.~t.s'and. .Prof~sslons_9ode: any citY or-county which requires a permrt lQ_COD~truCI,-5:I}r.__imPlcive. d ernolish or r-=pa ir ,~ir:y.:'ltr~d,ur_e, prior to ItS.:',iS&~ar1Ce,~iso:.. r~c;ujres.the'applicant for 8ucr,-permit to file a signeQ $tetem~.ryt~r~Ht he_is liC!'41se<1 p'u~$.uant.to toe pr0vi~io'iS cf the.C()n~:I:actp_r'sU_~~n~~.Lavy{Chapter 9){commencing "with Section 70UO of Division 3 of tl1e Business;Ji:d prOf(;$:5j:jO~ Code) ~r that, he is f;:Xi;:rr.::lt .tharefrom ~l1dtl:1ebasisfofthe alleged . ~;;n~~~i.on. Ar,y violatk)n ~f Section .7031.5 by any_ap'j)lic.a:~t !:)~-.6._:.per~~'it ..~!.iC~:GtSU.:e._.~~~~;c~;nt to::l civ:l _~cnalty cf n~t'II1~.~.e_~Cl:_~fi:{_e,.?lIndred dona~~:: . ~, as owner 01 proper:y, or my employees with wages as their SdB c.om8~"s~tio~. will doir,e worK; afld 'JlOsto't;c\ure;3 "~t ifltend~d .Of oneced for sale (See. 7044 8usiness~nd ProfessJofls CO;:le: The CCl1tractor'$l~c';f)~e.;l":'''.i.d.oe~,!"'!ot:aprlyt~ an o'imercfprO;Jsrty If/ho buiids or :mproves ~her~ori, and whodOcssl.!cr. 'Nark himself Of herself or throughh!$ Of ,her o':~ff.'~Jnr:-10yeeS; pn::"/ld::-d ~;y~t such imj:.rovev-.cnf::> ar~<no~;~tendE::d .or.. . offcre.a for sale, .if., however, thf; buHding or improvement ~s soid,..."ah C'le Y.:~i(,cf co:1,n;:-.let1on, tb-am....ne.i-bllild<:::r Will ha'..'e, the burden eJproving that iie .didnct.bui:dor;mproveforth-s>puJ"'"t-'oseofsale).. , . t. .:. - . : . . .,., ". . .. [] (as the owner Qf !he property, :Jm cXCJLlsNely contracting \vith ,iic€:n;;.&(;F).)'~!la'};'Qr:'::'.b :;'l)('_s!ruc\ '..he pfoje~::t (Sec. ."/0-14 8usjn~$s'?nd. Profe~bns Code: TheCont~actor's liu-nse L<:::w does not ~DPly to a-n Qvmer or ~rOik!;~':: l;~;o. ~:"-I;i:h:, or Ilr.;.:-rC'..e:; i..il~rzcn, .an,:i ~"h'J' cor.trar.ls fOr.Situ" proj~cts with ~ontractor{s) licensc;d pur~w~i)t to theConttzc~pr's.License.'L::fw).' . . or; '-,.::-... .. "... .' .... . ,.' - . ..L.J:_jam&xe~PtLlnderSeG. _~;__ ..'~P.C'~ff11J~i,e~~or.:_.>~_,~ ,.,'....,.~. . '.' .' ,_... ________ f-gato:R-O".1,;,(/)'<,Ownor: ::1::.-,- "ft;.....c.X~=4~kr.4.A~=--,>..._--------:::. " ~ .' WORKSR'S COMPENSATION DECLARf<Tim!.,.....l_._'-~~ L!..!Cf~O~TRACTORS DECLARATiO"N j I h.;rebyaffirmunder penalty of perjucy one of th~fo!lcwing dEl;;iar3~:'.)",~~: .,~:__.,.. i. IliBrecy "afu;1 u~der iJen~lty at perjul y thet.,lHrn LJ i.have and will ma!ntaip a cE'lrt!fjca{e of-collsentto SEl!i.i.nsu:'"efo; 'l::)rkC<..i'.r:':'m~.anS1:)tiO:1' I n~enst'd ~nt!er (Jrovi:io~s ~f r;. ~~~pter 9 (co~lr:nericin.g. as prcviCled for by ~ectiar: 3-100 l')f the Labor Cede-, forrhe :::';~;:f0JiTlen.ce. ot t,;,: i.',fr:.r'r< rc.- v~h:r.h I Wl:~ 8ect!on 700D) c-r D;w~..)r...'( c..;fthe Busme:...-s and . this permit is is&ued... .. .. _:_.' .. . _ft.~:.,' . ...- - II 'Professions COO~. _D .1 ha.ve and.will rr18in~ain worker's. COIY1pc~ssticn in~l';(~;:"!GP.'-<3.~ I€ctii~d (ts~~ti~n~100 of 3/7/2003 ... the Laber Code, f-0r the performance oi ,h'::l.wor~ fur whichfhis pelnl!tl-:; :~:..:~'t-: Myworkc:~'s Date: Contr<:'lctor Compensation insure.flre ca.-rier and polit:.y are: . ,. .., '.. ,\~ . I GarriH: '. .. '. .POI.lcyNul1loel: t . -J NLJt\.13EF< EXPIRAT!ON OAT!; ~sctiQn need not be COMpleted if the pemllt is f~r on~ hundred cioi!ars ~$'ji}~;~:- !(55. . I TYPE ~~ I certi~that in the perfom13.pce. of.the WO(;-; for ..VhiC.h.ttll$- p.ennit ii"-I'.:.Sti";:,)..:J.t.a.,undt .' I. empJoy.'any persoll In allY manner so as ~o b:-:come1:>ubject. to th.o'vV9rk?:'s t+::~p~:lsat:r.m 1~IWS of .California; and agree that if I should become subjept to the wbrl-i.er'~'.~oirT.:1~<~jl#9,n_, . prO~'isio.n. s olsec. tio" 3700 oflhe Laborfo<le, ; she!! t.-jl"'.:C ceemrr.. 'PPi'yY....;i"i!!;,,\r(3~i.~.riS.:.',.r.,::._s.:,..:..:.( ~~~~tr~GiOn TYDP.S.: Date: 8/7/2003 . Applicant: J~_~_;jf.j\\::-I.."-:. ^-_.-",~". OCClliJanCyGroups: WARNING: FAILURE TO SEcLiR~RKER'S GOMPENSATlON C6'!E"N.~~;ls,''''''.C R3, U1., " . UNLAWFUL; AND SHALL SUBJECT.A1'J EMPLOYER-TO CRIMlN_J>.L .PENAi:f:1$;;6J~9.(;iV!L Fire Sodnkiflred? FiNES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,OOO\,iN''''Dr.~tiQN'TO THE Dweilina Unit.: COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FORI'! SECTiQt.';$il",OFTHE Livlnq Area: LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES . .:' ,,', "..:" :Gaca~e Area II hereby affirm under pena~yOo~:~r~~Ct~~~~e~;~~I~:':r~~~~~n~;~;J ~~~~~;J~;t~~9 ';P~~(~o(maf1ce oft~e work for whlGh t~IS permlt,Islssuea (~er;.3097.,CIV.C): "1",., ,.~ .'-,. "\, I . ..:t..?.n~~r'2Inf9\m;:~.t!on: ,_ -. _";:..,-,--'--".:1-=--~.. _'-- .--c,-.::.i.-__::'...~_~.~.'._._.~..:::;o ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION:' NO 1 '1,190 245 . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above infofJTlation :s correct. I . agree to ,oomply with all city ordinances and state laws rela~ing to building construction, and hereby authorize represeQtjves of this city to enter upo'n the above mentionec property for. . jnsPj:;:pose~ ' . +' ... . . fA- '" ~ Date: 817/2003 . ' .' Signature of Applicant or Agent . .. The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date' of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: . 1.992.72 ," , urnbing Final echanlcal Final as Test . nglneeringlGradlrig Final 765-5126 re Dept. Final 765-4040 ater Engineering 765-5268 ub List/Business License 765-519 oning 765'5139 . Uilding Fi~~1 (Last Inspection- Only" . After Above Complete) PARTIAlINSPECTI S uildinQ InspeC~ions . . .... '. ...LJ....' ' ~, ~4r1-~'-~~c:r~~~ . v . ~ -<,' ., 1 - FINAL INSPECTIONS ectrical Final INSPECTION RECORD , INSPECTION . , " ' .'DATE INSPECTOR El Temporary Power Pole . . PI Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) . - ' ' M Electricat Ground Electrode/Ufer ' . ':--J('~ SetbaeklFormsrri"enches (Footings) 71Z-'Zlr? "<..iL :7 G Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the E following applicable items have been signed: . " Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprlnkler Valves : Fi Mechanical (Groundwork) ", .' '. W Electrical (Underground Conduit) . Pre-s"'b (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. . S Underpinning (Roar Joist/Girders) I Z Do not cover or conceal the work below until the ~, B following applicable items have been signed: . 1st Floor Shear' " .' . , . ICln ,,;7, Firesprinkler, (Rough) . . 2nd Floor Shear .. " ~, . B Roof (SheathIIig!DiaphragrnlFnm&) IOJrt01 P Masonry (RainfJBond BeanlPre-Grout) ", c:-- . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) .' , \ IIf1Jn Y' Rough ,Mechanical , \~\;..,- '1-" , Rough aectrical (Ory Wall) .' n V --, Rough Electrical _ ~ Framing (OnlyafterPlbg,Elec Mech,andF<<e\ ~ '. Insulation (SoundlEnergy)" I ; J.J 'M Do not tape or plaster until the follOWing applicable items have been signed: ' Drvwall .' .'. ' '. . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . " ' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical. , penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . .' Interior Lath, . . Exterior Lath . PI ,'. ".0'.", GENERAL ITEMS 'A II Exterior PJaster(Brown Coal) 7'-J;;Bf/:"7L/ r ' T -Bar Electrical , ' , I T-Bar "'echanical " . T -Bar Structural , " Sewer " ' , Water Engineering Backflow . , I ! EI Water Servi"" .:' , , . . echanicallnspections umbin!:l Inspections ectricallnspections insp ctor